who wants to get out of the 300's with me?????

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  • Thanks for the encouraging words, girls. I'm still struggling today. I missed Pilates again today, because I just couldn't go to sleep last night. I feel really unfocused today. I'm staying out of the kitchen as much as possible. Just made my son some lunch, and then back to my bedroom. I weighed in at 307.5 yesterday and today. Hoping I've reached the peak of the regain and am turning this around. I need to buy some St. John's Wort and valerian to help me with my sleep tonight. And I need to ramp up my water intake again. I have been slipping on that too.

    I'm just listening to a podcast where the idea of a controlled forward stumble was discussed. No one's sticks on a diet/exercise program perfectly. Life happens. We let our guard down. We don't need to look at days off-plan as the new road. It's only a detour. Getting back on the right road is about taking the steps that motivates and supports me to stay on track.

    Things that keep me from visiting the kitchen...
    • Really interesting work
    • A really clean kitchen (I don't want to mess it up!)
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Running errands
    • Planning something
    • Keeping a pitcher of water by my desk
    • Consciously choosing to fast most of the day
    Today I've been listening to podcasts from Venus Index (on ITunes) for motivation. I want to feel motivated again.
  • Quote: Thanks for the encouraging words, girls. I'm still struggling today. I missed Pilates again today, because I just couldn't go to sleep last night. I feel really unfocused today. I'm staying out of the kitchen as much as possible. Just made my son some lunch, and then back to my bedroom. I weighed in at 307.5 yesterday and today. Hoping I've reached the peak of the regain and am turning this around. I need to buy some St. John's Wort and valerian to help me with my sleep tonight. And I need to ramp up my water intake again. I have been slipping on that too.

    I'm just listening to a podcast where the idea of a controlled forward stumble was discussed. No one's sticks on a diet/exercise program perfectly. Life happens. We let our guard down. We don't need to look at days off-plan as the new road. It's only a detour. Getting back on the right road is about taking the steps that motivates and supports me to stay on track.

    Things that keep me from visiting the kitchen...
    • Really interesting work
    • A really clean kitchen (I don't want to mess it up!)
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Running errands
    • Planning something
    • Keeping a pitcher of water by my desk
    • Consciously choosing to fast most of the day
    Today I've been listening to podcasts from Venus Index (on ITunes) for motivation. I want to feel motivated again.
    Reading and listening to soundscapes or relaxation music helps me to stay away from the kitchen as well relaxes my mind so I can have a great beauty rest.

  • I'll try to do the same thing. I either clean, paint, listen to music, or do other things. Still haven't got on the scale yet...
  • Finally decided to eat something this afternoon, after a 19-hour fast. I've had a tin of sardines packed in olive oil and a cup of kale steamed in low-sodium chicken broth, about 385 calories. And then I walked out of the kitchen and got busy so I could let it all settle in. At least 30 minutes have gone by. I'm still hungry!

    When I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing at times like this, I totally go off the deep end with overeating. I don't make wise decisions. At the moment, I'm having cravings for a big steak and avocado. Isn't that an odd craving combo?
  • Georgia - IDK I've never fasted i'm not sure what cravings but it sounds like your body wants protein and healthy fats from the sounds of things. I could not do the IF thing, I really don't think I could. But good on ya
  • Yeah, Silent, I ate pretty much OP today and around 9:30 pm I was still hungry. So I ate 1 oz. of hard salami, which popped my protein and fat up just a little, and my stomach/appetite finally shut up!

    I just took something with valerian root in it. Hoping to get to sleep soon. G'nite everyone!
  • Hi all. I am new to this thread but soooooo ready to get out of the 300's. I never want to see this number at the start of my eight again!
  • Welcome Keys we are a good group

    Georgia hope you slept well!

    Me back at 316 this AM boo on me I didn't eat so healthy salt n such n didn't go for a walk before weighing so hopefully its just water retention mostly :/
  • @geoblewis -For me to stay out of the kitchen cupboard, its best to get out of the house, walking at a park or something, today though I may just take a long hot shower and catch up on some summer grooming (waxing etc) and then go to bed, I am not feeling great

    @keysfoodie - welcome, I've only been posting for a week or so, it helps to talk to others who get it
  • Welcome Keys we are a good group

    Georgia hope you slept well!

    Me back at 316 this AM boo on me I didn't eat so healthy salt n such n didn't go for a walk before weighing so hopefully its just water retention mostly :/
  • Quote: Hi all. I am new to this thread but soooooo ready to get out of the 300's. I never want to see this number at the start of my eight again!
    Welcome and hope to see you post more.
  • Well, I slept 10 hours! I obviously needed it. I slept so well that I didn't hear my son sneak into bed with his girlfriend who was spending the night...new things to stress over and keep me up at night!!!!!

    Welcome Keys! Happy to have you here!

    Back down to 304 again this morning. Not celebrating until I'm in the 290s. I'm about to listen to a podcast on iTunes about self-sabotage. Hoping to get over this soon!

    Have a lovely day!
  • Georgia - I am curious what podcast are you listening to? I love listening to podcasts at work and am always looking for new ones.

    I have a challenge tonight, which is a company dinner out. It is a bit easier, since I get to choose the restaurant. I am looking forward to seeing how well I can eat on plan. I managed to do a stir fry today at lunch without any soy sauce to avoid the wheat. So far so good. I am starting to feel better and am looking forward to my weigh in on Thursday.
  • I'm listening to the Venus Index podcasts. I found them through buying the E-book Eat Stop Eat, which is affiliated with the Venus Index and Adonis Index forums. They're all about cutting calories through intermittent fasting and building muscle through weight training towards achieving a specific proportion. Their views split out weight loss from nutrition and exercise. Meaning that they see losing weight as a function of cutting calories, good health as a function of proper nutrition and cardio-vascular exercise, and a nice physique as a function of the proper muscle-building exercise. They address mostly the cutting of calories and the weight training.

    I found it helpful to separate those things out for me because I was frustrated with my growing appetite when I tried to exercise my way to losing weight. I understand now that the more I exercise, the hungrier I'll be. And exercise isn't really going to buy me as much weight-loss benefit as cutting calories does. I really had to cut calories. Hard to accept. But as soon as I was really making this happen, the weight started coming off.

    I found the podcasts only a couple days ago. They helped me get refocused on my path. I've only listened to a few so far. I'm not really doing all the muscle-building stuff yet. Just sticking to Pilates for now. Once I drop to 205 lbs. I'll start the real body building and do more cardio interval training. It really doesn't seem to help my knees right now to do the extra work, so I'm waiting for less stress on them with the lower weight. Concentrating on the Pilates feels good.
  • Well I went to the cardiologist today and they want me to do 150 mins a week of cardio.