March (if you can't run) with the Worldlie Chicks

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  • Hi Everyone. It was a nice sunny day in Ohio today. Seeing and feeling the sun can make a person feel so much better.

    I worked from home today so I didn't have to "get dressed" and irritate that wound. I have been on the meds for 24 hours now and feeling much better. I can actually sit down without crying.

    I saw the derm today, she was so surprised that the area got infected and feels that I had a very bad allergic reaction to the medicine I was applying. She felt that the ER had given me what she would and she said it looks like the wound is trying to heal and confirmed that I should see a wound care doctor to be sure.

    I was way ahead of her. I called them this morning and i have an appointment for next Tuesday. They said they will call me if someone cancels this week. I'm going to call every morning and see if anyone cancelled.

    I have a note from the derm asking my employer to allow me to work from home the rest of this week. My bosses are out and they know the situation but I wanted a note for it anyway. I'm to check back in with the Derm by phone on Friday in case I feel I need a note for next week.

    DH took me to my appointment today and we ate dinner at Cracker Barrell...yummy!

    Happy: I'm so glad that your DH was able to find the card. We had some sleet here last night. But today was nice and sunny,

    Annie: I make my DH a Easter Basket too. The only thing I ask for in my basket is "peeps"...I love them!
    I hope C's colonoscopy goes well.

    Laura: Of my! What a weekend you had with those applicances! It's nice that you bought a few things you wanted with the tax refund.

    Terra: That was very nice of your mom to make you & Scott dinner. It sounds like you needed that nap today. I love naps.

    Ceejay: Nice to know that the yard will be taken care of. When are you going to the doctor? It sounds like you have some urgent things to have looked at.

    Shad: What horrible people you are working with. I'm glad you can get out of there and get on to something else!

    I might go into work for a bit tomorrow. I need to print some things and also pick up some folders so I can finish a project I'm working on. I didn't bring that work home as it never dawned on me that all of this would happen.

    I am headed to bed. See you all tomorrow.
  • Shad ~ Yeah I hope I can get lower then 279, I've been working really hard on portion control so I hope my portion control helps me get lower then 279. Time will tell.

    Susie ~ Yeah it was nice of my mom to buy Scott and I dinner since we couldnt go to the dance. Yeah I definitely needed that nap. I love naps too.


    Woke up at 7:30 this morning, Its now almost 9 a.m. I'm gonna do my 50 min. Chair Exercises at 11 a.m. and then at 1:00 p.m. I'll walk outside for 30 mins to an hour. Those are all of my plans for today.
  • Hi all,

    It's getting quiet in here.

    Going to make a quick post as I am waiting on the last load of laundry to finish and then I will get my things together to figure out if I want to send a box of things to my sister ahead of time. I also need to get to the candy shop to pick up Mom's Easter treats.

    Terra - food and exercise - that's what it's all about they say. Either cut back the food or step up the exercise. Hope you can find a happy balance. I am trying to do the same thing myself. More mindful eating.

    Susie - I hope you can get in to see the wound doctor sooner than your appointment. That sounds really nasty. I feel badly for you. Wow, what an experience. I'm hoping they allowed you to do your work from home where you can be more comfortable too.

    Shad - good golly Miss Molly - you've had some terrible contracts but this sounds like one of the worst. Who is this idiot manager? Glad you are getting out of there but it seems like it's going to be a stressful time until you close the door for good. Of course you will still do your best to work around the jerks and get whatever good done that you can. Bummer that you might have to change plans at the last minute to accommodate the new contract - your life is one big spin, isn't it?

    Ceejay- yikes on the tick - best to get that checked out. Can't be too careful with those things. We have a lot of them up here obviously and I am freaky scared of them.

    Laura - holy geez - what a big giant mess from the water in the kitchen. It's a good thing that you found it early - imagine if it had run all night. You do seem to be having some bad times with the appliances rebelling! 1..2..3 - let's put a stop to that before a plague infests us all In addition to the vacumn cleaner dying, our coffee pot - k cup side broke and now the washing machine is making a lot of noise again. I think it is nearing it's end of life but by gum I bought a 2 year extended warranty and they are going to keep coming back and fixing it until we get a service guy who truly understands what part to replace. I say this because 3 different people talked about 3 different parts and each one replaced something different than what the other one said needed fixing. I think I am leaving the washer repair for DH to handle - poor repair guy - I will make a service call before I leave. Gee Laura, maybe we do have a trend started here? Glad you got your new water bottles - is the cold water and ice maker out of commission for the time being?

    Guess that catches me up with personals. I will check in later.
  • Morning all.

    Terra - Good you got in a nap since you were tired.

    Shad - Your manager sounds like a real piece of work. I hope the Bosch vac works out. I hope we haven't lost Danielle.

    Susie - I'm glad you're starting to feel better - that sounds so painful. It's good you can do your work from home - you won't fall behind that way. Fingers you can get in to see the wound doc sooner than scheduled. I'm not much of a shopper, but those were a couple things we wanted to get. Between my annual bonus and the fed and state tax refunds, it would be nice to go on a shopping spree, but this is the year we're going to buy a 2nd car, so it'll be nice to put a large chunk of those funds towards that purchase so we don't have to have much of a payment. Next year something else will come up, I'm sure, LOL.

    Happy - I thought your trip was just a long weekend - surprised you need to send clothes in advance. Especially if you're driving and can just haul it all with you for no extra cost. On the other hand, this is Chicago, and there's a real possiblity you'll need be prepared for all four seasons during your visit, hahaha. Re the icemaker fail - yeh, I think all the water was flowing out of the line from the icemaker and into the bottom of the freezer, and then it started seeping through the door seal at the bottom. Luckily it hadn't gone on for too long before being discovered. I mentioned it to my co-workers and one said she had an insurance claim come out of that same thing (they were gone for the weekend when it happened). Yeh, the icemaker and water dispenser are out of commission right now. It's tap water and ice cube trays for now. A repair guy is coming today though, so hopefully everything's back in order when I get home from work today!

    Oy, what an ordeal with that washing machine of yours! And now your coffee maker?? Better just switch to tea, or instant coffee. No, not instant coffee!! Maybe one of those low tech French press coffee makers. (My mother is rather frugal and rather than making a "whole pot" of coffee for herself, she just drinks instant coffee. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I believe the appropriate reaction is "blech". If I thought she'd actually use it, I'd buy her one of those K-cup machines and supply her with a mess of k-cups.) I sure hope we don't have a trend here re home-related breakdowns. I must say I might have jinxed myself after previously having had grateful thoughts that the appliances/equipment bf and I bought/replaced within the first few years of moving into our house 15 years ago are still going strong, LOL. Knock wood!!

    Hellos to the rest of you!

    Nothing much to report today. I'm doing my quarter-end work right now. It has dwindled in recent years and thankfully isn't all that time-consuming anymore.

    Out of guilt of not hosting book club in a long, long time, I volunteered to host the next one. That will be my last hurrah as I ease myself out of that group. I have to suggest some possible dates. And select a book! I'll ask a work buddy for recommendations, since she's also in a book club. Do any of you have any recommendations? Nothing too long or serious - this club is sort of "book club lite".

    Bf and I are talking about purchasing another car in the near future. It will be a crossover/SUV with AWD, bigger than our sedan, and of course it will sit higher - that's something bf wants, in addition to a backup camera. That'll all be nice, and other than that, I'm not picky. I just need my heated seats and a moonroof, and a smooth ride to it. Anything else you ladies find really helpful?

    I think that's about it for me. Everyone have a great day!
  • Hello Ladies....had a long post this morning and lost it. Dang.


    Michael's (brother) numbers yesterday at the doc were terrific down from 4.80 to 4.02, heading in the right direction. Good for another month. He also came over for dinner last night.

    Sissy's doggie-Bruno-got his gonads chopped today so he is an it now. Also got him microchipped. I kind of pushed that one and told them they needed to take care of it or not get a dog at all.

    SUSIE...hope the infection is much better. Sissy nor Curtis are going to KI with me. I called LAURA, she said BF is not coming with her either, so we will have even numbers for rides. The 20th of June is fine with me. We need to get the details lined out. are staying at my house on Friday night June 19th? Correct? I don't know if we will come back to my house Sat night or stay in Cincy. I usually come home around 8pm that same day. Boo on the appliance going bad. Thank God for tax refunds, that I don't get. lol My RAV4 has all the items you mention wanting in a vehicle. Great gas mileage too! FYI

    HAPPY...hello my chick-a-dee, looks like this Easter weekend is creeping up on you. How long will you be visiting momma? Tell momma hi and she can only have the new treats if she throws some of the old ones out...haha DH sure has a lot of nice pix of nature/animals/birds, he and SHADDIE should collaborate on a picture book. You could write the captions. Just a thought.'s the work front coming along? How did the interviews go with headhunter? The memorial for Bob sounded lovely. You are such a great friend to all. Hugs

    TERRA...I need to exercise, I have the portion thing under control. I do NOT LIKE exercising as I have expressed before.

    SHADDIE...that place you are working sounds like Humana. A bunch of rude, mean people. Who needs that as it only tends to take our joy away. Just a few more days of H*LL. Hugs to you sister. are you feeling? You and C share the same woes so I definitely understand you feeling awful at times. Ironing jeans??? Man you all know my motto, if it doesn't come out of the dryer looking good it goes in the trash. I don't iron.

    DEE...hope everything is going well in your world. Hidee Ho!!

    Bout it for me. Have a 2:30 CC, then I am heading home. Having bathroom issues this afternoon, almost like there are little critters in my gut playing instruments. Sound effects and all going on. Yeeeee..probably all the fruit I ate yesterday, fresh pineapple, an apple for snack and pear with my cottage cheese yesterday.

    No dinner tonight, C has to fast for colonoscopy from 4pm on. I have enough leftovers IF I get hungry, which I doubt I will as we all know it is TACO TUESDAY at Alcapulco Joe's today!

    Make it a great day/night...hugs all the way around.
  • Susie
    Ouch is all I can say for your current problem. And sorry you are having to deal with this. I can't blame you for getting a doctor's written note for work.

    When do you leave for Chicago? I didn't know how to pack for my trip to Texas.

    Does C have to drink that awful stuff for prep for his colonoscopy? I feel for him if he does.

    Yikes on the water situation. Glad you caught it in time. I'd love to have a back up camera on my vehicle. I can put one on it for 400 dollars. So I'm doing without for right now.

    How did the simulation go?

    I need to get in sync with the portion control for my food. I'm getting better. I've started logging my food again.

    Not much is going on. Trying to conserve my energy today. All of a sudden today it's hit me that I'm tired. Tomorrow will be my 10th day to work. My co-worker wanted me to confirm her as a friend on FB but I don't want any one from work to be my friend. If they want to look up my web page that's fine.
    I'm not really looking forward to the driving part tomorrow to Jonesboro but one of these things needs attending to and I may stay with my friend tomorrow night. I'll just take my sweat pants and sweat shirt to sleep in. The tick is gone. We may have thunderstorms roll through tomorrow afternoon.
    The scab came off last night where the tick was. It did leave a small hole in my skin but don't think any damage was done.
    I found some allergy spray that I had on hand and is really helping. The Flonaise over the counter just wasn't working.
    Thursday I'm talking to my nephew about Medicare, the insurance part only. And my cousin from Lexington, Kentucky wants to talk Thursday as well. This is a cousin whose mother and sister moved to Texas last fall.
  • New month, time to close this thread.

    Hop your bunny tail over to the April thread - click to be transported to April Love with The Worldly Chicks

    Anyone remember Pat Boone???