You know you're a Fitness Freak when...

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  • You're proud of the fact you needed to replace the battery in your HRM transmitter after 8 months rather than the advertised 2 years...
  • You feel tired and drained so decide to only work out for 35 minutes but then you feel so energized by your 35 minute workout, you hop on your elliptical for 35 minutes.
  • Barbara, on that new Airbus they're trying to market, I heard there is room for a gym, some shopping, beauty salon. Now that's about the only way to get me excited to fly coast to coast. Unfortunately, it will probably only be available to first class passengers, but we can always hope!!
  • you realize that the portion of your budget going to fitness stuff keeps growing and that seems reasonable.
  • You are increadibly annoyed that Parcel Farse are taking SO long to deliver your running shoes... It's time to run DAMMIT and it's eating into your marathon training time
  • . . . when you're more excited about your store credit at Dick's Sporting Goods than at Sephora!
  • This has already been said, but it got me today!

    When you are thrilled at how sore you are after a very intense workout the day before and ya can't wait to get the cardio in to help losen the sore muscles up!!!!

    When you get excited about a new sports bra! LOL!
  • When you have to run 45 minutes on the elliptical instead of your normal hour because of a touch of a stomach bug, you try to take a nap so you can feel better enough to do another five hours later on in the day.

    You don't have to go to work or do anything else until early afternoon, but you still get up at 5 am three days out of the week to go to the gym, and are probably going to move it up to four days, just so none of the pesky things that happen outside of the gym are going to interfere later in the day.

    Edit: five miles, not hours. Miles.
  • You read in a magazine that you "don't have to be partial to wearing lycra tights, getting covered in mud or spending your evenings downloading information from your HRM to be a real runner" and you wonder what's wrong with doing any of that. Sounds like it describes my life...
  • You find yourself practicing your form for deadlifts in the womens dressing room of a clothing store because there is a full length mirror, the lighting is great and you just can...
  • You go out biking, 20k twice in the same day, your butt is sore as heck, but you still want to go out again tomorrow and do it all over again... Life is great
  • -You walk around humming the tunes from your fitness DVD's - all day long.

    -You get up in the middle of the night to pee, but first you gotta search for your pedometer in the dark and then struggle to put it on. Or simply leave it on overnight.
  • Quote: -
    -You get up in the middle of the night to pee, but first you gotta search for your pedometer in the dark and then struggle to put it on. Or simply leave it on overnight.
    WOW that is dedication!
  • You're out hiking in jeans and a long sleeved top and you see other people cross-country running, so you decide to run for a bit too, in your jeans...

    You watch the Flora London Marathon and are practically in tears because it's such a great thing to do!

    Watching the FLM makes you want to marathon-train even more and you're even more p'd off with your dodgy knee than usual!
  • You are pleased (secretly) that you got stuck under a barbell, since that showed you really worked to failure And it wasn't at all embarrassing and you were annoyed that that nice looking man came and lifted the barbell off you because you were just about to demonstrate your superiour Houdini skills of escaping from being squeezed to death...