Intermittent Fasting Support Thread - Continued 2

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  • Noname My workout at this time is my recumbent bike. It is in my bedroom right now so plan to have DH help me move it into the living room so I can use it in the morning while fasting since he goes to bed at 3 or 4 in the morning and is asleep when I get up.

    I ended up drinking an Atkins shake to break my fast, but really wish I hadn't drank it because it didn't make me feel very good. I actually could have made it until 3 when we ate lunch. Will do different tomorrow. Going to have a 6 or 7 hr window today. I even did a 1.5 mile ride on the recumbent bike and I actually feel good physically right now. Just feels right and freeing.
  • hello!
    I wanted to say hi! I am going to jump in on your thread I have always "defaulted" to IF and with the popularity recently, I stopped fighting it. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
  • Kriket Glad you are joining us. I have done IF before and tried other things, but I've just come back determined to eat this way for the rest of my life. I look forward to getting to you and others who have joined while I was gone.

    I've had another really great IF day. I am amazed at how satisfied I am eating this way. I think knowing that they have finally proven how healthy this way of eating is has made the difference. I can't believe that I ate this way most of my thin years and I stupidly let everyone convince me that it was not healthy. I've been over weight and for the past 8 yrs been fighting to get my blood sugar normal because I was supposedly eating "healthy" 3 meals and snacks daily which created an unhealthy attitude toward food.

    I have felt so absolutely free and normal today. I have truly enjoyed the past few days.
  • Hi! I would like to join you.

    I am returning to 16:8 today, because it was the only way of eating that truly made me feel healthy (fasting 16 hours/8 hour eating window).

    This time around I am going to stick to it, and I am moving to a plant-based diet. This time it's a lifestyle.

    What kind of fasting are you doing?
  • Hi Ginger Rose....

    I'm trying a 600 cal day today. My first ever fast day. Like another poster, I'm terrified of hunger! I'm not a breakfast skipper at all. Never have been a breakfast skipper, though at one point in my life I lost weight eating Skittles in the morning (what!?) I was on a low fat plan at that time. I was also 16.

    So, I'm giving it a try today. No booze will be harder than the rest of it, I think. And going to bed hungry, I'm not used to that. But no sense dreading something I'm not feeling yet. It might be easier than I think!
  • Hey ladies, just wanted to share this article I came across today. I'm sure it would be appreciated in the wider forum but I don't feel like making a new thread.

    The "Food Babe" Blogger is Full of Sh*t

    I can't say I've vetted either side of the story, but it's just a good reminder to do your own research before jumping on the latest food trend. I had never heard of her before reading it, but I was familiar with almost every single "nutrition lie" mentioned in that article. (In quotes because I didn't know what else to call them and I also don't know for a fact that they are lies!) Which just goes to show how far and wide her reach is.


    Anyway, yesterday's 500 calorie fast went well, though I may have gone over a bit. I had to cook my boyfriend's dinner, and my lunches for the week, so I got to nibbling..whoops! My workout wasn't great - I once again wasn't able to finish my run, but that may have more to do with me getting over a sinus infection than with my fast. Will try again today if I have time. I've got less than 2 weeks until my first 5K and I am no where near ready.

    Georgette - Good luck today! It will be hard and your tummy will fight you, but just stick with it. Drink water, chicken broth, even a diet soda if you need to. Eventually your tummy WILL stop rumbling! FWIW, I've rarely gone to bed feeling hungry on a 500 calorie day (I eat my 500 calories around 6PM). You can do it!!!
  • noname Thanks for the link. I'll check it out later.

    This is day 3 for me which is usually a hard day on "diets" for me. Surprisingly it has been totally great so far. I've gone over 17 hrs now without eating and not hungry. Of course, like I've shared before this really was the normal way of eating when I was young and thin. Another nice thing about today is that I woke up not only ready to get up, but actually looking forward to using the recumbent bike while fasting. DH moved it into the living room for me last night. I did my 3 miles/30 minutes with no problem. I love the way this makes me feel.

    ginger_rose I'm shooting for the 16/8 hr too, but like and plan to do an eating window of than 8 when I'm not hungry. Like today I've already gone 17 hrs fasting and looks like I might end up with another 6 or 7 hr window like I've done the past 2 days. Right now I'm just eating more balanced way of eating. Some days are lower carb than others.

    Georgette Good luck with the 600 calorie day. I don't get hungry doing this the way I do and really love going to bed with my tummy empty, but not ready to try a 600 calorie day at this time. I think I'm afraid that I'll get hungry after my 8 hrs are gone and too soon before the fast hrs are over. Maybe I'll try it in the future, but right now I think I have to get comfortable where I am.
  • OK, ate about 170 for breakfast, 200 for lunch, got home and started into homeschooling with my kiddo-my most significant trigger time for overeating, and I couldn't take it. I felt dizzy, stupid, frustrated...yuck. I ended up making a smoothie and then dove into jelly beans head-first. I've pulled out now. Not sure how much damage I did, but that was really uncomfortable leading up to the mini-binge. I felt like I just couldn't continue and still think.

    Hats off to those of you who have stuck with this over time! I'd love to go back to losing weight, but my short-term desires to be comfortable are awfully strong.
  • Georgette I have those days a lot. I never know what to do, other than eat something, and try to make it healthy. That never works :/ usually I just try to forget about it. Either go find something to do or go to bed.
  • Remember me?
    Hi all! It's been crazy busy and lots going on hence I keep jumping in and off. I've gained some weight due to some medications I've been put on and it's depressing me. I need support and I hate that I haven't checked in!

    I started 16:8 AGAIN on Sunday and will be doing a 5:2 combo, tomorrow being my first 500. I need accountability! So here I am!

    On the days I do 16:8 I will eat between 1000 and 1200 Cal except one day per week where I will allow myself up to 2000. My main issue is sweets and bread and alcohol :/ today I did about 1000, but it did include some little sweets (two whoopers - Love Easter, hate Easter candy!) and naan bread.

    I officially signed up for Ragnar Florida Keys 2016, so I need to get back into my running and a healthy weight. I've been getting out at least twice per week - my body just doesn't seem motivated.

    Anyway - hope you don't mind me jumping in again. I will take all support I can get at this point! Will do more of a formal check in tomorrow

    Good night!
  • A quick flyby. Hello to newbies and oldies returning like I did.

    I am so amazed at how good this is going for me. I didn't have a perfectly healthy eating day, but what I ate was within about 7 hrs. Day 4 here and still haven't eat anything yet and it is almost 2 pm. I suddenly realized that when I ate this way when I was growing up that I never ate until 1:30 or 2 depending on school lunch time in junior and senior high school. Then we didn't eat dinner until around 5:30 or sometime around 6 which was rare. Dang, I grew up eating within a 4 hr window back then. When I was in my late 20's and was single, thin and living alone, I only ate one meal a day around 6ish every day. Maybe that is why I'm finding this easier to do. Still sticking to the 16/8 plan for now. Even went a mile on the recumbent bike just because I felt like doing it. I've decided since it is recommended to do 2 or 3 days exercises a week and I'm starting out, I've decided to do 3 miles 3 days a week and 1 mile 3 days alternating them and take Sunday off.

    Really loving this lifestyle.
  • Hi all..

    I am chiming back on fasting.. I eat a large breakfast from 7 am till 12 pm and my fasting starts. Drinking black coffee w cinnamon and diet coke to keep my energy going!!

    Tonight its pizza night and I will be strong and not overeating..or not eating at all. Fasting works for me and must stay on this. No matter what!!

    Welcome newbies!! and looking forward on hearing about your efforts.

    Check in later..

  • I think I will settle for 2 meals and skipping lunch/snacking habits. I will try to fast for 9 hours.

    I feel so stuffed, my tummy is not healed from Easter weekend binged..Tonight caved in to pizza and eggplant parm...I need to give my tummy a break.

    This is so tough...but will try this and stay with it..

    Hoping all is doing well..
  • Nayla Welcome back! Hope your 500 calorie fast went well yesterday. What is the Ragnar Florida Keys? Some sort of race? How long?

    pattygirl - It's wonderful that your way of eating is so second nature to you. I also never used to eat breakfast (it made me want to puke, literally) so I can totally relate.

    Liliann - Last you posted I thought you weren't going to fast anymore? Hope you're able to find a plan that works, fasting or not. Just keep trying!


    Today is my second fast of the week. Gotta do some cross training cardio and strength tonight. I was finally able to finish Week 7 of C25K (running for 25 minutes straight). I'm going away this weekend but will bring my running shoes and try for some outdoor running. My grandmom lives in a beautiful place so it shouldn't be too hard to find the motivation to explore via a run while there

    Not looking optimistic for a loss by tomorrow's weigh in, which is annoying, but gonna keep at it. It'll happen eventually...
  • I maintain..and so far am good...Just need to watch my portions when my time to eat. I feel freedom on this, and not thinking much about food so much. I shall keep this going!! Farewell calories,fat, points, carbs,tracking...Hello fasting!!