Home of the 100% Vol. 5

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  • Good afternoon everyone!!!!!

    O.k. so it's been forever since I have posted....sorry. I have been really slammed.
    I have been teaching 2 classes almost every weekend, a lot of 70 hour work weeks.
    Little one is now 14 months... wow where does the time go.
    I have been in maintenance for 5 months now, the wife has been there for about a month now.
    We both watch our weight too much like hawks, almost to the point we are obsessive about it lol.
    I fluctuate back and forth about 3 pounds still since I have gotten off, so I have stayed pretty much right where I was back in Dec. when I finished.

    Wife and I just celebrated our 13th anniversary yesterday!!!
    And we actually had our first date last weekend since the little guy was born which was nice.
    I ran my first race back on the 5th, did my 12k I was talking about back when I started here.
    So another goal down that I set last year.

    It's good to see we still have such a good group of support here on this thread, Lisa as usual keep up the great work, I have been keeping an eye out, just been too busy or distracted to pay attention.

    As usual here is a few pics
    He's turning into quite the little man hehe.

    Here's one of me right after I finished my 12k, not looking my best but oh well lol.

    Oh and here is my custom motorcycle suit I ordered as my reward for the diet, I almost forgot lol.
  • Well some of my stress is over - I needed 90% for my drug and dosage calculation final to continue on with the program... whoo hoo i got my 90 lol. Maybe now the scale will go down a little more. 100% on program - and my pants are fitting funny (saggy bum)
  • Quote: OMG you guys are so so sweet, what a great support team you all are

    The citro mag worked somewhat but didn't empty me as i still feel full so will do the golytely tomorrow...will stay home as i have to drink the stuff at a pace of 1 cup every 10 minutes until i drink 4 liters so almost 3 hours! Not something i will do in the evening.
    TMI I'm sure, but you only have to drink enough golytely till it runs clear, which may very well be the entire bottle. I have to do this sometime this year as it's time for another colonoscopy for me; I have to have them every five years.

    Quote: Woo hoo! As Cadu said, being patient is hard. Are you back to your normal routine? Did you change anything in your workout?
    I didn't do anything different, just went back to my old routine and the scale started to move.

    Quote: LMAO...LOVE it.....then I guess I am built FORD tough since I drive an F150 supercrew....Big girl...Big truck!!.....NOOOOOO I am not down sizing, just going to get myself a vanity plate that says "ISHRANK"......lmao
    Love the plate name. My husband wants to buy a mini cooper. I told him that would be great because now I can fit into one.
  • WAYWARD!!!!!....OH how I have missed YOU!!!....your little guy is adorable just like his dad. I know Mom is proud of the both of you. Its good to know that she finally reached her goal and that you have been maintaining. You have achieved so much since you started IP, I am so happy for both you and your wife. Its always great to hear from you. I am still plugging away, about another 34lbs and I will stop....lol....I wanna see 200 on the scale so we will see!!!
  • I am excited to get to be in the 100% club it is 4th day of being 100%!!
  • Yay! Have wifi! So I spent the last week of phase 3 traveling for work, not something I recommend but doable fo sho!

    Difficult not to weigh in everyday....but liberating, guess we'll see this weekend, as I'm not home yet but at least in a hotel with internet. I could read the forums but posting off a bb isn't something I care to do....thankfully I have the iPad but only when connected to wifi.

    I'm happy to report today is my first day of Phase 4...feel most comfortable in here, in the 100%, funny hey? At least in here I know everyone, sometimes I feel that I'm just entering maintance, set with my rules just off the wagon and ready to see what happens and everyone in the maintainers thread are so well into maintenance that they are already are trying other things. I feel out of place and slightly like an orphan sometimes (not trying to offend, just being honest with myself and posting it). Won't stop me from posting and lurking in any and all forum threads! lol

    Will you still be my friends? Check yes or no? lol

    Missed conversing with you all for the last 5 days....

    Busymom hope all things go well for you!
    Ptod Tammy the toe is better but still under the weather you make me laugh with the whoosh heard around the world!
    Wuv yay for collar bones!
  • Quote: Good Morning Cadu! Thanks for all your help yesterday with my photos! Even with all you are going through you had the time to help someone out and I sure do appreciate it. Did you get some good ideas and options regarding your daughters continued care last night? You are in my prayers; as is your Dear daughter!
    Darralyn, you are very welcome it was no big deal
    We did get a job coach set up for my DD for next school year, the coach will see if she is acually employable or not.. that is the first step. So for now, we can just enjoy the summer. Thanks for asking.
  • Quote: Yay! Have wifi! So I spent the last week of phase 3 traveling for work, not something I recommend but doable fo sho!

    Difficult not to weigh in everyday....but liberating, guess we'll see this weekend, as I'm not home yet but at least in a hotel with internet. I could read the forums but posting off a bb isn't something I care to do....thankfully I have the iPad but only when connected to wifi.

    I'm happy to report today is my first day of Phase 4...feel most comfortable in here, in the 100%, funny hey? At least in here I know everyone, sometimes I feel that I'm just entering maintance, set with my rules just off the wagon and ready to see what happens and everyone in the maintainers thread are so well into maintenance that they are already are trying other things. I feel out of place and slightly like an orphan sometimes (not trying to offend, just being honest with myself and posting it). Won't stop me from posting and lurking in any and all forum threads! lol

    Will you still be my friends? Check yes or no? lol

    Missed conversing with you all for the last 5 days....

    Busymom hope all things go well for you!
    Ptod Tammy the toe is better but still under the weather you make me laugh with the whoosh heard around the world!
    Wuv yay for collar bones!
    I've wondered where you were. Phase 4, very exciting and can't wait to hear about your first "free day."
  • Quote:
    Will you still be my friends? Check yes or no? lol
    YES YES YES AND YES!!!!!.....LOL
  • Quote: Yay! Have wifi! So I spent the last week of phase 3 traveling for work, not something I recommend but doable fo sho!

    Difficult not to weigh in everyday....but liberating, guess we'll see this weekend, as I'm not home yet but at least in a hotel with internet. I could read the forums but posting off a bb isn't something I care to do....thankfully I have the iPad but only when connected to wifi.

    I'm happy to report today is my first day of Phase 4...feel most comfortable in here, in the 100%, funny hey? At least in here I know everyone, sometimes I feel that I'm just entering maintance, set with my rules just off the wagon and ready to see what happens and everyone in the maintainers thread are so well into maintenance that they are already are trying other things. I feel out of place and slightly like an orphan sometimes (not trying to offend, just being honest with myself and posting it). Won't stop me from posting and lurking in any and all forum threads! lolp

    Will you still be my friends? Check yes or no? lolr

    Missed conversing with you all for the last 5 days....

    Busymom hope all things go well for you!
    Ptod Tammy the toe is better but still under the weather you make me laugh with the whoosh heard around the world!
    Wuv yay for collar bones!
    I'll always be your friend

    Enjoy phase 4, excited for you and looling forward to hear about your first cheat day. Seems different when hearing about it from someone "you know", so exciting lol
  • Quote: I've wondered where you were. Phase 4, very exciting and can't wait to hear about your first "free day."
    Free day will be next Sat I think....i want to be in maintenance a few days before I slam some carbs in....that way I'm not blaming any reactions on my free day. (wise woman gave me that plan)

    Quote: YES YES YES AND YES!!!!!.....LOL
    Quote: I'll always be your friend

    Enjoy phase 4, excited for you and looling forward to hear about your first cheat day. Seems different when hearing about it from someone "you know", so exciting lol
    <whew>...good to know I'm not quite the orphan lol

    I'll keep most of my food stories off this thread....didn't always appreciate it when I was in Phase 1. Can't wait for some of you to be in maintenance with me! I promised this forum would be part of my maintenance plan, please stay with me! !!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • Omg this is the most disgusting thing ever. Its like slimy salt water, can't believe i have to drink this for the next 2+ hours. It better work

    Dana - cant believe you've had to do this more than once
  • Quote: I'm happy to report today is my first day of Phase 4...feel most comfortable in here, in the 100%, funny hey?
    Ishbel - we would all miss you if you wandered away from us. You are still 100%, just in a different phase. No biggie....tee hee. You will have some company in P4 soon - hold the fort!
    Hi Tammy & Martha!

    Quote: Omg this is the most disgusting thing ever. Its like slimy salt water, can't believe i have to drink this for the next 2+ hours. It better work
    Busymom - when it starts working, it will WORK. Hang in there as it might get a bit uncomfortable. I take it you didn't get a 'flavor' packet that make it taste slightly better than slimy salt water?!

    Dear Lord, please help Busymom through to the big flush! Amen!
  • WI #18, lost 2 more pounds and lots of inches!
  • I think that most of us will always be a part of each others lives through this forum because we have shared so many things with each other. I agree, you can post whatever you want here, you are in a difference phase we will all get there and need to know these things. Share share and share!!