Autumn Beauties May Check-In (Anyone is Welcome!!)

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  • Good evening everyone,

    Another good day on plan for me too. Had a great 3 mile walk at Stone Mountain today. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • Computer died. Hubby trying to fix. On iPhone. Post when can.
  • evenin' ladies!

    @emme - i will definitely try to focus. but to be honest, i'm more excited about marrying the man, than the actual wedding. not very girly, but probably better for our marriage in the long run heh.

    @toomanydimples - today was still kinda wonky. my stomach doesn't want food in it! i try and it protests. so i've been grazing. a little bit here and a little bit there. but still below my calories

    today for me:

    workouts: 10/15 (i'm about to go do it, soon as i get up)
    calories: 1490
    H2O: 92.5 (possibly more, i will likely drink another glass before bed)
  • Mandy ~ Oh trust me, I was more excited about marrying my husband than the actual wedding, too -- I was so sick of planning everything towards the end and I just wanted it to be done with already! I just meant that the whole day flies by so fast, so it's good to soak up everything (with your husband, of course).

    I have a freaking sore throat today and it stinks! I am tired, too, so we'll see how this day goes by. Yoga at 12:30 and then that's all the exercise I'm doing for the day. Hope everyone else is doing great.
  • Good morning ladies,

    Emme - Sorry that you're not feeling well today. I hope you can shake it before it gets too bad.

    Mandy - I'm so excited for you! Hopefully your tummy will calm down so that you can eat something.

    Penguin - Hope you get your computer fixed soon. I would be totally loss without mine.

    I'm looking forward to a good day. Got all my points planned out for the day. I hope everyone else has a great OP Thursday!
  • Is anyone up for the weekend OP challenge this weekend? I need to be accountable and have someone light a fire under my butt to stay in check!
  • I'm game Emme - Count me in. We can do it!!!
  • Yay!
  • Pretty average day today. Hope everyone had a good one!

    Daily Goals:
    1200-1600 calories
    50-75 net carbs
    100+oz water
    Exercise. Rest day on Sundays.

    15th ~ No exercise, rest day. 1520 calories. 105 net carbs (refeed). 104oz water.
    16th ~ Biked 12.95 miles. 20 minutes kickboxing. 1497 calories. 64 net carbs. 156oz water.
    17th ~ Biked 16.62 miles. 1445 calories. 69 net carbs. 126oz water.
    18th ~ Biked 17.48 miles. 1269 calories. 52 net carbs. 140oz water.
    19th ~ Biked 16.86 miles. 1485 calories. 68 net carbs. 130oz water.
  • we bought a new computer so I'm back. Hubby was nice enough to take the time to make sure everything was loaded quickly to get me back online. I was going into withdrawl. I didn't realize how computer dependent I'd gotten, everything from my morning devotional to checking the weather. Using the iphone was a pain!
  • I had an OP day today (or I guess technically, yesterday)! Yay!!!!

    Would a OP weekend count if a part of my plan is to use my weekly allowance?
  • hey ya'll! i didn't track much of anything today cause it was date night with curtis (the groom to be) and we went to olive garden before going out to a show. and yes, my tummy did chill out enough that i was able to enjoy a little less than half of my meal at olive garden. curtis got the rest in a box.

    with all the walking around we did though (before dinner, after dinner, during intermission, shopping at walmart for last minute gadgets after the show) i feel like i should be able to count it as a workout. especially with the heels i was wearin! haha.
  • Good morning ladies and happy Friday

    Tricia - Yes you are OP if you use your weekly bonus points!!! That's what I did last week and what I've done this week. As long as you're on program and don't go over your alloted points, you're good. This week I have saved all of mine up for the weekend too. I ended up not using all of them last weekend and probably won't this time but it's good to know that I have them if I need them. That's what I like about WW. Let me know how it goes.

    Mandy - I'm glad your tummy settled down. Sounds like you had a blast last night. I am so excited for you. I hope you have another good one today!

    Penguin - Glad you got your new computer and you're back on-line.

    Kim - Glad you had a good day too. You are cruising right along.

    Emme - OK we're on for the weekend Even though I've saved up my weekly bonus points to use over the weekend, I won't go crazy and I probably won't use all my points. I'll be sure to count and track every point that goes into my mouth. I will be sure to post what I eat here.

    Today I'm down another 2.2 pounds putting me at 220.8. I'm hoping to get to the 2teens by next week.

    Have a great OP day everyone.
  • GettinFit ~ Awesome job on the 2.2 pound drop! That's really impressive! I'm OP with you this weekend -- it definitely helps knowing that somewhere out there, someone is doing the same thing!

    My WI was this morning and I'm down 1.6 from last week which kinda surprises me after all the birthday crap I ate last week. But, I cut my calories this week, so I think that really helped.

  • Friday 5/20 Journal
    Today's journal:
    26 Pts Available
    35 Weekly Pts Available Used 8 today
    34 Pts Eaten today

    B: 2/3 C grits w/sl cheese & bacon bits (3pts) coffee w/1/2 C skim milk & Int'l cafe mix (3pts)
    L: WW SmartOne Sante Fe Rice & Beans (6pts) 2 dark chocs (2pts)
    D: Subway Chicken Sal Sub w/lots of veggies (7pts) baked lays (2pts) 3 dk chocs (3pts)
    S: orange (1pt) yogurt (2pts) PopChips (4pts)
    Exercise: Firm Cardio Overdrive Express (did B4 work )