Live and Free on Core Board Twenty-Three!

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  • Hopefully it's just for the sake of the TV audience. This SageWalk camp is a real place.

    Nighty night!
  • I think that I would like to work there, but I'm not in good enough shape! Sad but true.
    OK, really going now. Night!
  • Evening everyone! Hey, we watched Brat Camp too. I really liked it, and I hope it truly does work. It was neat seeing them without all their makeup and jewelry and all the junk.

    Vickie, I get in cooking moods too. I need to try your homemade applesauce some time - it sounds delish! And I was so excited to see a picture of you! Thanks so much for posting it. I love having a face to go with a name.

    My walk with my sister, (who was in a wheelchair for the day) this morning was interesting. We made quite a parade, with the big double stroller and baby dd, me pushing, big dd on her bike, middle dd on her scooter, sister in her wheelchair, and Mom helping middle dd or pushing sister. Whee! We got some looks, for sure.

    Uh, what else interesting happened? I found an albino zucchini in the garden today. You know how sometimes squash or cucumbers get sunburned and have a white patch? Well, this particular zucchini was white like that ALL over, uniformly. All the other zucchinis (is that the plural?) were normal, except this one. I'm going to use it and other veggies to make a ratatouille (fancy chunky spaghetti sauce, as far as I can tell) later in the week.

    Well, it's getting late so I'm off to bed.

  • vickie, did you make the pudding? our grands will be here till tomorrow afternoon. they live about 30 minutes from here but we still don't get to see them very often. we had a girls' night out at walmart. i gave them each $5. this was the first time we "split up" to shop. mickol is 10 and shayla is 8. we all had a good time. tomorrow morning, they will cook breakfast for grandpa--pancakes and bacon. then i am going to teach them how to make chicken salad. (2 of them--1 will be core for me). we do a lot of cooking together. they are going to bake goodies for the western montana fair food competition in august. ttomorrow we're going to barnes & noble for them to attend a children's craft time. after that i'll take them home.

    vickie, you look like my best friend back in texas and i'm going to tell you the same thing i told her. you're a beautiful woman. i like you the way you are but i am proud of you for working to be healthier. thank you for sharing your photo with us.

    melinda, i'll be happy if i haven't gained during this fiasco i've had. yep, i'm going to wi with you fri. we may need some crying towels. what do you think? guess we can just help dust each other off and keep on keepin' on, don't you? i haven't tried the mexican goulash. is the recipe here? is it with polenta or ww pasta?

    kathy, i just heard about all the rain ya'll got today. good for you. are you going to keep your rain cloud and lightning avatar? we ate out at golden corral tonight. i did great. just meat, salad, and fruit. i feel soooo proud. i think you're right. sometimes it is easier when eating out. however, sometimes it's a trap for me. tonight i had control or maybe i should say i had focus.

    i was going to tape brat camp but set the vcr wrong. we watched "willy wonka and the chocolate factory" on dvd tonight. it was good but i missed my reality fix.

    angela, sounds like quite a parade. i'll bet ya'll had fun. albino zucchini. now i've heard everything. are you going to cook it?
  • Morning chicks!
    Angela, it sounds like you had an adventurous day yesterday.
    Sandra, the mexican goulash is actually with brown rice. I named it that because it reminds me of something my grandmother and I used to make when I was a kid. The recipe is posted on our recipe thread, entrees. It is really good. Of course I used regular cheese, so that probably added some zing that I'm not used to. Hope you have fun with the kiddos today! I'll bet you are a fun grandma.
    Holding out for a good day today!!
  • Good morning everyone! Yes, I think I'll cook the albino zucchini, if it looks OK inside. My mom made the potato and zucchini pancakes yesterday, and said they were very delicious.

    The salmon patty recipe I used was the one here on our recipe boards - I think it's near the beginning of the Main Dishes thread. The only changes I made were to put my oatmeal through the blender first, and add another egg. Other than that, I think it was just like the recipe.

    I'm going out visiting teaching this morning. My church has a neat program set up where every woman gets a monthly visit from a pair of her peers. I've got a partner and a route. We set up the visits, go give a little spiritual thought, and check to see if she needs any help. Like, if she's just had a baby, we arrange to have meals brought in for a week, or help her move, or just listen to her if she's been having a hard time. I really enjoy doing it, AND getting the visits. Anyway, that's what I'm doing this morning, and this afternoon I'll be sewing more doll stuff. I think today will be accessories.

    Happy day to everyone, and I'll check in later!
  • Happy Thursday, chickies!! It's going to be a heck of a great day!!

    Sandra, we have rain predicted off and on (mostly afternoon and early evening thunderstorms) for the rest of the week! I'm excited to be able get rid of that bright sun avatar for a few days!

    I hopped up out of the chair last night at 9:00 and went for a walk. I wore the pedometer and it showed 1.74 miles. Got home around 9:50, took a bath and went straight to bed. I really must have worn myself out because I only got up once during the night to go to the bathroom, whereas I usually get up 2-3 times. I'm going again tonight, but earlier.
  • Hey Girls! I slept late today which is not good because I have alot to do. Have to exercise and have breakfast and lunch before my foot doctor appointment at 12:15. So I won't be here long. I try not to procrastinate too much but I could sit at this computer for hours. No real rain is scheduled here; just 30-40% and scattered showers. I'll have to handwater my flowers Friday night if we don't get more rain soon. All we are allowed to do is handwater from 7-11 pm on odd/even days according to our address. No lawn watering at all. Pretty extreme.

    Thanks to all of you for the sweet comments about my picture. It was painful for me to look at because I remember how uncomfortable I was. It was also a NSV of sorts. I had been telling Jim that I don't feel any different inside my head since my loss. Now that I can compare the mirror to the picture, I do see the changes. I guess when I was 307 I stopped looking at the mirror after making sure that my makeup and hair looked ok! It's also a factor of losing a pound a week. The changes are slow over time and I have a chance to get used to them. I'm still uncomfortable but not like I was! We're going out with a friend for dinner on Friday so I'll have him or Jim take my picture so you can see my 43 pound progress.

    Kathy, great job on the exercise walk! I just did 1.75 on the treadmill yesterday and I've been walking forever. Of course, I've a few more pounds than you to drag around! Funny, I've always read that exercise before bed can disturb your sleep but it sounds like it had the opposite effect on you. Exercise and all that water you'll definitely see a loss!

    Anglea, the applesauce is easy but a little time consuming. The recipe is on our board, probably under side dishes. I bought this cool apple peeler from QVC (yes I'm an addict!) that really cuts down on the amount of time to make it. I usually make a batch every 10 days or so. Even Jim knows how to help cut up the apples. What a great guy he is! Your Visiting Teaching program sounds wonderful. I'm sure that the recipients of the visits love them!

    Melissa, FF Miracle Whip is definitely Core. In my dill dip recipe I always use FF mayo but in pasta salads or chicken salad I always use Miracle Whip. I guess it's because that's they way they were made when I was a kid. Try some dried dill on fresh green beans. Deelish! You can eat Core at restaurants if you are willing to grill (pun intended!) them about how food is prepared. I say, give it a try. When will you be gone? We'll miss you alot!

    Sandra, I didn't make the pudding because I only had a dab of FF sour cream left. I'm going shopping today or tomorrow so I'll make it then. That's the one thing about Core that is annoying. Everything is fresh so you can't buy it too far ahead and you end up shopping every other day. I'm so lucky to be retired. I really admire you ladies who work and are trying to keep up with this! Your night with the Grands sounds delightful. Melissa's right. You do sound like a terrific Grandma. I can't wait to start doing that stuff with my Great Niece and Nephew.

    Well, I've rambled on long enough. Time to eat breakfast and get on the treadmill. I'll talk to you all later while dinner is cooking. Have a wonderful Thursday. It's going to feel funny not weighing in today. Oh Yeah...and the scale is back up again this morning. Must be the popcorn I ate last night. Better get alot of water in.

    Here are some early blinks for Melissa and Sandra for tomorrow's weigh in.
  • G' morning chickies!

    Well my kitchen remodel is beginning in earnest. DH is picking up the appliances and cabinets from my gf who is so generously giving us her "old" kitchen for very little money. This includes granite counters, a kitchen-aid refrigerator, a cooktop, a double oven, an extra deep stainless steel sink and lots of cabinets.

    My dh is completely freaking out over the prospect of our kitchen being torn up and in disarray for the amount of time it will take to set up everything. I'm figuring it would be about 2 weeks, 'cuz we have to get the granite fabricated to fit our kitchen and we have to have gas and electric brought to the center of the kitchen for our new island. Oh yeah, and we have to figure out how to install cabinets.

    I'm really excited and can't wait to get going. DH is just being a mope -- very depressed and lethargic. The man cannot handle change at all. Even a good change sends him into a major funk. You should have seen him in the months before we moved.

    So I have my basement room almost finished (I have to have one shelf recut), my dh's office about 3/4 finished (need to put up some drywall, paint one wall and install flooring, and the kitchen is soon to be all torn up. I love it -- 'cuz I'm envisioning the end results. Poor dh just hangs his head.

    Oh and I had a Starbucks decaf with a WW choc chip muffin for breakfast. It was fabulous -- a nice change from my usual cereal. The WW pastries are surprisingly delish. They feel so decadent.

    I'll pop back in later. Hope your Thursday brings some joyful surprises.
  • good morning. curtis and i are up. the girls are still asleep. they'll be up soon. at least one will be. the little one sleeps in a lot. i saw that the tooth fairy had teen here. maybe i need to pull some teeth and get me some change.

    melissa, thank you for the tip about the goulash. i'll check it out. i bought some brown rice the other day. tomorrow's wi. keep thinking positive thoughts for both of us. i will, too.

    angela, sounds like you have a happy day ahead of you. enjoy.

    kathy, i'm glad ya'll are expecting rain. that should help with heat and moods. i talked to my son the other day. their grass is struggling. congratulations on getting in that walk. i did 1 mile on the treadmill yesterday. my feet held up fine.

    vickie, i totally understand about mirrors. for years i've avoided looking at myself when in a public restroom when other women are in there. it doesn't make any sense, but i didn't want anyone to see me looking at myself in front of them. i was totally ashamed of my looks. back in 96 i had lost 90 lbs on phen fen. one night i was out and just glanced at myself in the public restroom mirror. i didn't recognize myself. i don't know what the difference was between that mirror and mine at home. but it was a shocker to me. it took some adjusting to the new me. now i've regained about 50 of those lbs and don't look in public mirrors any more if anyone's in their with me. i'm couch material, aren't i?

    terry, where did you find those muffins? walmart? your new kitchen sounds fab. just hang in there with dh. he'll recover

    one grand is up. got to go supervise breakfast. i'm going to have oatmeal with some granola in it. no pancakes/bacon for me today.
  • Sandra, the WW muffins were in the frozen food area of my supermarket. I bought mine at Jewel (aka Albertson's). The one I had was chocolate chocolate chip. It tastes like the Otis Spunkmeyer muffins. Definitely handles the chocolate craving during that special week before you celebrate being a woman.

    And you should take a glance in one of those mirrors. Maybe you're more beautiful than you remember. Overweight does not equal ugly.

  • Hmmm. Maybe ds needs to go to brat camp. Actually, he's doing pretty well, although dh got really mad at him yesterday on the way home. He really needs to remember how tired they are at the end of the day. I just turn on the oldies station and let them veg, and I told him that. I hope he lays off tonight.

    Two of the 5 pounds were gone this morning, thanks to a water and green tea marathon yesterday, along with whatever mysterious hormonal processes are going on. I got a short walk in this morning due to an unexpected burst of on-time fever from dh. I should be able to get another one in this evening. It's cool and foggy here this morning, which is kind of a nice change.

    Vickie, I meant to thank you for posting the picture yesterday, but I had to go to a last-minute meeting. I'm looking forward to the next one!
  • terry, thank you for the tip on the ww muffins and also for your beautiful words. i don't know why i am so self-critical. i am not that way of others.

    i posted a photo of me on the profile. it was taken back in 2001 when i weighed about 165. that's about 30 or so lbs away. i will be happier with myself when i get to that weight again, but i do hope to head on to 150.

    cher, congratulations on losing those 2 lbs. the rest will come soon.

    vickie, i'm looking forward to more photos of you, too.
  • Sandra, it's so nice to see you!! I must say you look nothing like I pictured. At least I already knew Vickie was blonde -- but I had no idea about you. What a pretty lady you are!
  • Hi Guys! I just ate lunch and it's 2?50. I procrastinated so long this morning that I had to choose between eating lunch and exercising before my Dr.'s appointment. Quite the NSV that I chose the exercise! So I'm supposed to be going to Walmart but I think that will now wait until after my weigh in tomorrow morning. I'm kinda fighting with my lawn care guys at the moment. They showed up to cut the grass even though we haven't had any rain to speak of. They were also 3/4 of the way finished trimming all my trees and bushes. Now I'm worried the stuff is all going to croak. I can only handwater between 7-11 tomorrow night. I've called the office and the cell phone of the company and the boss but I'll be lucky to hear back from him. Evidently, we can't count on them to do what is right. Makes a person grumpy.

    Sandra, your picture is beautiful! What a warm and wonderful face you have. I might have thought that you were dark haired but have no rationale for that! You'll be back to 160 or lower in no time. We'll all just keep challenging each other to get the job done!

    Cher, great news on the loss. I'll keep hoping the rest comes off for you just a quickly. Speaking of water, I need to get some more in myself now that I'm home. I got a little behind because of going to the Dr.

    Terry, I have spent the last many years feeling very undesirable, despite my husband's reassurances. I'm looking forward to feeling sassy again soon!

    I'm off to report my challenge results!