Autumn Beauties May Check-In (Anyone is Welcome!!)

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  • Running errands and stuff today. I'm hopeful that the Power Tower exercise/barre I ordered will arrive today, but sometime this week for sure. Bad news on the plumbing end, they got the fixtures and pipes changed but it didn't fix our problem, which is a clogged drain. Somebody let their nylon scrubbie glove go down the drain and its stuck. Draino and the like won't help because its not organic. The tub/shower drains but very, very slowly; so I can tell this is going to be a long drawn out thing.
  • Good afternoon ladies,

    Penguin - I'm sorry about your plumbing issues. I hope it's not too costly to fix it. I hope you're having a great OP day.

    Hi Dreamer - I hope all is going well for you too.
  • GettinFit, we are trying the 'fix it yourself before we have to call someone'. We've tried snake-ing the pipes {I even gave it a shot!}. We don't want to have to call anyone and spend $$$ until we have to. Dad, who has more experience, has a few more ideas for next weekend.

    I read a few threads about 'stalled weightloss' and the suggestion of upping protein seemed common to them all. So I'm trying that for a while. TOM seems to be getting in my way a tad but the next few weeks should show some results one way or the other.
  • Daily Goals:
    1200-1600 calories
    50-75 net carbs
    100+oz water
    Exercise. Rest day on Sundays.

    15th ~ No exercise, rest day. 1520 calories. 105 net carbs (refeed). 104oz water.
    16th ~ Biked 12.95 miles. 20 minutes kickboxing. 1497 calories. 64 net carbs. 156oz water.
  • hi girls
    off 2 work I go!
    I hope everyone has a great day.. stick to your plans!!!
  • for yesterday:

    workouts 8/15 (woohoo!)
    calories: 1610
    h2o: 84.5oz

    yesterday was pretty good considering i spent 7-4 at work and 5-midnight with my fiance. (hubby in 4 days!!)
  • Good morning ladies,

    Looks like we're all doing so good I am so proud of us.

    Friday - Hope you have a great day at work! Yep I'm so motivated to stick to my plan today.

    I took a peek at the scale and it said 221.8. I was so shocked. I am fluctuating my points and I had a very high day on Sunday followed by a lower day yesterday and I guess it worked.

    I hope we all have a great OP day.
  • My Journal for 5/17
    26 Pts Available
    Used 25 Pts
    35 Bonus Pts Available

    B: Bagel thin w/Laughing Cow Wedge (3pts) 1/2 milk (1pt) coffee w/GF International Cafe mix (2pts) honeydew melon (1pt)
    S: 1/2 Nature Valley Granola bar (2pts) PopChips (3pts) coffee (2)
    L: Chicken breast (2pts) salad w/feta & ff raspberry vinaigrette dressiing (4pts) 1 dark choc (1pt)
    D: Crab legs (2) green beans (0) 2 lf mini muffins (2)
    Exercise: Firm Burn & Shape
  • Mandy ~ I'm so excited for you!! Are you just going crazy with your wedding coming up?! I remember I was running a million different directions the week of my wedding. I hope everything goes really, really well for you!

    GettinFit ~ See, girl, you are doing great!

    I hope everyone has a great day today! My weight is back to where it almost was before my pig-out birthday weekend, so I am pretty happy about that. I haven't been exercising as much this month because the campus exercise routine has changed up now that all the students are gone and not a lot of classes are being, I decided to drop my calories. I realized I've been bouncing around between 176-179 since April 21st, so it's time to do something about that. I'm going to stick with 1500-1599 (staying at the lower end). I have 11 weeks left to get to my goal weight, so I'm really going to try my best. And I'm up for an OP weekend this weekend if anyone wants to join in!
  • Evening ladies. Sounds like things are going well for everyone. =)

    I was exhausted last night so I just updated my progress. I did 3 hours of gardening yesterday, so I just wanted to get in bed. Had another good day today.
    Daily Goals:
    1200-1600 calories
    50-75 net carbs
    100+oz water
    Exercise. Rest day on Sundays.

    15th ~ No exercise, rest day. 1520 calories. 105 net carbs (refeed). 104oz water.
    16th ~ Biked 12.95 miles. 20 minutes kickboxing. 1497 calories. 64 net carbs. 156oz water.
    17th ~ Biked 16.62 miles. 1445 calories. 69 net carbs. 126oz water.
  • @emme - i am going a little bit crazy with the wedding coming up. not because we're running in so many different directions, but more because we've 'waited' for marriage... who knew the last week would be as difficult as the first whole year? yeesh. (TMI? probably, but i'm the queen of it)

    and here's for me today:

    workouts 9/15 (workouts are good for stress)
    calories: 1330
    h2o: 100.5oz

    i woke up today feeling kinda blah and sore and icky. i think it's stress and tension and whatnot since the wedding is so close, but my stomach has been in knots! generally i don't feel nervous, consciously i'm pretty calm. but i guess my subconscious is spazzing. my inner control freak is dying from panic attacks or something. since my stomach was in knots, i couldn't eat much, but i did chug down a bunch of water! when i got home from work i took a short nap and then cleaned like a freak, and did my workout while laundry was running. i think the workout de-stressed me because i was super hungry afterwards, so i had a light meal. i didn't want to eat a huge heavy meal because it was so late (like 9pm). half a chicken sandwich, an apple, granola bar, and some cashews. enough to stave off the hunger, but not so much that i'm gonna regret it later.

    time for a long, hot shower, and then bed.

    good night lovelies!
  • Good morning everyone,

    Kim - WTG on gardening for 3 hours. That is awesome. I really need to do this but just can't find the time. You are doing an awesome job and I can't wait to hear the results of your next W/I and the end of the month.

    Mandy - Hang in there. I know this be a most stressful week for you. Doing the workout was a great idea since exercise relieves stress. I hope things are a little calmer for you today

    Emme - I hope you can break through the 176 mark soon.

    Penguin - How are you today? I hope you can break your stall soon. Just keep experimenting 'til you get through it.

    I'm looking forward to a good one. Going back to the old WW program is really working for me. I've been fluctuating my points so that my body doesn't get used to the same amount every day. I sure hop I don't reach a plateau again when I get to 214 like I did before.

    I hope everyone has a great OP day!
  • Morning, ladies!

    Mandy ~ LOL, don't worry about the TMI stuff...I do the same thing. I just kind of talk and don't care what comes out or who knows about it. Good luck to you this week. I wanted to give you one small piece of advice on your wedding day: take it all in very slowly. Everyone says that the day flies by and it honestly does. I remembered to take each moment in: from my dad walking me down the aisle, to seeing my husband for the first time, to our being announced as husband and wife. Breathe it in and try to focus on every single moment.

    Kim ~ Awesome work with the gardening!

    GettinFit ~ I'm glad to hear that things are working for you. You go, girl!

    Penguin ~ I hope things work out with your plumbing!

    Happy Hump Day!
  • My May Goals:

    1. Track my food intake/count my PointsPlus values every day
    2. Work out 6x a week with Insanity
    3. Check in with this thread daily
    4. Say daily affirmations in the morning

    Hi everyone!

    Since the last time I checked in with you all last week, I turned 29 (on Friday)! Since Friday I have been on a birthday celebrating stint which ended with a surprise birthday cake at work yesterday! Apart from the cake, I have been relatively well with my intake. I have been keeping up with my points and affirmations consistently. I wasn't able to completely accomplish my workout goals on Friday and Saturday - I only did the warmup and stretches on those days (that's about 16 minutes and plenty intense!) but got back on track on Monday.

    Today is my sixth day on the Insanity challenge and while I haven't actually lost weight (I am retaining water right now) I have lost two inches on my waist!!

    Also, I started a journal about the challege - I can't link it (because I'm still new) but you can copy/paste this in your browser:

    I hope everyone has an amazing day!
  • Another day on plan down!

    Mandy ~ Hope you were feeling less stressed today.

    Tricia ~ Happy Birthday! That's awesome on the Insanity Challenge. I don't think I'll ever have the balls to even try that workout, it just looks too crazy for me. =)

    I hope everyone had a great day!

    Daily Goals:
    1200-1600 calories
    50-75 net carbs
    100+oz water
    Exercise. Rest day on Sundays.

    15th ~ No exercise, rest day. 1520 calories. 105 net carbs (refeed). 104oz water.
    16th ~ Biked 12.95 miles. 20 minutes kickboxing. 1497 calories. 64 net carbs. 156oz water.
    17th ~ Biked 16.62 miles. 1445 calories. 69 net carbs. 126oz water.
    18th ~ Biked 17.48 miles. 1269 calories. 52 net carbs. 140oz water.