JULY - one reason you will stay on plan today

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  • I will stay on plan today because I want bragging rights about my strength and determination!
  • Today it's just because.
  • I will stay on-plan today because I want to be able to feel comfortable in my skin on my birthday! Only ~2 weeks to go!
  • Quote: OMG I am so stealing this one! YES!! I can't wait for Halloween this year... I've never been able to do the "slutty outfit disguised as a costume" that is typical for the Halloween parties at my school (and every school), and dammit, this year I intend to do it! LOL.
    Fabulous! I too, intend to look like a slut for Holloween this year!! LOL!
  • I will stay on plan today because I have 3.6 rollback pounds still to go.
  • I'm staying on plan today because I feel good when I do!
  • I will stay OP today because I will probably be in a bathing suit this weekend.
  • Because it's the only way to move forward.
  • I will stay on plan today because I don't want to be a hypocrite.
  • I AM staying on plan today because I want to let go of the 210-219 range and get into the 200-209 lbs range! Staying on plan is really the way to achieve that, and I am very, very close I want to reach my goal.
  • I will stay on plan today because I want the 180's...like NOW!
  • I will stay on-plan for the rest of the day because even though I might have a gain tomorrow from the sodium-laden lunch I had this afternoon, I know that it will only be water weight, and I do NOT feel the need to add on a "real" gain by binging, heh...
  • I will stay on plan today because I want to fit comfortably on the plane on Thursday morning.
  • Because I'm going out to lunch with friends and I don't want to blow it.
  • I will stay on plan today because I decided to