Just DEW It!! Diet, Exercise, Water ~ New Members Welcome!

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  • Turkey day is here
    Ok I forgive myself and everyone else who eats too much on Thanksgiving. I want to make a Pumpkin Cheesecake today, but I am going to make the pie version. It's smaller and less for me to eat. Haven't searched for a low cal one I am just going for it. It will taste good though. So how many of all of us ladies are going to get up early and go shopping. I enjoy the day after Thanksgiving, even if I do not buy anything. Unfortunately my FIL will be home, his day care is closed so there goes my plans and tradition. It would be impossible to take him with us. I am enjoying the time off, though. I may go into work for like an hour and half Friday morning and then hit some stores before I go home and my husband leavesfor work. Hoping to get the MP-3 players for the kids. Can't afford the i-pods. Want them to be a little more responsible too, before I spend that much. The kids are in that between kid and teen stage. They are super hard to buy for. Well, I am going to go for now. Maybe I will check in tomorrow. WHile I am inhaling the delicious smell of turkey. Love to all of you!
  • Hi ladies!! The good news is I'm down from 207 to 201. Here's hoping to be back in Onederland by the end of the month! I am having trouble committing to an eating plan, and can't manage time well enough so we've eaten out more than I like.

  • hey
    Happy Thanksgiving all!
    I weighed in Tuesday and was down .4 pounds. I started my aerobics class monday and I also went wednesday my legs are so sore. Anyway, hopefully this will help me.
  • HAPPY WEEKEND!!!! I can't believe Saturday is here already. How is everyone doing?

    Hey - Self magazine did a great article on combining Yoga with calisthenics for better results. Jennifer Anniston and her trainer are featured, and they put th whole thing on their website! So if you like Yoga, check it out.
  • well morning ladies!! How did everyone survive the four day holiday? I unfortunately indulged without restraint and now am going to have to undo the damage...again... but It could be worse.. why can I not take my own advice??? I know I can be so much more committed than this!!!!! Ok I going to be down by at least 10 pounds within the next 30 days... I must focus on that!!!!
    Mo how did u do? you have been doing so great!!
    Sarah... awesome job for you too woo hoo!!
    Serena.. down is good!! wtg for you..yeah!!
    Catherine.. Thanks for the forgiveness.. but it is most important that we forgive ourselves... and that I do.. but glad to hear you are working things out.. I too have bought a "knock off " version mp3 and video player.. as I hate to just pay for a "name".. it is coming from hong kong so I hope it is decent.. will let u know if u want... i heard really good reviews on sansa mp3 players they are really coming along and competiviely priced.. I did not get that cause I wanted more gb and storage and a mp3 /video player for under 60.00 this is an mp4 too! it is the next step.. got it for 55.00 oh well

    Nori.. are you better?? I heard you were under the weather... how is your loss going?? I am up a few pounds.. boo hoo..

    so hey theresa... nice to see you still hanging out with us "oldtimers" .. hope you are losing.. hey where is danielle?? well see you all later!! Have a good week... bye! Kim
  • Hello Everyone,
    Congrads to all of you who lost weight during turkey day. I'm sooooo proud of all of you. WTG! I, on the other hand, lost control. I gained 2 pounds. Sniff, sniff. I gave in too peanutbutter cheesecake, it was good but not worth 2 lbs. So I now weigh, sniff, 218. So i'm back on track now, had a brain fog with cheesecake, lol. Not going to put what I ate through Thanksgiving on, there's not enough room, I totally lost control. I sent you Mo & Catherine mailing info, need to know how to send everyone my mailing info, please let me know. Still don't know how to do things yet on this site, learning, lol. Hmmm, the exercise tape, lol, you don't want to know, lol. Well, have a great day ladies and I'll check back in real soon. Bye. Best wishes to all. Teresa
  • Looked at my ticker,lol. I must not have changed it when I weighed 216 pounds, I really did gain 2 pounds. Sorry for not changing it. Bye.
  • Back to reality
    Hello ladies:

    I hope everyone had a great holiday and weekend. I have not been dieting all week and haven't gone to the gym in at least a week It was a combination of schedule, kids sick, me sick, my back out... My back got better over the weekend and I put it out again yesterday...ugh!! I really need to get back into the gym, maybe tomorrow hopefully.

    Amazingly, I have kept to 199 which can only be described as a miracle. I need to stock up on frozen dinners for lunch and get myself organized.

    I also bought a $49 1GB MP3 from Walmart, it was a Creative Muvo model. I finally found Designers World online for $36. I also bought DD some clothes and bed sheets which she won't care about, I'll have to have her open them first! DH ordered her some velvet art kit from QVC, other than a few small items, she's done. My kids have a ton of aunts and uncles so they always get tons of gifts from them. I told DD I'd put money toward her bedroom which desperately needs storage, shelving, etc.

    DS isn't fussy, I got him Nintendo DS Lite, some sneakers, handheld sudoku and some knights on horses. I got him a few other inexpensive things so he'll have boxes to open but he needs stuff for his room too like lamps, shelves, etc.

    I feel so achey today with my back, I'd love to go home early but I hate to use up my time. I only went to Kohl's on Black Friday for about an hour or so then I went to work. It was very quiet at work so I got some personal work done I got a $50 coupon from Kohl's to use this week, I'll get my MIL a pair of gold earrings maybe, she's been asking for a pair. She's not shy...but I can't complain because she's 3,000 miles away !!

    My goal this week is to just get back on track. We only have 3 days left for our November challenge As it stands now, I'm only at 3.2 lbs loss for the entire month

    Serena & Sara: Congrats on the weight loss!! It looks like I'm going to have someone joining me in Onederland soon!!!

    Everyone else: Hope you're doing well and I'll do more personals tomorrow.

  • Hey MO! I got thre same mp-3 players one in red and one in green. Don't worry about the memory. It is set up to add more memory with a card like digital cameras. I could not see spending lotsa money when the kids are still young. At least it came with it's own belt clip and arm band. Saves some money on accesories.

    Hello to everyone else. Love to all of you! More personals later.

    Teajay, just scroll over our names in the side bar on our posts and it will come up if you want to send a private message and just click on it!

    bye bye Catherine
  • I meant click on our name and then click private message! OOPS!
  • Tuesday
    Hi ladies. I hope all is well with everyone.

    My back is still really hurting and I used that as an excuse to stop and by myself a hardroll with butter on it this morning. I am so pathetic. I'm at work now sitting with a heating pad on my back/*** area. The boss is gone till about 1:30 so I'm resting up. I have to get a move on and get the kids photos done for the holiday. I'm such a procrastinator. I still haven't gotten organized food wise and I dread attempting the grocery store, I'm taking baby steps as it is. I think tonight will be either pizza or subway. I'm so still I'm almost tempted to try pilates tonight, I don't know if it will make it worse or better.

    Take care and I'll chat again soon.

    B: poppyseed roll = 8?
    L: small soup & crackers = 4
    D: potroast, potatoes, carrots = 14
    S: jelly fruit candies = 6
    these are wild guesses on the points, I dont have the energy to look in my book
    Exercise: none, water: hardly any

    I know this is an awful menu post but I'm trying to get back into the habit...

  • morning ladies.. well I had some damage during t day.. gulp! I too gained 2 lbs.. I am up to 233.. so I need to shed 4 fast to get into those long over due 20's then down form there.. what is my problem?? why can't I get motivated enough to do what I have to do?? I know what works.. My excuse is " I am tired.. why bother I will just put it backon.. and blah blah blah.. that inner voice beating me up b4 i start!!! well I am goiung to work on changing that recording.. " you are looking good kim... You can do it.. and just think how good those size 12's are gonna feel.. look at the great job you have done so far!!! etc...

    nori.. how is everything ?? are you better.. losses for nov?? I alas cannot claim any.. boo hooo.. and I started the challenge ..fine leader I am.. sorry I promise to be line leader in December..lol

    Mo.. you go girl!!! awesome commitment..

    tj.. hey... lose those pounds with me.. ! yeah..we can do it!

    catherine.. cool news with your mp3 players... hope all is good with you..

    sarah... how did u do>>? I am committing to exercie..getting active for 20 min each day.. basketball, bike, exercise tape, walking, etc...

    Serena.. how is all with you>>??

    have a great one everyone!! Kim
  • Happy Hump Day! I have some great news on the DEW front. Since Sunday, each day I have drank water, exercised, and eaten better. I have had ZERO fast food and ZERO candy/desserts. Here's my exercise:

    Sunday - 45min-1 hour walk with family
    Monday - Cardio Blast class at gym
    Tuesday - Yoga class at gym

    I also remembered to take my vitamin, calcium supplement, and Flaxseed Oil supplement each day.

    But still no loss. In fact, I'm back up to 203. ????? Strange. But I'm feeling better, so I'm going to stick with it.

    Mo- hope your back gets better soon! Great job posting the menu.

    Kim - 20 minutes of exercise a day is a great committment!!!!

    Catherine - hello! How's work going?

    Teresa - WTG getting back on track! Those 2 lbs. will be history in no time!

    Serena, Nori, Danielle, and Erica, come out come out wherever you are!
  • Hi ladies! I know I've been MIA this week. We went out of town for the holidays and on the way home I got in an accident on black ice. Very scary. I avoided a head-on and instead wen tdown a 15 foot embankment. We are all ok, but I haven't been online. Or even on a scale since before T-giving. Or to the gym. I might try to do a little workout tomorrow. I'm pretty sore still.
    I'm hoping I can post at least a 2 pound loss this month.
  • Nori: Thanks goodness you're all alright. That must have been quite an encounter. I hope your holiday was well other than that.

    Sarah: I'm so proud of you!! Way to go on the water and exercise. I still haven't gotten back to the gym yet because of my back. Actually yesterday it was feeling better and today it's back to hurting like it was two days ago. I did do about 5 minutes of pilates this morning to try and stretch my back muscles. I couldn't even extend my legs straight up in the air without keeping my knees slightly bent. Ouch!

    Kim: I'm in a slump too, we've got to keep our heads above water and keep treading until we get psyched up again. DH made cookies last night which won't help me!

    I hope everyone else is still doing well. I've got to get back on track and get ahead of the New Years Resolution folks!! I feel like I'm falling apart quickly before I hit 40. I've got to stop the deterioration!
