First Day of Spring Challenge!

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  • THanks ladies. I am on a roll it seems. down to 214.6 today. I will keep on plan and hopefully onderland soon.

    I got over my pitty party and posted the new picture of myself on facebook (friends only). I got a log of postive feedback. A few days later another friends posted her weight loss and some pictures. I think I encouraged her to come forward and share her accomplishment. I am proud of her. Just thought I would share.
  • 4 Days and no posts, how is everyone doing?

    This month was pretty "bleh" as far as weight loss. I'm hoping for a couple whooshes in my future, otherwise the Spring Goal of 180 will not be met.

    Okay, confession time: There is this Personal Trainer who works at my gym who's so cute and adorable (with a long distance girlfriend, no less!) who I keep "noticing," AKA wanting to kidnap. I don't feel I need a personal trainer at this time since I haven't sufficiently plateaued and I don't want to spend the fricken money. But I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to hold out from booking some time with him. He teaches one of my weekly classes and after my last class I had a convo with him and one of the women that he trains. He asked to see me do some push ups, which I vaguely did. And at one point while he was talking about weight lifting, I could have sworn that his eyes drifted from my eyes to my 38Fs. But I don't know if he spaced out or if he was really staring at them. My problem is that I can't seem to make a decision. If I book some training sessions, it would NOT be because I want a trainer, it would be to ogle him and to talk to him. Sure I'd have to work out and stuff, but does that make sense? Will the advantages of having a personal trainer outweigh the weird stalker-ish reasons for doing it?
  • Learning2Live I say go for it! Having a cute guy to exercise with....maybe more, heck yeah!
  • Quote: Learning2Live I say go for it! Having a cute guy to exercise with....maybe more, heck yeah!
    Umm I'm going to have to agree with you. I will set a date on the calendar. In fact what I will do is use that as a "reward" for reaching a mini goal. So my next mini goal is 180. When I reach 180 I will book some sessions. Yeah...
  • It's weigh-in day! And because I had a good number this morning I'm gonna post it now before it goes back up!

    12/1/2012: 207.3
    12/15/2012: 202.2
    1/1/2013: 199.9
    1/15/2013: 198.8
    2/1/2013: 194.6
  • I joined this thread on January 15th at the weight of 215.6 and my goal was to lose 25lbs by Spring which would be around 190.

    1/15: 215.6
    2/1: 206.4
    2/15: 204.4
  • Quote: I joined this thread on January 15th at the weight of 215.6 and my goal was to lose 25lbs by Spring which would be around 190.

    1/15: 215.6
    2/1: 206.4

    Wow, 9 lbs in just over two weeks. Good start!
  • Quote: Umm I'm going to have to agree with you. I will set a date on the calendar. In fact what I will do is use that as a "reward" for reaching a mini goal. So my next mini goal is 180. When I reach 180 I will book some sessions. Yeah...

    What about the girlfriend?
  • Quote: What about the girlfriend?
    Oh don't worry. I am deathly shy when it comes to cute guys. I pretty much will turn away if I make eye contact while talking for more than 2 seconds. She has NOTHING to worry about. All my gym clothes are over-sized and shapeless cuz I haven't bought anything new since I started losing weight. I'm still trying to "hide" in my clothes. But I want to get over the whole "Oh no, he's cute" thing so I have to see him as a real person. Can't do that without spending time with him. Hopefully I'll find some things to criticize about him rather than coming up with more reasons as to why he'd be great to have around during a Zombie Apocalypse.

    Also, because I'm so shy, I'll most likely keep pushing the mini goal back. I was 192.2 this morning and I don't know if I will have the courage to sign up 12 lbs from now.
  • [QUOTE=Lishar;4592986]I was on a roll getting my holiday weight off. Now its back to the slump. I have upped my exercise but that does not seem to be helping. I was in a huge funk yesterday. I had a I dont give a F*&k day. I did not overeat I just did not care if I did or not.

    I think I realized that I was having a pitty party because no one except my parents and my husband has noticed that I have lost almost 50lbs. Part of this maybe that I have kept my weight loss quiet. I guess coming up on a big milestone I thought someone else might have noticed. I have been trying to get over myself and not care. Its just hard.

    One suprise is I found several pairs of pants that I had put away that fit. Some 18 and some 16's. I thought I was going to have to buy new pants soon. My 20's are way too big even with a belt. I have to go through the box to see if there are any more that fit. Most are 14 so I have something to look forward to. My mom gave me several bags of cloths when she lost 65lbs a few years ago. I was not ready to really lose at that time.

    yea same here i think people become jelious and dont want to think that some has accomplished what theyve been wanting to accomplish for so long... everyone wants to lose weight.... i had no support or acknowledgement when i lost my first 50 lbs... it was sad... but honestly in the end i was 50 lbs lighter!!!! i dint have to buy wide jeans and ware sweaters in the summer to hide my fat! lol so yay to ou and congrats! i know i read somthing that you are hurt... but it will be just a break from weightloss not a finish.... good luck....
  • Still chillin' at 216. Switching up my diet this month, so hopefully this plateau ends! I'm really ok with the number on the scale right now (which is a first) I'm just starting to not like how I look in my clothes again (which is new, because I was feeling pretty confident until this weekend).
  • [QUOTE=moldygrape;4623880][QUOTE

    Interesting username, Moldygrape!
  • Hello Ladies. I have been in a funk the last week or so again. I think I am getting burned out about being on plan. Its been 6 months and I became like a petulent child. LOL. I want to eat what I want when I want. Stomps virtual feet.

    I think I found my new motivations. A friend moved to Florida this summer. She came out on facebook after I did about her weight loss. I think me coming out gave her courage to share her accomplishment too. It was less than a week later that she posted pictures. Now she looks great. I am a bit jealous (petty I know) but I want to look that good too. I think another 20lbs or so will be a huge difference. So I need to get my butt in gear.

    Life has gotten in the way of the gym. Now DH has started going. I think seeing me has motivated him to get in shape and lose 50lbs. Men seem to have an easier time losing. He just needs to kick the fast food habit.
  • I've been sitting steady at 192.

    I am so exhausted every day. My gym has an attendance contest going on right now, so I've gone to the gym everyday for the past 2 weeks. It's horrible. I now work out 8 times a week, because I have a separate cardio class on Tuesdays that I love and refuse to give up. But my body is like... a wreck.

    Also I've completely given up the idea of hiring my "crushee" as a personal trainer. Lately, he's been ignoring me to an almost rude degree. For example, today, I was talking to a friend and he walked up and said "hi [name]" to my friend, said nothing to me, and then kept walking. The other day he did the exact same thing when I was talking to a different person. Only that day he walked right IN BETWEEN US, turned his back to me, said hi to her and then said hi to some other woman who wasn't paying attention to anyone because she was tying her damn shoes, didn't even look at me and kept walking. I don't think he knows about my crush because I've hidden it pretty darn well. In fact I heard a rumor today going around that some people think I have a crush on some other guy. I don't even mind that rumor because at least it keeps the truth safe. Anyway the point is that I'm not going to bother getting training sessions with him. I'm sure he'd be a great trainer, he's very professional, despite his attitude when he's not teaching, or with a client. But I can't help but wonder if he somehow "knows" that I think he's attractive. It's either that, or I'm so hideously and disgustingly unattractive to him that associating with me in any way, outside of class, causes him intense pain and anguish. It's probably the latter....
  • Where is everybody? Where is Sno? I finally dropped a couple of pounds but DON'T congratulate me, I had the flu (despite getting the vaccine). All better, but I was just gettin' in the groove of exercising again when this hit. Have to start all over. Oh well.

    How has everyone been?