Home of the 100% Vol 12

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  • Quote: Wuv,just curious why getting on phase three would help. Is it to give your body a break?

    Yes, it resets my body. After being on the program for this long my body has gotten used of eating this food and thinks this is the way its going to eat from now on so I am going to throw it a curve ball and give it some carbs and sugars so its going to freak out!....lol

    Quote: If we were to do a tally of how many people your story is helping, we would lose count - that's how important it is to continue with your words of wisdom

    Thank you, it feels great. I was a reading a post a few days back about other parts of the body not catching up to others, and it eventually does. I confirmed at my well women's visit that my "lowest" weight b4 IP was 23 lbs higher than what I am now. The weird thing is that I truly thought I looked good back then, but doing IP and seeing my body transform is a beatiful thing.

    You look awesome!!!! Congrats on your loss so far!!!!. way to go!!!! And have a most Glorious birthday tomorrow!!! I just turned 40 as well and surpassed my goal of 40 by 40 as well!! Great work!!
    Thank you, I will and congrats on your goal!!!

    Thank you - my girls are my inspiration.[/QUOTE]

    You are probably correct, I don't realize how many people I have helped. I just enjoy doing it and don't pay attention I suppose.....So if I have ever missed saying you are welcome when you have told me thank you....You are welcome
  • Good morning all, it is an overcast gloomy day with rain in the forecast . I love reading the posts from you all, it makes the days that I'm feeling hormonal (and I'm waaaay past menopause so don't know why the topsy turvy mood swings) feel so much better . Gotta go do what I get paid for, check in later, everyone please have a 100% OP day
  • Looks like we southern peeps are going to have to buckle down the hatches next week with Issac coming our way!....maybe if we all send Mother Nature a sign she will keep it at bay away from us!!!
  • Quote: Looks like we southern peeps are going to have to buckle down the hatches next week with Issac coming our way!....maybe if we all send Mother Nature a sign she will keep it at bay away from us!!!
    i'm with you....
  • week 67 update
  • The Walking Dead here again today. My allergies are in super duper high gear. And my son inherited it from me - we are both snotty, coughing, congested, and our ears are hurting. I woke up ~4x last night hacking it up! So in addition to just feeling super crappy and sick I am also sleep deprived. I am so glad my dad is staying with us until the weekend, as the help is soooo needed right now and he is wonderful with my son, it is true love between those two!

    So - funny story - I made a new Phase 3 breakfast recipe last night - it was BEAUTIFUL, a Strawberry & Rhubarb Custard Crumble. But I was lazy and used frozen fruit & hadn't really defrosted, so there was some liquid in there around the edges. I thought I would just barely drain some out into the sink....and the whole thing got dumped out! Of course I scooped it up with a spatula and ate it this morning. It was delicious - but not so pretty as before. I did manage to take a before picture I will post soon, but an after picture would have been funnier.

    Quote: I''m starting to run out of room in my kitchen for all of these new gadgets. I'm going to try the Zuchini chips tonight
    OMG - I am running out of room too! I think we need to remodel the kitchen, built in dehydrator next to my new double ovens....perhaps a custom Actifry cabinet, of course a Vitamix will be in there somewhere.....Oh wait, sorry - I was dreaming there for a second....

    Quote: I have been 100% OP using alternatives (EAS shakes only for that matter). Yesterday, I had my well womens visit and it was awesome to get on the scale. The surprise of the nurse when she had to remove that extra 50 - lol It was such an adrenaline rush. My initial goal of losing 40 b4 i turn 40 (tomorrow) was reached 8 lbs ago. I'm enjoying all the new clothes, an new body. Yes, it does take a while to get used to what you are seeing, but i'm liking it. I have to go out of town next week, so will start phasing off after labor day weekend.

    So here are some b4 shots (summer of 2011 and March 2012 when I started IP) and one after taken today.

    With my girls - I was a size 16!!!

    Down to a size 8, and small top!!!!!!
    You look fantastic! You were a beautiful woman at size 16, don't get me wrong, but your smile just has an extra sparkle in your 'after' pic. And I love how you reached your goal early - IP is so amazing, I remember at the start I never thought I'd get down to 185! You totally blew past your 40lb by 40!

    Quote: On other NSV fronts. My foot is all healed...no more boot. I added an arch support insert into my shoes and was able to throw a little bit of jogging in the other night and the pain didn't come back!! That to me is fabulous news because it means I will be able to start working some jogging in. I really wanted to start jogging this year and it seems totally possible now.
    I am glad you have some TOM/HORRORmones worked out, and good job on the coworker comebacks. And super, duper happy that your foot is HEALED! Be careful not to jump in and do too much, too soon - we need you on your feet!

    Quote: Okay, I finally got up the nerve to try LizRR's spinach-coffee shake. The sound of that combo kept me from trying it sooner. Well, I love it! She and the other IPeeps who are braver than me are right...you absolutely cannot taste the spinach! I had been using the Vanilla RTD as my creamer in 2 cups of coffee with a couple of Splenda packets. So I just added 2 cups of organic raw spinach to that and threw it all in the blender. It blends up beautifully. No little spinach specks floating around in it. It makes a LOT. I'm on my second large delicious glass. Yeah, it's green, but the color doesn't bother me as long as the smell and taste are okay. Thanks, LizRR!
    Your Welcome! I am serious, the first time I made that I was SOOOO SCARED! And fyi, if you feel you need a little bulk - you can add some 'free' lettuce in addition or in lieu of spinach. You can't taste it either. I am actually making lettuce smoothies as my afternoon snack in Phase 3 with decaf coffee because I miss it so much and it is soooo good!

    Quote: Yes, it resets my body. After being on the program for this long my body has gotten used of eating this food and thinks this is the way its going to eat from now on so I am going to throw it a curve ball and give it some carbs and sugars so its going to freak out!....lol
    Hey Wuv - I've been whipping up some new Phase 3 Breakfast recipes if you feel like a dessert for breakfast. I've admittedly gone a little crazy in that direction, but in my defense - my dad is in town this week and this is my only opportunity to really have the time and experiment!
  • Quote:
    Hey Wuv - I've been whipping up some new Phase 3 Breakfast recipes if you feel like a dessert for breakfast. I've admittedly gone a little crazy in that direction, but in my defense - my dad is in town this week and this is my only opportunity to really have the time and experiment!
    Where are you posting them?,,,,oops sorry half asleep....lol... i saw it after I sent this!
  • I am so looking forward to phase 3 so I can make all of Liz's fabulous desert recipes. =)

    Only 19-20 weeks to go...
  • Quote: The Walking Dead here again today.
  • Quote: The Walking Dead here again today. My allergies are in super duper high gear. And my son inherited it from me - we are both snotty, coughing, congested, and our ears are hurting. I woke up ~4x last night hacking it up! So in addition to just feeling super crappy and sick I am also sleep deprived. I am so glad my dad is staying with us until the weekend, as the help is soooo needed right now and he is wonderful with my son, it is true love between those two!
    Hope you feel better soon!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Off to check the weather for next week as we are south too, but generally get the tropical storms coming from Mexico.
    Happy 100% Thursday everyone!
  • Nipping it in the bud!!!!
    Busy here at work today, so not much time to post. I went to update my signature with WI 9 results, but typed too much. Here is what I was going to post:

    WI #9: not sure, coach couldn't make it due to crazy traffic, person that went to weigh/measure me didn't know how to measure. I forgot how much the scale said (doesn't matter because it was a different scale looked like it was bough at garage sale because person weighing me didn't know where the 'fancy' scale was) I'll be changing my WI day from Wednesday to Monday. I'll be seeing a new coach on Monday!
  • Good morning!!! Sun is shining in Saskatchewan and harvest is in full swing! LizzRR - I hope your allergies settle soon! I'm in full gear as well with harvest going strong!! I live on aerius right now, it's the only thing that keeps me sane!

    Meadow - be sure to take it easy on your foot! Ease into it Hun, you don't want to overdo it. I think I carry alt of my weight on the inside as well, as I have had many comments that I don't have much to lose. People are funny that way, I think they are trying to make me feel better, and I'm not telling them how much I weigh! One lady tried her hardest to get it out of me. LOL! I have lots to lose. That's all they need to know.

    Wuv - super jealous of your phase 3 breakfasts from Lizzie!!! Enjoy!!!! And get that system shocked up!!

    Going to take the kids swimming today!!! My suit is falling off, im too "frugal" as LizzRR puts it to buy another one this late in the season Have a great day everyone!
  • Quote: Busy here at work today, so not much time to post. I went to update my signature with WI 9 results, but typed too much. Here is what I was going to post:

    WI #9: not sure, coach couldn't make it due to crazy traffic, person that went to weigh/measure me didn't know how to measure. I forgot how much the scale said (doesn't matter because it was a different scale looked like it was bough at garage sale because person weighing me didn't know where the 'fancy' scale was) I'll be changing my WI day from Wednesday to Monday. I'll be seeing a new coach on Monday!
    whistle whistle...nice new avatar there jwd!!! good luck with your new coach!

    Going to take the kids swimming today!!! My suit is falling off, im too "frugal" as LizzRR puts it to buy another one this late in the season Have a great day everyone!
    have fun swimming lovely lady!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi, I am new to this site. I found it while looking for IP recipes. I am restarting today. I was 100% OP for 3 weeks and lost 15 lbs, but got off because I went on a 2 week confrence/vacation. I really tried to stay OP, but traveling with 30 people and eating whenever we found time did not work. I've been home 3 weeks but haven't been mentally ready to restart. This site has me all excited again. I can't wait to try all of the new recipes!

    Wuv, LizRR, and mompattie you are inspirations!
  • Welcome back Mammabell!