Sarge's No Excuses & No Whining Boot Camp #14

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  • Oh no, the world is clearly spinning off its axis if there's no morning poster from Chesh!!!!

    I tried to find something about being epic, but then I started laughing at this...


    Have a great day!

  • Good Morning

    I like the idea of going against the BL show. I don't usually watch it, but I would follow it if we did that.

    On the gym front, I've found a much cheaper place that seems to have most everything I want and a few things I didn't even know I wanted but now have decided I would like. It's a little farther from my home than the expensive place, but it's situated between home and work. So, coming or going, I could stop in. I'm going to visit the place before I lay out any money. But there are no contracts and the monthly fee is very, very reasonable.

    Off to get some sleep now. Catch you on the weekend, if not before.
  • @Sarge - No? I was about to call my boyfriend to see if he is up for that challenge tonight ;-))
    If we do a Black Ops vs BL I am in! I have never watched the show but I might start.

    @Jeanettey - Btw, I used 6lbs (3lbs each hand). Sigh. A little fatigued today in every muscle. I probably will be sore tomorrow but hey, I EARNED that! ;-)

    Have a good day everybody
  • Hi All! Just checking in. Got some great news. I have apparently inspired a couple of my new co-workers. They have noticed that I go to work out after hours in our office gym and have asked if they can join me every day! I now have two women who are going to suit up with me after work today and we're going to get some sort of circuit training going with the exercise machines! Just call me Sarge in Training Down there getting dirty doing PT with the troops

    Jeanettey's Mid-week Challenge
    Dumbbell Incline Shoulder Raise:
    15 lb x 20 reps (+6 pts)
    15 lb x 20 reps (+6 pts)

    Reverse Triceps Bench Press:
    15 lb x 20 reps (+9 pts)
    15 lb x 20 reps (+9 pts)

    Cable One Arm Tricep Extension:
    15 lb x 20 reps (+5 pts)
    15 lb x 20 reps (+5 pts)
    15 lb x 20 reps (+5 pts)
    15 lb x 20 reps (+5 pts)

    Standing Low-Pulley Deltoid Raise:
    15 lb x 15 reps (+5 pts)
    15 lb x 15 reps (+5 pts)

    Standing Biceps Cable Curl:
    15 lb x 15 reps (+5 pts)
    15 lb x 15 reps (+5 pts)
    15 lb x 15 reps (+5 pts)
    15 lb x 15 reps (+5 pts)

    One-Arm Kettlebell Swing:
    20 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
    20 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
    20 lb x 10 reps (+10 pts)
    (Fitocracy copy paste as you can see)
  • WTG Budget! Just make sure that gym is a friendly place...someplace you WANT to go every day!

    Still no Chesh...

    Sarge headed to gym but leaving you all this "affirmation," which my daughter sent me this morning... it's almost better than a motivation poster. YES, WE CAN DO ANYTHING!
  • Budget - Glad you found a place that you like so far with a reasonable price! Good luck with the visit...I hope it works out for you!

    K3 - That's so awesome!! It should be fun to work out with others and that will help keep you all more accountable and on track.

    Sarge - Love the idea of following along with the Biggest Loser contestants on the show.

    josey - Enjoy those reminders of your muscles growing stronger throughout the day. My shoulders are a bit sore this morning and when I was cringing while washing my hair in the shower I think I was also smiling.

    I think I've convinced DH to do some boxing training with me. He's still a little hesitant about opening the flood gates and letting me take swings at him, but I think it could be really good for our relationship.
  • Quote: Sarge headed to gym but leaving you all this "affirmation," which my daughter sent me this morning... it's almost better than a motivation poster. YES, WE CAN DO ANYTHING!
    i LOVE my sarge, l LOVE my platoon, i LOVE my 3fc friends, yes i do!! ...i LOVE eating healthy....i LOVE exercise...really??....YES i LOVE exercising and making myself strong!!....i LOVE moving...i LOVE packing...i LOVE walking up and down stairs 213 times in 3 days!!....i LOVE moving in 93 degree weather...i LOVE when things get broken while moving because that's one less thing i have to dust!!...i LOVE myself....i LOVE sweet hubby....i LOVE that i am happy!!!....I AM A HAPPY PERSON!!....i LOVE life...and I AM MAKING MYSELF EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks sarge....that was just what i needed today!!!

    edit: ps.....i LOVE soaking sore tired worn out feet in ICE COLD WATER!!
  • Rainbow you are just adorable
  • Quote: I am not to familiar with all the names of the exercises.
    hey josey...i know what you mean about learning all the "names" of the strength weigh exercises...what i do is look them up on you tube, and you can see exactly how they are done!! hope that helps

    jeanettey.... thanks for ALL YOU DO!!! with the challenges!!

    k3ll3y....that is so wonderful that you are not only changing and inspiring yourself, you are inspiring others as well!! i KNOW that must make you feel EVEN MORE AWESOME!! keep inspiring!!!


    Quote: I think I've convinced DH to do some boxing training with me. He's still a little hesitant about opening the flood gates and letting me take swings at him, but I think it could be really good for our relationship.
    make sure you don't box him in his nuts! bwahahahaha
    or you'll end up with NUTT-er BUTT-er GOO!!!!
  • OMG! Rainbow, I just about spit my coffee all over the desk! You're a riot this early in the morning!
  • Jeanettey's Mid-week Challenge

    "Armed For Duty"

    Completed by

    ....and Me

    Let me know if I missed anyone

    The challenge is posted on page 8 post#115, you have until Saturday to complete it.

    ..Thank you for participating!
  • Morning. And how. I caught up on much needed missing sleep this morning in lieu of a run. I am going to say it was the better priority TODAY. I will try to have the electronic babysitter give me some treadmill time today. 6 days until children can not be used as an excuse!

    Our gym is supposed to start boxing classes soon and I really hope they do. But they are under new management and the new guy tends to give things no time to catch on before cancelling them
  • Ennay - I hope your gym does start boxing classes! I started going to boxing bootcamp back in June and I so look forward to it every day even though it means I get up at 5:15 to get there! Boxing is a great workout and I'm totally in love with it.

    Peanutt - YES! I'm trying to convince my husband to hang a boxing bag in the room where we keep all of our other gym equipment. He hasn't gone for it yet, but Christmas is coming

    Sarge - I'm still waiting for you to stand on my thighs.
  • You guys really are a riot!!!

    Don't know if anyone noticed in newbie Ennay's signature & avatar... "Boston Qualifier and Mom," and "...blame car accident ... and me for the rest," but from now on all running questions go to Ennay! To qualify for the Boston Marathon is HUGE!!!! And Ennay, talk to MadamB and a few others around here for similar tales of "fat from the aftermath" of accidents.

    75 minutes to add to the spreadsheet so far...more later on!

  • Sarge...wait that really isnt a tear in my eye because I am hardcore...HARDCORE I TELL YOU. But thanks. Occasionally I need reminders that I have accomplished things and where I am now is not who I am.

    MTA: What a terrific breakfast this morning. Cavelli squash, scallions, anahiem pepper, 3 colors of cherry tomatoes, sweet corn - all picked less than 24 hours ago. and chicken sausage for protein