Christian Encouragers ~ FEBRUARY

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  • Good Morning! Wanted to start with the sun because if we can believe the weatherman that's the only one we're going to see for a couple days. DS3 has ended up with bronchitis and ear infection, so he's on meds. Everyone else here is slowly improving, but I sure wouldn't recommend catching any of the viruses that seem to be going around, because this year they are really outstaying their welcome

    run4change-glad to have you here! I know Gary will appreciate the company. This is a great place for support, encouragement, and prayer.

    Kathy-glad the vertigo is getting better I'll continue to pray for your DH's job sit and for your boss's wife.

    Rosebud-you're doing so well with your exercising! I need to get committed to exercising more regularly and you're giving me inspiration. I need to finish our taxes also Do they do the taxes in Canada the same as we do here and take out of your pay all year long, then you file in April and usually get some back?

    Gary-I'll take some of your rain to wash away this icky, dirty snow and ice! Unfortunately, we supposed to get more snow tomorrow, so I guess we'll just be covering up the dirty stuff for now

    Well, HI to everyone else too! Hope and pray that you all have a nice day I just came across this in Ephesians (3:14-21) "I kneel in prayer to the Father. All beings in heaven and on earth receive their life from him. God is wonderful and glorious. I pray that his Spirit will make you become strong followers and that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. Stand firm and be deeply rooted in his love. I pray that you and all of God's people will understand what is called wide or long or high or deep. I want you to know all about Christ's love, although it is too wonderful to be measured. Then your lives will be filled with all that God is. I pray that Christ Jesus and the church will forever bring praise to God. His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine. Amen."
  • Morning all.
    First~~ thank you for the prayers for dh-he had the endo and colonoscopy yesterday. THey did remove one small polyp, dilated his esaphagus, took a few biopsies of his tummy but over all found nothing that coudl be causing his problems. I realy believe it is his gall bladder. We go back on the 9th to get the results from the biopsys and see where to go from here.
    Second_thanks for the encouragement. I told dh how frustrated i was last night and he is so encourageing. So, I woke with a determination this mornign. I started a journal and will go from there.

    Praying ya'll have a blessed day
  • yikes! 14 pages! well, i'm a new girl and would like to be part of your group here! i'm just starting a long road here after about 8 years of ignoring the problem of weight gain.
    I'll be praying but it would be an honour to pray with you for each other and receive prayer too. could you count me in please?
    pops x
  • pops! We love new people and would enjoy getting to know you better. This is a great place for support, prayer, and encouragement, so come as often as you like.
  • POPS ~ you certainly may join us; don't worry about reading all those pages, just go back a few and you should be able to figure out who we all are ...

    RONNI ~ I see that you changed your avatar: ah, he's cute; I used to have a hampster for a pet and his name was SHECKY (but that was a long time ago). Glad DS3 has some meds to help him get better; prayers go up for you all too! Yes, I decided to schedule in some more exercise because a doctor on the net somewhere suggested that in order to expect a weightloss, we really need to do at least 1 hour of exercise each day (minimum combined total for the day). I discovered (purely by accident) that if I do half in the morning upon waking, I am less likely to put it off. Later in the day, I do more of some other kinds, like walking, for instance. Right now, I am changing them up every other day, to keep boredom at bay ...

    Re: Taxes ~ yes, in Canada, they do take taxes off all through the year and you get a refund (if you are blessed) when you do your tax returns which are due on April 30th here (I do mine right away, as I don't like to leave things undone; just always been that way). We also pay many other taxes as well, and there are credits for some of those too.

    GARY ~ although the roasted chicken & veggies are one of my favorites, that salmon, peas, and risotto sound pretty good too; I think DH would like that as he is a big fish lover -- thanks for the idea!

    O2BME ~ glad your DH's tests went well and good results so far too. One-step-at-a-time is a good place to start; and many here like the jouralizing as well.

    We are getting some snow here right now, but it is much milder; and the snow fairies were out this morning cutting down the huge snow banks along the roadsides and trucking them away to the snow dumps. We sorted through 3 more boxes of kitchenware; kept 2 boxes and donating 1 box to Goodwill. I am keeping everything that was my Mom's (who passed away 16 years ago, and both my Grandmothers and Step-Grandmother, plus a few things that were gifts by special friends who have passed away). All in all, I have downsized quite well.

    DH put up my Church birdfeeder today, plus the big one we had at our other place because some of the birds couldn't figure out how to get the seed out of the long narrow feeder. DH was concerned that it would fall over, but I assured him that those little birds don't weigh enough to knock a huge feeder like that over.

    to DONNA, WILMA, BARGOO, SUE, LAURIE, BEV, KATHY, AGGY, CRISSY, PATTY, JANNE50, RUN4CHANGE, KAREN, SHY, and any other MIA's that I may have missed; not intentional, just memory lapses ...

    Take good care ROSEBUD^^PRAYERS^^ ascending for you and yours ...
  • pops! Glad you found us! We LOVE new folk! I hope you will post often so we get to know you

    Rosebud - I have some kitchen stuff my my Mom and Grandma too. She had the neatest cake pans that have a metal bar that slides around the pan to loosen the cake from the bottom - very, very cool!

    Donna - right back on track you go! Congrats on the 2 lbs. lost

    Gary - glad you have some time with Angie this week

    Janne - I really liked using Fitday on this journey for food, exercise, and weight journaling. It really held me accountable for my actions. Unfortunately, good intentions never seemed to help me lose weight - it was ACTION that was required!

    Kathy - glad you are feeling better!

    run4change - glad you joined us! Gary can use another guy around here Not that he can't hold his own

    Patty - I will continue to keep your DH in my prayers!

    Hope you all had a blessed day! We had a lovely dinner out with one of our software vendors last night - it was an hour drive each way to the restaurant, but fantastic Asian cuisine DH enjoyed himself (which is unusual for these types of events). But, I did miss all of you

    Prayers continuing for all! Stay strong - spring IS coming!!!!!
  • Hi everyone...just checking in to see how everyone's day far so good on my eating today but had such a horrible day at work not sure what the evening will bring...going to try and not let the day dictate my food day at a time...thanks for listening
  • Hello everyone,
    I worked late tonight, just getting to sign in, so actually Good Morning to everyone.

    Just want to welcome janne50 and run4change to this site. I recently found it myself and I love being here. Glad you are here, we can all share together and all praise the Lord together. What a great life.

    Janne50, just start any way that you can, that is the first step, that you are willing to make it. You have to start out with giant steps, just take that first step and remember this everyday is a new day with a new begining. Make a plan to a little healthier each day, Rome was not built in a day, and there are so many different plans to try. I do WW and that seems to work for me, that and my depending on God to keep focused on this. If you have any questions about WW, feel free to ask me. I will keep you in prayer and will keep encouraging you on, as will all who come to this site. Bless everyone and Good Night.

  • WHEW! I killed my laptop today. Well, I severly disabled it yesterday and then finished it off today! So, I have my roomie's. I do have someone that i HOPE can fix I am FAR behind.

    Gary - funny, seriously. how is Angie's hip? hip pain is the worst...

    Kathy - praying for your boss' wife and your dh.

    I'm so lost... to all the newbies! We are glad you are here.

    Someone - can't remember who - asked if the school could get me another tutor. well, they didn't get me that one! LOL. but she has my book now and is trying to remember that stuff. she got me thru algebra in here's to her getting me thru statistics! i still say its evil. but i am more than a conqueror in Christ and I will conquer!

    have a great day!!!!
  • thankyou! i feel at home already
  • It's weigh in day today. I lost 1 lb.!! On my way!!

    Welcome to the newbies!! You will find the support you need here. Keep posting.

    Not much to report around here. I'm still waiting to hear about the position at work but am not stressed about it. What happens happens!

    Have a great day!
  • Hi!
    OH2BEME- Prayers for your shoulder, back ect.. Fibromalysia can be really painfull, continued prayers for DH- glad first set of test came out good and that you have an answer soon to what trully is going on... and for bosses wife, I must say ditto to the sunshine... luv the sun.
    Ronni- Thanks! prayers for you and your family that your all feeling better soon...
    Janne50 /run4change/Pops- Welcome!
    Rosebud- Thanks Knowing the Lord... Makes every situation easier... Roasted chicken sounds yummy...
    E.Z.- Thanks! Yeah! His family has been through alot the last 3 years or so.. he is due a break, but then I remember the verse the Lord will not give you more than you can handle. They have been a testimony through all of these trials, and an inspiration to others. so all to the glory of God. How is your nephew doing in the military?
    Donna- Congrats down 2 lbs... that is great.
    Wilma- down a 1llb... moving in the right dirrection. prayers new position works out.
    Counting- Glad you got to enjoy a nice dinner, with hubby ect.
    Rayne- sorry to hear about your laptop... prayers it gets fixed soon.. that can be very fustrating
    I am doing well, suppose to have prayer meeting and little kids class tonight at church, there is also suppose to be snow storm and freezing rain.. so don't know if I will make it to church or not..
    prayers all!
  • Hi Friends!

    Thanks to all of your for your prayers for my husband and bosses wife. My husband is finally getting over that he lost his job. He does have a job possibility available to him we just have to wait until they set up interviews. We're praying God's will be done. My bosses wife is doing better. She still has to have a CAT scan to see what is really going on, but she is much better.

    Gary - I can't wait until I can get outside to walk. We're having a snow storm here right now, but hopefully in another month it will be warmer and I'll be able to get out and walk, but until then it's the treadmill for me.

    Bev - Sorry you're having computer problems. That is always so frustrating.

    Welcome to all our new friends. This is a great place to be.

    I need to run. I have choir practice tonight so I have to get something to eat before I have to run again.

    Have a great night!

  • HI FOLKS ~ we went up town shopping today because they said it would be mild, but it was cold and snow blowing all over the place; more is expected for the rest of the week also. Well, at least we got that done and it's still snowing and blowing as we speak.

    So I did get some walking in today on top of my morning exercises, but my feet are feeling it now. I managed to find some little frozen dinners for only .99c each today (good bargain) to rotate with sandwiches and soup days (they range from 200-300 calories each).

    It's pasta day at our house, but we haven't decided yet which kind it will be. Not much else to report; time to put my feet up and do a couple of puzzles I guess; gotta bundle up well as you can really feel those northern winds today.

    ROSEBUD Take good care ~ ^^PRAYERS^^ going up for you and yours ...
  • Rosebud - we are under a storm warning tonight too! I love the idea of a pasta night - thanks

    Kathy - continuing to keep DH and your boss' wife in my prayers! Hope you enjoyed choir practice!

    Sue - I hope you were able to get out to church. We got freezing rain last night, it was ugly!

    Wilma - yahoooo!!! I know what a struggle it has been of late - a lb. loss is fantastic! Stay strong! You can do this!!!

    Bev - love your attitude! And remember - this WILL pass (as long as you do)

    Janne - hang in there - some days are like that!

    Prayers continuing for all!

    A busy day here - but I did get in a workout with my virtual trainer My triceps are SORE!

    Gotta spend some time transferring over all my "albums" to my new mp3 player. It seems to take forever! And, some are quite old and the ripping software wasn't very sophisticated. The new player is having fits because I don't have all my tags. Oh, well - time to organize my music I guess!

    Stay warm and dry - it is a nasty little storm moving through!