*-100 lb. Club ~ August Daily Weigh In Thread -*

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  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Calories for the day: 1470 +
    Weigh In: 148.6 (TTOM)
    No Change
  • Start Weight:175.8

    5: 175.8
    6: 175.8
    7: 174.6

    8: No weigh in
    9: 173.0
    10: 172.8
    11: 172.8
    12: No weigh in
    13: No weigh in
    14: 168.4

    15: 167.0


  • Lishar -- I found that you can share the free shipping part of amazon prime with family members. I shared mine with the hubs.

    Carter -- I'm so glad it wasn't worse than it was. Scary and an inconvenience but a blessing!

    Domlacha -- There's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself for a few days!

    I had a bit of a whoosh (2 days now so it might just stick) and am feeling really good. Heading back to work tomorrow.

    Today's weigh in 211.2
  • Packgirl - thanks for the amazon tip. I will have DH change that to add me

    Successfulhannah- welcome

    Chubbygirl congrats of the loss

    Domlacha just get back on track.

    Packgirl I hope it sticks and then some.

    Diana Good morning enjoy your. Coffee. I gave it up with my diet coke. I use a lot of creamer and that was adding just too much to my calories. Now I don't really miss it. Strange after drinking 2-3 cups and 5-6 diets coke's a day because I was so tired.

    Valerio welcome

    Carter thanks for the advice.

    Well I am up a pound. Probably because of my dinner and no exercise yesterday. I am starting my strength training today. I am sort of afraid to go into the weight room. I hope I can choose a time when there are not too many guys there. Most of my workout will be in the cardio room so that's good. I am not looking forward to the crunches or the leg lifts.
  • morning! sorry i haven't been around for a few days. i've been working on AP homework, working, and having cross country practice.

    my weight has been around 146/147 because of poor eating habits these last few days. not necessarily binges, just LOTS of sweets that i've had no control over.

    but all is well now and i'm back on track! i'm hoping working my butt off today and eating clean will result in a good weigh in tomorrow.
  • Good morning ladies! I am back on plan today and some of this water weight is starting to leave, down 1.8 from yesterday. I went for a short run last night and man did it ever kick my butt!! I am planning on weight lifting today and staying within my calories!

    Packgirl--good for you on the whoosh, they are always nice.

    Lishar--don't be afaird of the guys. Go in there and own those weights!

    Good morning Diana!
  • Domlacha thanks for the pep talk. I was nervous but forced myself to go in. I have never done any of this before. Free weights kind of scare me. I did the sets and now am feeling kind of sore. I guess this is good? Hopefully it will be easier to walk in next time.
  • Hi Everyone!

    SuccessfulHannah Great job on the 1.4 pounds!

    Packgirl Congrats o the whoosh!

    Lishar I also use a lot of sugar and half and half. Not ready to give that up, yet. I'm glad you went to the gym. Are there any trainers that help put a program together for you?

    Ciao Good job getting right back on track.

    Domlacha Great job with the exercise and on plan eating.
  • ok...im new...got a question...what is TOM?...probably a stupid question...lol
  • Quote: ok...im new...got a question...what is TOM?...probably a stupid question...lol
    TNCindy Hi and Welcome! There are no stupid questions. TTOM or TOM means That Time Of the Month, your monthly period.
  • thanks ...dont have to worry about TOM...LOL
  • Quote: thanks ...dont have to worry about TOM...LOL
    You are lucky. Mine is long enough for the both of us.
  • mine were too...i say hysterectomy is a woman's best friend....but i dont like the hot flashes...lol
  • I have lost about 9 pounds this month. Not bad, but I am sure it is mostly water weight.
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    I'm not sure what's going on with me. For those who have been following this thread for a while, know that my thyroid meds/numbers were off. This year my weight has not dropped at all. I have pretty much maintained at the upper end of my maintenance range. That's not necessarily bad, but it's not where I want to be. A month and a half ago the endo changed my thyroid meds since my labs were over 10 and she wants them under 4. I know stress can cause problems with your thyroid (as most of you know, I lost my Mom back in June). I have also struggled with a couple allergic reactions over the Summer. I feel like I am holding onto a lot of water weight. I'm sure I am right now since it's TTOM. I have stuck to my food and exercise plan 100%. Next week I am scheduled to have my thyroid labs done again. We'll see what that shows. I am hoping it's just a thyroid issue. There's always that fear that my body has adjusted to something and wants to gain weight again. I'm not sure if that's even possible. I am feeling that when my thyroid meds were off, I had the stress of my Mom being sick, and she passed that I actually gained a few pounds. If this is true, I actually gained from eating the same way I have all along. Unless, it's water weight. I'm not sure if the thyroid will make you hold onto water weight. I assume it could since they thyroid controls everything in the body. Anyways, just trying to put things down and figure out what's going on with me.

    Calories for yesterday: 1515 +
    Weigh In: 149 (TTOM)
    Up: .4