Chattin' it up at 40 and up

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  • Mets-good to hear from you. Sounds like you are having a busy summer. Congratulations on DS's graduation. His baseball team did very well too. Making it to the championship game is quite an accomplishment.

    lovn-it was important to watch your son pitch, so it makes sense that you missed the walk on Wed. Good that you got one in last night. Looks like you may have a walking partner too. That makes it much easier to get those walks in. You son sounds like quite a character with a good head on his shoulders.

    Clyde-time is certainly flying by. Before we know it, Fall will be here!

    A friend of mine had her third baby last night. This last pregnancy of hers was very stressful as her second child was stillborn....delivered in her eighth month. They scheduled the induction for yesterday and she had a two hour delivery! Mother and baby are fine. So, I get to go and visit her in the hospital today and see a newborn! Been a while since I've seen one of those!

    DD and I are going to visit a couple of catteries today. She wants another cat, so I told her that I would look with her today. Her birthday is next month, so she may get one for her birthday. All of our other cats have been adopted or, like our current kitty, stray kittens that we have rescued. I told her this time, I wanted to go more for temperment than pot luck! Although we will probably go to one of the rescues and get a kitty there.

    Skies are still smokey here. Looks like fog in the morning. My house smelled like smoke for most of yesterday.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • It is supposed to get super hot this weekend and I will stay in with the fan! My daughter was going to bring the grandson (5 yrs.) but he is sick so if she comes, she will be alone. That could be fun too as we never see just her. Sounds like you all are busy this summer, games, vacations and just home life. I am ready for a little getaway to tell ya the truth. Just the price of gas is keeping us home.
  • Wow - you all sure have a lot going on!

    Going out with a girl friend tonight - date tomorrow night - it's my 45th birthday! (man i'm getting old) but it beats the alternative!

    Have a good day girls - it's gorgeous outside off for some fun! And I'll try to lay off the appetizers..
  • Silly
    45, I am 45. I don't feel old. I don't think I look old. I will start to get old in another 5 years. I said start lol.

    the mother
    The only place we go is the camp grounds and that is only because it is about an hour away and we don't have to pay to stay there. Gas is just to darn high for us to be able to afford to go anywhere else.

    Glad you figured out what I was talking about. lol from the days of short hand I fell in love with the steno book and they are basically all I use.

    So glad the sleep over went well. We with special need children have hurdles that others don't understand or even think about. Nice to hear about your loss. I haven't lost anything but at least I didn't gain to much with all the meads. I know I am not eating enough. Sure glad things have calmed down for you. A nice routine is always great.



    Congrats on the grandchild

    You enjoy those babies.
  • I've been to Cold Stone Creamery tonight

    Middle daughter and I went and got our nails done and then I suggested going for ice cream. It's been a while.

    Hi Rennie
  • Clyde, I was less nervous for his second game, but his first pitching I was in a dither!! I pitched my freshman year of H.S. and ended up not playing softball at all after that. I couldn't take the pressure. Thanks for the compliment. He's a great little man. Sounds like you and DD had a great time too. You go mom!!

    mstigger, How wonderful for your friend this time around. I hope you cuddled until your heart was content!

    the mother, Enjoy your weekend with or without visitors.

    sillycat4, Happy Birthday. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned. Enjoy!

    Rennie, Have a great weekend.

    My best friend turns 35 today and yesterday I was naughty! My friend and her hubby had been fighting all week. About what? Sex of course. Don't we all go through that from time to time? Well, I just thought they were both pouting and being silly. I'm so much older and wiser you know? Well, older anyway LoL Anyway, back to the naughty. After the ball games yesterday I invited their children to come home to our house. I could see my friend was aprehensive about letting them come over, because her husband was off work and she was thinking they should all do something together ya da ya da. Then I gave her her b-day present...of course a funny "Maxine" coffee mug, but also a huge bottle of "Hot Sex" (like Bailey's Irish Cream mmmm) I shoved them both toward the car and said pick the kids up when you're feeling better. I have no idea about the details, but the kids were here for almost 7 hours and they walked in arm and arm. I sure hope they enjoy her b-day today too!
    Have a great weekend ladies.
  • Lovn: Sounds like you are a very good friend! That was nice of you to recognize what would help. With age comes wisdom!! ha!

    Clyde: Mmmm. Cold stone creamery. That's some good stuff there!

    Rennie: We're the same way. We're planning a big camping trip, but we only go about 1 1/2 hours away. It is my favorite place to go, but it also is good that it is close.

    Sillycat: Happy Birthday!! I'm not too far behind you. I'll turn 45 in December. It's ok, 45 is the new 35... or something like that!

    The mother: We're supposed to get really hot here, too. Close to 100. I don't mind it too much. The winter was just a little too long.

    MSTigger: What breed of cat are you looking for? I love cats. My sister breeds Norweigan Forest Cats, but I don't get those (she gets a lot for those little critters!). I go for the charity cases at the shelter.

    Theycallmemom: I hope you are enjoying that new grandbaby. What a great event for you! I can't imagine it right now, but someday it will be something I'll treasure!

    LetsGo: Sounds like baseball ended up to be a great season for you. Ours ended like it started... more losses. I was glad to see it end. My son didn't make the All-Stars, which was ok. They didn't have as many All-Star teams and they tend to fill the teams with the sons of coaches. That sounds like sour grapes... and maybe it is... but there were several boys who didn't make it that should have. But, my son was ok with it. He's looking ahead to football now, so we'll start working on that. Actually, for now, he just wants to go fishing! (love that kid!!!!)

    GT: Glad you posted awhile back. Glad things are going well for you.

    Just a shout out to Kappy, PhotoChick, Ward, Tech Alum... and anyone else I've missed. Hope all is going well with you!
  • Slash
    We love this place. It is real close and there aren't many kids there. More for older retired folks. They have a nice little play ground for little kids and putt putt golf and a nice pool but that is about it except for the pavilion that has some video games, a music box and a pool table. Nice to not have all the teens around. My kids don't go with us much anymore. Not much for them to do but hang out with the old folks lol. I never dreamed at age 45 I would be considered one of the old folks. Heck, I never thought a person even started to get old until they were 50 when I was my kids age lol. Seems these days it is horrible to have most teens around. You can't leave anything lay or they take it, they walk through your camp site ( don't parents teach their children any camp grounds educate anymore ) and you catch them smoking and drinking in the rest rooms all the time lol. Last year our friends kids came down with their children. They went camp site to camp site telling us to let them know if we saw the kids smoking. Heck, I leave my kids at home so I don't have to keep an eye on t hem lol. I don't want to have to keep an eye on anyone else's kids lol.

    NICE lol We fight because he laughs when the kids pound on the door and tell us to knock it off. I tell the kids I brought them into the world, I can take them out and bring two more in that look just like them lol.

  • Hi all - still in Florida for another week - though I suspct i will be smuggling baby into suit case right befor I board the plane!!! lol and here I thought there was no greater love then that of mother and child!!! Nope its Grandma and Grandchild !! Will totally be having a hard time leaving

    Trying to keep up with you all is a full time job!!!! So just wanted to say hey to everyone and keep up the good work!!!!!
  • theycall
    Happy you are enjoying your time with your grandchild.
  • Love that photo.

    You are going to have a hard time leaving.
  • That is such an adorable baby in your signature theycallmemom. Like others have said, you are going to have a hard time leaving. I don't think I'm ready for a grandchild yet (that would mean one of my daughters would be a mom and I don't think any of them are ready for that), but I'd have another baby if it didn't involve 9 months of hades-pregnancy for me.

    Babies are soooo sweet. Even the waking at all hours to feed, etc. Loved it. My body just doesn't handle pregnancy well.
  • Hi everyone. Hope you all had a pleasant weekend.

    DH and DS went to the last of the Mets/Yankees game today, and hooray, the Mets won. So the teams split their series 2-2. Clyde, yes, the Mets are headed your way. This is a very important series for them. It's been such a tumultuous season so far. Way too much drama, if you ask me! But we are devoted fans, through thick and thin.

    Was so hot and humid today. Feels more like August than late June. We get our rain every'd think this was Florida. However, everything is so lush as a result. Now all the tiger lilies are in bloom. They're glorious. I wish they lasted longer than they do.

    Not much else going on. This was the calmest weekend I've had in 3 months and it was wonderful. I think that's one great thing about summer; the pace just slows down rather nicely.

    So, does anyone have any special plans for the Fourth? Hard to believe it's just about here.

    Time to get DS upstairs for a shower and to bed. Feeling pretty sleepy myself and tomorrow it's back to work. I think after DS goes to bed, I'll do the same!

    I'm looking forward to another solid week of exercising. It's so great to get home from work and not have to rush off to a Little League game, help DS with his homework, etc, etc, etc. Another one of the perks of summer.
  • Diane\nl, and how are you doing???

    callmemom, Now that's a beautiful baby. Enjoy your visit.

    Hi to everyone!!

    DS played basketball last night and shot more than 80% He came home just stoked. The Sunday night league is like an hour drive away so I usually just send hime with his coach. I support the actual basketball season, but this is glorified practice so I usually only go once throughout the summer. I had a nice relaxing Sunday myself. My Children's Sermon went well, then a 6 mile walk, and then we watched 10,000 BC (I liked it) then a nap with the hubs. I needed the relaxation to get prepared for today...Practice for youngest DS 8:30 -10am, practice for oldest son 10-11:30am, oldest son and youngest DD L.L. games at 1pm (I'm hoping they can both be held at home, the flood is still wreaking havoc on the boy's field) and then youngest son has a game at 6pm 30 min from home....DD is suppose to have V.B. tonight too and DS is suppose to have weight lifting too...we'll see, but I'll have time to walk during the practices and I finally dropped a pound this monthe woo hoo
    Have a great day!
  • Hi all. Had a pretty good weekend even though my husband was sick. He couldn't believe he could have body chills and fever in the summer. He's outside a lot in his job and doesn't come in contact with a lot of people, so it was a little baffling. But, he's better now. I told him he needed to get better before the 4th. We're going camping on the 5th and staying through the 7th.

    It is hot here, though. I still am not complaining, too much. But the heat is on with us.