POSITIVE UPLIFTING NOTIFICATION: One positive thing about me toady is.....Part Five

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  • Good Morning Chicks....
    I am running behind this morning so I will post when I get home from work ..
    (((((((((((Ag))))))))))))))))) I just want you to know I am standing with you in prayer and believeing that God will put someone in Morgans path to bring her back ti him ... I am aalso asking the Lord to place his angels of protection around her to keep her safe from the evil one .. Ag .. We serve a mighty God and He knows all and is bigger than any problem any of us face!!!
    I will post more later!!
    Love and prayers to ya AG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hello All,

    I really need to start to get back to posting here. I really like to see all of your positives for the day... My positive for today is I almost fit into my size 24 pair of Jeans. "very excited"
  • Nooch -- I am going to pound into my brain your thought that “You can have fun and stay on plan!” You’ve done soooooo well.

    Maria -- I love the story about the little boy that was the troublemaker and said he loved you. It just goes to show you we influence people all the time - even those we don’t think we do.

    -- I’m going to try one of your recipes these days. I still don’t cook like I should, so I want to pick the absolute best one. Which one of the soup or stew type recipes do you think is the best? (Ags, I know you’ve tried a lot of these. Which one should I try)

    Butterfly -- I have heard the blue jello shots have no calories, LMAO.

    Ags -- You have spoken about Mali many times, so I know he is your heart. I will say a prayer for Morgan’s return to home safely and in peace.

    -- WOOT WOOT on the smaller size jeans! You’ve really really done well. I went and looked at your progress pictures ... they are awesome. You have lost this weight so fast, any tips or tricks to us slower weight losers??
  • Hello ladies,

    I writing this from my phone again and have a hard time scrolling up when trying to do personals. Lol!

    Well, eventhough I was op all week and exercising almost everyday I was up .8! I'm still a bit disappointed only because I'm so close to my 10%. But....I do know muscle weighs more than fat does plus it takes time to burn off the fat. So I'm accepting that. (I have a feeling uncle tom will be here soon as well).

    Tonight I have body pump class. I think after class I'm gonna do some cardio, and if its still light out and not raining I'm gonna take my pugs to the park to run around and let off some of their steam. If its too dark, maybe just a jaunt around the neighborhood.

    Cj* have you tried any of the classes yet? Body combat looks fun but I haven't tried it yet.

    Ags*the FB games I play: yoville, farmville and mafia wars (this one is my new addiction)

    I'll try to do personals later.

    Hope you all have a wonderful hump day!
  • Hey everybody! Is the forum loading a little wonky for anyone else? Hope it isn't just me!

    ulcr - go go go! those jeans will look fabulous

    CJ - thanks! It really was such a lightbulb, that I could spend an evening doing food-based activities and keep it on plan!

    betty - yeah I don't do 3FC from my phone 'cause I practically get repetitive stress injuries from scrolling! Is there a 3FC mobile? Anyway, if you're near TOM it'll just fall off and you'll be right back down!

    Ags - I will keep you & your family in my thoughts. Love you!

    As for me I have decided that weighing in on Sundays is not going to work for me during football season so I've switched it to Wednesdays... and I am down another 2! 292.0 today - two pounds away from the weight I've been pretending to be on my driver's license! Four pounds away from having less than 100 pounds to lose (if I get to 189 and want to lose more I will but that is my initial goal - 40 pounds less than my lowest teenage/adult weight)!
  • A friend shared this with me and I thought all of my chickie friends needed to read this !! :-)

    One Flaw In Women

    Women have strengths that amaze men.

    They bear hardships and they carry burdens,

    but they hold happiness, love and joy.

    They smile when they want to scream.

    They sing when they want to cry.

    They cry when they are happy

    and laugh when they are nervous.

    They fight for what they believe in.

    They stand up to injustice.

    They don't take "no" for an answer

    when they believe there is a better solution.

    They go without so their family can have.

    They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

    They love unconditionally.

    They cry when their children excel

    and cheer when their friends get awards.

    They are happy when they hear about

    a birth or a wedding

    Their hearts break when a friend dies.

    They grieve at the loss of a family member,

    yet they are strong when they

    think there is no strength left.

    They know that a hug and a kiss

    can heal a broken heart.

    Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

    They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you

    to show how much they care about you.

    The heart of a woman is what

    makes the world keep turning.

    They bring joy, hope and love.

    They have compassion and ideas.

    They give moral support to their

    family and friends.

    Women have vital things to say

    and everything to give.



    Please pass this along to all your

    women friends and relatives to remind them just

    how amazing they are.
  • Pumpkin Smash

    One 15-oz. can pure pumpkin
    One 12-oz. can evaporated fat-free milk
    1/2 cup fat-free liquid egg substitute (like Egg Beaters Original)
    3/4 cup Splenda No Calorie Sweetener (granulated)
    2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

    Combine all ingredients in a bowl, and mix thoroughly.

    Place mixture in a baking dish (8" X 8" works well) sprayed lightly with nonstick spray, and bake in the oven for 45 minutes. (It will remain a little soft, like pie filling.)

    Once ready to serve (it's delicious eaten hot or cold), cut into 9 pieces. PER SERVING (1 piece, 1/9th of recipe): 65 calories, <0.5g fat, 81mg sodium, 12g carbs, 1g fiber, 7g sugars, 5g protein -- POINTS® value 1*

    Serve and enjoy!

  • Evening chickies,

    All of you have blessed me today with your happiness, your achievements, your love, and love of others. You all make me happy and I am happy that God has crossed my life's path with each of you. We all are in each other's corner, now how special is that!!!!

    I want to thank each of you for your prayers, they are needed and appreciated.

    uclr, estatic that you are back. Missed ya.

    CJ, so far my favorite soup has been the Spicy Chicken Tortilla Soup, but the Taco Soup is a kick butt one too. Try both. Now I know how far you have come in your cooking, so don't stop now.

    Rena, you are kickin' bottie, work it little mama. Rena, add me to your crew in Yoville, I would love to come by, Just look for Agatha Middleton, it will say Va. Beach, Va. that is me.

    Nooch, you are so close to reaching all of goals that I know you can taste them. Now stick out your tounge, they taste good don't they!!!!

    Oats, loved the poem, will definitly be passing that around. Going to try to copy and paste it to facebook.

    Oats will be making pumpkin smash this weekend. Sounds way good.

    Well ladies my one positive thing about me today is.....................I put on a pair of size 26 pants!!! I am usually in a 30-32. I almost passed out. My positive thing about to day is..............I went to mid-week church service this evening, it is called Catalyst, this was sooo good, it will now be my mid-week boost. Keep me in your prayers, Joy cometh in the morning!!!!!

    Nite nite sweet pa-tooties,
    hugs, love, and blessings,
  • Hi my positive pals!

    It has been awhile since I have posted in this thread. I do, however, read it every day.. sometimes twice! Between teaching the kids, carting them around to everything, and trying to keep up with every other thing in my life, it seems all I have time to do lately is read the posts and sometimes reply to some. I did post a recipe here yesterday for Slow Cooker Chicken & Butternut Squash w/gravy.

    I have also been reading a book lately that was mentioned in another thread: Staging Your Comeback: A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45 by Christopher Hopkins (even though I am only 44 years young ). Boy has it been an eye opener. I am about half way through right now. It's all about how to flatter yourself with clothing/makeup/hairstyles, etc. according to your body type (and how it has changed with age). He really knows what he is talking about. I got it because lately I have been thinking I will need to buy some new clothes soon, because I don't have anything decent in the next size down. Then I got to thinking.. I don't even know what to look for or what would even look good on me. I have been dressing in big t-shirts & jeans for so long I have no idea what to buy. I have also struggled with a good hairstyle that flatters me & makeup as well. Right now I only wear eye makeup (liner & mascara - no shadow). I'm just not sure how to do things that look great but not too young for my age.. you know? This was the perfect book to buy. It is answering all of my questions. He apparently has his salon in Minneapolis (about 4 hours from me). I am wondering how much it would cost for a session/hair cut with him. It just might be a cool reward when I reach my ultimate goal.

    Anyway, I am retaining water due to me being sick with a cold the past few days. So, according to the scale I have gained a pound, when I know I have to have lost something. But I am keeping on no matter what!! And ladies.. it is supposed to SNOW here on Sat/Sun. I cannot believe it! I hope it is just a few flurries and melts right away. It seems we completely skipped summer.. if we skip fall and head straight to winter I will be SO MAD!!! Fall is my favorite season.

    There is so much positive going on here!! So many great things everyone is doing and achieving and some very motivational thoughts & info. KEEP IT UP EVERYONE! Keep your eyes on that prize & stay strong. We are each growing and changing by leaps & bounds in our journeys.

    One of the reasons I have kind of stayed away from this thread is that I feel guilty if I don't do personals, so I just don't post. I know I should not feel that way - but I know how good it feels to get that personal encouragement and I should be handing it out to everyone! But, I WANT to keep coming back here, so I apologize ahead of time if I miss someone or skip doing personals all together. There is just too much happening right now. So that is a little update from me - I am still on plan and kickin calorie booty.

    Keep rockin' it! We can do this thing!
  • Hotwings - I read here a couple of times a day too but also am not good at posting because I'm not good with personals - there - that's a positive - at least I'm reading. BTW - I'm trying the chicken today (I think I mentioned that on another thread).

    There are so many good things going on in my life each and every day. I posted on another thread that I am in age denial - every day I take care of myself I feel so much younger, certainly not 51.
  • Mornin all!

    Don't think I've posted in a couple days... (this thread anyway)

    I usually wait til evening so I can find something positive about my day ROFL!

    But today, my first positive happened when I weighed in at the end of week 1.

    6lbs down! GO ME!

    I hope everyone has a positive, on plan, beautiful fall day... and I will check in tonight!
  • Hey everybody!

    Ags - CONGRATULATIONS ON THE PANTS!!! That is a BIG DEAL (or a SMALLER DEAL depending on how you wanna look at it!) and I am so proud of you!

    Wings - feel better, girl! Glad to hear from you

    gggirls - enjoy that chicken!

    gothik - congratulations on the loss!

    As for me... right now I am feeling so optimistic and so hopeful that I'm about to just burst into tears of joy at any moment. First of all, I am WEARING MY SIZE 20 JEANS FROM THE GAP TODAY! They fit perfectly and I look cute as ****. And I was looking through my old livejournal posts and apparently on Sept 23rd 2004 I weighed 279 and was a size 18/20 (being five foot ten really distributes the weight!). So I have some sort of clue as to where I'll be headed in the future. I want to ring in 2010 in size 18 jeans!

    Also... I visited the school I was looking at for my MSW and I WILL BE APPLYING TO GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR FALL 2010! Initially I had a lot of mixed emotions and self doubt and fear that I would be being too selfish and a whole lot of other things... but I'm going to do it! Hopefully I will be accepted and in fall 2010 I will be a student again and in spring 2012 I will have my master's degree!

    I really hope everyone is doing fabulously today, I wish I could rub all my hope and happiness that I have today onto you all
  • Hiddy ho all,

    It has been a stupendous day today. I made mo money mo money mo money for the store today and I feel good, like yeah I know I've still got it!!!!

    Oats, where are you my love????? A day with without Oats is ike a day without sunshine!!!

    Hottie and GGG, no need for any kind of apology, everybody is not comfortable with everything, so do what you do, and keep it moving. If you cannot or do not feel comfortable with personals, that is A-okay. Just post anyway cause we still want to hear your positives, they will help or touch someone here, so please do not put your light under a bush, let that light shine!!!!!

    Nooch, you go girl, get that masters baby and bring in 2010 in those hot size 18 jeans. Get it hot momma.

    Shia and Learn, miss you both terribly. Shia, call me darling.

    Hugs love and blessings,
  • Good morning Chickies!!!
    Ag... Girl I didnt make it on the computer to posted but you and your family where sure in my prayers sister!!!!

    This morning has to be another quick one I have to head to work in a few .....

    I dont have times for personal this morning I am sorry !!!

    My positive for today is that I have my lunch packed full of healthy choices and I have a good atittude and I am ready and expecting a awesome day!!!
    Life is what we make it so start your by choosing a good atittude and you will see things change before your own eyes!!!
    Hugs & blessings to all!!! See ya after work hopefully!!
  • Yesterday I buttoned and zipped my size 26's! They are REALLY tight, like I think you can see my kidneys working, for sure don't bend over tight - but they buttoned easily, and zipped with only one hop up and down!