Metabolic Research Center - Take X!

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  • I'm excited to lead the peer inspiration class tomorrow. I noticed that Namaste was the first one on the sign-up list. I appreciate your moral support.
    In preparation for the class, I finally wrote out my weight loss testimonial. I used a few things that inspired me from this web site (thanks JanT).
    Here it is....

    Every Metabolic Research Center success has a weight loss story. Well, this is mine.

    Over the last thirty plus years, I have gained and lost large amounts of weight over and over again. About 5 years ago I lost 125 pounds only to regain it all back plus more. I know all too well how upsetting and frustrating that is. I seriously considered having weight loss surgery as my only hope. I had to overcome many feelings of self doubt. Why should I even try to lose weight again if I am only going to gain it all back? Maybe I was meant to be this weight. It took a long time for me to muster up the mental strength it takes to do it all over again. I had to change my stinkin’ thinkin’ into shrinkin’ thinkin’.

    Once I made the decision to lose weight, I wanted this time to be the “last time”. I knew I could lose weight on my own, but felt I had been missing something important that was preventing me from any long term success.

    Weighing 357 pounds and needing to lose 172 pounds seemed overwhelming at first. I started thinking about it and realized that a year would pass by whether I lost weight or not. I could be 100 or more pounds lighter in a year or the same weight or heavier. I decided not to look at losing 172 pounds, but instead breaking my total weight into smaller weight goals, and taking it one day at a time.

    I researched a few of the weight loss centers out there. I knew I could lose weight with any program, but I wanted a program that had a good reputation with maintenance and permanent weight loss. I also wanted to lose my weight as fast and as safe as possible.

    Metabolic Research Center is the one I chose. So far I’ve had fantastic results. I have lost a total of 128.5 pounds and 120 inches in only 8 months! I have never felt more healthy and energetic. I’m well on my way to reaching my goal weight of 185 pounds.

    Throughout my weight loss career at Metabolic Research Center I have had weekly weight losses up to 8 pounds, but I have also had weigh-ins with no losses, small losses, and a couple of gains. It can be very frustrating at times, especially when you think you are doing everything right. Now, I know these setbacks were a part of the normal process of losing weight. Don’t get me wrong, I was still bummed when the scale wasn’t moving as fast as I would like. I looked at the big picture. Each pound I lost brought me closer to my goal weight, and the process to get there taught me lessons I could apply to a life long lifestyle change.

    I really love food, but realize the freedom to eat what you want, how much you want, and whenever you want is a very limited freedom with a very heavy price. As an overweight (morbidly obese) person, it’s pretty much the only freedom you have. As a thinner person, I have gained so many more freedoms that food could never give me. The freedom to be an active part of my wife and children’s lives. The freedom of better health. I don’t need self limiting medications to control my blood pressure, blood sugars, cholesterol, stomach acid, pain, etc. The freedom to fly in a plane without a seatbelt extender, or fit in a seat on an amusement park ride. The freedom not to feel self-conscious wearing a bathing suit. The list of freedoms goes on and on. Food has it’s place in my life, but I refuse to let food have an all consuming power over me that it once did. There is so much more to life!!! I’m living life instead of watching life.

    The best advice I can give to those of you just starting out is: DON’T GIVE UP!!! Enjoy the process of your weight loss journey. Each time you make it through a challenging time, you become stronger and more motivated in your resolve to lose weight. Before you know it, the weeks go by along with the fat and inches. A lot of people give up way too early. Just hanging in there long enough for the program to work is half the battle.

    The personal support of the Metabolic Research Center staff members has helped me stay motivated, accountable, and maximize my weight loss, while the life management classes have helped me address the emotional side of overeating. Together, with the added support of family and friends, I can once and for all maintain permanent weight loss.

    Darren (aka Donuts)
  • Quote: Donuts: Here are some quotes you (and others) may be interested in. I found these on someone's journey story. She lost over 100 pounds. Anyway, I found them very thought provoking.

    “You’ll never achieve extraordinary results by taking average measures.” Skwigg

    “If you really want to lose, you’ll find a way, and if you don’t want to, you’ll find an excuse. It’s up to you.”

    “You have to be the change you want to see in the world.” Ghandi

    “Winners are too busy to be sad, too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” Darryl Campbell

    “The future is not some place we are going, but one we create. The paths are not found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.” John Schaar

    “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” Bill Cosby

    “How can you possibly fail to meet your goal if you just don’t ever quit?”

    “If you could have done no more, then there can be no sense of failure.”
    ieduc8em I'm sorry, how do you pronounce your name? These quote are awesome!!! Thanks for sending them my way.
  • Quote: Oh, and Donuts, I think it was you that mentioned fitting into smaller scrub pants... Yesterday, they ran out of large scrub pants at work, only had extra-large and medium pants left...I'm like "well, the extra large are enormous, and the mediums will probably be totally tight...but here goes!"..the mediums fit great!!! I was so pumped!!
    That is so awesome!!!
    I could make a tent out of my old scubs.
  • Quote: Donuts..I was looking at your must be so psyched, you only have a bit over 40 pounds to goal! That is sooo awesome! You have just been steadly truckin' along here!
    When is your speech at the center? Keep us posted.

    Does anyone know when Shineon is due back from her cruise? I miss her insights.
    Goal4Life~ I am definitely psyched!
    We are so like minded my friend. When I read your posts I think to myself, I feel that way or I would have said that.
    You are doing so great. I couldn't believe when I read you have already lost 60 pounds!!!! A BIG congratulations. You must be psyched too.
  • Donuts: Perfectly said! That is awesome and very inspiring! I really enjoy what you have to say and it all makes so much sense. I do want to know one thing-- when the heck do you sleep?? You post early am and really late pm-- I am such and early riser, but you seem to be up all night! LOL

    I made a choice last night, kind of out of desperation, kind of just because I wanted to -- anyway, I had Bunco night with the girls and for the last 4 months, I have eaten before I went. This time I did not have time because I had too much to do after work. So, I didn't get to eat. I just decided to deal with it - she served Turkey Tetrazzini and salad. I only had a little of the main dish and ate more salad, which had dressing, but I tried to get the part with less dressing. I am wondering what this will do to my trying to reach my goal by next week. I am now on week 3 of stabilization, I am adding dairy in starting today. I am not a big milk drinker. So, I put some skim milk in my coffee this morning and I am trying to choke down the rest of the cup. But, I am wondering if I could use that fat free creamer that I used to love at this time. Meemo-- do you know?? I will ask when I go in next week, but thought maybe you could help.

    Have a great day everyone! We got a "cold day" today-- no school, no staff, that is what I like to hear. I will be under my blanket and enjoying the day off! Whoo hoo!
  • donuts - (aka darren) - What a POWERFUL testimonial! If me sitting here in cyberland is so affected by reading your testimonial, I can only imagine how you will affect those lucky people that will get to see you live and in person at your meeting tonight. The paragragh where you go into the control that food plays in your life is like a recording of how I feel about food. I REFUSE to let that food ever get to be the "first" freedom anymore! Well said, my friend....WELL SAID!!!!

    sam - Know that we are still here and still thinkin' about you. Let us know how you are doing!!

    I have been on steroids for two weeks for an auto-immune disease, and the hunger that I have felt has been like no hunger ever felt before. I've only lost 3 pounds in the last two weeks, but the big key here is...I still lost weight. I have looked at it like a test...I have come so far with my weight loss; so I can make it 30 minutes at a time, then 30 more minutes, then 30 more minutes, etc. without eating. I have definitely gone over to the dark side and had some things that I shouldn't have, but I get so hungry that I literally shake. IF, and it's a big IF, I hadn't had the support of the girls at my center, and IF I hadn't been on this diet, and IF I couldn't have read how great everyone is doing here, I would have gained SO MUCH WEIGHT these last two weeks. So....hunger (although a physical manifestation of our bodies wanting food) has now been relegated in my mind to a "mental" craving, and I'm beating that, too! ...and I'll get back off my soapbox now.

    Everyone have a wonderful day! We ROCK!!!!
  • Quote: I go to the Westminster center! I try to go either on Monday and Thursday, or on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons.... how do you like the center? I only really like one of the girls there...the other ones seem a bit condescending sometimes...
    I just joined.... I was there Saturday; so I have only met one person. I'll be going for weigh-ins after work and possibly on Saturdays... I'm gluten free, allergic to red 40, and don't like aspartame so we'll see what they tell me on Friday when I go for diet instruction... but I believe I'm being sent to MRC by the universe at this time. My blood pressure was up, my doctor was on maternity leave, so her substitute recommended this. My doctor hadn't heard of it and has been telling me to do WW and try and lose 25 pounds a year....WW doesn't work for me.

    I weighed on my home scale this morning and I'm 259.4 on the morning of my 4th full day of preconditioning... so I seem to have lost 5 pounds... that's amazing! I'm jazzed!
  • Donuts..Wonderful testimonial! The speech at the center will be great! I agree with food being in control no more! You are going to revv up the audience with your success on the program, and show them that it can be done.
    Let Namaste know we miss her, I haven't seen her on here in a bit.
  • I am off to wi, I will keep you all posted, crossing my fingers for a 2 pound loss
  • Quote: gottagetfit: I bought a scale similar to the one at MRC; it shows BF, MW, WW, BMI and calories. They sell them at Target. I noticed that if the lbs. don't move, the numbers in the other categories do. Maybe you should get one of these so you don't get discouraged?
    Thanks!! I may consider that because I really do like to weigh every day. I know we "shouldn't" but I kind feel like it keeps me in check. If I'm up it really makes me think about and evaluate my day. But anyway - I have no scale anymore - my husband hid it!!

    I did WI yesterday and was down 1 - I know that's better than zero or a gain but still!!! I know - whine, whine, whine.. That's all I seem to do! But - I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Quote: I tried the MRC-6, ADWL, and the metabolic enhancer and did not notice any speedier weight loss. This is just my personal experience though. The only supplements that I use are the HNS drinks, which are required. You could always try them for one month and then just not repurchase them if you are not satisfied with them. I am sure there are a lot of people on here that at one time or another have been on each of these supplements so I am sure that you will get a lot of feedback to aide in your decision.
    This is probably one of my biggest issues with the slow loss is that I'm taking the MRC-6, Corti-Trim, Hoodia, flax (now Wal-mart), and vit (my own) - but spending a lot of money and not quick results - so I too wonder how much these things help. I did lose 13 inches in two weeks so maybe they do. My husband (love their wisdom sometime) suggests that I stop the Hoodia and Corti-Trim and only take the MRC-6 and see what happens. Anyone that has been on the program for a few months - I would appreciate any feedback!
  • Quote: Just came back from my 1st WI and I'm down 4.5 lbs since my starting weight! YAY!!!!!

    Just had to share!

    Congrats! That's awesome...
  • Quote: Hey everyone! I had a lot of catching up to do!! You ladies move fast on this site!! I swear I've only been gone for five days!

    Well, I just got back from my cruise. I spent the majority of the trip being frustrated that I didn't have the options that I had hoped for. I took the stairs everywhere, I worked out on one of the days, and I drank a lot of water. I did cheat a few times, and all but one cheat were due to lack of a good choice. I was very concerned about this, BUT I went to WI today and I've lost 5 more pounds!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! I got to sign the 10 pound board today!!!

    I was as careful as I could be even when I had to make a choice that wasn't great for me. Like I forgot to take my lo-cal bread and at meals that called for bread, I would eat like a tiny bit of a baquette or a half a slice of whole wheat. And I asked for each meal without sauce. Avoided desserts for the most part, but since we went with a group that was there to see the band that my husband plays with, someone made a special dessert for just the group. I just couldn't resist. It had a white chocolate guitar on it. It was just so sweet. (not just food sweet.) But I fessed up at my WI today. And I'm just really lucky that I didn't gain!!! I find it weird that after I had that sinful chocolate dessert, I didn't crave anymore junk. It was tasty, but all I could think about was where was the closest vat of broccoli in hopes of evening the field a little!!

    Anyway, just thought I would check in! I had to spend quite a while to catch up! It's good to be back!!
    Welcome back! Sounds like you had a great time and to lose "5" pounds - BONUS!!
  • Quote: I did WI yesterday and was down 1 - I know that's better than zero or a gain but still!!! I know - whine, whine, whine.. That's all I seem to do! But - I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!!!

    I understand how you feel! I only lost one yesterday at my wi. I was hoping for a higher number, but I know that any loss is a good loss! I am having to give myself a "pep" talk to keep positive about all of this. Last night, my husband, in a not-so-wise moment, made the following comment. "Boy, I don't know how much weight my mom lost (she is using Nutrisystem), but she sure looks good. She is working so hard at it. (Pause)Oh, yeah, you are doing good, too." Well, gee, thanks for the thoughtful input honey! Good grief! I am still trying not to be irritated at him today, only because it is his birthday!
  • DUNUTS!!! You are truly inspiring - and in the last week or so - I really have needed that so THANKS!! and really thanks to all of you that are doing the program and proving to us newbies that it does work!