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Old 05-20-2024, 10:19 AM   #106  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Came back down from Tahoe this morning at 5:00 a.m. took a shower and ready to go to school. Last full week of classes. Next Week is 4 days, then 3 days plus finals then I am done.

Lots of exercise yesterday and food did not make me miserable. For now, a win. Exercise today will be gardening down at the River House.

Wave to all.
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Old 05-20-2024, 01:09 PM   #107  
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The scale reading was down this morning! CREDIT for not reading too much into it.

Have I told you all about the cicadas, yet? Our 13-year cicadas emerged this year, the Great Southern Brood. We have shell casings all over our garage. I have to be careful on our sidewalk to keep from stepping on new ones -- it takes some time before they're dry enough to fly into the trees. They are so loud! When I took the compost out yesterday, in the wooded area of our yard, the sound almost hurt my ears.

The 13-year and 17-year (prime numbers!) periodical cicadas only live in the eastern half of North America and don't make it as far north as Canada. The Great Southern Brood is well south of Massachusetts. Fascinating creatures.

Exercise: 60, 1155/1800 minutes for May
95% of Ideal Food Day
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Old 05-20-2024, 03:27 PM   #108  
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Default Monday

A fairly successful day with yet more admin, a shopping expedition and beginning to clean the whole house very thoroughly once again. Although we haven’t had recent viewings of the house, it could happen at any point so I’d like to be on top of things just in case.

Sleep - I set an alarm for when to turn out the light as the time’s been drifting later and later. (I like reading in bed!) And I made sure the window was open. Result: quite a good night’s sleep.

Food - three square but not too big meals. I allowed myself two snacks today. One because I was at the supermarket and I had a free cup of coffee. It became an occasion and there aren’t many of those at the moment. My idea is that this is only acceptable on those supermarket days which are possibly once a week. The other snack was because I accept that 4pm is a tricky time and a cup of herbal tea isn’t doing the business for me as someone with adult responsibilities and concerns. Someone who’s having to make a proper meal every night at present, and for whom the risk of it all going off the rails is high. I'm going to work on eating more slowly as I seem to have speeded up.

Exercise - morning exercises which are making all the difference, and lots of crawling about in tight spaces with a duster and a hoover.

Bill, that’s very nice to be able to learn more about your DS and his life after all these years. I’m certainly all in favour of low prep dinner for the time being.

curlyjax, baked salmon, baked zucchini spears and baked potatoes sounds very nice. And you’re right, major credit for getting through the rest of the night without any sugar.

maryann, glad Tahoe was good. Enjoy working in the garden!

gardenerjoy, thanks very much for telling us about the Great Southern Brood of cicadas. My knowledge of cicadas was nil so it’s great to try and understand a bit about yet more extraordinary wildlife! Credit for bearing with the vagaries of the scale.
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Old 05-21-2024, 06:27 AM   #109  
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Thumbs up Tuesday- Federation Internationale de Football Association, FIFA, forms (1904, Paris)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Looked in my shirt pocket for the wax-paper wrapped cough drop that I'd put in there the day before. So odd that I couldn't find it. Then DING! I remembered that I had put it in the shirt that was currently downstairs being washed. Asked DW, "Everything's washed, but not in the dryer yet." Saved! The cough drop shrank a bit in the washing machine cycle but I was spared the damage that would have been caused by it melting during the drying cycle. Could have damaged my shirt and other clothes as well. I do enjoy the small victory.

Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi, with more evening snack than planned. Need to get my head past that. Dinner was an omelette, brown rice, and broccoli. Plus my, always, green salad. Was much fun discussing the success of re-floating at high tide the container ship Dali that had struck and brought down the Francis Scott Key bridge over Chesapeake Bay. Fun to image the engineering feat that was. I'd just learned that the timeline included 18 hours to pump out the million gallons of water they'd pumped into the ship to help keep it stable while it was stuck.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Fascinating image in your link of the "Map of periodic cicada broods." The thought gives me the creeps. Wonder how cicada's learned about prime numbers. I hadn't realized how little overlap there was between broods. Can't remember ever using the word 'brood' before.

Silverbirch - Sleeping with the window open is so refreshing. We're not there yet. Congrats for being in good enough shape to be crawling about in tight spaces.

maryann – Welcome to the home stretch of your career in teaching. 5:00 am is an early morning, indeed.

curlyjax - Smart of your DS to avoid poison ivy if he's allergic. It's terrific that I, also, haven't noticed you mentioning your hip for some time now.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works

Are You Like Sue?

For more than 20 years, I've used Cognitive Therapy to help many people resolve many different problems, including struggling to lose weight. Sue is typical of these dieters. Before Sue came to treatment, she'd tried many diets, off and on, ever since high school, only to become mired in a familiar cycle: During the first few weeks or months of each diet, she'd confidently lose weight and feel in control; eventually, however, something would make her stray.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 21.
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Old 05-21-2024, 08:06 AM   #110  
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Very good day of eating yesterday with no sugar again! I'm using the lose it app where if you pay, you can see the amount of protein, fiber and fats you're eating, and I find that helpful as a reminder for the first two. Exercise included mowing the lawn with frequent stops to clean out the grass from the mower shooter, as the grass was really high. Sometimes the mower would mulch the lawn as it went along and sometimes it wouldn't, so it became a game to see how far I could get without stopping. There's still a bit left to do which I may tackle today depending on the heat. Work was a satisfying combo of meetings and helping folks, and I didn't get to eat lunch until very late. Being busy definitely helps with not overeating.
Even though I exercised and ate well, i slept terribly, waking up multiple times. Oh well, I will muster through the day.
Silverbirch-ugh that would be a challenge indeed to keep the house clean all the time.
Gardenerjoy-I can just imagine the noise those critters would make.
Maryann- yay for getting close to the finish line!
Bill-small victories are the best.
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Old 05-21-2024, 10:29 AM   #111  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Credit for my determination yesterday to keep an even keel ( a tribute to BBE's Dali) intentionally applying energy to distract. I was irritable with DS who is embracing vacation by leaveing crap all over the house, sad about the eminent end of the school year, and hopeless over weight. These feelings don't need to be explored or resolved. They need to be managed. My solution was to get really incredibly productive. I made a new cold war lesson. I began clearing the center front yard 15 ft by 5 feet mulch area. I had left this area bare with some plants and pottery after my first big makeover. My goal is to level, cut four inches down around the edges, put burlap as a weed protector and then add rocks and some decomposed granite. I did about 2 hours of labor. I also made a pot of chili for DS and his friend. Then made yogurt over night. Afterward, DH and I went to a movie Fall Guy which was cute. Depression and flare up rage avoided. Good. Food was Food.

Today I will do the same. I will buy some new grasses for the dry river as well.

Silverbirch: It continues to amaze how we have to re clean a clean house.
Joy: The cicada sounds have been featured in so many movies because of the dramatic atmosphere they create. Goosebumps.
Curly:Yes. Being busy helps with keeping OP.

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Old 05-21-2024, 01:26 PM   #112  
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Last night ended up with a "catch as catch can" supper with less warning and less planning and less success.

We had another 2-hour phone call related to family drama and still little resolution. Some problems aren't meant to be solved, but that can be hard to accept.

CREDIT for not eating after the call. I had plenty of food before.

Sleep wasn't great, but I'll trust that it will improve tonight.

Exercise: 75, 1230/1800 minutes for May
90% of Ideal Food Day
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Old 05-21-2024, 03:20 PM   #113  
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Default Tuesday

I seemed to be moving rather slowly today but I’ve still got things done. Now the website’s down I’ve been able to turn my attention to my other list which is full of small things. So a bit of admin, a bit of gardening, a bit of maintenance. I’ve cleaned my winter boots, for example, which I’ve been using up until a few weeks ago! I’ve solved out a packing conundrum. I’ve done a bit of a crossword. I didn’t manage to clean another room but tomorrow is another day. Credit for taking things at a sensible pace for me.

Sleep - not a great night’s sleep, even though the window was open and I turned off the light in good time. These things happen.

Food - quite good but not weight-losingly good.

Exercise - just morning exercises today but credit for doing those.

Bill, credit for a small cough sweet victory and averting a potential laundry disaster.

curlyjax, credit for mowing! By the way, what hip?? Credit for getting that sorted!

maryann, credit for knowing yourself enough to avoid depression and flare up rage by being so productive.

gardenerjoy, full credit for not eating after the lengthy family drama call. These things can be so wearing.
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Old 05-22-2024, 07:22 AM   #114  
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Thumbs up Wednesday - 1st atlas 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', Theatre of the World (1570, Antwerp)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – One more hat trick: drug store, library, and supermarket in one trip. Got a happy tweak in the small victories part of my brain. The library trip was to return a couple of books that I was done reading even though there were a few days before due-date. I've been known to wait until the last day just in case I was moved to read the remaining bits. It's still a challenge for me to read enough of a book for my needs and declare that I'm done, absolutely done, will read no more. Currently, I stick the book in the to-be-read pile - which currently holds dozens of books that I have no desire to read more of. I do understand that it doesn't make sense to get one chapter into Tale of Two Cities and declare, enough, I know where this is going. But many current books are a one-trick pony; one gets the point, author's style, and author's perspective from the first chapter.

Pre-dinner Zoom broadcast was an interview with Natalie Dykstra, the author of a new book
Chasing Beauty: The Life of Isabella Stewart Gardner Chasing Beauty: The Life of Isabella Stewart Gardner
. Thought that I knew all I needed to know about Gardner. I learned that the social groups in Boston starting after the Civil War were "sewing circles" originally created to sew clothes for soldiers but evolved into THE social cliques. One was invited. A newcomer to Boston (from New York) like Gardner had no chance of breaking in. So she created a $100M (today's money) museum where everyone came to visit HER. I'm still trying to learn how to appreciate art; appreciating founder of museums might have to wait for my next life.

Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi, with extra snacks. Dinner was salmon grilled on the deck. It was warm enough to be outside without a jacket just as it should be in late May.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - I admire your tolerance for sticking with the long family drama phone call. Useful observation for me, "Some problems aren't meant to be solved, but that can be hard to accept."

Silverbirch - Sorta surprising that a house needs cleaning even when there are no people or pets getting it dirty. What's great about a list of small things is that something is sure to get done.

maryann – Your Fall Guy movie has its fair share of action scenes. Had to look up the obvious, decomposed granite is crushed stone.

curlyjax - Your lawn mowing sounds like serious exercise. Like the notion, "Being busy definitely helps with not overeating."

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works

Are You Like Sue?

The reasons varied. One day her boss asked her to work late, which, she said, "caused" her to pick up a pizza on the way home.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 22.
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Old 05-22-2024, 07:31 AM   #115  
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Work was slower yesterday which was fine after the incredibly busy day before. I stayed OP except for one Werners candy so credit for that. I ended up taking a late nap which messed up my sleep later. It was too hot to mow but at least I got the piled up dishes done and a little admin. DD came home and was very emotional/hungry which then evolved into a fight so that wasted the rest of the night. i did emotionally eat over it (although I was a bit hungry as well) and ended my very brief sugar/over eating free streak but today is a new day!
I woke up early and am going on a walk right now so wave to all.
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Old 05-22-2024, 10:32 AM   #116  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Another successful day of a truce with food. For the second day in a row I came straight home, put my new hiking tights on and worked in the yard for 2.5 hours. I love my new hiking tights I use them for backpack training and gardening now because of the pockets. I move more naturally which helps saves my back and squats are easy. I now have four pairs. I am not a "legging while shopping" gal but they look more like pants. A win.

I reprieved a few plants on death row by putting them on the sidewalk marked "free." They were gone in an hour. I replaced them with fountain grass in pots. Things are starting to look great. The dry river now only has three kinds of plants in pots. The color comes in ceramic globes and a bird fountain. I spent yesterday maintenance hedging and blowing dissected fall leaves and spiderwebs out of the ground cover. Today I will get back to digging four inches down around all sides that meet concrete. This is where various sizes and colors of cobblestone will go. I have learned so much. I should have done this when I originally created the xeriscape. I am thinking about it as drafts of a book ( nod to Joy) No work is ever wasted. Everything moves you to the next best version.

Silverbirch: I have a list of admin and large projects that are waiting for after i retire. I love checking boxes.
Curly: tired and hungry is never easy.
BBE: Yes i find that more and more books can be summarized in a blog post.
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Old 05-22-2024, 07:01 PM   #117  
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I had a Dear Brother Hot Tub Therapy session this morning. It was great and I've been behind all day long.

I just wrote a plan for supper because that's been a problem some nights. It won't be tonight.

Exercise: 70, 1300/1800 minutes for May
95% of Ideal Food Day
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Old 05-23-2024, 02:53 AM   #118  
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Default Wednesday

Lots of rain today and more in the forecast so I’ve been mostly indoors. A potential buyer wants to view for the third time at the weekend, and they are bringing a builder. That’s the incentive I need to tidy up and finish the cleaning! You might think that a house wouldn’t need cleaning if no-one has been living in it but remember that potential buyers and estate agents have been trailing through with muddy shoes and boots. Dust makes its way in somehow, too, probably more so in an older house. And it wasn’t perfectly clean when I left as there are those gaps where furniture used to be. So there’s work to be done.

Sleep - a disturbed night but I think I got caught up in the bedclothes somehow!

Food - quite good but could do better. ‘Silverbirch would do well if she were able to concentrate and plan her food rather better. The rest of her life is often irregular and that has a deleterious effect on her food intake.’

Exercise - morning exercises, carrying two heavy shopping bags some distance and a bit of crawling about with a duster.

Bill, great news that you didn’t have to wear a jacket on the deck! Here I’ve reverted to a fully waterproof jacket, scarf, hat and gloves.

curlyjax, it was so exciting to hear that you were going for a walk ‘right now’ that I wanted to join you but by then I was already embroiled in something. Next time!

maryann, great work in the garden. I like the learning by doing approach.

gardenerjoy, worth being behind for a Dear Brother Hot Tub session!
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Old 05-23-2024, 06:03 AM   #119  
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Thumbs up Thursday - RIP American outlaws Bonnie and Clyde (1934, Sailes, Louisiana)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Exercise was hauling the (push) lawn mower and stand-alone hammock from the basement. It's time to believe that summer is coming. None of the pieces were heavy, just bulky for carrying up the steep stairs of the bulkhead. DW uses the hammock for a few minutes nearly every day during the summer to take a break from gardening. It's her happy place.

Dinner was taken on the patio in our new chairs. The heat had dissolved into a pleasant evening. The yard that was dead ugly just a few weeks ago is busting green everywhere. The color isn't here yet. Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi, still with more snacks than I needed.

Excitement was picking up the (8 yo) DGD from Second Grade. She only has fourteen more days of school - they count down in her class. For some of the time we spent with her she and DW took 10-second turns drawing small pictures: several faces then a scene. They feed off each other with hilarious laughter. The faces just become more odd as each competes with the other.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - With all the family drama your DBHTT session must be extra soothing.

Silverbirch - A potential buyer with a builder in tow is appreciating your house as is instead of the folks who wanted it to be a different house.

maryann – Tights with pockets makes sense to me. I vote for the cedar pink style; make everyone at a distance gasp wondering if you're wearing anything at all.

curlyjax - A little admin and dishes are easier in the heat then outdoor work. Yay for an OP day at work.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works

Are You Like Sue?

Another time, after an argument with her husband, she was upset and "found" herself eating a pint of chocolate ice cream. Yet another time she "lost control" at a holiday party while at a buffet table covered with one tempting dish after another.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 22.
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Old 05-23-2024, 08:03 AM   #120  
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I did indeed jump up yesterday morning for a 20ish minute walk at a brisk pace and was so glad I did. I will have to start doing that more although it means waking up earlier. I slept poorly again, waking up more often than usual- I do hope this isn't going to become a thing. I do not do well on little sleep.Ugh. Credits for staying on OP most of the day- a few Werner candies at work, I should bring some gum in to break that habit-and then I indulged in an ice cream sandwich at BFF 's house. She made a fried tofu and broccoli dish with Udon noodles and man it was good. She's very good at throwing things together like that. We watched a Netflix documentary on the Ashley Madison website that got hacked, and it was so interesting, although depressing to think so many people want to cheat on their spouses.
Today its supposed to thunder and even hail which always makes me nervous, but isn't a reason to overeat.
Maryann-those pants look super comfy, and with pockets too!
Gardenerjoy- yay for hot tub therapy. Does it make you feel warm for a good while after? I can't do hot baths/hot tubs anymore for that reason.
Silverbirch-great you have a serious potential buyer. I like your summary of yourself
Bill-how great that DW has a hammock for resting from gardening, that sounds quite idyllic.
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