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Old 08-12-2005, 10:26 AM   #1  
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Default not losing or even gaining on SBD?

Ok, I thought I had posted this on this forum but maybe I'm blind or something, but I can't find the search button. (Am I losing it?)

This is something I posted to a different forum:
Things that newbies can do without knowing any better from reading the different threads over the last year:

If you are busily on the beach and find yourself not losing or <gasp> gaining weight instead of losing.

1. Too much salt can be a big problem. Water retention, yuck! If you are eating canned beans, make sure you are rinsing them before using them. They contain a lot of sodium. The cheeses and nuts also tend to contain a lot of salt. The regular V-8 juice Dr. A. suggests for breakfast also high in salt. Look for the low sodium one. It stills taste good.

2. Not taking a fiber supplement of some sort or if you don't want to do supplemental fiber, maybe eat more beans each day....but don't go over board either. Also if you haven't had a bowel movement, (yes, I know, gross talking about bodily functions with complete strangers ) you may be retaining all the food you've been eating the last few days.

3. It's one serving of nuts or peanut butter/nut butter per day. Not one serving of each type.

4. Not drinking enough water. At least 2 quarts a day. Water is water, not soda or crystal lite. You can get by with a little flavoring with your water, but don't drink the entire 2 quarts as soda or full strength crystal lite or sugar free kool-aid type stuff. Plus it has a lot of sodium also.

5. Eating too much fat. In phase 1, it's easy to eat a lot of your calories from fat. Don't go over board on the ricotta desserts. Ricotta has something like 90 calories per 1/4 cup depending on your brand. So don't be eating 2 cups of the stuff each day. Try to stick to 1 serving a day of the riccotta. Even when using the low fat cheeses, they still contain several grams of fat each serving.

I know, we aren't counting fat grams or calories. I don't either, I just keep in mind how much cheese I'm eating each day and try not to eat too much. Like personally, I use cheese as a meat replacement. So I allow myself a few extra ounces a day because I don't eat meat when I eat the cheese.

6. Not eating enought vegetables. Some people get this plan confused with Atkins or some other low carb diet and focus on the meat/cheese/eggs aspect and totally forget that you should be eating a ton of vegetables a day. (ok, maybe not a ton, but roughly 4 1/2 cups a day-that's from the pay site, someone shared recently)

7. Beans are a nice healthy phase 1 choice. They are loaded with good carbs and lots of nice fiber. See # 2 above. The fill you up and taste good too.

Oh dear, I hope I'm not totally freaking you out. Really, it's simple.

Drink lots of water
eat a wide variety of vegetables each meal
stick with the lower fat or fat free versions of cheeses and dairy.
drink more water
eat more vegetables
eat some beans for fiber
drink more water and walk to the farthest bathroom you can. Phase 1 can introduce you to so many different bathrooms.

If none of these ideas is what's going on, you may need to do some old fashion calorie counting just to see what's happening. I know it's not the official SBD thing to do, but many of us keep a general idea of calories in mind.

There are a couple websites that are really good:
To help you figure out how many calories you need,

then plug everything you eat into for a couple days just to get an idea of what's going on.

I've lost about 40 pounds last year, my high blood pressure is no longer high <yeah!> my cholestrol is wonderful, my knees and feet no longer hurt from the arthritis. I can walk up stairs without feeling like I'm having a heart attack. I'm much more active and healthy. My doctor is so happy with me.
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