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sept15lija 04-21-2015 12:05 PM

Has your supply been fine up to this point? If so and your baby is 6 months your supply is well established....I would focus on making sure to get enough healthy calories. I usually do 1500 calories to lose weight but while nursing I up it to 1800. Last time I ate 1500 religiously, when supply was affected. This time I'm doing it more slowly and haven't had any issues (I've lost about 11 pounds so far). When did you go back to work? Have you been pumping for a while? I know for me I never produced nearly as much for the pump as my baby could take from me - remember babies are much more efficient than pumps. :)

Angelique 04-22-2015 12:55 PM

Hi Everyone,

I'm back after being gone for 3 years. I managed to lose close to 40 lbs a couple of years ago and after my pregnancy, I'm almost back to where I started. I breastfeed and pump during the day at work. I lost about 25 lbs after I gave birth, but have now added 16 lbs since Oct!!!

I know some women hold onto weight while breastfeeding, but I didn't realize I would gain so much. I have had serious issues with lack of sleep. Pretty much as soon as I went back to work, my daughter decided that I needed to wake up 4, 5, even 6 times to nurse. I want to keep breastfeeding and am not looking to wean anytime soon, but the weight gain needs to stop!

Any advice would be appreciated!

Campana 04-22-2015 01:54 PM

Yes my supply was fine I am able to produce enough for him. But I notice that once I start cutting back on calories it drops. I normally drink oatmeal and have cereal, snack on cheese. I minimized dairy product down to just one cup of almond milk could that be the issue? What do your menus look like? I don't understand if I'm eating veggies and chicken which are healthy why this would happen.

Campana 04-22-2015 01:56 PM

I've been back to work for almost 2 months. And even pumping I was able to produce enough. It was only one feeding that she didn't have enough. I normally produce 5 oz per pumping session I went down to 3 oz.

Campana 04-22-2015 02:01 PM

Hi Angelique welcome back! You mentioned you have gained weight are you just as hungry as I am all the time lol because I know I am. I slowly have lost a few pounds here and there at my 8 week appointment I was 10 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight and now I am 2-5lbs away depending on how well I am with my eating habits. All I can say is choose healthy snacks and meals it might not make you lose weight but at least not gain.

sept15lija 04-24-2015 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Campana (Post 5156253)
Yes my supply was fine I am able to produce enough for him. But I notice that once I start cutting back on calories it drops. I normally drink oatmeal and have cereal, snack on cheese. I minimized dairy product down to just one cup of almond milk could that be the issue? What do your menus look like? I don't understand if I'm eating veggies and chicken which are healthy why this would happen.

Maybe your calories are just a bit too low. In my honest opinion, the quality of the calories don't matter much, in terms of producing milk. In terms of your health of course they matter very much! Once your supply is established your body will continue to make milk as long as you are eating enough and baby is nursing regularly. You don't need to drink milk to make milk of course. I don't drink milk or eat much dairy at all. I usually have a museli pita for breakfast with some type of fruit or yogurt, lunch is usually salad with chicken or soup with some carbs (melba toast or something like that), and then dinner is varied according to what my family is eating, but usually fish or pasta or an egg white omelette with a salad...then a snack at night. I don't crave much variety.

I am back to work about 3 days per week, and my daughter refuses bottles so drinks water while I am away and eats solids, and then nurses a lot when we are together and overnight (yawn).

Angelique - I hear you I am frigging exhausted! I know that has contributed to my weight gain. She was sleeping really well for a while but then hit the 4 month sleep regression and hasn't slept well since. She's been sick the past few days which of course has made it even worse. As I mentioned above too I am back at work as well and my baby likes to nurse A LOT at night as well. I am doing my best to count my calories and exercise. What worked for you in the past to lose weight?

kestrel 04-24-2015 11:29 AM

Hi everyone, I'm back after a break of several years!

I lost 60 lbs after my 3rd baby was born and felt fantastic. Now baby #6 is almost 4 months old and I have a lot of weight to lose again. (My 6 year old reminded me of this last night when she said "mommy, you look like you're pregnant again!" Ahhh, kids.)

So, back to it. It's been harder to get motivated this time around, which is why I didn't lose the weight after #4 &5. I think because I knew that I could do it, for some reason that made it easier to put off.

sept15lija 04-27-2015 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by kestrel (Post 5156961)
Hi everyone, I'm back after a break of several years!

I lost 60 lbs after my 3rd baby was born and felt fantastic. Now baby #6 is almost 4 months old and I have a lot of weight to lose again. (My 6 year old reminded me of this last night when she said "mommy, you look like you're pregnant again!" Ahhh, kids.)

So, back to it. It's been harder to get motivated this time around, which is why I didn't lose the weight after #4 &5. I think because I knew that I could do it, for some reason that made it easier to put off.

Hi Kestrel! I remember seeing you from the last time I was here. Congrats on your new baby! Yes aren't kids fantastic....out of the mouths of babes lol.

I think I might be a bit like you too - I knew I could do it so I may as well enjoy stuffing my face?? lol....it was OK in the winter when I could cover up in a big jacket, but now that better weather is here it sucks!

How was everyone's weekend? I did OK - I caved to chinese food on Saturday night but made a better choice when the family was having tacos yesterday night. I was also very active, bike rides, hikes, walks....etc. I feel good this morning. Monday is my weigh in day and I am back in onederland....just barely but at least I'm there. All in all I'll call it a win. :carrot:

kestrel 04-27-2015 12:41 PM

Congratulations on being back in onederland! :D

The weekend wasn't great here, our mealplanning fell off the wagon and ended up not being great about logging my food. Nothing too bad, but not a habit I want to get into. As the weather gets nicer here I hope to get more active, I need to figure out some kind of routine for it. For now I have a rebounder in the living room and I'm getting on it so I'm moving some throughout the day, anything to get my activity level up.

HGantt 05-02-2015 08:09 PM

I'm nursing a 6 month old!!
I've been working full time since she was 3 months old and pumping at work. It has been a hard long road. I HATE PUMPING!!!! my supply dipped for awhile because work got busy and I was pumping once a day and two different days I couldn't pump at all, it hurt so bad! Not to mention she went through a growth spurt and just blew through our freezer stash, so for almost an entire month I was only making enough for the very next day.

But I feel like no one knows hunger until they're a breastfeeding woman, some days I just can't stop eating, I'm so ravenous!

I gained 35 lbs from the pregnancy, and once I gave birth I lost 25 of it within two weeks! But that last 10 lbs is REALLY hanging on for dear life, and I ended up gaining 5 more lbs in the past few months. This is on top of the fact that I had wanted to lose 15-20 lbs before I got pregnant anyways! So now I have roughly 30 lbs I really need to lose and I absolutely cannot wait until she weans herself off - I have no plans of forcing her to stop at any point!! Breast is best, plus I LOVE the bonding!!! BUT I don't want to jeopardize my supply!!

Glad to see that there are other ladies in my boat!

Daimere 05-03-2015 12:36 PM

I have an eight week old and am nursing.

Campana 05-09-2015 03:44 AM

Hello everyone how are you all doing?? Well I'm back was kinda MIA. been still trying to lose weight while still nursing. i must admit nursing is my # 1 priority and well I am still going at it. Been loosing weight at a very slow pace but at least numbers are going down.

Campana 05-09-2015 03:55 AM

OMG. I agree with you I hate pumping too. While on Maternity I didn't pump much because I prefer to nurse I love the fact I don't need to wash anything lol

Ouch not pumping when away from baby is brutal! I know how it is when we are sometimes unable to pump because of meetings or just plain out busy. Good thing is baby can eat solids now.

I'm glad I'm not the only one hungry all the time lol

Campana 05-09-2015 04:09 AM

Hi welcome. How has this weight loss and nursing been going for you have you been cleared to excersise?

Thedollylala 05-27-2015 05:53 PM

I have a 3 week old and we are nursing. I'm still tweaking my calories to make sure I'm getting enough for the baby and myself. It's quite a journey

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