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Old 10-24-2011, 02:12 PM   #1  
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Default Question for those experienced Momentum/Flex users

I have done flex on and off now for 4 years now...just recently back at it. I am having a hard time losing this time around or at least I feel like I am. I would love to get your input on what I could do just a bit different to see better results.

I have 21 daily points which I meet each day and I do 65 min on the elliptical interval training 6-7 days a week. I am not doing any weight training but plan to start. When I do I will cut back the cardio to 30 min and spend 30 on weights 3 times a week.

I rarely use any of my flex pts and not sure how many ap points I am earning and I don't eat them either.

Any suggestions? Most weeks I don't lose anything and even have gained a few times.
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Old 10-26-2011, 07:40 PM   #2  
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I keep seeing your question and hoped someone currently doing Momentum would respond. Since that hasn't happened...I am very experienced with Momentum/Flex but have been following a sort of modified PP program since PP came out but do still remember Momentum.

Anyway, back when I was doing Momentum I recorded calories and 1 Point for me equated about 48 calories which is 1008 calories (and that included the zero point vegetables I was eating).

So if you are eating somewhere around 1000 calories a day then I don't think it should be possible for you to not be losing particularly with your level of activity. I tend to lose slowly. I'm at a similar weight as you (inch shorter) and I record my calories. I'm averaging eating between 1150 and 1200 calories a day. I'm not as active as you but I am still losing although only about .6 to .7 pounds a week.

Exercise can cause some water retention but that wouldn't continue long term.

I have to wonder if you are correctly calculating your points. This could be from getting the portions wrong or from using a calculator that isn't correct.

Are you using a calculator that you had from before or are you using a calculator found online?

Do you weigh your food? How do you determine how much you are eating for purposes of calculating points?

Have you tried counting calories? I find that counting calories has really been invaluable to me at times.

I just have to feel that if you aren't losing at all that something is going wrong in the point calculation end.

On reasons for not losing I found this article helpful to me (some of it is PP related but you can ignore those parts as most of it would apply to anyway who isn't losing, regardless of plan)
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Old 10-27-2011, 01:03 PM   #3  
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Thanks for replying kosha
To answer some of you questions the calculator I use is one I got off ebay a few years ago but I also use one I found on line.
Since this post I have started using myfitnesspal instead of points and found that if I went by the calories (avg 1200) I am eating more than what I thought. I just calculated my calories, fat and fiber totals for each day I am eating an avg of 24 pts instead of 21
I have noticed though this past week I am dropping a few pounds so maybe my questions was a bit premature or my body just hangs on to everything until it can no longer do it? I don't know.

I think the biggest shocker for me when I started using myfitnesspal was looking at the nutrition of the foods I eat. Especially the fat of some foods WOW.

I think I will always be calculating in my head the points value of the foods I eat but will continue to watch the calories..
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Old 10-27-2011, 07:38 PM   #4  
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I find that doing both works well. I use myplate and have found that I do best if I eat lower carb and I need to keep track of my average calories. Just one large restaurant meal can really up the average for the week.
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:45 PM   #5  
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I too find when I eat food that are low carb I tend not to have cravings for high cal low nutrition. I don't know if that is my age or just normal. I avoid 99% of the breads out there, I do eat popcorn though.

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