2/3 gone, 1/3 to go!

  • Hi Girls!

    I started up this summer and lost a bunch of weight in a short time. Then I got busy and didn't do anything but maintain for half a year, which thankfully went well - but started back up again recently. And I have hit a bit of a milestone. 2/3 of my desired weightloss gone!

    24lbs, gone! To never be back. I went from slightly overweight to nicely in the middle of healthy weightrange.

    I don't know where I wanna end up, 130 has been my "oh that's fine too" weight from the beginning, but I am gonna shoot for 120. Just because then I don't just look fine, I'll look super duper hot. Hihi. After all the hard work, I think hot is a nicer destination than "fine".

  • Good job! You're way closer to goal! Congratulations!
  • congratulations on your success
  • Way to go, philana! I have been to 3FC only very intermittently since September, but I remember you from the Featherweight threads.
  • thank you girls! I am very happy with it for sure.

    sumire, I do remember you. When will you hang out with us in the Feathers again?
  • Congrats philana
  • I thought about piping up, but I'm not in weight loss mode for the moment (in maintenance / body recomp mode), so I don't know whether I'm a feather or not right now...?
  • sumire - sure you are, and you could inspire/motivate us and teach us something about maintenance. we'll all be there sooner or later!