Lost 20 and much happier :)

  • I know I don't post very much, but I wanted to post that I'm down to around 170 now. I'm a very different person from when I was at 190. I have people tell me I look much thinner than I am, but I have a ton more muscle than I used to.

    I'm eating healthier (more protein, veggies and fruits, less sugar and carbs) and alternating Jillian Michaels DVDs 5-6 days a week. So that's what I'm doing and it's working pretty well. The weight loss is slow because I eat at around 1650 calories. BUT any less and I am cranky. So slow and steady.

    I don't have any pictures because I don't care to, but I can say I love my butt now. It's very defined. I am toning up all over, but the butt makes me the happiest.
  • It's amazing the difference we feel from those 20 pounds. I know I feel (and look!) like a different person at 175 compared to 195! Congrats to you on your success so far!
  • Thank you!
  • Congratulations!!
  • Congratulation! 20 pounds is a lot to lose. It's amazing how much weight can bring us down and losing it brings so much more.
  • Great job! Congratulations~
  • Congrats to you....
  • Congrats!!!
  • Great Job!