It's taking awhile, but that's okay!

  • I am down 32 lbs. thus far.
    I'm working on 50 lbs. gone by August.

  • Way to go! You are WELL on your way and I know you will make your goal!
  • Keep up the good work!!
  • Congrats! I'm sure you'll reach your goal! Keep doing what you have been and it'll be a piece of cake
  • Good Job!!! Congrats
  • Excellent job! I know what you are going through. I struggled for so long, but when I finally started losing the weight, every achievement, no matter how small made me feel on top of the world!
  • Congratulations! Keep up the great work!
  • Another one!
    I lost another pound. Now I'm at 33 lbs. lost.......THUS FAR

    I like what "Fit Jeff" had to say that when a person has been struggling for quite awhile with weight and then the weight is starting to come off, even a pound makes your day.

    I have on a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to fit in for.....YEARS!
    Now that makes me feel good.

    As God as my witness, I AM GOING TO SUCCEED THIS TIME.

    Thanks everyone for your responses.