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aleka 10-04-2004 07:32 AM

LCFS Week of October 3rd
A good Monday morning to you all,

I hope you all had a nice weekend. We went for a ride on Saturday to see what hurricane Charley had done to the area. They've cleaned up a lot, but the devastation is still all around. I showed DH where my girlfriend took me last week.

I've seen a lot of pumpkins for sale at the supermarket and along the roadside, plus people are starting to put up their Halloween decorations. It just doesn't seem like Halloween to me. :shrug:

Nikki, do you like those pro/fat buns? I made them once and didn't care for them. Maybe I should've added some sort of flavoring to them, or I could've made them wrong. Do you add anything to them like cheese or something? I went out and bought a crown muffin pan to make them. I see people rave about them on SS site. I will try them again. But, I really enjoy having "sandwiches" made with lettuce leaves. Any word on your computer yet? Hope you get it soon.

Anne, how did your meeting go on Friday? Please let us know how things went. I do hope that :devil: let you have your say and not do your talking for you.

lynn, how does it feel to be home again and how is Mya doing?

Have a great day everyone.

nikkic 10-04-2004 11:37 AM

NO COMPUTER! I miss it so much. DH watches the history channel all the time and it's driving me nuts. We have more than one tv, but if I go in the living room, he goes in there and if I go to the bedroom, he goes there too. When he finally goes to bed to sleep, there is nothing on I want to watch. I really hate coming to the library to use a computer, but I guess I should be glad I have a place to go at all.
Aleka, I like the profat buns. I made them with parmesan and garlic, so maybe that's the difference? I bought the crown muffin pans too, but I think you can make them just as well if you use a big spoon and plop a big scoop out on a cookie sheet. I did notice after a day or so, the buns didn't taste as good as when they are fresh, so I"m only making 6 at a time now.
I made lasagna last night, using that recipe that I gave you not long ago. For some reason, it turned out really icky this time. I'm not sure what the difference was, except last time, I used noodles and this time, I used zucchini. DH ate it, he'll eat anything. To me, it just tasted like a big pot of hot cheese and was kind of watery.
Our weather is really getting fall like. Very cool at night, in the 30's and sometimes almost the 20's. My DD #2 put up Halloween decorations a few weeks ago. It's her favorite holiday. I see lots of people have them up now. It seems way too early to me too.
I have a problem and need some sugggestions. My DH has always given his niece and nephews a Christmas present (one neice, 2 nephews). Last year, to save money, we just gave them $20 each in a card. This year, their families have grown. He has 2 brothers. One brother has taken in his wive's nephews kids to live with them, so they now have 4 more little kids. His other brother has started to live with a woman and she has 3 kids (we've never met these kids yet). I don't know what to do about Christmas. We can't afford to give $20 each to 7 more kids. We don't want to not give presents to Dh's niece and nephew either, but don't want the other kids to feel left out. I've thought about a candy tray, but that's the only idea I've come up with. A fruit basket wouldn't be much of a present for kids, I doubt they'd even notice that. Any other ideas?
Well, better get moving, hi Anne and Lynn, Nikki

aleka 10-04-2004 12:07 PM

Nikki, do your DH's nieces and nephews eat at any of the fast food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendys? You could get them a gift certificate for whichever fast food rest. they eat at. The last time I ever gave one of them, they came in $5.00 increments, I don't know how much they are now. My girlfriend has a lot of nieces and nephews to buy for and sometimes she gets the older ones gift certificates from their favorite movie theater. I don't think they are very expensive either. I agree, I don't think they'd like a fruit basket. If you want to do a candy thing, why don't you buy some individual inexpensive Christmas stockings and put the candy in them. Hope this helps some. Sorry that you haven't gotten your computer back yet.


nikkic 10-04-2004 09:33 PM

I got my computer back this evening. I am so happy! The guy (kid really, but that's who understand these things) said he had to reload windows, so now everything has to be put back in again. I think it's what happened with your computer, Aleka. I had to reinstall McAfee and I lost some email addresses. I will never be able to find some of those people again. I don't know why I didn't write their email address down on paper. Just goes to show you, you need a hard copy of ever thing, or a cd. I lost alot of recipes too, but I should have backed them up on a cd. Live and learn. It cost $125 and I was relieved it wasn't more.
Aleka, getting gift certificates for McDonalds might be a good thing, or some kind of restaurant like that (cheap and kid friendly). I'll have to check around town for other deals like that, maybe DQ. I could put them in an inexpensive stocking with some candy and that should do it. Thank you for the idea, it would be just the thing. If anybody else has some other ideas, please let me know.
Talk to you guys tomorrow, what a relief, I don't have to go to the library :D Nikki

ANNE D 10-05-2004 07:08 AM

Hi Everyone:
Well, they cancelled our meeting. I really don't know why. I am sorry I
have hardly posted these last days but one day blends so quickly into the
next at the moment. :devil: cancelled my day off for Christmas Eve. We
are lucky we only work until noon that day. It is obvious to me :devil: got
into alot of trouble over this last incident and will nail me anyway she can :(
As the saying goes ladies, give them enough rope and......

Nikki, so glad you got your computer back. I have a hard time even getting
near mine now because of my kids and homework.........

Aleka, well it sure seems like Halloween around here. It is really cold today
but I am in my glory. Love it. I like to call it Jacket weather. Trust me
I won't sound so happy in January :lol:

I am going to start my Christmas list anytime now. I keep telling my kids to
give me their lists because once December arrives I like to enjoy the season
without having to shop.

Have a great day ladies!!

alynn 10-05-2004 08:02 AM

Goodmorning All: I am back home for the winter and yes Anne jacket weather is here and I love it! It has rained heavy here for 2 days which made moving back difficult to say the least. Well remember I said I was hoping to get 1 of the pups back, will I have. We have to start at square 1 with her. She has gone backwards because of spending so much time in a crate. She is the sweetest thing and just wants to please. DH isn't too happy, he is afraid that I won't give her up and he is probabley right :lol:, DD is thinking about taking her but she is paying 15$ for the dog walker a day now so 2 dogs will cost 30 plus taxes a day a lot of money a month, hey maybe I should become a dog walker good money in it. Mya's eye is okay now and she is really enjoying the pup. Glad you have your computer back Nikki, the last few days at the trailer without mine was soooo boring and you are right you don't realize how much you are on the computer. Aleka I am counting carbs, I try to keep in the 30 range but the last week I have been in the 60 range so hope I am not gaining. One of the diets recommends 60 to maintaine. I am really trying to make this a lifestyle change. God that sounded like Dr. Phil, Yuck!!!! Today we are going to shop and I will be back on track. I am also going to start Leslie Sansome's walking tapes, though God knows why as I am walking dogs none stop it seems. I am going to try and find that recipe for the buns you were talking about. My favorite lunch is a sirlon burger on lettuce, I don't even miss the bun but I would like a tuna salad sandwich once in a while. This is our Thanksgiving this weekend and our plans are on hold because of all the dogs, we will have to sort our plans soon.Well off to walk the dogs will be back later now that I am home and back into my "winter" routine. Later

aleka 10-05-2004 08:17 AM

Good morning,

I had a very bad day yesterday. When DH talked with the moving co. last week, they said our furniture would be here Sun. or Mon. DH called them yesterday, and the truck is still sitting in NH and we wouldn't see our furniture until Friday. DH practically bit the guys head off! They loaded our furniture on their truck 2 weeks ago today! :mad: :bomb: :censored: They will give us some of our money back because of this.

There was an ad in the local paper last week of a job fair later this morning in a neighboring town. We're going to go and see what's what. Hopefully one of us can find a job there.

Anne, that is awful about :devil: cancelling your day off the day before Christmas. That must put a damper on some of your plans. I tend to get my holiday shopping done early too. In the past, I would get tons and tons of catalogs in Oct. I would ask DH to go through them and make a list of what he wanted, and I would do the same. The end of Oct. we would exchange lists then start ordering. I hate dealing with crowds of people, so I mainly did my shopping for everyong via catalog. This year it will be different, mostly because we won't have a lot of money to spend on people. So, we're cutting corners.

Nikki, that's fantastic you've got your computer back. :cp: You must be very happy. It was a real pain getting my e mail and bookmarked favorites back again. Some of my favorite sites I remembered, and some I didn't. I did a google search and was able to find a couple of ones I did not remember. One being the recipe site for SS. That's a good idea about putting the gift cert. in a stocking along with the candy. I have been trying to think of other things you could do. I have an idea for the girls if they wear jewelry or have long hair. If you have a mall near you, they usually have some sort of store, some are called Claires, and I've seen others called Adornments. They have very inexpensive jewelry and other doo-dads that young girls like. So rather than giving the girls a gift certificate you could put in an inexpensive pair of earrings, some other sort of jewelry, or a hair ornament of some kind.

lynn, which Leslie Sansone walking tapes do you have? I have Walk Away the Pounds with weighted balls, plus I bought a 4 mile tape last year which I never even took the wrapper off. Since it's so warm and humid here for 3 seasons (gee, I love saying that) :lol: I will probably start them again so I can do it in the air conditioning comfort of my home. ;) Glad you got the puppy back. It seems like you have a long road ahead of you getting him trained. I don't envy you. Good luck with him. How is Mya doing with him? I think 60 carbs would be ok. I have a low carb diet book from Prevention, and their carb counts go as high as 120-125 to lose weight. My favorite lunch is chicken salad wrapped in lettuce leaves. I had a sandwich yesterday for convenience and it made me feel... :p

Hope you all have a good day.

alynn 10-05-2004 08:31 AM

Goodmorning Again: Yep back in my routine, I was still on line when your post came though Aleka. I have her tapes with the belt and the original ones. I want to be in some sort of shape when my membership kicks in Nov 1. I think your suggestions to Nikki are on the money. When it got out of hand at Christmas when the kids were young we picked names and bought just one present with a $ limit on it. It must be so infuriating without your furniture. I would be really P-----. Well off again

nikkic 10-05-2004 11:06 AM

Good morning,
Well, I wrote a long post and then hit the wrong button and lost the darned thing. How frustrating that is.
Anne, I would keep a log of what :devil: does and says that could be viewed as harrassment. That way, if you have to meet with the higher ups in the future, you can have all the incidents recorded, including dates and what was said/done. I wish she was going to see the light and change, but based on her track record, she is not going to be any different, so you might as well be prepared. Having a written record sure helps if you ever are in a situation like that again. It's hard enough to even talk, let alone remember things. At least, it is for me ;)
So sorry to hear about her cancelling your day off. I know how much you love Christmas and being with your family during the holidays. It use to bother me alot, when I had to work during Christmas. It sure can be exhausting too.
Lynn, I am so glad you got the pup back. And Mya sounds like she is too. What is her name?
Here's the recipe for the profat buns from DebB on the SS site. She said they are a version of the Atkins revolution buns.- I like the Parmesan Buns best -

Basic Buns
6 egg whites
4 egg yolks
6 tbsp sour cream (or cream cheese)
2 pkg splenda
1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until stiff. Turn bowl upside down and if the whites don't slide out, they are stiff enough.
In a small bowl mix together the other ingredients. Gently fold the yolk mixture into the whites. Rubber spatula works best.
Generously spray a nonstick crown muffin pan (or cookie sheet) with Pam. Fill the indents evenly. (If your using a cookie sheet, just take a large spoon and plop a big scoop on the sheet.) Bake for about 50 min (or less) in a 300 degree oven. Till nice and brown. They will fall flat when you remove them from the oven, that's the way it is. Remove and let cool. After they have cooled, put in a plastic bag with holes poked in it and place in the fridge. This will help to keep them from getting sticky. Makes 12 halves.

Parmesan Buns
To the basic recipe, add in with the yolk mixture
1/4 cup grated (powdered) parmesan cheese
1 tsp granulated garlic

When you form them, sprinkle on dehydrated minced onions and bake as above.

Sweet Cinnamon Buns
To the basic recipe, add in with the yolk mixture
3-4 packets slpenda
1 trsp cinnamon
Bake as above, but 40 min instead of 50. These are great for making french toast with, or spread some sweetened cream cheese on top to "frost" them.

$15 a day to walk a dog. Man, why can't I get that kind of a job. I had no idea that the dog walkers I see on TV that are in NY walking all those dogs were making all that money (bet they charge even more). They get lots of exercise too.

Aleka, how frustrating not to have your furniture yet! Do you have anything to sleep on or sit on? Are you still staying in a motel? Thanks for the other suggestions. DD says the big thing with young girls is MaryKate and Ashley, so maybe I'll look at that stuff for the stockings too.
Good luck with the job search :)

What are your favorite Leslie Sansone tapes, you guys? I need to do something this winter and I need to do something different.

It is so nice to be home to post. Talk to you all later, Nikki

aleka 10-06-2004 06:58 AM

Good morning, :coffee:

Nikki, thank you for posting the recipe for the P/F buns. When everything gets here...if it does :rolleyes: I'll make another batch. The cinnamon ones look very interesting. I made the plain ones a very long time ago, and if I recall, they had no taste. My ideas are coming from shopping with my girlfriend who has a few young grandchildren to buy for. One of her granddaughters is into BRATZ dolls. I don't know if they make anything other than dolls. We are sleeping on a blow up mattress and we're sitting on padded lawn chairs. They are starting to get very uncomfortable. On top of that I have nothing to cook with. We've been relying on frozen dinners and restaurant meals. I can feel that I've gained some weight. Also, I don't have that "settled" in feeling. Hopefully things will turn around the end of this week. :crossed:

Anne, how did work go yesterday? Nikki made a good point about writing things down that :devil: does and says to you that you feel is harassment.

lynn, how are things going with the puppy?

Have a good day.

nikkic 10-06-2004 09:44 AM

Good morning,
It's another beautiful day here. Gosh, this has been the nicest year that I can remember. It only got into the upper 40's last night and it's suppose to be in the 70's for awhile now during the daytime. No humidity, no rain. I think I'll have to go for a walk around the lake.
I looked up Leslie Sansone last night on Amazon. They have her 3 tapes with the weights that you fill with water and they got a lot of good reviews. Do any of you guys have those? I was thinking about getting them.
Aleka, I never have tried the cinnamon profat buns yet. The comments about being good as french toast come from DebB, but I wonder if they wouldn't be good. She has a lot of good recipes and seems to be a good cook. When you make the buns, I think it's really important to have the freshest eggs. It helps to keep the buns from tasting too eggy.
I was looking around the SS site last night and saw post after post about how good the mixes are from South Haven Farm (www.southavenfarm.com) so I looked it up. I think all of the mixes are SS ok (made with whole grains and have no fat) and they are getting rave reviews. The S&H is only 4.95, no matter what you order, a great deal compared to SS's S&H. I saw they ship to Canada, but to get the price, you have to email them. I'm sure it's outrageous. Most of the mixes are around 5.95 each, kind of high, but not as high as some things I've ordered from SS, so I ordered 4 kinds. There are recipes on the site too, even one for icing to put on top of the cinnamon buns that is ok for a carb meal. You can use the crown muffin pans to make some big cookies out of the mixes, so that makes me feel better about buying those pans. See what happens, get my computer back and I go shoppin'! :lol:
Aleka, I've never heard of the Bratz dolls. I have no idea what kids like any more though. I was so glad to never have to watch Sesame Street (and all the other kids programs) again, after the kids out grew that stuff.
I bet your really getting tired of no furniture and nothing to cook with. After Friday, your going to be really busy, putting away stuff and rearranging. I guess at least this way, your getting a nice long break between traveling down there and having to unpack, so you can rest up. (I'm trying to look on the bright side ;) )
Better go spend some time with the old man, take care, Nikki

alynn 10-06-2004 02:35 PM

:wave: :wave: Hi Everyone: It is an incredable day here also Nikki. It is 2:10 in the afternoon my time and this is the first I have been inside since this morning. We went for a drive with dogs to find parks for them to run in. There are no leach free parks here for dogs. Our neighbors here have 2 rottwilers that they chain up at the lake front. One is a huge male that scares the **** out of me. Yesterday 1 got loose and came over and scared the puppy and me. Other neighbours heard the commotion and called DH out to the street and was telling he that the summer has been the summer from **** with those dogs. They let them out in the dark to do their business and don't pick up, tie them up outside and go shopping and the whole street are afraid of them. One neighbour was pinned in his garage late one night by both of them. Well I freaked yesterday at her and today feel a bit bad about it but damn those dogs scare me. Apparently 1 neighbour is on a mission and has contacted everyone form the police to the mayor and until they can catch them loose or they bite someone the authorities hands are tied. Enough of that, yes Nikki thanks for the recipe I was going to try it today but the nice weather got in my way. If those mixes cost that down there they will be in the 8-9 range here. Not a chance would I pay that. Is your furniture going to be here by the weekend Aleka? Your "stuff" will look so good to you when it arrives. Anne hope your week is going well. Talk to you all tomorrow I'm off to clean my patio furniture as a freind is visiting tomorrow or friday.

aleka 10-07-2004 11:47 AM


I finally have some good news about our furniture. DH talked to the moving co. earlier today and the guy said the truck was in Hilton Head, SC and that we should be getting our stuff sometime tomorrow or Sat. at the latest. :cb: :dancer: :cheer:

Since I've been in limbo lately with my dieting, I've been looking at different plans. I have seen the new WW CORE program. It seems to be somewhat on the same idea as SS without the food combining. You eat real food, no added sugar, white flour, processed foods, etc. No counting anything, just eat when you're hungry, stop when you're satisfied. You can have cereal in the morning, and can have brown rice, potato, or whole-wheat pasta at night. No bread, which is fine with me because I prefer to have lettuce leaves. The only thing that concerns me is you have to eat fat-free. Which IMHO, they're contradicting themselves. They want you not to eat anything with added sugar or processed, but the fat-free salad dressings are loaded with added sugar and there are a lot of fillers in the other fat free foods. The best part is I can use SS recipes, but make them lower in fat, I won't do fat-free. I think once I get all my stuff and start cooking again, I may just give this a try.

Nikki, I have a lot of Leslie Sansone's walking tapes. One is the very first one she made. She does have a website. It was in my favorites before everything was erased. You could do a search for Leslie Sansone and see what you come up with. I believe there is a page where you can view and buy her products, or there used to be anyway. That way you can see what other walking tapes she has available. I have the WATP tapes with the 2 weighted balls, which are 2 lbs. each. I really like those tapes. I have seen her tapes at Walmart, Sams, & BJ's, they may be cheaper there. The workouts are really easy on your joints too. Ya, you're right about the long break. But, I never would've thought I'd get sick of going out to eat. :lol: I don't know what kids like today either.

lynn, I'm very glad that you and the pup weren't harmed. I too would've been scared of those Rottweilers. They're very scary animals especially when they don't have very good owners. I hope something can be done with them before they hurt someone.

Anne, hope everything is going well for you.

Have a good afternoon.

nikkic 10-07-2004 02:45 PM

Good afternoon,
It been raining off and on all day and it sure feels like fall. The temps are in the upper 60's though, so you really are comfortable outside. DH had to fix a hose on his truck and we just got the car back from having the transmission fluid flushed. Now, we can spend the day just relaxing as DH has tonight off. I have chili (without beans) in the crockpot, so I can relax too.
I confess, I bought some BBQ pork rinds at Walmart today (their brand) and they were actually good. These didn't taste like pork rinds, just kind of BBQ and no carbs. I made a pig of myself with them already. Oh, what a bad joke, I just reread what I wrote :lol:
Lynn, my ex brother in law had a rottweiler. The dog would lay his head in my lap for hours and just be the sweetest thing. One time, I was walking out their door and all of a sudden, he lunged at me. I pulled the door shut in time, and he thudded against it. I don't know why, but something I did made him want to attack me. They also had a lasa apso and these two dogs grew up together. One day, they came home and found that the rottweiler had torn the lasa to pieces. I don't blame you for not feeling comfortable with those dogs running lose. They can be unpredictable, in my opinion, especially, if the owners are too. I do think that it depends on the owners and how they raise them, as well as the blood line. Some are breed to be vicious while others are great family dogs. I've had dobermans as well as german shepards in the past and all of the dogs I've had have been big babies. But like I said, it depends on how you train/raise them.
Aleka, I just got Family Circle today and that diet sounds similar to the one in their magazine. But theirs is 1500 calories a day, low fat (not fat free), and lower carb but not as low as some other low carb plans. I'm still going to stick with SS for now, but if I don't see any change in my weight in a month, I'm going to probably change to something lower in fat and calories. Actually, I was thinking of just SS'ing and just watching my portions closer. I've gained a pound this week and that isn't the direction I want to go in. I haven't cheated and I know my food is all sugar free. All I can imagine is, I'm eating too much cream, which is probably the culprit. I do love cream so.
I will check out Leslie Sansones website. I looked on Amazon and the 3 tape set with the wieghts is $26.95 with free shipping. I know that's better than any place else I've looked so far.
I have to buy a new printer. I can't find the cd that came with the old one so I can use it. Besides, I need new ink for it and the ink costs $54, but I can buy the printer with the ink for $34. That makes no sense to me.
Have a good night, Hi Anne, hope your doing ok, Nikki

aleka 10-08-2004 07:01 AM

Good morning everyone,

It was such a gorgeous day here yesterday. The temp was in the 80's with low humidity. We shut the air off and opened up the whole house. It was so heavenly. We even slept with the sliding glass doors opened last night.

Nikki, sorry about the 1 lb. gain. That's not bad at all and there could be a number of reasons why you gained. I remember when I was doing WW a few years ago. I had gone to my Dr and she was pleased with my weight loss and we talked at length about losing weight. She told me that there will be times when you'll lose, and there will be times when you'll gain, and not to get discouraged. I've read some posts from the old timers on the SS board how they had to use cheese and cream as an occasional treat. I will check out that diet in Family Circle to see what it's about. This CORE is almost like South Beach and possible SS Level 2. I probably will only have a sweet potato or brown rice occasionally, but I can have it if I want. A light bulb just went off in my head :idea: It's a mentality thing. If I know I can have brown rice or a sweet potato I won't feel deprived.

lynn, I had forgotten this until I red Nikki's post about her ex brother-in-law's rottweiler. The next street over from us, when I lived in NH, these people had a rottweiler who was very viscious. They used to chain him in their enclosed area where they parked their cars, I can't call it a garage. It had a sliding door, and they would just open it enough so that he couldn't get out. Whenever we would be out for our walks and walk by the house you could hear the dog barking and trying to break his chain. One day DH & I were in his truck driving by that house. The next thing I knew the dog came running out of his "lean-to" and started chasing the truck. I thought thank God we were in the truck and not walking. Not long after that incident we heard through the grapevine that the animal control officer had to shoot the dog for some reason. They can be very viscious dogs.

Anne, haven't heard from you in a while. Hope things are going well with you at work.

Have to run take my shower. The movers will be here in another hr. or so. YAY!!!!


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