Sugar Count Confusion..........

  • when counting the carbs, to get Net Carbs, I know you

    #1 subtract the fiber

    BUT do you then subtract what they list as "sugars" or "sugar alcohols" ?????
    or both.......

    Just wondering because I bough some low-carb ice cream (Blue Bunny Brand) and was wondering how to figure it out..

    THANKS !!!!!!!!!!
  • the sugar alcohols should not cause a spike in the insulin, but some people it can trigger stalls, and cravings. so see how you do and judge for your self. I would prefer to stay away as it is the only way for me. i can not partially cheat. I do not do good.
  • is this what it took to bring you out? tech question?

    nice to see you, Sue.

  • Hi hun!! I am going to try real hard to be here more!!
  • THANKS, for myself I find that if SOMETHING sweet isn't there, I'm more likely to cheat.........( run to Wendy's at 1am and mac out
  • The thing to understand about sugar alcohols is that they ARE carbs. Your body does digest and absorb them. Fiber get subtracted because it's not absorbed. I think this whole not counting sugar alcohols thing is very misleading because it depends on WHY you're watching carbs in the first place. If you're trying to lose weight, it's a good idea to stay away from sugar alcohols. If you're trying to stabilize your blood sugar, then you're probably ok ignoring them.