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Old 02-10-2003, 12:16 AM   #1  
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Default Magnificent Monday, Feb 10th!

Good morning all you lovely chicks! It is officially Monday, so I am sneaking on and posting while I can! I was online earlier today, made a post on the boards and then something came up, so I didn't get back online until tonight. I have to get up for work in 5 hours so I knew if I was going to get a chance to say hello to the daily group, this would be my only chance.

I miss you all, and wish I could be online with you more. I have had multiple computer problems and also work problems lately, and that has taken more time. Cody and I also decided we needed more time together, so I spend less time on the computer. It is giving me time to read and plan more, so that is helping on the diet front. I am losing slow, but it is steady and I feel better than I have in a long time. I am not eating any meat except for occasional seafood. It has made it hard to find something to eat, but I am managing. I told Rob I was going to turn into a zucchini if I ate much more of them.

Off to bed. I have to get up in 4 hours and 45 minutes to start my glorious day of being a corporate slave for 8-9 hours. I can't wait!

Have a wonderful day, everybody!!
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Old 02-10-2003, 04:08 AM   #2  
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Default you sure have to get up early around here... start the daily!

Up with insomnia, and trying to be quiet so DH can sleep. I am taking a vacation day today to work on the kitchen, and some other little chores. May have lunch out with DS, and go to BJ's in the afternoon. That would be good. We have less than a dozen eggs(oh horror! I usually have 3-4 dozen) and no half 'n half, and no chicken breasts! We may starve LOL

My mind is jammed with the project of looking for a house. From tiny details to the tax implications and decision about what to do with our vacation house. I don't think we can afford both, and I'll need to rent out the Ft. Lauderdale house, probably year round for a while.

Gina, and Sonogrammy, I was born and raised in Suffolk! I know your areas very well- LOVE HUNTINGTON! And I love the South Shore, too- grew up near you, SonoG> And DM and her DH live on the bay. But we commute to Brooklyn everyday, and need to stay closer,in Nassau. As it is(from Westbury), our commute is an hour and a quarter or more EACH WAY! I have family in Huntington and would love to be out there. But Gina, I may PM you about your agent. Maybe they know something in Westbury/ Mineola/ Carle Place/ New Hyde Park?

Nice to see everyone so active on the board- especially the new Atkins people. It's nice to have the reminder of how much better you feel on fewer carbs. I had a good day yesterday, and will do OK today.

Well, it's almost 4:30, maybe I"ll go exercise. DH will have a heart attack to see me in front of the VCR at this hour!

I'll undoubtedly be back later, have a great morning all!
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Old 02-10-2003, 04:57 AM   #3  
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Morning Jennifer....I bet you are cozy in your bed right now!!! It is good to see you!

Dottie, you should move to Jersey....right Jiff? right Leens?

I have not gained any weight! That is always an encouraging sign for me. I am trying to cut way back on smoking.....I think that I will just curl up in a fetal position for a while!

I think I will be taking the little guy to the doctor......I think he has pink eye! Oh Yuck! Not much else new here, lots of wrestling and then more wrestling.

I need spring to come!!!!

have a great day!
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Old 02-10-2003, 06:26 AM   #4  
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Good morning!
I am barely awake and wish I liked coffee. My little guy woke up at 2am and didn't go back to bed to 5. He is coughing and has a fever. Peach one of my kids had pink eye last week. We all took drops and no one else got it. It is so disguisting and makes 5 times the laundry with all the sheets and towels!
I survived my meeting with my father in law yesterday. It was very tense but he brought half of toysrus for my little guy so we all played with him.
I gained 1 1/2 last week but am blaming it on my new excercise program. I know I am still loosing though. My size 24 jeans from xmas are way too big and I can finally get back into my size20. I didn't even half to lay down to get up the zipper!!
It's time for tylenol for the little guy..hope to be back later!
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Old 02-10-2003, 06:51 AM   #5  
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My what a busy bunch!!

Hi Jennifer glad you stopped in to say hello.

dottie, house hunting can be very stressful, but so much fun too. I just love looking at homes, seeing how people decorate.

peachi, I hope it's not pink eye

Tammy. size 24 to 20!! Way to go!!!

Today on Oprah she is doing a show on weightloss. There will be a guy featured who has gone from over 800 pounds to 240 pounds. If you go to the weight loss surgery section of 3fc's I have put a link to his website. It's a very interesting read if you have a few extra minutes.

peachie I'm with you......I NEED SPRING!!!!!!!

Not much going on with me today other than trying to make sure I get in lots of water.

Have a great day all
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Old 02-10-2003, 07:03 AM   #6  
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Good Morning everyone!

Well, just EVERYTHING didn't go as planned yesterday, and it was all due to the stomach/bowel virus. Was in so much pain at 10am, I called my supervisorwho came in to relieve me and I went home and fell asleep. I called my mom and told her I wasn't coming and that dh would pick up M and drop off her computer. Turns out my bro and SIL also cancelled out--don't know why yet, but I'll find out. Sick as a dog and barely ate--and yes, we can throw a full blown period on that too (of course!)

Today I am feeling much better (so far) and I am going to take it slow. Just laundry and clean up today--M is going to to daycare in the morning. And obviously I am going to ahve to call my SIL to find out why she didn't go.

Jennifer, so nice to se yougrabbing a few mnutes to post to us! You just come on in any time--you know that the welcome mat is always open

Dottie, there are some excellent resources out there for buying your first home, real estate agents aside. Try your local library for guides to buying your first home--I'm sure there are some great tips in it

Tammy, I don't envy you--my Miss M was sick 3 weeks ago and it is never fun to watch your wee one suffer. How old is your son?

Peachie, I am so glad you didn't gain but I am even gladder (is that a word?) that you are trying to quit smoking!

Hiya Deb!

Have a great day everyone
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Old 02-10-2003, 07:12 AM   #7  
Come on Spring!
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Quick good morning! Gail comes at 8 and I slept in. Later, Chickies!
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Old 02-10-2003, 07:44 AM   #8  
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Morning Chickies,

Just flyin by, will catch you gals later this week.

Peachie, I am proud of you! Stick with it!

hugs and love to all!
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Old 02-10-2003, 08:00 AM   #9  
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Hi all! I'm back from the 3rd shift! It's hard to post when you work 13 hours, then sleep 8 and then have to try to find time for my family too!! Luckily DBF is a school teacher so he's usually home around 4:00 and we can all spend time as a family. I just spent the last hour catching up with all of you, you guys are such a busy bunch!

Well we close on our house on Thursday! I CAN NOT wait to see that sold sign out in front of it!! Yippee!! Sunday we went appliance shopping. We need to buy a fridge and stove and DBF wants to get an over-the-stove microwave. I also checked out the different whirlpool tubs and found one I like. Nothing very fancy, just a couple of jets. I told DBF that if they were to expensive than maybe he could just come in and splash around while I took my bath, hehe!

Dottie...Exercising at 4:30!! You go girl! Good luck on the house hunting and buying. We've just been jumping through hoops for the last month to buy our house! One thing that really helped us was getting a buyers agent rather than trying to figure it all out on our own.

Peach...Good luck on the cutting back on smoking thing! I've been slowly cutting back and it's hard. I am officially quitting in June. DBF quit smoking three years ago and I don't smoke in the house so it's really just become a big pain in my behind. Now it's just a matter of doing it. Not smoking inside really helped me cut back, especially as it got colder outside...brrrrr! I hope your son doesn't have pink eye! It's a real bugger! We seem to get it every year because DBF brings it home from school with him...he's so nice like that, LOL!

Tammy...Sorry to here your son is sick. It's so hard when they are little and don't feel good. Way to go on dropping to a size 20!

Deb...Thanks for the info about the Oprah show! I'll be sure to tape it since I won't be home when it's on.

Pooky...Sorry to hear you weren't feeling very good. Hopefully today you'll continue to feel better! I see there are quite a few Canadians here! My DBF is from the Windsor area. He grew up on a tomato farm there. So Canada is near and dear to my heart! His family is all still there.

Ruth...Hope you have a great day!

Well I'm off to organize my house and then I have got to do some dance choreography! We start rehearsal for the high school musical today and I have to choreograph 5 numbers. Great exercise!

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Old 02-10-2003, 08:27 AM   #10  
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Good Morning Everyone...... wow! everyone is up and moving so early today.....

Jennifer... great to have you back...... glad to see you're making some progress in the loss department. I've been pretty much stuck at about the same place for ages now: when it comes time for maintenance, I'll be a pro cause I already know how to do that!

Dottie... shucks..... I was up too! Back pain got me up around 3:15 and didn't fall back to sleep til almost 5 tried getting on the puter, but I just couldn't sit long enough to do it. Good Luck with the hunting, even if it ISN'T in Suffolk (Actually, I grew up in Nassau myself - MatzaPizza Park!!)

Peachie..... my grandkids had pinkeye a couple of weeks ago (fortunately it was before the baby was born!)... it's no fun, but fortunately it doesn't make them "sick"..... hang in there kiddo. And HEY! Good luck w/the slowing down on the smokes. I haven't had a cigarette in 5 yrs 2months 3weeks 4 days ...... but who's counting!!!

Tammy ... glad the meeting went well and a HUGE congrats on the jeans! That is sooooo awesome!

Deb.... can we start a "Need Spring" club? if so, I'm in it right with you!

Pooky... I hope you're feeling lots and lots better today. Just try to take it easy (yeah, I know...... really funny and easy for me to say, 'cause I don't have little M and R running around the house!) - anyhow, just TRY!

Ruth and Jenny...... will catch up with you when you stop flying by!

Samsa - you're just too busy for me! choreographing the HS musical? Sheesh! I almost am glad that I have no talent!

Well, today's gonna be a long one..... chiro in 30 minutes, dd's friend had a baby boy 12 hours before dd had her baby, so I have a bris to attend at 12:30 today, then I have to be at work at 3:00 (way "up Island")..... here's hoping that the "promised" 3-7" of snow suposedly coming thru this afternoon doesn't happen!

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 02-10-2003, 09:25 AM   #11  
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Just stoping by to check out everyone plans for the day. I'm off to exercise in a few minutes, then on to work. Nothing exciting today.

tomorrow is a differnet stoory. water aerobics in the morning, but before that have to get ready for the cleaning lady (can't have her spent her time picking up afte us, She need toCLEAN!) Then on to work, having a church dinner for 8 people at 7:00 then to pack for our mini-trip to Nashville and Atlanta. since I don't have a laptop anymore, I'll probally be out of contact for the next week.

If I don;t get a chanch to check in again before we leave, hope everyone has a great LC errk.

PS Sonogram, I love your new name!

Jennifer we miss you!!
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Old 02-10-2003, 09:42 AM   #12  
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Good morning chickies!! You are all making me tired up so early!! We got the dreaded 4 inches of snow - all the schools are closed! Roads are bare tho not really cold enought ot freeze so our babysitter showed up and I am at work!!!!

Lost 2 lbs last week! 5.5 total sinc going back to Atkins. YEEEHAAA. Tht should be enough to keep me motivated!!!

Well back to work have a great day everyone!!!
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Old 02-10-2003, 10:19 AM   #13  
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Quick one as I must do some cleaning before I HAVE TO CLEAN haha, .Thankyou for the explanation of what virgin fat is.
Sono-That is Tim Horton's coffee not Tom,I don't like it tim or tom.
And as for giving up smoking, it has been 4 yr.5 mo.,1 day and18 hr., not sure of the min but I could figure them out. It was the hardest but best thing I have ever done, that is where this extra 30 pounds came from.
Well I must go ,
Love Tazcat
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Old 02-10-2003, 10:32 AM   #14  
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Default Well Good Morning Early Birdies!

Well today is another Monday and I am kind of glad to be back at work in a routine, so I can get back to a stricter form of Atkins. I tend to sabatoge myself by eating a lot of "fake" foods. This weekend it was lo-carb sugar free chocolate. I get intense cravings at PMS and TOM which I am smack dab in the middle of right now. I also have not been working out as I should. I think DH and I are going to cancell an appointment that we have to bring one of our cats to the vet this evening (because of the snow), so maybe I will have some time to get on the treadmill...

Jennifer - Thanks for dropping by! I am sure that you know slow and steady wins the race. I just wish I could be satisfied with slow...

Dottie - Oh I know the insomnia monster well! I suffered with it for many years. I have no idea how I functioned with the amount of sleep I got. I was awful! Funny how you mention eggs, and chicken breast, and how you may starve without them. Is is so funny how your "staple" items change on the woe. For us it's eggs, chicken breast, salad greens, and cold cuts. We are spending a fortune on food! How do you all manage to keep your food bill low? Ours more than doubled since eating this way! I still think you should come out to Huntington Station. You can take the railroad right into Brooklyn! Or how about Floral Park? I have some friends there. The only thing there is that the houses that are affordable need some work done. Feel free to PM me anytime!

Peach - Horray for cutting back on the smoking! Boo, for pinkeye! I would get pinkeye as a child just by looking at someone who had it! Not fun!

Tammy - I would absolutely attribute your gain to excercise! Especially if you are doing some kind of muscle building. Besides a 24 to a 20 is no small feat!

Deb - Thanks for the Oprah tip. Sorry I am going to miss it. I am always facinated by shows about obesity. I watched a good one over the weekend on one of those learning channels, I don't remember which one exactly. I am also ready for spring! I want to see all the bulbs that DH and I planted sprout up! I love to see how people decorate their homes too! I watch the show House Hunters on HGTV just so I can see how they decorated the houses they bought at the end!

Pooky - Oh poor Pooky! You were jinxed three times with that stomach/bowl/period thing happening! I hope you are feeling much better. Try to slowly drink water to rehydrate yourself!

Samsa - I was so excited when the sold sign went up in front of the house I bought! I have photos of it! I kept stalking my own house! Good luck on your closing on Thursday!

Sono - I have good friends from Massapequa and Copaigue! Living on Long Island, isn't it great all the weird words you learn how to spell!? Take it slow today ok? I am sure we will be seeing some snow!

Ageoldie - My DH makes fun of and always accususes me of cleaning for the cleaning ladies. All I do is pick up all the junk that accumulates around the place so she can clean! No reason for her to have to clean around papers and boxes!

Scooby - Congratulations on your 2 pounds gone!

Well, I'd better get to work or something!
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Old 02-10-2003, 11:29 AM   #15  
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Grrr! I have another cold. Actually everyone here at work has a cold. I'm manning the Front Desk today and have no real work today except to answer the phones so it'll be a surfing day for me. Anyone want me to research anything for them? I need to find out how much it cost to have an acre of land cleared. We've thinking of moving to the country.

My big excitement over the weekend was going to Victoria's Secret and buying regular sized underware. Just a "large"!!! No X in front of it! I was so excited. Small victories sometimes mean the most.

I'm sorry to hear that everyone is sick and snowed on. Hope everyone is better soon!

Dottie - You have a house in Ft. Lauderdale, but you live in NY? Voluntarily?
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