3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jennifer 3FC 09-16-2002 11:26 PM

Good evening guys! Ok, this is it, hopefully my last day to wait before the cardiologist! I keep getting *&$%#@ around and hopefully Tuesday is the day! I hope I don't show a gain. I realllly want him to see some kind of loss! He told me last time to get some weight off. I lost 6, gained 6, lost 5 again, hope I see something better tomorrow. I'm taking my shoes off before I weigh. I want him to take me seriously, not just a whiney woman that thinks up heart trouble that really needs to shed a few more pounds and quit worrying about dropping dead. I can deal with any pain, as long as it isn't fatal.

Peach, I did get Cody back, thanks for asking! He didn't miss me a bit. Of course he did, it just took him a while to realize it. My parents adore him and he does them. I want him to spend as much time with them while they can still enjoy each other.

Sherrie, what kind of fries are those, crinkle butts? hehe..couldn't resist. Hope you feel better soon. I feel your frustration! I lose weight slow also. I have heard many times, an insulin resistant person MUST exercise quite a bit to lose weight. I have to get my butt moving. I eat perfectly, but am glued to the dang computer!

MamaJ, did I mention what a jerk my ex-husband could be? Well, he was! He coulda been fixed mostly, we just didn't try to communicate it out. He didn't want to listen, and I couldn't speak without emotion, or give a reason he related to. Anyway, what I am saying, is maybe he just needs to understand what he is doing and maybe he will quit. Most guys need it spelled out in black and white. Good luck getting it all worked out.

Oh pleeeeease do a scale dance for me in the morning. I want to do a decent job at the doctor. I can gain it back tomorrow night! ;)

jiffypop 09-16-2002 11:42 PM

sending weight loss vibes to you jennifer... maybe you could just rig the scale before you get weighed???

too late to post much. tomorrow will be hellish at work, but at least i had a wonderfully long hot shower tonight. and i've never actually looked at my ankles... hmmmmm.

love you all.. am sending healthy healing vibes to the pcos girls, and janice, and everyone else with aches and pains.

oh. had lunch with the girls today. it was sooo nice.

Ms Spotdog 09-17-2002 01:20 AM

Boy, Jennifer, your quote "He didn't want to listen, and I couldn't speak without emotion" surely is the the root of many a marital problem.

Thats another reason I love ya guys so much: I get gems like this nearly every day.


Ruthxxx 09-17-2002 07:19 AM

Amen, Kel!

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