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Old 01-17-2002, 07:02 AM   #1  
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Default Thursday-January 17th

Good morning ladies!! Been a few days since I have posted, couldn't get on then I was busy! hope everyone is doing fine, have to catch up on the back later!
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Old 01-17-2002, 07:40 AM   #2  
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Good Morning ladies?

Just stopping for a quick checkin, just working a couple of hours and then going home to organize, clean, and decorate for the big B-day party on Friday.

Jenniw, congrats on the great news!

WHERE'S GIGGLES, Check out the Zone Comments! She is her usual detailed self. Glad to see you Giggles!
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Old 01-17-2002, 08:29 AM   #3  
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Good Morning Ladies.

Yup, I have reappeared from the dead! Guess I have been hiding from those who are still faithful to the World of Low Carbs. I fell off the wagon, big time. But I need to get back in the saddle and try again. Oh, the indegestion I have been suffering!

Thanks for those who have sent notes of hello. I have been unable to answer to date, but plan to get back to you friends.

Hope everyone is doing well, losing well, and loving low carbs as always. I sure have missed my buds.

And I still believe we need to eat the Low Carb way. BUT, I still believe we also need to learn to love ourselves as we are, fat and adorable. Low carb is not the entire answer, but it sure is a great way to feel!

Low carb RULES!

Gosh, it is good to read about everyone's daily adventures in life.

Hey, pass that coffee around, and let's get some real gossip going! Mmmm, my favorite: mocha almond fudge coffee! Anyone else for a cup?
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Old 01-17-2002, 08:32 AM   #4  
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Good morning all,

Having my tea here and checking up on my email. Will be eating soon and getting ready to paint those darn cupboards. Busy day today.

Enjoy your day everyone and all those who come after
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Old 01-17-2002, 09:01 AM   #5  
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Morning everyone and nice to see you back Giggles.

Still hacking my lungs out at night with this damned asthma so am starting my day a bit later. Even Lucy waits until after 7 now for her breakfast.

More snow overnight and still coming down. I may have to stay in the house until spring unless the "lad" shows up today to plow. However, I can clean and tidy and sew and maybe even write some letters.

Actually I plan to work on my quilt patch for my sister's BD present. Everyone is making a patch that is somewhat symbolic and she will try to guess who made which. Mine is of a cow with a zucchini on her back - she laughed at my cow theme kitchen and we also had a zucchini trading war one summer. I won the zuke war by the way. The summer she left for France I presented her with a carved "Bon Voyage" zuke at the airport and she admitted defeat. When she came home in January, there was a "Welcome Home" zuke in her freezer.

Would you believe I still have not stored away all the Christmas stuff? It's packed but the boxes need to be lugged into storage. I am waiting for my pal Rob to drop in. He is my official tall strong person and is just great for stuff like that. Imagine just being able to reach up and change a lightbulb! The outdoor lights and garland will stay up until we get a mild day.

Have a good day, chickies. And remember we will be moving the server on Sarurday so you may need to plan housework or exercise or something.
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Old 01-17-2002, 09:36 AM   #6  
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Default Housework? Exercise? I cast my vote for Something!!!

Morning Scooby! Hey Jenny! What color are you painting those cabinets Wendy? Ruth! Your zucchini store made me laugh! We used to put Mr. Potato Head parts in ours!! it Giggles? Really? Good to see you!

I think I am taking the day off today. Dh is watching Montel Williams and they are talking about women who are the boss...he keeps calling to me and saying "hey, have got to see this!" The man needs to get a job, a hobby, SOMETHING! sheesh...if I was the boss don't you think my kitchen would be all painted by now?

Other than that not much new here. I have a couple of light switch plates to paint...big whoop! and...Jiff seems to be conspiring with my walking buddy and another friend to get me started on stamping....I AM NOT DOING IT...they are beautiful (right Jenny?) but my obsessive compulsive craft thingie will kick in and then it will be good night Irene. I always did like Irene, she is related to Sybil!

ok, I am done....been op for 3 days now...more more than less...pretty

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Old 01-17-2002, 10:31 AM   #7  
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Good day all! Up and at 'em for me! I have to get ready and be out of the house within in the hour as I am the helping mom at preschool today....pleases my dd (3) to no end. Don't do enough of that sort of thing, not like for the first one! Hubby is off today so I hve no delusions of getting anything productive done. Start nights today, so I guess my little vacation is over. Have a good one everyone! Liz
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Old 01-17-2002, 11:55 AM   #8  
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Good morning!

Wow! This place is hoping busy lately! It is so motivating to see so many people enthusiastic about low carbing!

Ruth, how's the snow doing? Did you have to be plowed out again? Still no snow here. There was a little bit that wanted to fall yesterday, but it quickly turned to rain. It didn't even bother to stick to the ground! Maybe I'll get some real snow in Rhode Island! The zucchini thing is hilarioius! I can just see you showing up at the airport with a zucchini in your hand! LOL!!

Jenny, are you ready for all those boys? I bet they are going to have the best time. I remember sleep overs and of course we never slept -- always had to see who could stay up longest!

Hensa, I remember the commute after the holidays when I lived in Los Angeles. It was so nice for those two weeks around Christmas and New Years -- then all **** broke loose! Grid lock, accidents -- it's like people forgot how to drive to work in just a few short days!

Pooky, how is Miree today? Is she doing any better?

Wendy, I'm with you on why nothing ever gets accomplished when dh's are home! It's almost easier for them to just stay at work! Did you start those cupboards? What did you decide to paint them?

Cathy, how was your brothers birthday? Did you have a nice lunch with him and your mom?

Chrissy, I'm with you -- staying busy keeps me from thinking about the cookies that we baked yesterday. Why do little kids like to bake cookies when the mommy's can't eat them???

Liz, how does you dd feel today? Is she better? I think $10/hr for a cleaning lady is fabulous, too! We had one when lived in Calif. and I worked full-time. She was awesome and it was just such a stress relief to know that I didn't need to worry about dusting and cleaning the bathroom (the two things I dislike the most). Ohhhhh, wish I could have an excuse to have one now! LOL!!!

Chickadee, are you all over the PMS now? I agree -- it doesn't get any easier as we get older. It just gets worse. And, the one thing that amazes me is that things just don't stay the same (if you know what I mean) -- it used to be a couple of days of pms, now it seems to last all month! LOL!!!

Peach, how'd the switch plates go? I like to rubberstamp, although I'm not a die hard stamper. But, I have a girl friend who is and she makes the most beautiful cards -- some even worth framing they are so pretty.

I think I've written a mini series this morning! Thank you all for the good wishes about Rhode Island. I have spent the last 24 hours planning our drive across the country, and figuring out what there is to do there and which schools my dd will be attending (we will be living in military housing and have to determine yet exactly where that is). It's all looking up, so I am very excited. Dh is even more excited because this will be his last job in the Coast Guard and then he will retire! Woohoo!! (Doing a serious happy dance.) Maybe he'll get himself a 9-5 job and I can see him EVERYDAY!

Have a good day, ladies. Enjoy the day!
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Old 01-17-2002, 12:24 PM   #9  
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Default Welcome Back Giggles!

I know why Giggles has come back! It's because I've been thinking about you, wondering how the heck you are. It's so nice to see you. I really have been wondering what you're up to and how you are. I fell off the low-carb wagon for a long time too, but I'm back since September because it really is the right way for me to eat. Still doing CAD. Nice to see another old-timer resurface.

Ruth I hereby volunteer my tall husband to personally come up to Canada to take down those damn Christmas decorations, blizzard or no! I swear that you and Sooner do this to personally torment me. I think I'm going to form an anti-decoration society that will get militant every January first, just to deal with people like you guys and my neighbors. Sheesh! Love the zuke story!

Peachie Have I told you lately that you crack me up? I think you could be our generation's Erma Bombeck. Start writing!

Liz I know exactly what you mean about doing stuff for the first kid that you don't do for the second. Last night my sweet daughter asked me to read to her in bed for a special treat and it reminded me that I am guilty of reading more to my son than I did to her. This woman/child is now 12, and I love it that she still wants me to read to her.

Jenniwookie Yup, I think I'm human now. Thanks for asking!

As for me, weightwise I seem to be stuck this week. I'm sure it will move soon though. Pat me on the back you all, I am exercising EVERY SINGLE DAY! I am so proud of me and it feels great. Even though the scale hasn't moved this week, I swear I feel thinner. The other good thing about all this movement is that it's one of the few ways I can get warm. This old house is so cold during winter days (and my DH too cheap to keep the thermostat higher) that I plan my workout for the middle of the day, just to keep warmer in the afternoon. Now there's some incentive!

Have a good one everybody!
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Old 01-17-2002, 02:05 PM   #10  
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Here I am limping in to say "HI" to everyone and duck out again. The worst of the fever is gone but my headache is still here. Working on Day 3 of the headache and I am seriously thinking it is lack of sleep. Miree was up at 3 am last night and dh got up with her--isn't he a doll?? Got up with her at 5:30 and have been up ever since. My right hand for a good night's sleep!!!

Giggles, nice to see you back!

\Ruth, take care of yourself, after listening to Mree cough and hack all day long I can truly appreciate what you're going throgh.

Way to go Chickadee on the workouts! Wish I had the time to do some--just a little bit TOO busy these days, know what I mean?

Way to go on Rhode Island Jenny! You must be thrilled!

Peachie! You'd better get started on that basement of yours before you get goiong on stamping--I mean it girl, my trusty chicken purse is gonna come out!

Howdy liz, Wendy, Jenny, Scooby and all those to come!

Have a good one!
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Old 01-17-2002, 02:53 PM   #11  
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Default Good Afternoon Chickies!

hey there gang!

yes I had a good lunch yesterday - ate a salad and half of a yummy steak and yeppers I had a roll - oh well - no big deal - it was good and so I just had a diet coke for supper! :-)

Just got back from walking during lunch again.

busy at work so I'm just dropping a quick note.

hope everybody has a great day!

hugs, cathy
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