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GringaGordita 12-13-2002 12:03 PM

hi guys, let's head into the weekend on a strong note. i'm going to try to minimize any cheating urges. shouldn't be too hard as long as i don't eat out. my house has legal foods only.

kathy, sorry LAWL isn't working, but good luck with the somercizing. i tried it for a while this summer, and liked it much better than atkins. i think her method was a lot more doable than any other sort of low carb plan i've done. i just didn't stick with it. there's a great message board on her website too, with good recipes and things. of course, we'd love for you to keep posting here and let us know how it's going.

xytx, keep up that cardio, the bloat will go away. i hate my TOM because i seem to fluctuate so much. make sure you drink a little extra water with all the working out though.

Have a great weekend everyone. Let's stay on track.

pencalri 12-14-2002 12:00 AM

Hey everybody!
I have been off the board, my baby has the stomach flu........... We spent the night Wed night in the hospital. She got dehydrated so fast! She is better but still puney. I feel like the rest of us are sitting ducks!

Anyway, I haven't done so well. I am finding it just too stressful right now and I have been in with the baby since Wednesday. I will try harder tomorrow! Whine!

Good luck to all of you. Kitkat, please keep posting and good luck somersizing.

xYTx 12-15-2002 12:12 PM

Woohoo! I just discovered a great thing: fat free/no sugar added egg nog. I haven't had egg nog in the last two years because it's pretty hard on a diet, but this stuff isn't bad. It tastes pretty much like the real thing, and it's ~110 cal / 8 oz. It even has a thicker texture. The only brand I could find that sells it is Hood, which I think is a Northeast dairy company, but I'm sure it's pretty common from region to region.

In other news, my boyfriend's childhood best friend is extremely obese. We're talking nearly 400 lbs. He's probably 6'4" at this weight, and it is due very much to depression and drinking. He has many medical problems related to his weight, and we're all worried that someday he'll drink himself to death. All of our circle of friends have offered to do weightloss / exercise plans with him, but he's always declined politely. Today, he asked me if I'd go with him to Weight Watchers meetings at the beginning of the new year and do the gym buddy routine. I've never had a workout buddy before, and I think we'd both benefit from the added motivation. It's a big deal that he's finally taking his health into his own hands. I don't know very much about WW beyond the idea of the points system and group meetings. I'd hate to pitch the rest of my LAWL weeks, but I think this new situation would motivate me to drop that final 16# and keep going to the gym to keep it off.

I know several on our thread have tried WW before. What's your opinion on it? If going to WW with Kevin will mean he'll make a change in lifestyle, I will definitely go with him. I should add that many of us have mentioned the idea of him seeing a counselor for his depression and alcohol abuse, but he doesn't seem ready to take that step yet. Personally, I am afraid of all the food choices. LAWL was a great kick in the butt for me. Is WW pricey? Any details anyone could offer or advice on this situation would be appreciated.

kathie351 12-15-2002 03:10 PM

xYTx- The last time I went to WW it was $9.00 a week. They do have different plans where you can save a little. Around Jan. they have free registration. I personally didn't do well on it-too many choices. I need structure.
You should feel proud that he asked you to go with him. Obviously he admires your hard work and determination.

pencalri 12-15-2002 04:22 PM

Hey, I've done WW at various times, it is a great diet. It is $12 a week here.

Will they let me put myself on hold at LAWL? We have had the stomach flu, still not feeling great, but I haven't been able to eat on program at all, I have had sick babies. Then, my husband's family is coming from England for 3 weeks (YES, 3 WEEKS). and it will be virtually impossible to stay OP, what with cooking for them... Plus the center is 30 min. from here and I can just see the writing on the wall...

Anybody know??


er130 12-15-2002 05:08 PM

Help Me!!!! I am baking and eating. Why must it be such a temptation. It is an annual thing and I guess I should have forgone it, but I didn't and now I'm in the midst of an eating binge. Must smaller than in years past, but I really wanted to shed a few pounds between thanksgiving and christmas and I'm not. Ugh. I get so disgusted with myself and then just keep eating. If I cheated I might as well go all the way I figure. Any one have any suggestions on a motivation for the next 7 days leading up to Christmas. I'm trying to think of something to reward myself with if I lose 3 pounds this week. Not food. If you have any ideas that aren't too expensive let me know.

Denise 42 12-15-2002 05:44 PM

Weight Watchers
I am very familar with WW and in fact when I was a younger adult - late teens and early 20's I lost about 27 lbs and kept it off for many years until I had my one and only child who is now 11. The diet is very easy. The point system allows it to be very versatile. I have gone back several times but unlike you didn't have a buddy and so didn't stick with it, plus I wasn't crazy about the leader. I say give it a shot. If the choices are to much for you, try to follow a modified LAWL. You can even figure out how many points the bars are worth. You have an initial joining fee and then it is $12 a week as somebody already said much less expensive than LAWL and you get lots of freebies. Good Luck if you decide to try it.

Phatprincessdiva 12-15-2002 06:17 PM

You can go on hold. I've done it a few times myself. Just tell the center how long you need to be put on hold and then when you're ready, go back to the center.
er130, is there a way that you can get the things your baking out of the house? Like if you're doing it for a party, can you take the goodies to a friend's house or a co-worker's so you're not tempted? Or can you find low calorie/low fat substitutes for what you're baking? Also, try not to let one slip up determine your eating for the whole day. Just because you went off plan for lunch doesn't mean that it's okay to do it for dinner, too. You could reward yourself with a little charm bracelet or some cute nail polish or a manicure.

I am Tab 12-16-2002 08:58 AM

Hello Everyone....

Gringagordita...Congrats on the 30lbs mark? How many more till you reach your goal? That is awesome...that should make going into this holiday food binge much easier. Knowing that you have taken off 30lbs and you don't want to put back on. Way to Go..

xYTx...it is great that your friend has taken the first step. That first step is always the hardest. He is lucky to have someone like you that will be able to help him. And I find it much easier when you have a buddy doing a program with you. I don't know anything about WW. LAWL is the only diet program I have ever tried and I have to say it works for me. It has structure and that is what I need. Has your friend thought about joining LAWL. I know it is expensive but he might need the structure to get a jump start. If he is interested maybe you and all your friends could buy him gift certificates to LAWL for a xmas present.

er130....I am going through baker's **** also. I love to bake at the holidays. I am starting later this year so I don't have to many cookies and cakes in the house. I will start baking my cookies this friday and I hope to have given all of them out by Saturday.

Well as for me I went in weighed in on Wed and I was down 2lbs that put me at 160. Wooo hooo...I had to get on the scale twice to make sure that it was correct. Then I weighed again on Saturday and I was down 4 oz. Not to bad...but I went to a holiday party Saturday and I was attacked by the cookie monster. I found myself not being able to stop eating the sugar cookies. Sooooo I weigh in tonight and I bet it is not going to be good. I got right back on track on Sunday but I really think I might have done some damage...*smile* And I felt soooo guily about eating all those cookies that I went to the gym and did 90 min cardio..I never work out on Sundays...but I figured that I might start during the holidays because there are more temptations around. Tomorrow is our office party. And then this weekend I have a breakfast and and dinner...yikes...I will be at the gym double time...and I already work out like a mad woman..*smile*

Well everyone keep up the good work....

kathie351 12-16-2002 09:14 AM

I went to put myself on hold today, and the mgr. asked the reason. I told her my daughter's dog had surgery and she needed someone to stay with him and they told me company policy was either illness(with a MD's note) or a vacation. She said she'd do it this time (out of the goodness of her heart) but no more. Thought I'd share that. I guess they encourage you to lie or not have a life outside LAWL.

xYTx 12-16-2002 09:33 AM

kathie -

That's such complete BS!! I've been on hold a couple of times with my center. The first time was this summer when I moved to New Hampshire and there was no center around. I went on hold for the whole 6 weeks, and it was no problem. THEN I went on hold again recently because LA's hours make it impossible for me to go in until school's over. They've never given me a problem. I think she's just making those rules up. I've never heard them! Is there someone above her you could ask?

cheer 12-16-2002 09:45 AM

I am so glad to see that I am not the only one on an eating binge. It is terrible. I see the scale creeping up, but I just can't stop. All these parties!!!!

And you know what, I don't even feel like trying to be OP...I don't know what it is...I definitely need to "make the connection" again, I am not in the right mind-set.

After being so good for so long, I just can't be around all this good food and deprive myself!

I am not going to even try to be strictly OP, for me it will be a success if I stop binging.

This is sooo hard!!!


kathie351 12-16-2002 10:47 AM


She is the manager. I will just lie from now on. What do they care if you are on hold - they already have their money. I will be going back- sometimes you need to take off for other reasons. I have gone 3x aweek religiously. Oh, well!

yinyang 12-16-2002 11:01 AM

I live about 45 mins from my center and am usually able only to weigh in 1xwk on either Friday night or Sat morning. I missed because of weather and Thanksgiving, so it had been almost 3 weeks for me to weigh in. I only gained 3# and believe me, that was a success with all the parties I have been too.

My counselor suggested I go on hold until after the first of the year and then really committ again. It was no problem. There is so much variation with the centers, I feel really lucky to go where I do. They never push you to buy anything. Only once initially did they tell me about the supplements they sell.

Going on hold though has its own dangers, in that I could get so out of control if I let myself. I am continuing on with my plan and then occassionally eating things that I normally wouldn't.

Good luck to all you. This is a time that will test us all. Slow and steady will prevail. Hannah

GringaGordita 12-17-2002 11:15 AM

checking in for the week. i had a sort of up and down weekend. was up nearly two pounds when i weighed in on saturday. i was so ticked, because i've been trying really hard. revamped my protein choices and exercise, and i was down three pounds at today's weigh in. hanging in there. hope everyone else is sticking it out during the challenging holidays

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