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kathie351 12-05-2002 10:04 AM

Way to go! I just got into the 150's myself-158to be exact. Those 10lb markers are great! You're on a roll now!

yinyang 12-05-2002 10:48 AM

Good morning!
Great goal Erin to get into the 150s. I would love to be there now. You can do it, even though it is somewhat harder to keep the pace during the holidays.

I just couldn't make myself get up and do the treadmill this morning. I am not a good morning exerciser. I don't even feel as strong in the morning, but sometimes it is the only time in my day to get it done.

Have a good OP day everyone. Hannah

Denise 42 12-05-2002 10:50 AM

Hey Everyone,
Back from my trip and actually didn't do to bad. Scales this morning indicated that I stayed the same. Now if I can be really good today and tomorrow maybe I can even have a loss when I weigh in on Saturday.

Anybody know anything about the two day express. Seems to me I remember some of you talking about it. I asked my counselor about it last week and she said it's a little different than the initial 3 day express that everyone starts out with. Does anybody know what the difference is?

Erin, Glad to see you back again. I am at 168, can't wait to get in those 150's again.

cheer 12-05-2002 11:37 AM

2 day express
I am on the red plan and they showed me the 2 day express, which was, if I can remember, 2 bars (they have to make sure you are still paying for those bars!), 3 ounces of lean protein and very few vegetables. It was so very little food.

They said, since I exercise so much, that I should do the 3 day takeoff, which is the unlimited protein and raw green veggies....but as I posted before, it worked like mad, but I felt like I was going to faint.

Talk to your center and do what feels best for you.

GringaGordita 12-05-2002 12:09 PM

Hi guys. Glad to see everyone is back on program. I weighed in today and was up 1 pound! ARRRGGGHHHH. All my meals have been on program, but I've had some little (or so I thought) cheats and it shows. I've been exercising like mad though, so I'm still hopeful to hit 30 pounds by saturday. I've been having some...uhhh...bathroom issues, which may be responsible for the extra weight too. Already worked out hard this morning with cardio, and I'll finally make it to a yoga class at lunch, so maybe i'll get back in my groove. Good luck everyone. WE CAN DO THIS. Just remember, New Year's Eve is just around the corner. I don't know about you guys, but I intend to fit into something sexy! I've been trying to formulate some new minigoals so i'll probably have a new signature before the day's over.

Oh yeah, my center finally got the biscotti. YUM!

pencalri 12-05-2002 01:32 PM

Sounds like everyone is doing great! I am so jelous of you guys even near the 150's, I am hoping to see the 180's soon! Oh well, I started at 203 so!

I am going to go weigh in later. I did great yesterday until dinner when I picked when I was cleaning up! I need my husband to help put the food away I guess. My kids chicken nuggets were so tasty!

Also, I quit with the Biscotti because I was eating it even if I had my starch... But also, I wasn't picking because I had the Biscotti to look forward to after the kids went to bed. So, I think I am going to buy the Biscotti again today and see if that keeps me from picking.

Good luck today everyone!

dianem1 12-05-2002 02:34 PM

Hey Pennie:
I had trouble with the biscotti also. I only bring home one box at a time.

Denise 42 12-06-2002 09:59 AM

Hi Everyone,
Had a bad day yesterday. Ate everything in site and didn't go to the gym. We were snowed in. I'm back on track today but really getting bored and looking for some ideas from all of you on what your favorite thing to eat is on program. Maybe we can spark some renewed motivation if we all get some new ideas. Are you all game in posting your favorite things to eat on program. Mine is Rotisserie Chicken breast from the Weis store, Egg salad, and cheese omelets. Also eat a lot of lean cuisine but getting really tired of them, although just a little tip, the frozen dinners are much better if you can do them in the oven vs. microwave. I know this is difficult if your at work. I'll look through my journal and see if I can come up with some others. Thanks. Have a great weekend everyone.

Kitkat3NY 12-06-2002 10:04 AM

Good Morning all,

I weighed in today and i'm up 2#. I'm so upset but no one made me gain this weight but me. I will do the 2-day express this weekend. I haven't done that in a while. Hopefully seeing some quick results will keep me on track!

Penny-congrats on the weightloss overall! Like Diane, I buy the biscotti in bulk but only take one box home at a time.

Have a great weekend everyone.


xYTx 12-06-2002 03:52 PM

Hi all :) I finally got off my tookus and joined the gym down the street. Now, the trick is to make myself go... but I don't think it'll be too terribly hard. It's on my way to school (the only time the gym's and my schedules coincide is before school in the morning), there are showers, and working out makes me feel so damn good afterward. Today was my first day back on my exercise program, and I feel great. No off-plan cravings to speak of. I have always thought exercise was the best appetite suppressant :)

Bad News: my center isn't getting enough business, as I mentioned before, so its hours are really wacky now. 9-1pm on M,T,F. 3-7pm on W, Th. Closed Sat, Sun. Between work and school, there is NO WAY for me to go to the center! I go to school at 9 am, get home for a half-hour or so at 1 pm, and get off work at 10pm. The semester is over in three weeks, so I will put myself on hold until then. What makes me so mad is that I wasted 2 weeks trying to get to the center. I drove there 4 times and it was closed every time! They also have no answering machine, so I can't reach them at all! I am looking into other centers reasonably close to my home.

Keep up the good work everyone :) I guess it's time to set Xmas goals soon, right? :)

Kitkat3NY 12-06-2002 04:12 PM

xYTx- your center is so unprofessional about their hours! You should complain about the inconvinence!


er130 12-08-2002 03:42 PM

Hello Everyone. I am having a bit of a rough time this weekend. I have eaten off plan some and I'm concerned. I don't want to gain again. That is so frustrating. I am hoping for 5 pounds more off this body by Christmas and I know I can do it!!! I just have to stick to it and exercise. I need your help and encouragement. It sounds like you are all doing pretty well. Let's keep it upl

Denise 42 12-08-2002 06:32 PM

Erin, I know what your talking about. This is my fifth week and I keep going off program also but I am determined to get into those 140's this time.

Weighed in yesterday and lost 2.25 lbs. Not sure how I did it but that's a total of 11.25 lbs. They gave me the weekends off program but I didn't really stick to it. I was on my own "weekends off program". Oh well, tomorrow is Monday and I'm going to get back up on the wagon. Hope you all have a good week.

Kitkat3NY 12-09-2002 11:15 AM

Good Morning all,

I have been so bad, I gained 11# back. On Fri and Sat, I went hog-wild! I started the 2-day express on Sun and will continue it today. I don' t know why it's so hard to stick to the program these days. It's like I lost my "umph!" or something.

Anyone else having a hard time?


cheer 12-09-2002 11:32 AM

me too!
I am having such a hard time myself as well!!!! I don't know if it is the cold weather, or how it gets dark so early, but I have been so bad, and in one week, I gained 6 lbs back. Of course, I haven't been back to the center yet, too embarassed to show how bad I've been!

It is even harder to get back OP , since having all these tasty foods! And I am also getting bored with foods that I can eat on plan.

Today is Monday and it is a new week and I am going to try to get back on plan....I have to be realistic at holiday time, but I'd love to lose the 6 lbs that I gained...and maybe finally break into the 140's (It would be HEAVEN!)

Good luck everyone


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