3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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sweetandspicy 11-19-2009 10:22 AM

Kim- it is stressful dealing with families. It frustrating trying to make everyone happy. I know she is your mom and moms are best a guilt trips (at least my mom is) you have had your plans for awhile it is not your fault or your decision whom your sister invites. Just try not to worry and have a great thanksgiving day.

My in laws and my parents and sister all come to my house .. If we did it any other way we would have to split the day between families and we would not be hungry for one meal and eveyrone would be offended so I just put my foot down and invite everyone and anyone who has no place to go is always invited to our home. Last year we had 50+ at our home and it was a madhouse but with our family size of 8 nothing really intimidates me...

Good to see new faces!!! Welcome everyone!!!

Kimphin 11-19-2009 10:58 AM

50! Yikes.

When I do Thanksgiving it seems like those are the years that everyone comes and I have around 20 or so. I cannot imagine 50! You rock.

Jillian - WTG on the 1lb!

Kristen - Have fun at New Moon. I'm team Jacob, so I liked this book the best. I probably won't see the movie until it comes out on DVD, though.

bradleys mom 11-19-2009 11:02 AM

Sneaking in to say Hi!! Might be back later! :)

mj2007 11-19-2009 01:36 PM

Kristin...I envy you!

I plan to watch New Moon but haven't succeeded in manipulating my DH yet :D....i usually prefer movies with my DH rather than friends.It is usually one for me( chick-flick) and next one his choice(yawn!).The only common genre is Sci-fi...we both love them.

Kim - Jacob is tooo cute...however, i have always been Team Edward :). My favorite book is " Midnight Sun" the 12 chapters of Twilight revisited from Edward's point of view. I believe it is truly a classic...Anne Rice standard...too bad it was never completed...A MUST READ if you love Romantic Tragedies.

I am doing good overall...living on slow cooker food :)...I still need to lose few lbs for my Xmas party dress .
Happy Thursday everyone!

Repo girl 11-19-2009 05:15 PM

Hey Kimberly, long time no see! How is it going?

Kristinx 11-20-2009 08:32 AM

I am officially frustrated! I said I wasn't going to give up but I kind of feel like giving up. After a month of tracking calories, the 30 day challenge...I have barely lost anything...weight wise. And the measuring wasn't much better...an inch lost on my waist and hips...GAINED half an inch on my thighs and arms...ugh! I am at a loss! I dunno what to do anymore. Perhaps it's time to see my doc...maybe get referred to a dietitian or something.
I know I'm not "perfect" on plan all the time but still...for someone my size and the amount I actually eat I SHOULD be losing

momofthree 11-20-2009 08:42 AM

Hey everyone. I am currenlty on a yo-yo trip with my weight loss. I lose a lb and then the weekend hits and my mom cooks dinner for us and then I am up 3lbs. I just can't seem to have a consistent loss. One pound a week loss is so foreign to me. Hope everyone else is doing well.
Jillian-You are totally melting off your baby weight.
Amy-I can't imagine cooking for fifty. Do you have them bring food to help out? That is still a whole lot of people.
Kim-Amy is right. Mom's are the best at guilt, try to enjoy your vacation and then maybe when you get back take mom out for dinner.
OK girls! Heres to a great day! My girls and I are going to make Memory Hand Prints today. Easy and fun!

Repo girl 11-20-2009 10:13 AM

Morning everyone! I am having Thanksgiving at my house this year too, but it looks like we will only have about 14. That will be perfect. I am making my little sister do the turkey though. My older sis and I are both vegetarians, and so neither of us wants to have to manhandle the meat. I am going the make the stuffing with veggie sausage and cranberries. I am thinking that I should start cleaning now, LOL.

On the WL front, I am doing well. Counting calories and being aware of carbs is helping me a lot. Have you guys tried the Orrowheat Sandwich Thins? They are these great hamburger type buns that are really thin and only have 100 calories. I really like them.

Kristin- It would be worth having your thyroid checked, and maybe blood sugar too. Don't give up. Not losing is also not gaining!!

Michelle- Have fun with the handprints!

Kim- That sucks, sorry you are having Thanksgiving drama. Speaking of which, I should probably invite my BIL, who is going through a divorce. I am trying to talk myself out of it, because he his driving me crazy. He and his soon to be ex are both behaving really badly, and I have just about had enough!

AmyM- 50? You rock! Not that I am suprised.

Have a great day everyone!

JLem311 11-20-2009 11:04 AM

morning all. i'm already done running my errands..and all before 10am. i'm quite proud of myself. :)
and i fit into 2 pairs of jeans that i couldn't about a month ago. so that's good too. i've lost about 13 inches since the end of July when i really started working out on a regular basis. so not too bad.
i'm going to be alone for thanksgiving, just me and X. won't get to see DD or DS, which really bums me out. but i guess the bright side is i won't gain anything during the holiday.

anyways, time to feed baby X.
hope everyone has a good weekend.

Repo girl 11-20-2009 11:10 AM

Jillian, I wish you and X could come to my house for Thanksgiving. Great job on the pants!

dawn78 11-20-2009 12:01 PM

Katie - I LOVE the Sandwich Thins. I eat my chicken salad on them almost everyday for lunch. Just make sure you get fresh, soft ones. I made that mistake once!

aguerin 11-20-2009 04:07 PM

Hello All.

Welcome to the newbies. You will get good sound advice in this forum. You can also do a search and find most information in some of the older threads.

All this Thanksgiving talk is getting me pumped for the big Turkey day. We always go to my Moms and end up eating way to much.

Kristen: Have you checked your plan number? Are you doing the right plan?

Jillian: Congrats on the jeans. Thats an awesome feeling isnt' it?

I am STILL struggeling with the flip flopping back and forth on the WL front. I don't want to commit to being POP to get it off anymore, but don't want to gain any of it back either. So I am Stuck AND its going the be Holiday Season soon. Maybe I will get my head in the game after Thanksgiving. I ams till down about 25 lbs, but it should be 30. Oh Well.

Good luck with food choices over the weekend ladies. I will see you Monday.

Kenya 11-23-2009 05:05 AM

Testing all my add on thingies, avatar etc. Also mourning the death of my treadmill's console (it wasn't cuz of my big butt I swear) and awaiting a new one in the mail to fix it, anyone else started the exercise thing lately? You know I thought I would hate it but I'm feeling good enough that I kind of miss my 35 min walks. I know I could do it outside but it's cold out there. :(

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