3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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sweetandspicy 11-18-2009 11:28 AM

Hey Amy Congratulations

Kristinx 11-18-2009 12:54 PM

Hey Amy! Nice to see you back! Hope the wedding was wonderful!

KityCat 11-18-2009 01:13 PM

Hello Everyone! I was wondering if I could join your thread? This will be my 3rd attempt. I know that seems horrible, but I was working 2 jobs in the past and had only allowed myself 4 hours of sleep, time for 2 meals, barely any work out time and drained myself. Now that I am almost 10 pounds HEAVIER I know that I need this and I need support, DESPERATLY!! :)
I am going to start with 3 times a week work out and with only working part time and going to school full time, I am thinking I should see better results or at least hoping for better results. I was on the LAWL program, until they closed, when I was doing their program I had lost 15 pounds, which seems so far away. (now 25 Ibs more than then) I am just very stressed and basically looking to join a group to discuss progress and just chat about the journey. :)

BarbaraB 11-18-2009 01:25 PM

Amy! Good to see you! Congrats on the wedding and I hope it all was fabulous!

Katie, Keep making your own health a priority. Make time and space to take care of you, so you can do all the many things that you do for others. No one wants you to put them first to the extent that it causes you to be unhealthy. Plus you want to be a good role model for your kids.... 25 years from now, do you want to watch your daughter treat herself the way you are treating yourself now? If it would not be good enough for her, its not good enough for you.... I know this is tons harder to actually do than it sounds like it should be though. It feels really unnatural to have a care for yourself, but we all need to just do it.

BarbaraB 11-18-2009 01:28 PM

Kelly, welcome! Sure join on in! Not sleeping enough is almost a guarantee that you will have a really tough time losing. "only working part time and going to school full time"? That sounds like a lot to me.

KityCat 11-18-2009 01:34 PM

Thanks Barbara! Yes, pt work and ft school is alot, but I am trying to think poitive compared to what I was doing and trying to loose. So my goal is to loose 30 pounds total by my birthday end of feb. I think it is totally doable. Just need to get back in the swing of things again, and really stick to it!! I CAN DO THIS. (that's my attitude form now on)!!! ha ha lol:)

Repo girl 11-18-2009 02:44 PM

Kelly- Welcome! Of course you can join us!

Barbara- Thanks girl, you are a real friend. And totally right. I have got to get this weight under control! I started tracking my calories on Fitday today. I need to see if I am just overeating with being that mindful of it, or if something else is going on.

Kimphin 11-18-2009 04:32 PM

Welcome Kelly! Don't worry about that "this is my 3rd try" stuff - there are a number of us( I'm first in line there) that have re-started many times. Together we can all make this our last re-start!

Katie - hang in there! Tracking everything really does help - I don't feel like I'm doing anything different, but I've been tracking for 2 weeks now and I've lost weight. Obviously something was getting eaten that shouldn't have!

Well, the holidays are upon us. I for one am going to do my darndest to not make it all about eating. I always fool myself into saying - "It's the holidays!" but when you think about it, it turns into 5 weeks of bad eating. That's a lot! It is going to be tough, but I am determined to make this work.

JerseyMadchen 11-18-2009 08:01 PM

Kelly- welcome back on the wagon! We're all undertaking this journey, and it's good to be together! We can share tips and everything!

Amylou- so good to see you girl! Girls, she's gorgeous- her wedding pics are AMAZING, I am so jealous! I am so glad you're focused. 3 by Thanksgiving Lady!!!

Katie- I know the feeling of frustration. You're a better woman than I am. I have given up so many times because of that!

Kimphin- 9lbs! YOu rock girl!!!

Hello to everyone else!

mj2007 11-18-2009 09:09 PM

Welcome Kelly ...AmyLou welcome back and congratulations!

amylou7777 11-18-2009 10:01 PM

Welcome Kelly-you will find nothing but support here! Post often and get to know all the lovely ladies! I've been MIA and already welcomed back with no questions asked!

AmyM Krisitn--SO good to see you both here!!!

Hi Kimphin--loving that new pic of you!!

AmyJersey--thanks love! 3lbs by thanksgiving for sure!!!

Hi Barbara! I'm so excited you are still a regular poster!

Today marks three days of POPness for me! Started with a fast forward and today was my first day back on red with lites! What has taken me so long?

I look forward to catching up with all of you!

Kenya 11-19-2009 03:34 AM

Hi Everyone!
Hi all, I was so glad to find people in the world that still do LAWL! I hope to join up with you folks for support. A little about me, I originally did LAWL back in 2001 and lost about 100 lbs then gained it back (plus 35 lbs) a year later (totally my fault I went OP in nursing school!). My local center has since shut down and I have gone through many other attempts to lose weight. I had a gastric bypass in October 2007 and contrary to popular belief you can VERY much gain wait afterwards as evidenced by the almost 30 lbs I have gained in the last few monthes. Since LAWL was the most effective diet I have ever been on I was excited at the chance to do it again. So do most of you use the online version? I wasn't aware of any centers still in operation at least in the U.S. but I've heard there are some still in Canada. I'm just interested to find out if anyone thinks the online version is worth the money as I'm currently doing the "free" version by myself with the Level 2 + Luna bars. I'm a pesco/vegitarian so that just complicates things and I'm wondering if one of thier counselors might be helpful. I'd appreciate any tips/stories/warnings, etc regarding doing it this way. Thanks in advance! :carrot:

JLem311 11-19-2009 08:23 AM

morning all.
another pound down. :)

Kimphin 11-19-2009 08:29 AM

Hi Kenya -
Glad you came over to this thread. There are a few of us here that have centers still open (I'm not one of them) but mostly we are all working with the plan info we had before. As I said in your other thread, there are some vegetarians here, so hopefully they can give you some tips.

AmyLou - love YOUR new picture - what a beautiful bride! How's married life treating you?

Ugh - I am totally feeling guilty today. DH and I are going to florida for Thanksgiving, and I just found out that my sister is having her in-laws for dinner on t-day. Because of this, my mom and aunt and oldest sister do not want to 'impose' on her so they have nowhere to go for dinner. (In my sis's defense, I am sure she wouldn't mind having 3 more for dinner - but my Mom is odd). I feel awful, like I should be doing dinner for them. And, knowing my Mom, I am SURE that she is doing 2 things: 1) crying because I am not doing dinner and, 2) badmouthing me because I am not doing dinner. I am going to try very hard to avoid stress eating today. It's gonna be hard!

Kristinx 11-19-2009 08:56 AM

Wow, lots of catching up to do here!

Jillian- Way to go on another 1lb! You just keep steadily losing!

Hello to everyone else! Hope everyone is well.
As for me...I have my last workout on the 30 day challenge tonight! It has been killing my knees to the point my knee has been giving out on me at times but I've been pushing through! I will have to go back to the specialist sometime about my knees (old dance injury I had back when I was 16 and they wouldn't do surgery then cause I was young and I've just been avoiding it since lol).
Even with the exercise and tracking calories I just don't seem to be losing...frustrating but I will find out tommorrow if I have at least lost inches. Have to try to avoid temptation tonight! Going to see New Moon! Yay! so excited!
Wedding dress shopping begins next week! Here's hoping it's a fun experience!

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