3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Bionic Beach Babe 01-16-2008 07:59 PM

Hi Tammy, Hi Brighton.
Will I got too busy and didn't get to cook the Pineapple Chicken. Instead I had a low fat chicken sandwich. Bread only 80 cals for 2 slices plus 1 T. low fat Mayo...3 oz of chicken. finished up with 1/3 cup yogurt that I put about 1 T. diet Jello in....yum yum....oh and Ice Tea.

For dinner tonight no time to cook so had out of the freezer, Split Pea soup that I cooked turkey bacon and added...plus 8 ww crackers..Still nursing that glass of ice tea from lunch.

Must take time to drink more water...Maybe tonight in the water class, I will take in more water....smile

Tammy: The ice cream sounds so good...I will have a fruit icey when I get home tonight. I am scared that if I had ice cream in the house I wouldn't leave it alone....

All of you. Have a wonderful evening...Did any of you watch Biggest Loser Last night? It was very good....

Tammy 01-16-2008 11:30 PM

Bionic, your meals sound good. Would you please come to my house and prepare meals for me???? Were you able to take in more water at your water class? LOL Sometimes that happens when you aren't expecting it!

I really don't do too bad with ice cream in the house. Hubby and I always have a small snack in the evening. He is supposed to eat several small meals a day because of health problems. He keeps forgetting that, and during the day I try to push food on him. Eating 3 meals a day is how we grew up, but now it's hard to change.

I have never seen the Biggest Loser. I rarely watch TV. Used to watch all the time, taped shows, and watched them later. Not sure when my big change came about.

I need to get to bed. I know the dog will have me up to go out between 4:30 and 5:00 in the morning. I don't like getting up, but at least he doesn't make a mess in the house.

Tammy 01-17-2008 10:09 AM

Good Morning Ladies!! I've been to the Y already this morning. It felt great! I came home and took a shower, so now I am ready for whatever the day brings.
Lunch will be easy. Leftovers from Red Lobster yesterday.

Bionic Beach Babe 01-17-2008 11:38 AM

Good Morning Tammy, Sis, and others.

Tammy: Red Lobster food sounds wonderful...We don't have one here or even a Walmart. I would like more shopping here at home because gas is getting so high. $3.45 a gallon now. You are like Brighton, getting up so early. Wow already to the Y and home...Good girl.

Brighton: I am thinking of putting our before picture on the site where a person can put them...what do you think?

I forgot to take my bottle of water to the pool last night and hate to really drink the pool water. Sure got a good work out though. Hard to wait until Monday to weigh in, but I will.

Thursday is my day with some of my daughters (I have 4). Only Mary today the others are out of town. Lunch (perhaps soup) and going to see "The Bucket List". The movie should be very good with two real stars in it.

Shopping at Costco, Winco, Bed, Bath and Beyond and Beauty Supply.
I need to buy a food scale today. So hard to guess on weight of food.

I had toasted, 1 ww Bagel / 1 T. Peanut Butter and sliced Banana on top plus cup of Herb Tea for Breakfast. For dinner this evening I plan to have Crunchy Ham, Cheese and Veggie Stacks with peaches and 1/2 cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese.

Be back later to check on you guys...enjoy your day.

Brighten 01-17-2008 03:47 PM

Finally made it home
Hi All,

We had a very busy day today but got an early start so was back home in time for lunch - DH always wants to eat out but I said NO:nono:...much easier for me to stick to program when I eat at home. We do have a dinner date Monday night though.

Sis, :hug:you and I had the same thing for breakfast! Yes, go ahead and put our picture :oon the sites...okay with me. It will be fun to put a new one up when you come up to get your new puppy:dance:~!

For lunch I had a roll (only 110cal and 2F) I found at the bakery in our local grocery store...turkey (Deli), pickles, tomato, lettuce, mustard and mayo (low fat)...good lunch.

Went to REI to get a new rubber tip for my walking stick (lost it a couple days ago) so now I can walk outdoors again!

Second pill of the day...no reactions.


Tammy 01-17-2008 07:17 PM

Bionic, the Red Lobster we go to is about 20 miles from here, so that isn't bad at all. I'm glad Wal mart is closer. I bought gas this morning for $2.89. Still high but at least it is less than $3.00. How was "The Bucket List"? I would like to see it.

Brighten, lol. I am the one who always wants to eat out in our family!! Do you sisters live near each other? My brothers both live about 20 minutes from me in our hometown. We lived there too up until 2 years ago when we downsized.

Hubby and I just had a snack of the SF/FF ice cream, 1/2 banana each, drizzle of choc. syrup. I journaled all of my foods for the day, and I am under my maximum again. When I am exercising, I don't worry too much if I go over a little bit on the calories.

jaimie1980 01-17-2008 07:39 PM

Hi all, I am thinking about Alli as well. I actually had it in my cart and Sams Club tonight and I put it back. It is so much to spend. I have been eating a low fat low cal diet for all of Jan. and am wondering what kind of results you are all seeing. Is it worth the money? I have lost about 7.5 pounds in the first 17 days, but I am really thinking about taking it. I have already read alot about it but there is not alot out there in the way of success stories. Can anyone with a little experience give me an idea of what I could expect while taking it? I am 192.5, 5'5" tall and I carry all of my weight in my stomach and very little any where else. Any advice or tips would be GREATLY appreciated!

Brighten 01-17-2008 07:39 PM

Hi Tammy,

Sis and I live two states away...I live in NW Washington and she lives in NW California...:(

I will have to wait a while before purchasing the SF/FF icecream but it sure sounds great!

I had to make two desserts for our small group tonight meeting at our home...not too tempting for me since I made things that are not my favorite.
I will drink a cup of hot tea whilst they pig out!

Have a great tomorrow Tammy.

See the rest of you tomorrow.

BabyNicole 01-17-2008 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Brighten (Post 2005070)
Hi All,

We had a very busy day today but got an early start so was back home in time for lunch - DH always wants to eat out but I said NO:nono:...much easier for me to stick to program when I eat at home. We do have a dinner date Monday night though.

Sis, :hug:you and I had the same thing for breakfast! Yes, go ahead and put our picture :oon the sites...okay with me. It will be fun to put a new one up when you come up to get your new puppy:dance:~!

For lunch I had a roll (only 110cal and 2F) I found at the bakery in our local grocery store...turkey (Deli), pickles, tomato, lettuce, mustard and mayo (low fat)...good lunch.

Went to REI to get a new rubber tip for my walking stick (lost it a couple days ago) so now I can walk outdoors again!

Second pill of the day...no reactions.


Welcome! I just have to say that your Maltese is the cutest little thing!

Bionic Beach Babe 01-17-2008 09:17 PM

Hi All. Back from town and dinner all over.

Tammy: The movie "The Bucket List" was very good. Serious in places but also so funny in other places. Jack Nickleson said one thing that was so cute. "When you get old you have to remember 3 things. 1. Here I forgot what he said, will have to check it out. I was two busy laughing at the other two things. 2: Remember never to pass by a Rest Room and 3. Remember when you fart, it may mean more than you think.
The language was more than I really like but then again they played two very different men who look at life very different from each other, Go see it. Makes a person think.

My sister and I are very close knit. We are all we have left in that part of the family. We live a little over 700 miles apart but Email sometimes 2-4 times a day.

Sis: Will try to get the picture in tomorrow. Glad you got the rubber on your cane. I miss you.

Jamie: Welcome ! check back Monday when I weight in and I will tell you how I did. I want to weight in but will wait until my first week is over. My sis and I are new on Alli this week.

Nicole: Glad to have you with us too...

Tammy 01-17-2008 09:42 PM

Jaimie, I know there are several people who have been using alli and following the program and having great luck. I started the end of July, and I lost 15 pounds by mid-September. I went off of it (and watching my food intake) when my husband was extremely ill and hospitalized. I'm just now starting back on it. Have you started an exercise program yet? Walking is one of the best things to do.

Brighten, well I guess you and the sis aren't too close then. That is smart to fix things you don't care for!!! Why haven't I thought of that??

Bionic, we saw a commercial for the movie tonight. Hubby said we HAVE to see that!! Maybe we can go to see it when we go south. Right now things are hectic trying to get things done around here.

I'm planning to get up and go to the Y and ride the bike and do the treadmill tomorrow. Since I did cardio machines today, I'll take a break from them.

BabyNicole 01-17-2008 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bionic Beach Babe (Post 2005558)
Hi All. Back from town and dinner all over.

Tammy: The movie "The Bucket List" was very good. Serious in places but also so funny in other places. Jack Nickleson said one thing that was so cute. "When you get old you have to remember 3 things. 1. Here I forgot what he said, will have to check it out. I was two busy laughing at the other two things. 2: Remember never to pass by a Rest Room and 3. Remember when you fart, it may mean more than you think.
The language was more than I really like but then again they played two very different men who look at life very different from each other, Go see it. Makes a person think.

My sister and I are very close knit. We are all we have left in that part of the family. We live a little over 700 miles apart but Email sometimes 2-4 times a day.

Sis: Will try to get the picture in tomorrow. Glad you got the rubber on your cane. I miss you.

Jamie: Welcome ! check back Monday when I weight in and I will tell you how I did. I want to weight in but will wait until my first week is over. My sis and I are new on Alli this week.

Nicole: Glad to have you with us too...

Thanks! I've actually been off Alli for two days because I've been sick with Bronchitis and haven't been eating low fat foods. But, I will be back on my "diet" tomorrow. When I'm sick (other than a stomach flu) I have to eat "bad" food. :o

Tammy 01-18-2008 12:16 PM

Nicole, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. I can relate to the "bad" food!

I have been a slug this morning. I told hubby last night that I thought my ears were plugging up, sinus infection or something. This morning I was so dizzy, so I took medicine and went back to bed. I feel better now, so I'm heading for the Y. Better late than never I guess.

AND I am sitting here drinking a REAL Pepsi. I already journaled the calories.

Hope to hear from everyone!!

Brighten 01-18-2008 12:43 PM

The title is for you Tammy and your Diet Pepsi! :carrot: Sorry about your dizzyness:dizzy:, hope it's okay now? The dessert went well last night...it's all gone except for about three slices of carrot cake DH's favorite so no chance of me sneaking them!

Get well fast Nicole! Our little Maltese is four years old in March, his name is "Lil Bear" and he runs :dance:this house!

Sis I miss you so very much...cannot wait for the puppy to be born so I can go see and pick her out for you...and you come up to get her!

Slight :headache:headache today again...had part of a diet pepsi last night to try to quell it. I know it's from withdrawal from the caffein.

Well off to the showers!

Oh, Sis, I too have not weighed, I do not want to until Monday. When I went to the doctor on Wednesday she had to weigh me so I told her I would get on and close my eyes then she could weigh me...she made sure the thingys were slid back to start before I opened my eyes. tee hee I am still 5'1 so a least I have not lost more height!:cp:

See you all later......


Bionic Beach Babe 01-18-2008 12:44 PM

Good Morning Girls, Just back from water class. Got a good work out.
B - was 1 cup Shreaded Wheat, non fat milk, 1 banana and 1 T. PB
Got some Cooked Chicken out of the freezer, so will do lunch with that.

Tammy,Baby, sorry you are both not feeling up to par. Get well fast.

I thought I was done with Spring Cleaning but remembered I still have 2 drawers in the Utility Room to do....Hubby and I are going through our books and VCRs today...Hope to finish this all up today and move on to more interesting things...Maybe weather will break for good and I can get Roses trimmed, moved and more new ones in the ground next week. Always busy here.

Sis: I posted the picture under Bionic Beach Babe. Try to post it under your name too. GIRlS: Now you can see what we look like before Alli. Sis is the one on the left and I am the one on the right.

Bionic Beach Babe 01-18-2008 12:49 PM

Hey Sis: Good girl on the desserts last night.
Only 11 more days and my puppy will be born...Counting the days.

Glad you didn't see the weight at the doctor's office...Monday is our day.

Words can't express how much I miss you and finding it hard to wait until end of March to see you and pick up my puppy....

have a wonderful day...will write Email soon. It looks like we were typing at the same time again. I love you so much.

Tammy 01-18-2008 03:13 PM

Bionic, you look like a friend's mother!! No kidding! You could be twins!! Are you sure you don't live in Ohio???? Good for you for getting your workout in!!

Brighten, I am drinking a Diet Mt. Dew right now, and it has caffeine. Most of the time I drink Diet Pepsi with no caffeine, but to be honest with you, there are days that the caffeine helps with some of my aches and pains. And you look like a woman that I worked with last spring on an Emmaus Walk. Too funny!!

Lil Bear is adorable!! We have a 14 year old dachsund named Kramer. He is really getting on my husband's nerves lately. Hubby is retired and since he has been sick, he rarely leaves the house. I think they are together too much. I keep trying to encourage hubby to get out of the house even if it's just to go for a drive, but it rarely happens.
That's funny about getting weighed at the doctor. I used to do that when I went to WW meetings. I told them to just write it down, and I would stuff my card in my purse. Glad to hear you are stil 5'1"!! I am 5'8".

I went to the Y, and I rode the recumbant bike for 35 min. and walked on the treadmill for 20. Not sure if I'll get there tomorrow. I plan to go visit our son where he goes to college, about an hour from here. Hubby isn't going, so son and I plan to go out to eat, hit the mall and use my giftcard for CJBanks that he bought me for Christmas, and basically just hang out and visit. We are leaving the 29th for GA, and I am going to miss him so much. It's silly because we usually see him maybe once a month because of his class and work schedule. We'll be gone 6 weeks, and he is flying down one weekend to visit. Wish he could bring the dog. He's going to the doggy hotel.

That's all for now ladies.

BabyNicole 01-18-2008 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Brighten (Post 2006613)
The title is for you Tammy and your Diet Pepsi! :carrot: Sorry about your dizzyness:dizzy:, hope it's okay now? The dessert went well last night...it's all gone except for about three slices of carrot cake DH's favorite so no chance of me sneaking them!

Get well fast Nicole! Our little Maltese is four years old in March, his name is "Lil Bear" and he runs :dance:this house!

Sis I miss you so very much...cannot wait for the puppy to be born so I can go see and pick her out for you...and you come up to get her!

Slight :headache:headache today again...had part of a diet pepsi last night to try to quell it. I know it's from withdrawal from the caffein.

Well off to the showers!

Oh, Sis, I too have not weighed, I do not want to until Monday. When I went to the doctor on Wednesday she had to weigh me so I told her I would get on and close my eyes then she could weigh me...she made sure the thingys were slid back to start before I opened my eyes. tee hee I am still 5'1 so a least I have not lost more height!:cp:

See you all later......


Thanks everyone, I'm feeling better today. :hug:

And your Maltese is so cute!!!!!!!! I keep looking at his picture!!!!!! I have a Yorkie. She's 2 years old, and she runs the house too! :dizzy:

Here's a recent pic of her in her Christmas dress.

BabyNicole 01-18-2008 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tammy (Post 2006942)
Bionic, you look like a friend's mother!! No kidding! You could be twins!! Are you sure you don't live in Ohio???? Good for you for getting your workout in!!

Brighten, I am drinking a Diet Mt. Dew right now, and it has caffeine. Most of the time I drink Diet Pepsi with no caffeine, but to be honest with you, there are days that the caffeine helps with some of my aches and pains. And you look like a woman that I worked with last spring on an Emmaus Walk. Too funny!!

Lil Bear is adorable!! We have a 14 year old dachsund named Kramer. He is really getting on my husband's nerves lately. Hubby is retired and since he has been sick, he rarely leaves the house. I think they are together too much. I keep trying to encourage hubby to get out of the house even if it's just to go for a drive, but it rarely happens.
That's funny about getting weighed at the doctor. I used to do that when I went to WW meetings. I told them to just write it down, and I would stuff my card in my purse. Glad to hear you are stil 5'1"!! I am 5'8".

I went to the Y, and I rode the recumbant bike for 35 min. and walked on the treadmill for 20. Not sure if I'll get there tomorrow. I plan to go visit our son where he goes to college, about an hour from here. Hubby isn't going, so son and I plan to go out to eat, hit the mall and use my giftcard for CJBanks that he bought me for Christmas, and basically just hang out and visit. We are leaving the 29th for GA, and I am going to miss him so much. It's silly because we usually see him maybe once a month because of his class and work schedule. We'll be gone 6 weeks, and he is flying down one weekend to visit. Wish he could bring the dog. He's going to the doggy hotel.

That's all for now ladies.

I drink Diet Coke. I like it so much better than Diet Pepsi. I used to HATE diet soda! Now I'm one of those "idiots" who orders a Big Mac, Fries, and a Diet Coke. :o LOLOLOL

PS. I mean, uhhh, was one of those "idiots." hehehehe

Bionic Beach Babe 01-18-2008 06:24 PM

Funny how we used to order fat food and diet drink...we all did it.

I envy you who have dogs...We had to put our puffin down last Aug. and we are lost with out her. We are expecting a baby girl, black and white, ShihPoo, on Jan. 29th. I hope it comes a day sooner on sis's birthday.
We are nameing her "Sweetpea LuAn" Lu is after me and An is Andy my hubby.

I warn you now, before your dogs get too old get another...if we had two and lost puffin, at least we would have been able to hold the other dog and cry with it.

We will travel to WA State to visit my sis, and pick up our Pupply when it is around 8 weeks old...Counting the days until her birth.

Gives your doggies a big hug from me. I still envy you.

Tammy 01-18-2008 07:09 PM

Nicole, your Yorkie is adorable!! Cute dress!! I switch back and forth between diet sodas. I think I like Diet Pepsi best though. LOL to the Big Mac.

Bionic, we won't be getting another dog after Kramer. Now that we are retired, we are on the go all the time. We can't take him everywhere we go, and it isn't fair to him to leave him at the doggy hotel all the time. I know they take special care of him there because they think he is pretty special. That helps me with leaving him while we head south.

Thought I'd check messages and then get started on my Bible reading and study for the day. I try to do it earlier in the day, but today was just crazy. Not even sure why!

Brighten 01-18-2008 10:29 PM

Nicole, yes your yorkie is adorable too! Lil Bear would have a fit if I dressed him up like that but he does get a bow in his top knot when he's groomed. People make fun of him because he's a boy! Really if I put clothes on him he would mat so can't do the dress up thing.

Tammy, DH and I read every morning...first I read out loud from whatever book we are in at the time (we love Helmut Thielicke's books) I read a chapter...then DH reads a chapter out of the Bible and they we take turns praying. I would be lost without the start in God's word each day.

Sis, are you sure you want to get the puppy at eight weeks? When they are that small it's really best to wait for 12 weeks. I know it's hard on you but so much better the puppy to be with mama...mama potty breaks them and they are less likely to get sick. Just a thought.

I am tired...one more load to fold then off for the day!

Love you sis...see you all tomorrow

Shy Moment 01-19-2008 12:58 AM

Diet anything is yucky and would never cross my lips lol I don't even eat artificial sweeteners in anything.

I would love to have a Yorke. They HATE me. I always wanted one. We decided to get me a another dog. We looked at dozens of them ( I am not kidding ) they are the only dog I have ever seen that doesn't like me lol. I was heart broken. Nicole yours is beautiful.

I haven't forgotten you. Had two birthdays this month so money was a bit tight. Will get that shipped out as soon as I can.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Sorry I haven't been around. I have been having a terrible time. Hard drives going POOF POOF POOF. I have it all held together with bubble gum and bailing wire until my new parts come in.

Brighten 01-19-2008 12:04 PM

Shy, nice to see you back:welcome2:
. We too looked at Yorkies but our Lil Bear came up at the same time, he was 8 mo. old and the lady who bought him did not want him...what a fool she was to give up this precious loving dog...we are happy :)she did!

Baby, my daughter is a diet coke fan also and teases me about my diet pepsi...actually I believe she'd rather have the real thing.

Sis, we truly enjoyed the Bucket List, thanks for recommending it.

Tammy, two more days until I weigh-in:goodscale for the first time on Alli.

See you all on Monday...sis we are going to do it!:val3:


Bionic Beach Babe 01-19-2008 12:11 PM

Shy Moment: Nice to read you here. As soon as you get that hard drive all fixed I hope you will be back with us more.

Nicole: Your Yorkie is beautiful...One of my daughter and hubby have one that weighs 3 lbs...A very tiny one filled with vim and vigor. His name is Sam. What name did you give your sweet girl?

I am off to my church today. Going to sing with all my heart praises to Him who loves us regardless. Blessings to you all.

I tried another of Alli's breakfasts and through it out and made it over to my so called liking...It was called "Cinnamon-Raisin Toast with Ricotta Cheese".
didn't really care for my make over either but ate it..Threw the recipe away. So far the other breakfasts have been fine.

Some of the recipes on 2-fat chicks are better. just have to check the fats.
2 more days until weigh in...Hope sis and I lost some weight.

Tammy 01-19-2008 09:19 PM

Brighten, I envy you that your hubby is involved when you are doing Bible study. Mine doesn't get involved at all. In fact, he rarely goes to church anymore with me. He does help with laundry though, so I guess I'll keep him around. lol

Shy, don't worry about it, I'm not. No rush. Good luck with that harddrive!

BabyNicole 01-19-2008 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bionic Beach Babe (Post 2008255)
Shy Moment: Nice to read you here. As soon as you get that hard drive all fixed I hope you will be back with us more.

Nicole: Your Yorkie is beautiful...One of my daughter and hubby have one that weighs 3 lbs...A very tiny one filled with vim and vigor. His name is Sam. What name did you give your sweet girl?

I am off to my church today. Going to sing with all my heart praises to Him who loves us regardless. Blessings to you all.

I tried another of Alli's breakfasts and through it out and made it over to my so called liking...It was called "Cinnamon-Raisin Toast with Ricotta Cheese".
didn't really care for my make over either but ate it..Threw the recipe away. So far the other breakfasts have been fine.

Some of the recipes on 2-fat chicks are better. just have to check the fats.
2 more days until weigh in...Hope sis and I lost some weight.

Thanks for all the "cute" comments everyone. Her name is Baby. :carrot:

BabyNicole 01-19-2008 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Shy Moment (Post 2007723)
Diet anything is yucky and would never cross my lips lol I don't even eat artificial sweeteners in anything.

I would love to have a Yorke. They HATE me. I always wanted one. We decided to get me a another dog. We looked at dozens of them ( I am not kidding ) they are the only dog I have ever seen that doesn't like me lol. I was heart broken. Nicole yours is beautiful.

I haven't forgotten you. Had two birthdays this month so money was a bit tight. Will get that shipped out as soon as I can.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Sorry I haven't been around. I have been having a terrible time. Hard drives going POOF POOF POOF. I have it all held together with bubble gum and bailing wire until my new parts come in.

Trust me, they won't all hate you! If you've encountered Yorkies that were older, I can see why they may dislike you. Some Yorkies are very protective of their owner. Some people even call them armpit piranhas. My Yorkie, on the other hand, is the FRIENDLIEST dog ever! She will run and jump on everyone and kiss them to death! She hates nobody!

So, the answer to your Yorkie dilemma would be to get a 12 week old puppy. Then you can mold him/her how you like and they will LOVE you to death. :hug:

Tammy 01-20-2008 05:10 PM

Hi everyone! Lazy day today. It's about 10 degrees, and I don't want to go anywhere. I did go to church this morning, but that's about it. Food has been ok, but the exercise has been non-existent today. Hopefully I'll get back into the groove tomorrow. I'm meeting a group of women that I taught with for lunch tomorrow. Some of us are retired (hooray!) and others are still teaching. We try to get together once a month just to stay in touch. Those of us who are retired try to do lunch once a month also.

Hope you are all warmer than it is here!!

Shy Moment 01-21-2008 12:16 AM


We have seen young ones, old ones and everything in between. Have gone to 6 different breeders. Those that don't hate me ignore me lol. They loveeee my husband. I have heard him say to the sweet little things. SHE is the one you have to love if you want to come home with us lol. I do have one from time to time when they are found and a shelter is needed in between homes. I take in Maltese and ****s too. I have been here for ages lol. Just having hard drive problems. Going to build a new system next weekend then I will be around all the time again.

We have a lab and are looking for another one since Pepper isn't going to be with us much longer. She is almost 13. We have been looking for a Malamute for a long time but haven't found the right one yet. I would love another cat but Sir Winkie would eat it so another cat is out of the question. Sir Winkie is meannnnnnnnn lol. He even terrorizes the ****s and Maltese when we have them here.

bobbigene 01-21-2008 07:40 AM

Good morning to everyone. I've not lost a pound in all of 3 weeks! So frustrating. Yesterday didn't help. I was over at a friend's house for the Giants/Packers game (I couldn't care less, don't like football, but never turn down a party) and ate all of the wrong things. Today I'm sticking to soup and veggies. May get out the exercise tapes too since I don't have to go to work. We have today off as a holiday.

Nicole - love the armpit pirahana comment! I had a Yorkie/Poodle mix, I called her a Yoodle, and she was the best little dog but boy would she take on anything that she felt was a threat. Especially the boots of the UPS man. He thought it was hysterical the way she'd go after his boots! She lived to be almost 17 and was the best dog I'd ever had.

Tammy 01-21-2008 09:13 AM

I'm a mess. Kramer (our dachsund) died during the night. I knew that he hadn't been himself lately, so in a way I was kind of expecting it sometime, but it sure doesn't make it any easier. Called our son to let him know, and he and I are going to meet halfway this afternoon to just give each other a hug. Kramer just turned 14 last week. I'm a mess.

Brighten 01-21-2008 11:21 AM

So Sorry!
Tammy, I am so sorry you lost your Krammer...this is a time I can say "I understand" having lost my precious Tiffany a few years back. We grieve for our pets just like we grieve for a loved one. Please nuture yourself and shed those tears...give your son a hug for me too!

Bobbijean, it has to be frustrating to try so hard and not lose weight (on the scale) but perhaps your body has lost fat but gained muscle...do you exercise a lot? Whatever the reason don't give up, this Alli plan is a good plan.

Tammy, a question? I tried to put my weekly weight loss in but cannot remember how to do it?

Sis, I just know you did well this week...can't wait to see you stats!
I love you sis.

It's in the 20's her today but the sun is shining.


Bionic Beach Babe 01-21-2008 02:41 PM

Afternoon Girls. Water class today and also weigh in...Lost 7 lbs...and feel good.

Tammy: Honey, My heart goes out to you on the death of your doggie. I had to put ours down in August, so know how broken your heart is. We still miss ours so much...When you see your son, hug and hug him again and cry it out together. I don't think a person ever gets over the lost of a loving pet. Oh life goes on and then we get another but there are just certain pets that live on in our hearts. My heart aches for you.

I typed my post about an hour ago and it didn't post so having to do it again. Also printing out the directions for new sig...but even that didn't work right...will try again later. I kept putting in www.3fatchicks.com/weight - tracker/ like the direction say, but it keeps saying Not valid.

Shy: Please hug and pet Pepper for all of us. Enjoy every moment with him

Bobbi: Yes, get the real Ice Cream out of your house...I bought some no sugar Frozen Fruit Pops to enjoy and also made Diet Jello to have at night watching TV. Hang in there with us. You can make it.

Sis: I too tried to put my tracker in, even printed out the direction so no advail...I am proud of your 8 lbs loss...I am 1 lb. behind you but so happy too...7 down 3 more to go this month. Anything past the 10lbs in a month is a bonus...I love you so much.

barbmarie 01-21-2008 04:25 PM

Hi all, just been going through the weekly posts. Tammy, I am so sorry for your loss. I have 2 pugs that are like 2 more of my kids, and had a cockapoo from the time I was 5 until I was 23. They are family.
Today is my weigh in day 169lbs! Thats down 5 for the first Alli week.
Its been a rough weekend. I am usually on the constipated side, so I though Alli would help with that. I started Alli last week and hadnt gone since last Sunday. Thursday I ate a little extra pot roast, hoping that would help. Friday I decided to give mother nature a push and take a lax, and have been so sick and tired ever since. Staying close to the bathroom.
I am taking today off, just soups and water, and will have to go back to my regular routine of stool softners. Anyone else have chronic constipation problems taking Alli? I dont want to wait too long again or take too much, lol.


Brighten 01-21-2008 05:15 PM

Hi Barb, nice to see you...good thing to get right on track again when we start to gain...good for you!

I am still having a problem with finding the site and getting my weight loss
(8 lbs this week) on the ticker but I will figure it out sooner or later with the help of my sister.

I shall try again now...

Take care and keep on keeping on!


ScorpioSunshine 01-21-2008 06:37 PM


ScorpioSunshine 01-21-2008 06:39 PM


Tammy 01-21-2008 09:08 PM

Thanks for all of your kind comments about us losing Kramer. Just when I think that I'm doing ok, I'll see something or do something that reminds me of him and I burst into tears. Met our son halfway today to exchange hugs and tears. It did us all good to do that. As of right now, I will not be getting another pet.

Bobbi, if you are exercising, that could be part of the weight not dropping. It may just drop all at once.

Brighten, are you talking about at the Alli site for the weight? I haven't done it in so long, I forget how! Maybe someone else can guide you in the right direction. 8 pounds is super!!!! What a great week for you!!!

Bionic, 7 pounds is wonderful!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!

Maybe someone else can help out with the signatures. I am awful about giving directions on how to do things on the computer. I do know that if you go to the User CP at the top of the page, it takes you to the tracker thing. Then you go to the Edit Signature. There are directions on that page. I know one thing that I kept messing up on when I first started using it was that I would forget to SAVE the signature after I had previewed it.

Barb, good going on the 5 pounds!!!!! Woo Hoo!!! When I started alli in the summer, I had the same problem with constipation, and since I've started back on it, I've had it again.

Scorpio, welcome!!! Lots of support here, that's for sure. There are several who are just starting on the Alli journey, so everyone can compare notes.

My hubby knew how upset I've been today, and he went to town and bought me a Klondike bar! I'll be journaling it soon. I'm under on calories and fats today, so that's ok. I did go to the Y for an hour this morning, and I think I'll go in the morning.

Shy Moment 01-22-2008 01:06 AM

That was sweet of him. Nothing wrong with a not good for me snack from time to time.

On the upper left side of the screen you will see user cp click on that. Then click on edit signature. You will find instructions there to set up a ticker.

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