3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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got2gethealthy 01-10-2008 09:00 PM

Welcome Mdm...we are all here to support each other, so any questions, hints defeats or success we all are here waiting to hear. :carrot: good luck...sue

Shy Moment 01-11-2008 12:38 AM

Doing pretty good. Weight loss is slow but at least it is there. I really want the secret of eating the calories and such we are suppose to eat and still losing 5lbs a week lol. Thank you for talking about that burrito, oh yuck I don't want to eat now lol. How have you been?

I don't know why I couldn't find everyone. Glad I did. I have missed you all. Exercise is good for us. I do walking/aerobic videos a couple of times a day and resistance training a couple times a week. I don't have to leave the house. We don't even have a gym anywhere close except the Y and it is 500 dollars a year to go there.

chubbystress 01-11-2008 01:04 AM

Alli User Here

got2gethealthy 01-11-2008 03:15 AM

shy..i noticed ANOTHER cheerleader !! congratulations- 40 pounds wow. i long for just 5. i have been walking to try to lose weight and get out of the house, but today at the final check up for my knee, he gave me another 10 weeks off. and no walking ! so now what.

got2gethealthy 01-11-2008 03:18 AM

tonya, walking may be giving you some leg muscles that is why you are not showing a loss yet.. my weight loss is very slow then suddenly i will have a 3 - 5 pound weight loss. be sure to eat you calorie range and drink the water too. What is your food intake like ?

Tammy 01-11-2008 06:41 AM

Well, I made it to the Y yesterday!! I spent time on the machines in the cardio room, then I rode the bike, then walked on the treadmill. I felt pretty good!! THEN my back started hurting last night. Had trouble sleeping because of the Pain. I don't get it. Those machines are the same ones that I used when I had physical therapy for the back pain. I know that I didn't overdo it. I just took 1/2 of a vicodin for the pain, and I'll be going back to bed soon.

When we return from our trip to GA (month of Feb.), I plan to get together with the gal from the Y who works with people on a fitness program. It is free for Y members who have the cardio option on their membership. That's me!

Sue, that burrito sounds yummy! When I was doing Alli before I took my lengthy break from it, I would have eaten half of that and saved the rest for the next day. I really didn't have TE from eating stuff like that. I know on days when I would overdo on the fat at one meal, I made sure that I didn't overdo or I even went lower on other meals that day. Maybe that's why it never bothered me? Had a chuckle about the cookie!!!

Sorry to hear about the no walking! Hopefully the time will go quickly for you.

If my back feels better later today, I plan to hit a mall. I have a coupon for Borders/Walden books, and another one for CJBanks that are eating holes in my pockets. My son gave me a gift certificate for CJBanks, so with the coupon I can go crazy!!

We finally set a date to head south. We leave here on Jan. 29. We'll take a couple days to get there, but we'll be in Jekyll Island, GA, on Jan. 31. I'm really looking forward to the time away and hopefully warmer weather!! We leave there on Feb. 28 and head to Disney World. My nephews will be marching in a parade there with their HS band. That's the school I retired from, so I know most of the kids. It will be fun. From there we head to Tampa to visit Hubby's brothers and their families. We'll be back in Ohio sometime the first week of March. I have a laptop that I'm taking along, so I will still be able to be in touch.

mdm, welcome to the crew!!! Stress can do weird things to our bodies, that's for sure. Keep a positive attitude, come here and post, and we'll all be doing what we need to as a group!! We can encourage each other, and I do think that helps.

Shy, only losing 5 pounds a week? I want 10 or 20!!! lol I think we both know that slow and steady is the game, and we are both on the slow plan. I have one of the Leslie Sansome dvd's that I haven't even tried yet. I need to get in gear!! I did just rejoin the Y this week. I got a single membership with the cardio room option. With taxes, the total was $540 for a year. I'm not sure how much it is a month because they do have that option. Bob told me to just pay for the year, and then I don't have to think about it. If I find that I don't use it as much as I need to, I won't renew next year.

chubbystress, welcome to you also!!!! Love that picture of the rose!! When I first started on alli last summer, I didn't lose right away either. But then I'd have a big drop. I think our bodies take some getting used to a different way of eating. Don't give up!! I know once I started losing, I was doing great until my husband became ill in Sept., then I went off the program. Should have kept it up, but at that time I had more on my mind than losing weight. I am impressed that you are walking 2 miles a day! WOW!!! I feel good if I walk 1 mile anymore. When I was still working, I was easily getting in the walking, but now since I've retired and hubby has been ill, I just don't get out and do as much as I used to. Keep up the good work and keep posting here. We all need to support each other in this new journey in our lives.

got2gethealthy 01-11-2008 09:54 AM

Tammy sounds you are off to a good start with the exercise and back to eating good. you sound like you are going to have quite the adventure with all that traveling. I am glad your husband is well enough to travel and get around now. what an ordeal for the both of you !!

Have a good day all !

Shy Moment 01-11-2008 10:13 AM

I am remodeling a house lol. 500 dollars will put a new wood floor in another room lol. I love leslie, I have about 10 or 12 of them now. I do a different one twice a day. Hope your back starts feeling better. Maybe you used the machines a bit differently when you were doing therapy. When I had the frozen shoulder. I was doing most of the upper body workout that I am doing now. That is the only way I know I am doing it right for sure lol.

Tammy 01-11-2008 10:52 AM

I just reread my message. My Y membership with taxes was $440 not $540.

Sue,when we head south, I'll be doing most of the driving. That's why we aren't driving straight through like we used to do. Hubby still isn't sure if he'll be going to Disney to watch the parade though. I do feel like I've been doing well this week. Hopefully I'll lose a pound or two soon.

Shy, I know the Y is alot of money. Our house isn't very old, so we really don't have much here to spend it on. lol You might be right about the way I was using the machines. Maybe I'll be super careful when I go to the Y again, and do less weight and/or less repetitions.

I haven't done much today. A load of laundry is about it. I did get cards addressed for birthdays. I wanted to do that before we leave because there are several that I need to mail from GA. I need to remember to put them someplace where I won't forget them!!

Bionic Beach Babe 01-11-2008 06:14 PM

Hi Everyone...I got Alli late yesterday at Costco...150 starter kit for $64.00...Very good buy...

I will be reading the information and checking in at their web site and Starting the Alli Program Monday. They say to eat low fat a couple days before starting.

I wish you girls all the best in the world and thank you for your help.

Back Monday....

BabyNicole 01-11-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bionic Beach Babe (Post 1993863)
Hi Everyone...I got Alli late yesterday at Costco...150 starter kit for $64.00...Very good buy...

I will be reading the information and checking in at their web site and Starting the Alli Program Monday. They say to eat low fat a couple days before starting.

I wish you girls all the best in the world and thank you for your help.

Back Monday....

Congrats! I really love the Alli so far! :carrot: I can't wait to hear about your experiences.

Shy Moment 01-11-2008 10:30 PM

The reason I thought that was one of the upper body exercises I am doing is laying on the floor, lifting weights over my head to the floor and then back to my sides. I was doing the same thing with a cane with weights on it for therapy. I was hurting my shoulder with the weights. I realized I didn't have my hands out far enough. As soon as I moved them out just a couple more inches, no more shoulder pain. Not doing something quite right really makes a difference. Great find, went to an auction for an old house. I was talking to the owner and I got all the hard wood flooring from one of the rooms ( they are tearing the house down ) for 100 dollars. My gosh I couldn't have bought that at any store for less than probably 1000 dollars.

Tammy 01-11-2008 10:37 PM

Way to go Bionic! I think that is a great buy for the starter kit with so many in it.

Shy, I think when I go back to the Y on Monday, I'll check to see if there is anyone around who could show me on the machines to make sure that I'm using them right. You did great on getting that flooring!!!! Woo hoo!!!

Just chatted with my son. He is an RA this semester. Since he is flying to GA for 4 nights in Feb., he can't come home for a weekend in Jan. before we leave. I've been in tears, and I know that is silly. We can go to see him, but it will only be for a few hours. He mentioned not seeing the dog till March, so maybe we can take the dog with us when we go visit. Kind of puts a damper on going out to eat though. lol

Shy Moment 01-12-2008 12:59 AM

I did use the blow flex when the hubby was home. He of course says leave it alone you are going to hurt yourself lol. I find I would rather do my walking/vidoes and exercises with the stretch cords than mess with that machine.

Brighten 01-12-2008 10:06 AM

Hi Sis, I finally found this site and registered. Hello everyone! Bionic Beach Babe is my sister. I am set to start the "Alli" program on Monday the 14th of January. I will most likely not check in every day but when I do I will try to encourage all of you. I myself need lots of encouragement and push!
My pledge to you is: I will walk at least 20 minutes three days a week rain or shine...That's saying a lot since I live in the beautiful NW where we get lots of rain!
Have a great day everyone...I hope I fit in here.


got2gethealthy 01-12-2008 11:36 AM

welcome brighton of course you fit in here !! we are all happy to have you with us :carrot: any questions ask away !!

bionic that was a great deal on Alli ! dont forget to sign up at the alli site as you get rewards for staying on the program. The site is very confusing i like it here better but it does have infor that may be of help to you..

Good luck alli cats ! sue

Brighten 01-12-2008 07:32 PM

Thanks for the welcome Sue.

Sis you must have missed my post since you did not comment?

I could not eat dinner tonight because of an upset tummy:dizzy: so will be better able to start a very low-fat program tomorrow.

I was happy to read some people still drink Lattes...I want to cut back on my coffee:coffee2: since I drink it with creamer and Splenda.

Addicted :yikes:to Diet Pepsi...cannot find info about whether it's not allowed on Alli program?

See you all on Monday.


Tammy 01-12-2008 08:57 PM

Shy, I'm sure I would hurt myself with the bow flex machine. I was on a machine at the Y the other day, and I got off of it when I realized that I was going to do some terrible damage to myself OR the machine. I went for a walk today, and it felt good. My lower back was hurting by the time I got back. I only was gone about 15 minutes, but that's usually when it starts to hurt.

Welcome to Brighten!! Glad that you found us. We're glad to have someone else to talk to as we get healthier in 2008. I am also a Diet Pepsi drinker. I drink it all the time. Hope your tummy feels better!!

I ate very well today, so maybe one of these years I'll have a loss. Still haven't started TOM. I wish this menopause deal would make up it's mind!!!

mdm20 01-12-2008 09:27 PM

Hey Everyone I wanted to ask is everyone eating their targeted amount? and would it be ok not too because I don't feel hungry enough to eat more. I bought a lot of fat free foods to replace the fatty things in my diet and like today I only had 1100... and i think my target was 1800 or something like that not sure I'll have to double check and probably like half the fat grams is all im taking in. I've lost 5lbs since i started the lowfat diet and then alli after the 3 days. Then of course I have only excerised about 20 mins a day just walking... I also started taking hoodia today. i take 2 500mg before dinner and lunch but if I have to eat more I will... I just don't want to get stuck in a few weeks/month and have nowhere to drop my calories if I'm making any sense. Oh and I had a few side effects today but not nothing to stop me from taking it. How is everyone else doing?

got2gethealthy 01-13-2008 12:53 PM

mdm the hardest thing for me is getting my fat grams and cals. up there ! years and years of low fat dieting, for me was the hardest part. you said you bought fat free things at the store, i assume that was dairy products ? try the low fat kind next time you buy them. it puts your fat grams higher. I don't think hitting your fat grams is too much of a mistake. Ladies, what do you think ? Just make sure to hit close to you cal grams. i never made it to 1800 a day. i tried 1500 -1400 and it seemed to work ok for me. just dont go lower than that. Your body will hold on to all the fat it can if you go lower than that . I only got my fat grams in when i wasnt on alli eating pizza, cookies, ice cream, and junk. Alli kept me away from that so i lost weight.

Brighten the only pure endulgence i give myself is coffee with creamer in the morning ! I say enjoy it ! plus it helped get my fat grams up there too. I use to drink soda too. not much but a little. I read where the phosphate in the carbination pulls calcium from your bones and dark sodas can give a person bladder cancer. but that was last week i am sure that in a few weeks they will change their minds and say it prevents cancer and strenghtens bones !!

have a great sunday alli cats !! sue

mdm20 01-13-2008 03:49 PM

Thanks Sue I really wasn't sure and yes it was the cheese and butter that had a lot of fat grams and so i got fat free in those but I think I will get the lowfat cheese then. I like soda I usually drink diet but where I have been trying to drink a lot of water I can't seem to fit it in which I guess is good. Other than that I have been drinking tea like a cup of Oolong and then in the evening green. Have any of you had any side effects from alli by the way? Oh and I forgot to tell everyone my name ... silly me lol It's Melissa.

Tammy 01-13-2008 05:43 PM

Melissa, I honestly don't think you are eating enough if you are only getting 1100 calories. The more we weigh, the more we are supposed to eat in order to lose weight. That doesn't mean we go out and eat 2000+ calories a day, but if it says you should eat 1800, aim for that amount. If you go too low in your calories, your body can go into a starvation mode, and that isn't going to help you at all. We need to be doing something that we can do as a lifestyle change, not just a quick switch to lose lots of weight quickly only to put it back on when/if we start to eat "normally" again. I'm in the "lose weight slowly club". lol

A friend of mine swore by eating low calorie. Granted she was losing on 1000 a day, but then her weight loss stopped. So, she dropped her calorie intake. I think her doctor finally convinced her that eating 500-800 calories just wasn't healthy, and it wasn't something that she could do for the rest of her life. She bumped her calories back up to 1400-160, and she started losing again. She is 5'2".

I really haven't had the side effects that some have had with Alli. As I said in another post, if I do go over on my fat grams for a meal, I try to balance it out for the day by going lower in other meals. I think maybe once way last fall when I was following the program faithfully, I had one of the treatment effects, but it wasn't anything like I was fearing.

Hubby and I went out for a late lunch to a Mexican restaurant near here. Delicious food!! I had grilled chicken with grilled vegies, rice, and refried beans. I ate most of the chicken and vegies but I left quite a bit of the other stuff on the plate. It sure was yummy!!

Goal for this week: go to the Y at least 3 days this week. I was reading my Arthritis Today magazine, and it mentioned not going crazy at first trying to do it all. Since I hadn't been going to the Y except for water aerobics since September, I decided to play it smart. I'll start with 3 days a week with 30-45 minutes each time. I do plan to go to the water aerobics class tomorrow night to visit with everyone. I didn't sign up for this session since I knew we'd be leaving halfway through. The instructor told me that I could come to the classes as her guest until we leave. They've had 3 classes already, and I haven't made it there yet.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!!!

Bionic Beach Babe 01-13-2008 09:02 PM

Mellisa. Tammy,Brighten and any other Gals

I am all set...Went to Alli Site and read and switched some of the meals for the week, printed them out, all filed neatly with protector covers on them, stored in a binder ready to go to town with new program tomorrow.

Did the exercise page all up to date with what I am pledged to do.

Problem I have is drinking enough water!!!!! some days, when the weather is cold I am lucky to get down 2 glasses all day. Not enough.

Watch for all of you tomorrow...Remember, Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it....Anne of Green Gables

Shy Moment 01-13-2008 11:58 PM

Remember you do need a certain amount of fluids a day. That does include what you are eating too.

My family doctor and the dietitian/nutritionist told me no adult should eat under 1200 calories a day. Don't ask me how I did it but I jammed one of the pulleys lol.

Hope you do great, can't wait to see the progress you make.

I agree and fat free tastes nasty lol. We want to make sure we are taking in the good fat and not the bad fat.

Welcome, hope you do very well.

Tammy 01-14-2008 05:52 AM

bionic, I sometimes don't drink enough water either, but I am doing much better with that. You really sound ready to get started today!! Good luck to you!! Keep us posted on how you are doing.

Shy, I was thinking the same thing about the 1200 calories. When my friend was doing that low calorie thing, she was driving us all crazy because we knew she wasn't eating enough to keep going. She was a teacher also, and she would be grumpy with her class, and I didn't like that. lol

I'll be heading to the Y in about an hour. I know they are open now, but I'm not sure how busy they are first thing. I figure there are people there before they head for work.

Have a great day everyone!!

Brighten 01-14-2008 12:33 PM

First day of the rest of my life...thinner! and Healthier!
Started off my morning with a very good breakfast...the Alli breakfast burrito! I am full!:carrot:

Melissa, have you read/seen if we are NOT to drink Diet soda? I admit to being addicted:stars: to Diet Pepsi...trying not to drink it until I get a answer to if it's permissible on Alli. I am not going to drink coffee in the mornings any longer but switch to tea.

Tammy, thanks for the encouragement.

Hello Shy!

Sis, :hug:how is your morning starting out? I am okay and looking forward to our first check in date. I know we will both do well by encouraging the other along the way. Dear HB is reading the book so he can understand and support me with the Alli program. He is a doll!

I love you,

Tammy 01-14-2008 12:45 PM

Brighten, I've never read anything about not drinking Diet Soda. No sugar, no fat, so I don't know why you couldn't drink it.

I was at the Y this morning. I rode the encumbant bike for 35 minutes, walked for 15 minutes, and did some reps on a couple of the cardio machines. I need to go earlier the next time because it was getting crowded. I don't like crowds.

Have a good day!!

OK. I just checked on the Alli site, and I found where it lists beverages that we can drink. Sugar free sodas are listed, so go for it!!

Brighten 01-14-2008 01:45 PM

Tammy, thank you for the information...I have to admit I am relieved since I truly enjoyhat: my Diet Pepsi. But I will give up my coffee :coffee:: and stick to a non-fat, sugar free Vanilly Latte once in a while for a treat.

I am thinking of re-joining our fitness center...they have a pool, all the equipment one needs. You spur me on.

Thanks again,


barbmarie 01-14-2008 06:35 PM

Hi room, just started Alli today. I have been here on and off for years, and hope this will give me the little incentive I need to succeed. I have done Atkins, WW, and Nutrisystem in the past, losing about 20lbs with each but gaining some back whenever I try to do it on my own. I LOVE fast food, Mcdonalds breakfast specifically, but am hoping the "treatment effects" will be the needed incentive to finally keep me away! Hope you have room for one more!

Brighten 01-14-2008 07:51 PM

First day on program
Today was a good day...even walked my 20 minutes! I am proud of that because I am healing from a fractured leg and it poured! :rain:

Barb, join :wel3fc:the troups honey, we've all most likely been there...I for one certainly have!

I love the Alli program the way it's set up to list our nutrition, our water, our exercise and even journalize...I believe in Journals!

I ended up listing all my meals by ingredient even though I stuck to their recipes to the "T"...the totals came out higher than theirs! I wonder:shrug: if one can click on something and their totals will list for each recipe??? Any one know?:dunno:

Have a great Jan 15th all!:cheer:


Tammy 01-14-2008 08:14 PM

Brighten, I don't think you have to cut out coffee either. I'm pretty sure that was listed. I just returned home from the Y. I went to a water aerobics class. It felt so good!! We all went into the whirlpool afterwards. That always feels great. If you have a fitness center near you, I say Go For It!!
Good for you for going for that walk!! Doesn't it make you feel good? I don't journal my food at the alli site. I do it on another site that it won't let me type on here. I also don't follow the alli meal plans.

Hi Barb! Welcome to the group! I also like fast foods, but I have learned to make better decisions. The alli really helps you think about what you really want to eat. Glad you can join us!!

Goal for tomorrow is to walk and do some arm machines in the cardio room at the Y. I'd like to be there earlier tomorrow since it was starting to get busy today when I was there.

Shy Moment 01-14-2008 08:55 PM

Nice of you to get the body moving but please take it easy so you don't over do it.

There is always room for one more. For some people not wanting to have the treatment effects are more than enough incentive to stick to the eating plan.

YUCK diet pop oh that is just nasty lol. From time to time I am under 1200 but I make up for it on other days lol.

mdm20 01-15-2008 03:43 AM

Thanks for the advice tammy & everyone else :) everyone is so helpful... and Brighten I haven't seen anything on it but I mean it is diet and no calories or fat grams... I'm addicted to but I haven't had any because I wasn't sure either if i see anything I'll let you know. Welcome barb :)

Tammy 01-15-2008 12:17 PM

Shy, I guess I have gotten used to the diet pop. With diabetics in the family, it has just always been there. It's much better than it used to be, that's for sure.

mdm, I really like the support and advice that I receive here. It helps me make it through some rough days.

I went to the Y again this morning. I told hubby that I might go every day this week, just to get into the habit of getting up and going. We leave for Georgia 2 weeks from today!! Need to get in there and work out all I can before we leave.

barbmarie 01-15-2008 02:49 PM

Thanks for the welcome all. Finished up my grocery shopping and instead of grabbing a burger on the way home, stopped at Subway! Its great and only 6gms of fat. So far so good!


Brighten 01-15-2008 04:40 PM

Hey:wave: Barb, just noticed you are in my neighborhood...well almost.:)

I live up next the the Canadian border...Lynden!

My first day on Alli was a good day...today (the second day) is a bit more difficult. I had a luncheon today...ordered a cup of split pea soup and ate half the bun that came with it...very high in sodium but okay otherwise.
I seem to be a bit hungry today and have a slight :headache:headache.

I am so determined to keep on this program. I pray when I start taking the pills Thursday that I have no problem with them.

Oh, I had one diet Pepsi yesterday and am nursing one today. I should clarify that I do drink the caffinated kind.

That Subway sand was a great :carrot:choice Barb.


Tammy 01-15-2008 08:02 PM

Barb, Subway was a great choice! I had a McDonalds's cheeseburger! lol

Brighten, if you are cutting back on the amount of coffee and diet soda, that could account for the headache. Make sure you are eating enough calories so you won't get hungry.

Our local Christian radio station is doing a healthy new year program. It's not about losing weight, just making healthier choices. They are giving out healthy tips each day, and for people who signed up by last week, they are sending emails with tips, recipes, and I'm not sure what all. I haven't read today's email yet. I have volunteered at the station for their fund raiser in the fall and for a Christmas wish program they did in December. I got to answer the phones, and it was so much fun!!

I bought some fat free, sugar free vanilla ice cream at the store. Small bowl of that with part of a banana and a bit of chocolate syrup will be a nice treat on days that I have calories left to burn. lol

Brighten 01-16-2008 01:38 PM

Hi Tammy,
Why do I have such a problem following the thread?
Each time I come on here I have to search for the last post and am still not sure if this is the lastest one?

The ice cream sounds wonderful!

I am drinking tea in the mornings now but will enjoy a latte now and again.

Have a great Jan 16th,

Bionic Beach Babe 01-16-2008 02:47 PM

OK girls, I am back...so busy yesterday with Yoga then driving 20 miles to buy food for Alli...All set now for sure.
Had high fiber breakfast this morning and plenty of food. Even nuts and a banana...Going to try their Pineapple chicken for lunch..

I don't usually eat lunch but early dinner around 4...but will have to change that now...and not snack all evening....

So happy to see my sis here...I love you sis.

Oh question, One of the meals calls for Cranberry juice...can a person switch to pineapple juice?...The things on the can say so close to each other...

Also can a person print out a journal page?I find the booklet too small and rather print one and put it on my refrigerator...

My best to all of you. Back later or tomorrow

Tammy 01-16-2008 07:16 PM

Brighten, I'm not sure why you have problems finding the posts. Maybe I've just been coming here for so long, I'm used to it. Maybe someone else can help you out. I had a small bowl of ice cream last night, and it was really good. It's Great Value brand that I get at Wal Mart.

Bionic, glad you are ready to go on your Alli trip to healthy eating!! I would think you could substitute the juices. I don't follow their eating plan, so I'm not familiar with it at all. I'm also not sure about printing out the journal page. I'm sure there has to be something you can use that would be bigger print somewhere.

Hubby and I ate at Red Lobster tonight. I tried to make good choices. I did bring half of my meal home, so that was a plus!! I honestly almost hope that I have a treatment effect because I have been a bit constipated. Too much information?? Maybe just a mild one to help me feel better. lol

Didn't make it to the Y today. I'll go in the morning. My goal was at least 3 times a week. I was there Monday morning and evening, and I was there on Tuesday morning. That counts as 3, but I'll definitely be doing more than that.

Hope to hear from everyone else!!

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