I'm back....and all kinds of front and side.

  • I didn't post a returning member thread when I returned about a week ago so I figured better late than never.

    I decided that it was a time to change. Not just to learn to eat better (and less) and exercise, but to change how I approached those things. So I'm trying some new things and reapplying things that worked before. It's like I'm a lab rat being experimented on by myself.

    So for returning things that work for me - I'm going to be using Eat Stop Eat for food. Basically you eat normally (not my normal but a healthy normal) most days. Then 1 or 2 times a week you fast from after dinner until dinner the next day. Not a plan that works for everyone, but it works for me. I'll only be doing 1 day a week to begin with.

    I've already given up Mountain Dew (I miss you baby) and have cut out snacking (unless it is a planned snack during the day).

    I've never been good with exercise. So I decided instead of starting with cardio, which is what I've done every other time, I'm starting with weight training. To eliminate excuses I'm doing just body weight exercises so I don't need any equipment.

    Then to add something new into my mix, I decided to work on making myself feel good about myself while I lose weight. I started painting my nails (also great to keep myself from snacking in the evening as wet nails are not conducive to eating). Once a week I give myself an at home facial as well (also great as a way to distract me from evening snacking). I colored my hair and got it cut as well. For September, I have to try one new hairstyle a week to shake things up and remind myself that taking care of me is something I need to do all the time.

    I have other things planned for myself that don't involve weight loss because I believe that I need to change more than what I eat for long term success (something I've never had). I won't post them all as my posts tend to be long and rambling enough already.

    Looking forward to becoming involved on the forums and getting to know everyone!

  • Nice to see you! Good luck with your journey!
    Your goal to do a 100 squats is AWE-SOME!
  • So glad to have you back Puft! I loved reading about what you are doing for yourself! Good for you!
  • belovedspirit, thanks! I'm trying out the practical side of doing squats. For example, I walked up 2 flights of stairs today without my legs giving out. Thank you squats!!

    Jacqui_D, I'm really glad to be here. The support here is great. I know there will be tough times (I'm looking at you scale) and this community will make those times more bearable. Thanks to you and everyone else who is here.
  • Hey Stay Puft! I am absolutely in awe of your resolutions to 1) eat stop eat plan, 2) ability to give up your favorite soda (I miss you diet coke) and 3) 100 squat goal. The fact that you can do 35 squats in a row is awesome!!