Looking for anyone else trying to lose 35-40 lbs

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  • Hey There,

    I am new to the site. Looking to lose between 35-40 lbs. Hope to lose at least 10-15 lbs by mid August. Anyone want to join this weight loss journey with me?
  • I would like to join you. I would love to lose 30 or 40 lbs. I try all the time. I am a little discouraged today
    What are you going to do to lose the weight?
  • Hi BB and Cherylgirl,
    I also have 35-40+++ to lose so I'll join you. I've signed up on the lose 10 lbs in June goal as well since I like to break it down to smaller goals. I don't know how realistic that is for me, but I'm willing to give it a go. I start on Monday so I have the weekend to clear out all the superfat foods and shop for more healthy foods.

    I plan to change my eating both through healthier choices and also smaller portions. I'm working with a health adviser on meals as I'm super picky in my food and he will also be my accountability in person as I'll have to weigh in each week with him. I find that helps keep me on track. I hope to find a few more vegetables that I enjoy since at this point it's mostly starchy ones and lettuce. How much lettuce can one eat before they just get tired of it?

    I did well with WW Online for about 4 months but then fell off. And fell off right into the chocolate cart. So I'm back at it.
  • This is my first post on 3FC. Hello!

    35-40 lbs falls right into my weight loss goal range, so count me in as well. I picked up a food/exercise journal to keep better track of what I am doing, but I also joined this site for community accountability and motivation. My general workout plan is to do a DVD workout 4-5 times a week (I have a lot of Taebo DVDs I got on sale for $1 each) and run 4 times a week (at least 20 minutes per run). I figure between that and eating smarter, I should see results within four weeks.

    Let's do this, girls (and guys)!
  • Welcome to 3FC everyone! =)

    Make sure you all look around and participate wherever you're comfortable! There are challenges and support groups based on all kinds of goals and things in common.

    Best wishes to all of you on your journeys!
  • Hello Ladies

    My first post on 3FC too - wondering if i can join you? I have a little over 40lbs to lose to get to my ideal but would be happy with 35-40lbs. I am currently doing WW Propoints after a few weeks of Atkins and in the first couple of weeks i lost 7lbs but have STS for the last three weeks and am finding it hard not to get disheartened and fall back into the chocolate cart as Donna so eloquently put it!

    Donna are you continuing with WW or with your health advisor is it calories/fat etc?

    Traci - I use a journal to track my points(and calories as i like to see what i'm doing in 'real terms!) and love Taebo - are yours the Billy Blanks ones? I have lots of the DVDs but have put so much weight on i can't manage to huff and puff through them yet!

    Cheryl - I hope you are feeling a little better today (hugs) It is so hard to keep up the motivation all the time right?

    BB - I think 10-15lbs by mid August is a great mini goal, count me in for that too - how are you doing it?

    Ok, don't want to bore you all (!) so will sign off for now...

    ...Looking forward to reaching our goals together, Mungo x

    PS I am in the UK so apologies if my replies are all askew time-wise!
  • I'm in! My ultimate goal is just over 40 (ideally by Christmas) and 20 by September. I'm not sure if September is too aggressive but I'll give it a go!

    I'm mostly doing portion control, with a focus on balancing my food groups and all that. Right now I'm trying to walk for an hour 5 days a week until I can work up the nerve to run a bit. I've been keeping a blog as a food diary and I think I'll migrate it to 3FC soon. Let's do this!
  • Hi everyone.

    Traci - you go girl with your tae bo DVDs, those kicked my butt to next month and back along with the pilates. Haha, a video of me trying to do pilates would have made me rich from America's Funniest Home videos.

    Mungu - I'm working with a health advisor this time. I liked WW, I just need the accountability to someone each week. I start next week so I'm a little behind the eight ball with regards to the 10 lbs by July 1st but I'm going to try like heck to meet it.

    I'm with ahyessophie in that I want to lose 20lbs by my vacation in September.
  • I'm getting ready to do my Taebo workout after this. I'll have enough time to do that and then get ready for work.

    Lovely - Thank you for the welcome. I am still navigating my way around the site, but eventually, I will check everything out. I hope everyone else new does, too.

    BB - What is your plan to reach your mini goal?

    Cheryl - I hope you're feeling encouraged rather than discouraged today! It's all about the baby steps. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. If you take a step back, then that's OK; it happens. With others here to support you, I think you'll find that in the long run, you'll see positive results.

    Donna - Thank you . I recently started doing them. The first time I did a Taebo workout, I couldn't hack it all the way through. I was huffing and puffing and tiring before the session ended, but I figured as long as I was moving, I was reaping some of the benefits. If I keep at it, I will eventually make it through the whole workout. By the way, they are Billy Blanks DVDs.

    Sophie - Woohoo, good luck girl! I'm thinking of starting up a 3FC blog, too, and 20 lbs by September sounds doable.

    Mungo - I'm in the same boat. I want to lose a little more than 40 lbs, but will also be happy with 35-40 lbs. Once we get to that point, we can push each other to reach that extra bit. Also, no worries about time zone differences.

    Have a wonderful day, ladies. It's beautiful here in Southern California .
  • Got my workout in yesterday and I've started this day off eating healthy. The day is looking up.

    I'm going to do a 90 day workout challenge. I saw a thread dedicated to one in one of the support groups. I'm going to print out monthly calendars and plan my workouts in advance, then check them off as I go along. I will also be taking progress pictures for motivation.

    How is everyone today?
  • Traci - a workout plan like that sounds like a good idea. Takes the work out of figuring out what to do everyday if its all done in advance.

    I was feeling a bit down this morning after a late night of drinking with friends. I managed to not eat anything at or after the bar, so that is a small victory, but watching the calories add up in FitDay was hard. Somehow managed to stay under 2000 though so at least that's something.

    Also bought a skipping rope - I hope I can relearn all the tricks I could do in grade school! I've heard it's good cardio and that doing intervals of skipping and floor exercises can be really effective, so I'll be trying that.
  • Hi I am completely new to dieting forum but I hope I will catch on quickly and you can accept me to the group!

    I'm hoping to lose around 40 lbs (which in my eyes remain as 18kg :P) plan is simple enough healthy food including loads of veggies and proteins, cut down on carbs, and exercises.

    I decided on Active (EA) as I tried it out and enjoyed it a lot (but never been able to keep up with the whole program!), swimming + sauna session once a week, 4h of martial arts, and a little bit of hula hoop! - I choose it all because I enjoy it and believe it will be easier to handle that way.

    I also really want to learn more about healthy lifestyle to let me maintain weight and feel better!

    I am in grave need for moral support as I know myself from starting diets with great plans and getting discouraged easily.
  • I'm in!
    I'm new here too, and I'm still trying to figure out the best way to keep myself motivated.

    I'm 31. I went from 278 to 174. Then school stress + laziness = up to 198. Now I'm down to 194.
    I yo-yo'd a few times before, and the fact that I did it again makes me furious with myself. I came on here to try to set up a better support system, so I can face this with more strength. I'm so happy to meet other people in the same struggle!

    I recently discovered that if I bring a book that I'm engrossed in to the gym, I can go for a LONG time on the elliptical without feeling the "ughhh I'm sick of exercising!" feeling that usually kicks in after 10 mins or so. I've elliptical-jogged for an hour several times this week, and it was easy because I didn't want to put the book down. It's better than magazines, which are easy to put down after an article. And it seems to be better than TV. Maybe it's because reading takes more focus than TV, and therefore I am much less focused on the time that passes. And there aren't commercials XD

    Weight loss is easier in the spring/summer, it seems....so we'll keep each other strong this fall/winter too.

    My first goal: 192 by Friday. (Well on my way)
    Second goal: under 190 by the end of June. (I'll be out of the country for a few weeks (medical missions trip! woohoo!) but my goal is to stay active and eat well despite traveling...)
    Third goal: 180 by Aug 1.

    The last goal is going to be the hardest to hit, but I'm determined to get there! Classes start up again Aug 1, and I want to weigh around what I did a year ago! Grr!
  • Oh, my methods:
    Calories at 1000-1200 with careful monitoring of quanity/quality of protein, vegetables, and normal % carbs. Multivitamin and calcium are a must! I <3 Centrum for Women, and Caltrate petites (small and easy to swallow!).
    Exercise: elliptical (my joints are crappy so I can't jog flat), and moderate weight training for my arms.
    Also, stretches and core strengthening exercises (2 yr ago back injury, Physical Therapy taught me about it....now I can't see how anyone lives without doing these!)

    Goal: to increase home exercises, and do Tai Chi 3x/wk. (I used to do it and loved it!! I'm just so lazy at home T_T )
  • Mesme - welcome! My mum is from Orkney and we allllways had dessert after dinner when I was living at home. She says it's a very Scottish thing and for me, wanting something sweet after dinner is the hardest thing to say no to (so I often don't say no!).

    Sakurai: congrats on your huge loss already! I've been looking at my nutrient intake by food and it is very, very sad. I'll need to start taking a multivitamin as well.