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Old 12-15-2008, 07:11 PM   #1  
Fighting to be Fit
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Default Fat Forever

Hello, my name is Kim (Hi Kim). I'm really not trying to sound like a support group attendee, so please forgive me if it comes off that way. Anyways, I'm 18, 5'3", & 205 lbs. Whoo! *Shakes the jell-o* *Cough* Well, now that the inappropriate ice-breaking is out of the way-- Moving on!

I'm the type of fatty that's been fat almost my entire life (or at least since I was 8). Now, some of you may notice I entitled this thread "Fat Forever", but please, don't be disillusioned by the fancy phrase! I do not intend to spend my life "Fat Forever", I've just been "Fat Forever" up until today-- this very monumental turning point in my life. So, what makes today so special you ask? Well, nothing much I suppose, considering I've tried & failed before.. I'd just like to consider it special because today I'm actually looking to other people, seeking support, guidance, & understanding; Today is a special day because this is my first real step towards a happier, healthier me. I'm physically & emotionally reaching out, & making a commitment (to myself, my sister (Migotokokoro), & my GF (Lycan)). What makes every day starting from now a phenomenal one, is that I'm going to try harder than I've ever tried, & more than that, I'm going to succeed.

So I've tried & failed before, who hasn't? If you could look at all the lives that have been lived since the conception of life, I bet you would not find a one that had not, at one point or another, watched success slip away. Failure is a part of life; the success comes in perseverance, in a person's will to take those failures as they come, & keep on going. The only true failure in life is giving up on a dream; If you quite trying, then you've failed.. But to continue despite all obstacles & challenges, that is the road to inevitable success. Alright, this introduction isn't turning out as great as the first.. I find that trying to rewrite something that was already perfect always ends up making it worse. However, due to an error on my part, I have no choice since my first message was deleted. Okay.. *sigh* Let's try to get this right.

Well, why don't I tell you a bit more about me so you can see what a rad person I am (not). I currently work at Blockbuster *High fives in a non-lame way* where I get free rentals, which is the best part of that job. I also own a website on the side that sells merchandise, which makes me way more money (& whose mention was the reason I got myself in trouble). So, I live with my GF.. in my mom's house.. Yeah, I'm just that cool. That fact is not only the bane of my existence, but the hardest part of this new "healthier lifestyle" roller coaster we're on. My GF Sam & I are pretty much fed up with all the preservatives & additives being put in our food, so we're going to try & start eating mostly organic. The problem therein lies with my mother.. My mom is a coupon lady. Anything that she buys she'll get for at least half off, if not free. So, what's wrong with that? Nothing, I love saving money.. just all the food she buys is junk, or filled with junk anyways. We're looking into investing in a rather good sized mini-fridge (already looked at a few, just waiting till after Christmas). I believe this might be the answer to our prayers. The dilemma with that idea is the incredibly small room we both share, that we somehow crammed two computers & computer desks into. To help save space, we're also investing in a nice sofa bed. Right, I'm getting distracted though. So, if anyone else out there eats Organic, or partially organic, & has any advice or suggestions for a person on a budget, I'd love the help!!

I haven't created a workout plan yet, & I'd love suggestions for that as well. I enjoy kickboxing & swimming (though the only pool I have is just big enough to stand in). Uhm.. I hate running! Jogging is okay, in moderation, & walking is my aerobic god. Ooh, but I've been breaking out in hives lately whenever I go outside *Cough* --chem trails-- *Cough* so I'd also appreciate if you guys have any aerobic alternatives in mind! I have a small amount of space to workout unless I want to kick some boxes around in the garage (which had just previously been cleaned out for exercise purposes! *mourns it's descent to that dastardly state again* ).

Well.. I think that's about it. I guess besides that, I just wanted to say Hi.. So, Hi!
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Old 12-15-2008, 07:17 PM   #2  
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Hi Kim. lol I already know you... <_<;;

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Old 12-15-2008, 07:22 PM   #3  
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Hi Kim!

Um, just based on writing style and intro, you seem rad. So don't go telling yourself that you aren't, OK?

We have lots of groups here (and I'm sure the friends you have here can show you the ropes) that you can jump on into. Look around! Groups exist by age range, eating plan, find a spot and settle in.

I hope you stick around and can't wait to get to know you better!
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Old 12-15-2008, 07:23 PM   #4  
One pound at a time!
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Welcome to 3FC! I'm so glad you found us!

You really can do this. I have been fat all my life and never thought I could lose weight so I never tried. Then last year I finally decided to try, and set a goal to lose 10 pounds and I did it! Then I kept going. You can too.
So set some goals (start with small ones, like 5-10 pounds!), and find a spot here on 3FC to meet people. Welcome!
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Old 12-15-2008, 08:11 PM   #5  
Fighting to be Fit
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@migotokokoro: Well I should hope so! ;P Lol, thanks for introducing me to the site! I really appreciate it. & Maybe now we can actually start eating better & working out, & continue it! I'm really excited!!

@mandalinn82: Thanks for thinking so. =] I'll be sure to check out as much of the forums as I can, & hopefully I'll find a few places to chat. ^_^ My sticking around is a thing to count on, so I guess I'll see you 'round the forums!

@bethbeth: Thank you for the welcome. It's encouraging to see all the people on here who set out to make a change in their lives & accomplished it! You & everyone else on here is a continual inspiration to me. =]

Last edited by UrthWurm; 12-15-2008 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 12-16-2008, 12:16 PM   #6  
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Hey Kim

I definitely hope to see a lot more (uh... less) of you around 3FC

Keep being totally rad.

Best of success!
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Old 12-16-2008, 08:00 PM   #7  
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welcome .
beleive me you are NOT ALONE. all of us here are more or less in the same boat .
I congratulate you for taking the FIRST step which is often the HARDEST .
pat ur back and stick with this support forum .

best of luck
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