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Slipfree 12-14-2014 06:02 PM

Hi all,

Such a beautiful day outside today. Got the gutters cleaned out. Even climbed on the roof to get a huge pile of leaves off. Amazing how losing the weight makes us more nimble.

Ate dinner early. Chicken and cauliflower. Scale was only up 1 pound after yesterday's free meal, but I am hungrier today. Carbs really do have an effect on my hunger the next day.

Hawaii, your date night sounded like fun. Hope your day after has been on track and easy.

Steph, sorry that you are dealing with so much stress. $ issues around the holidays stink.

Jenny, lucky girl to have a DH that does all the cooking!

Shout out to Hiker, Luccilove, Kooky, and Kawaii.

canadjineh 12-15-2014 08:20 PM

Just popping in to say that I am having issues with cooking, now that my DH is seasonally retired (and home for all meals). I seemed to do fine making separate meals when I was on P1/2 and he was eating 'normally'... now I just feel like eating in P4 mode and he would eat the same of course, except I need to cut myself back a bit to lose the weight that had crept up. I'm finding it hard to cook P4 style for him, and P1/2 for me. :shrug: By the time supper comes around I just feel like throwing in the towel and eating P4 (which won't get me lower but will only maintain).
Ideas out there?... or just a kick in the pants even... :kickbutt:


want2bskinnyagain 12-16-2014 05:59 PM

Liana: Will DH eat p2? A couple of weeks of that should take care of the up weight. Have you talked to DH, he may not mind a couple of weeks eating that, especially this time of year. But remember this needs to be a priority for you and your health. Consider this a kick in the butt! You can do this, it will be a lot easier now then 25lbs from now.

This time of year is so hard to eat healthy, so many parties/gatherings. I am doing my best that I can with the parties, and I keep telling myself how much better it is now then 2 years ago. I would have given up and eaten everything in site, but I am a changed person and I love me so much more now. I have already begun to look into fitness classes in Jan. I really want to get back into exercising, I fell off the wagon in Nov.

Slipfree 12-16-2014 06:07 PM

Hi all,

Was up 3 pounds after dinner last night. All water, because I have not taken my water med. for 3 days. Kept missing the pharmacy hours!

Want2b, you are so right about too many social gatherings! 3 more this coming weekend. I am going to focus on clean eating until then.

Liana, how did you cook when you were on Phase 1 before?

Jenny38 12-16-2014 08:00 PM

Hello ladies,

Liana - :club: I couldn't find the kick in the pants picture. The club is a little more threatening than what I was going for. I remember a few months ago in the summer I was struggling and you sent me a kick in the pants and it helped:). You are strong and so determined, you can do this! Don't give up. Maybe Fh could help with the cooking?

Slip - hope you are having a good week. I'm sure those water lbs will come off quick. I'm sure your looking forward to the Christmas break but this week is likely a busy one for you. A lot of the kids and teens I work with are feeling the crunch at school now

Hello to everyone else. This week has been super busy but looking forward to the slow down next week. Doing P1 for most of this week to try to keep some balance. I had pizza for lunch today, super thin crust and hardly any cheese. It was the first time in so long and it wa yummy. Shake for breakfast and dinner tonight and made my IP rotini for tomorrow

Slipfree 12-16-2014 10:09 PM

Jenny, decided to give the kids a break and wait to test them a few weeks after the holidays. The behavior has actually been pretty good so far. There is always an increase in drama and tears before the holidays in 7th grade. Kids realize that $ is tight at home and that the enormous wish list that they made - is not going to happen.

I am really craving pizza! Going to fit it into a free meal during my vacation. Glad you enjoyed it!

We have school until the 23rd. How about your kids?

Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate!

canadjineh 12-17-2014 05:02 PM

Thanks, gals, for the kick in the pants (and the threat of a clubbing, Jenny, lol). I think it is mainly my issue, because I am technically at top of weight range now and am finding it difficult to get the motivation to buckle down a bit. DH is helpful in the kitchen and always does his own breaky anyhow. Ha, morning is not my time...
I am dropping it slowly, but of course am not a patient person in this case. :p
DH is now getting less carbs (limiting the rice and pasta at his meals too) and added salads (he's always eaten a lot of veggies thanks to me). I have been good the past couple days. Since I work tonight and I slept in this morning (albeit with an sleep interruption of an adjustment of my mouth splint at the orthodontist at 8AM :sp:) there is less time for food so fewer meals today. DH & I tend to do a lot of coffeeing out while we are together on errands - not a great habit for either of us as I don't need the extra coffee in the middle of the day and he doesn't need the accompanying yummy treats that tempt us from the display cases at our favorite coffee shops. Adding to that is one of the coffee shops is a Cinnamon bun place locally famous and it has a 'word of the day' on its FB page for a free treat - last time it was 3 free mini frosted cin buns. :fr:


Hawaii69 12-17-2014 05:18 PM

Hi there everyone;

Well, its been a challenging few days. Haven't been really bad but am at the top of my range, just started that time of the month so I have a feeling that is part of the problem and because of that, I have been feeling exhausted this week so haven't even been exercising. I even missed zumba on Monday but just couldn't go. So, I keep plugging, trying to keep up with water and keep the calories down. I'm having a good day today and hope to finish off the week the same way. I hear you Liana, sometimes the ol' motivation isn't there but I keep trying and I know you will do fine. You know what to do! Its worth doing. Love Lisas motto, losing weight is hard, maintaining is hard, being fat is hard, pick your hard. Have a great day Jenny, Slip and want2b! And all you other October Newbies!!

Slipfree 12-17-2014 08:28 PM

Hawaii, white knuckling it here! Not giving in until that darn scale goes down. Pms here to the maxxxx and impossibly squirrelly children= a teacher that would love some sugar!!! Say it with me, sugar is the devil, lol :p

Hawaii69 12-17-2014 08:51 PM

Okay, that made me laugh!! Sugar is the devil, sugar is the devil, sugar it the devil!!!!!!!!!!Hee hee

Slipfree 12-17-2014 09:19 PM

Good! That was my intention :D. We will survive this month.

canadjineh 12-17-2014 10:06 PM

Sugar is the devil, sugar is the devil, chips are the devil, chips are the devil... OOOPS, got sidetracked, teehee. At least being GF I don't indulge in the cinnamon buns, but they also have pretty yummy apple walnut GF muffins...
I was a very good girl today though.
Awesome menu, all my supplements, and 10 glasses of water/herbal tea.
Doing a happy dance tonight even though it's snowy and I have to do my driving/walking patrol.


Slipfree 12-17-2014 10:14 PM

Glad that you had a great day, Liana! Safe travels tonight.

Hawaii69 12-19-2014 10:27 AM

Hey October Newbies;

Everyone must by busy with life these days. I've been having a tough week with it being tom and then getting a migraine. So, I haven't exercised since Sunday. I'm hoping to do something tomorrow though. I'm still feeling a bit yucky, hate hormones. But, I'm working at my eating. I'm still at the top of my range but feeling like I'm retaining water still which I do at this time. We will see what happens in a few days and I plan to be a good girl. hee hee

Happy to hear that Slip and Liana are doing so well. Good for you!

Hi Jenny, Steph and Want2B! I hope you are having a good week. Take care!

Slipfree 12-19-2014 10:16 PM

TOM and top of my range here too. Crashed a bit yesterday and had 2 beers at my Work Christmas party tonight. Big family party tomorrow which will involve wine. Not going crazy, but the scale is up. Eating/drinking 1/16 of what I would have had during prior to IP, guess that has to be my focus.

Sorry to hear that you are feeling the same :(.

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