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Old 06-14-2013, 03:34 PM   #1  
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Default Exercise on IP?

I have been on IP for 8 weeks now, and would like to start exercising- even if it's just a long walk every day. Does anyone on IP exercise, after their body has adjusted to the diet? If so, what do you do and how often? Did you see an increase in how much weight you were losing on a weekly basis? I see my coach next week... I forgot to ask them when I saw them the other day.
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Old 06-14-2013, 04:18 PM   #2  
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Originally Posted by lalagirl0731 View Post
I have been on IP for 8 weeks now, and would like to start exercising- even if it's just a long walk every day. Does anyone on IP exercise, after their body has adjusted to the diet? If so, what do you do and how often? Did you see an increase in how much weight you were losing on a weekly basis? I see my coach next week... I forgot to ask them when I saw them the other day.
There are actually a whole bunch of threads on this subject. But here's the bottom line.

Exercise on IP does NOT increase your weight loss. In fact, most of the time it causes your losses to SLOW. For some people, the good feeling of exercise is worth the slower weight loss, but that is something you will have to weigh out and decide.

IF you choose to exercise, no matter how light, make sure you add an extra packet within half an hour of finishing. IP is much too low in calories to sustain any burning of calories beyond normal daily activity, so you need to replace them soon after exertion.

At the end of the day, you need to decide what is best for you - and listen to your body. If you try out exercise and feel worse, your body may not be able to handle any amount of extra work while on IP - just pay attention to what it's telling you. Good luck!
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Old 06-14-2013, 05:52 PM   #3  
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Here's a search result of "Exercise" threads:
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Old 06-14-2013, 07:44 PM   #4  
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Originally Posted by scorbett1103 View Post
There are actually a whole bunch of threads on this subject. But here's the bottom line.

Exercise on IP does NOT increase your weight loss. In fact, most of the time it causes your losses to SLOW. For some people, the good feeling of exercise is worth the slower weight loss, but that is something you will have to weigh out and decide.

IF you choose to exercise, no matter how light, make sure you add an extra packet within half an hour of finishing. IP is much too low in calories to sustain any burning of calories beyond normal daily activity, so you need to replace them soon after exertion.

At the end of the day, you need to decide what is best for you - and listen to your body. If you try out exercise and feel worse, your body may not be able to handle any amount of extra work while on IP - just pay attention to what it's telling you. Good luck!
While I normally agree with you Scorbett I think there are a couple points here I would challenge and hopefully you'll see the wisdom in what I'm saying but I welcome you to challenge me if you don't.

First - while you're right that exercise will probably not increase weight loss and may even slow weight loss it should be noted that weight loss is not the same thing as fat loss. Fat loss will not be impacted by most exercise and it may even be accelerated. This is offset in that it may help retain more muscle which calorie for calorie weighs 5x as much as fat. Catoblizing a lb of mucle is worth a little more than 600 calories while a lb of fat provides 3500 calories. The point being - the more muscle you lose along with fat the faster you'll lose weight.

Second - the idea that one must consume and extra packet, and that the packet must be consumed 30 minutes after exercise is simply wrong. I've let this slide every time I seen you say it for two reasons. First, it really doesn't hurt anyone to have an extra packet and second I didn't have the time to explain why this is idea is wrong. Time permits so ...

Do you need an extra packet immediately when you exercise on the IP diet? Answer - "it depends". The answer to most questions is going to be "it depends" because you have to have context. What does it depend on? Primarily three things.

How big of a person are you? A 4'11" female has different protein needs than a 6'5" male. Of course the IP diet makes no differentiation between these two people - but an actual medical supervised PSMF diet would. A smaller person would probably be on a diet of around 500 calories and a larger person on the higher end - 1000 or more on a true PSMF diet. The relevant point is - if you're a really small person you are less likely to need any additional protein after exercise than a bigger person. When in doubt, consume additional protein.

What kind of exercise are you doing? No one, in my opinion, should be doing high intensity exercise for any kind of duration while on the IP diet. No question about it - the calories you ingest on the IP diet will inhibit recovery and significantly increase the chance of injury. Also, intense exercise increases cortisol which normally is offset by larger post workout meals but those don't happen with the IP diet. Increased cortisol levels can cause some weird (bad) things to happen. Having said that - what are you doing - are you jogging? Lifting heavy with low volume? Brisk Walking? Zumba? Casual walk? Riding a bike? The bottom line is - the less taxing the exercise the less need there is for extra protein.

Does protein need to be ingested after exercise? The idea that one needs protein right after exercise came from studies where subjects who consumed protein right after exercise had increased protein synthesis (muscle building) compared to those who did not. However, these tests were all done with fasted subjects. When you consider how long protein takes to digest if you had some kind of meal in the last 3-4 hours before exercise odds are you have amino acids still circulating in your blood stream, reducing the need to immediately eat. Also, intensity makes a big difference. If you're doing casual walking, you're almost enirely burning fat and not touching your glycogen stores.

What I'm saying here is - the OP said "long walks". What we don't know is:

When is the OP walking?

What size is the OP?

What speed are these walks occuring at?

If I were to answer the OP's question I would want to know all of the above first to get the correct context.

If the OP is 4'11", 130lbs and planning on a leisurely stroll after dinner I'm going to have a different answer than I would to a 6'4" 350lb male who is planning on a 30 minute power walk right after waking up.

At the end of the day - it's a heck of a lot easier to just say eat an extra packet and call it a day.
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Old 06-14-2013, 08:00 PM   #5  
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I knew you'd chime in at some point John

RE: the slower losses - note that I DID say weight loss, not specifically fat loss would slow. Between muscle increase and water retention, it makes sense that the scale would slow down with exercise, although inches may continue to shrink. It's much more common for people to be extremely tied to the scale as opposed to the tape measure, so the word of caution about slowing down is just fair warning that while the tape measure may have many good things to say, the scale may not meet the expectations that have been set by so many coaches in terms of weekly losses if exercise is part of the equation.

RE: the packet. As far as the 30 minute rule goes - I see that as more of a "catch it before you forget" thing. If I finish exercising, it's much easier to grab that shake right after I finish and then move on with my day, than it is to plan on remembering later. I see the benefit of the added calories and protein regardless of the person's makeup. One 80-100 calorie packet is NOT going shrink the calorie defict to a point where it it's going to affect losses in great measure, though a larger or more active person may require more than one. That's why I always say "listen to your body" - it will tell you if you are overexerting, or not eating enough. The timing matters little as far as I can tell, except to make sure that having that little extra doesn't get lost in the daily shuffle by tying it in with the act of exercising.
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Old 06-15-2013, 06:38 AM   #6  
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Originally Posted by JohnP View Post
A 4'11" female has different protein needs than a 6'5" male.
Of course the IP diet makes no differentiation between these two people - but an actual medical supervised PSMF diet would. A smaller person would probably be on a diet of around 500 calories and a larger person on the higher end - 1000 or more on a true PSMF diet. The relevant point is - if you're a really small person you are less likely to need any additional protein after exercise than a bigger person.
It appears IP DOES differentiate for people weighing over 200 lbs

In a little-discussed fact, a member with access to a coach' training manual has shared this:

Most people use 3 packets (2 non-restricted, 1 restricted) per day.

In the IP clinic manual, it's listed this way:

201-240 pounds = 4 packets/day
241-280 pounds = 5 packets/day
281-320 pounds = 6 packets/day

Of course, still only 1 of those is restricted.

I wasn't told at 260 to start with 5 packs/day. I was told, sort've loosely, I could have an "extra" the first week if I got really hungry. It appears I should have been on 5, then 4, before 3.
It also appears IP DOES NOT differentiate between weights under 200.

Why did my coach not tell me? Was she afraid the extra cost would scare me away? She could have added off-brand for the other two packs but then I'd know IP wasn't a superior product.

From what I see on these boards, it appears many coaches ignore this part of the manual and use the cookie-cutter approach.

Anyway, FYI.

Last edited by lisa32989; 06-15-2013 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 06-15-2013, 08:03 AM   #7  
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Lisa- my coach definitely ignored that...she, too, told me that the first week I can have 1 extra packet.

She also encourages me to exercise. It seems each coach has their own theories as to what works.
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Old 06-15-2013, 08:13 AM   #8  
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Originally Posted by jodi73 View Post
Lisa- my coach definitely ignored that...she, too, told me that the first week I can have 1 extra packet.

She also encourages me to exercise. It seems each coach has their own theories as to what works.
This is not uncommon. There are a lot of coaches who don't seem to do research on PSMF diets, ketogenesis, or even the original documentation on IP from Dr. Tran. A lot of the "tweaks" or "house rules" that coaches put out there for their clients are based on more conventional dieting wisdom, but don't necessarily apply or help in the case of IP.
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Old 06-15-2013, 09:29 AM   #9  
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Originally Posted by scorbett1103 View Post
This is not uncommon. There are a lot of coaches who don't seem to do research on PSMF diets, ketogenesis, or even the original documentation on IP from Dr. Tran. A lot of the "tweaks" or "house rules" that coaches put out there for their clients are based on more conventional dieting wisdom, but don't necessarily apply or help in the case of IP.
I chalk this up to lack of training on IPs part. While I love this program and am happy with my coach I've read too many posts from people here to think they have a strong training set up for new facilities. Or it could be the facilities themselves that get initial training then hire other coaches and cheap out on getting them trained properly.

I was a trainer for a major auto insurance company and the difference is obvious when you look at someone who took their training seriously and someone who tried to skate through just to pass the course. The serious person excells and the skater struggles with the job and is likely to quit either because of workplace frustration or poor performance reviews.

When you see 10 different answers from 10 different coaches on something as simple as "do you have to eat everything at a specific time?" you know there is no consistency in either the training or the implementation. There's also the issue of everyone trying to be the "smartest person in the room" and knowing more than the people that spent years developing the program.

Sorry to get away from the OPs original question but this has been bugging me for quite some time.
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