Ideal Protein Monthly Chat -February

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  • Hoping this works. Hadn't done it in a couple of months.
  • Thanks torchlaker!
  • lots of questions on the last pages - here's my take on things'

    diet 7-up to deal with hunger - we are not allowed diet drinks because of the aspartame

    measure yourself - if you want to be motivated on this diet and the numbers on the scale just aren't cutting it for you, measure your body - you will be amazed at the differences. My counselor does the following (down the same side of your body) - neck, arm (around bicep with arm down), above boobs, below boobs, smallest part of waist, belly button, hips at widest part, thigh, knee, calf, ankle. amazing that some weeks you'll lose in some spots, some weeks others and sometimes your weight doesn't go down a whole bunch but your measurements do - I lost over 4 inches at last weigh in but not much for pounds.

    Veggie ideas - Try cooking asparagus in the oven - use a cake pan - little bit of olive oil and salt. give them a shake about half way. bake your cauliflower same way as asparagus - tasty and different texture. you can also slice zucchini and cook it basically the same way. cut up cucs with salt and vinegar. try a variety of raw and cooked for supper they'll have different textures/tastes i.e. raw turnip and raw zucchini have different taste and texture than when they are cooked. buy some vegetables that you didn't eat before - it amazes me that i like green pepper and radish now - i hated them before.

    bad breath/dry mouth - my IP place sells SPRY gum it's sweetened with xylitol (sp?) and is allowed. it comes in a variety of flavours and really helps.

    tired & headaches - i'm copying what i posted back in October lots of us experienced the same thing. apparently it has to do with the sea salt - it's important to use your sea salt everyday. there are a variety of "fixes" all the way from putting a bit in your hand and having a lick to putting some in your water and drinking it down. If you experience headaches later in the diet, it can be a sign of dehydration, increase your water intake.

    I checked one of my initial handout pages to see what was said about fatigue - as lots of us have experienced that side effect too. I'm going to pick some of the sentences off the handout - hope it clarifies.

    there are three primary reasons why a dieter may experience fatigue on the Ideal Protein Protocol: low blood pressure (hypo tension), low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and an imbalance in blood electrolytes (magnesium, sodium and potassium). All of these issues can be quickly corrected.

    Low Blood Pressure: when we lower the insulin level, the kidneys now function normally and much excess sodium and water are rapidly eliminated. this can cause a drop in blood pressure and a feeling of fatigue can result. this is particularly pronounced if the dieter is taking a prescription diuretic (water pill). Should you experience this, make sure to use the sea-salt liberally and increase the amount of water taken daily.

    Low Blood Sugar: in the beginning, when we reduce the amounts of carbs we consume, our body's first source of energy is suddenly decreased. consequently if our blood sugar suddenly becomes lower than what our system is used to, we feel tired. so it says in the first week only, you can consume up to 5 packets of the product. After the first week if one feels fatigued, it is usually because they are consuming too many carbs...prompting an insulin spike which will then cause "reactive hypoglycemia" (low blood sugar). says to review your food diary with your coach.

    Electrolyte Imbalance: two most common problems here are low sodium and low potassium If the first two issues have been addressed and fatigue still persists, the dieter should increase their potassium to 2 tablets per day for a couple of days and again, use the sea-salt liberally.

    i guess our salt, water and potassium levels are really important.
  • Thanks for all that advice Mom22. When you IP veterans chime in I think it really helps answer a lot of questions we all have!!

    I weigh in today and my scale says I have only lost 2 lbs this week. I'm not really sure why being that I was on only the non restricted foods and veggies all week...shrugs, maybe it's my TOM. Hopefully my measurements go down this week to cheer me up

    Have a good week everyone!
  • Mom22 - is all gum with xylitol allowed? If so then Trident is fine too. My friends are doing the HCG diet and they are only allowed gum with xylitol and can have Trident...they're not supposed to have aspartame either. That would be great news for me!!!
    I had my first gain! I'm really upset and can't stop thinking about it! I went to a bridal shower on Saturday and had a cheat. I had 4 pieces of shrimp. I know it's allowed, but rather than adjust at dinner I just had my 5 ounces of chicken at dinner too. It made me realize how conscious I need to be about every thing I put in my mouth and how you cannot cheat on this diet! I really hope that I'll have a big loss tomorrow as I was very good yesterday and will be today too.
  • My weigh-in was this morning and I lost 3 pounds...a little disapointed but hey, that's the average, right?

    My coach said I could have sugar free gum as long as I rinsed it off - something about what they coat it in.

    Liked my first coach better...apparently the nurse Prac. only does the initial speach about the program and takes initial measurements. Then they handed me off to someone else in the office. She weighs me, takes my measurements, gives me a recipe, and fills my order - really no coaching so far. Hope it changes...would like more advise. Get much more help here.

    Already getting VERY bored with the meals. I'm afraid to make anything other than something with a few ingredients because it might throw me off plan.

    Going to get on the treadmil tonight and see how I my calculations I'll have the weight off by the first of July and right now it seems like a LONG way off...
  • i don't know if trident is allowed - i would check with your coach to make sure. i know sugar free gum, breath mints, etc. are not allowed and even little things like that will slow your weight loss.
  • Quote: Thanks for all that advice Mom22. When you IP veterans chime in I think it really helps answer a lot of questions we all have!!

    I weigh in today and my scale says I have only lost 2 lbs this week. I'm not really sure why being that I was on only the non restricted foods and veggies all week...shrugs, maybe it's my TOM. Hopefully my measurements go down this week to cheer me up

    Have a good week everyone!
    Here's the thing - you lost 2 lbs in one week!! that's not something to be discouraged about - how many diets have you been on (I'm thinking ww) and lost 1/2 lb in a week and everyone stood around the scale and clapped? awesome loss in only 1 week.
  • hey, any of you who are using I.P. bars.....when you get a chance, can you look on your box and tell me if they contain any sugar alcohols? I never bought the I.P. bars, but I just got a box of Lindora Cinnamon crunch bars...they have 13 carbs, but 5 gs sugar alcohols.
  • Quote: Thanks for all that advice Mom22. When you IP veterans chime in I think it really helps answer a lot of questions we all have!!

    I weigh in today and my scale says I have only lost 2 lbs this week. I'm not really sure why being that I was on only the non restricted foods and veggies all week...shrugs, maybe it's my TOM. Hopefully my measurements go down this week to cheer me up

    Have a good week everyone!
    I wonder if because you had such a terrific 1st week weigh in your body got scared. It will come back around, my 1st week was 5.5 and my second was 3.5. I was a little disappointed but I weigh tomorrow and I think I am going to see 5 lbs down again. Hang in there and next week you will probably see another big number.
  • Ya you're all right - any other diet and I would have been thrilled with a pound's just hard to not want more!! I guess I have to think that in 2 weeks I've lost 14 lbs...which is more than what I would have done in two months on WW (believe me I would know, I've joined a ton of times!!)

    I'm sure I'll rebound next week...and besides isn't week two the dreaded week on Biggest Loser lol
  • Quote: My weigh-in was this morning and I lost 3 pounds...a little disapointed but hey, that's the average, right?
  • ritiki19 I'm assuming the shrimp weren't breaded so I doubt the 4 shrimp caused you to gain weight. and even if they were - no way you're going to get a 4# weight gain out of that. and...that's not a cheat - that's called eating the best way you could for the situation - cheat is so harsh. I'm thinking theres something else. what else did you eat this week, what time of the month?
  • Been on ideal protein for a week now, lost 7 pounds my first week. wanted to check on a couple of things? Anyone using Walden Farms? and what about super bowl on Sunday? I'm having a party but going to make some of the recipes i have seen on the site. How do you stick to the plan thought?
  • o.k. girls - get a grip - you are losing awesome amounts of weight but you won't lose 5 lbs every week and you won't even lose 3 lbs every week - however, you will lose. don't set yourselves up for disapointment by thinking you're going to have these big losses every week. remember - you are losing and at a steady rate - other diets you will starve yourself and be happy with a 1/2 lb weight loss. I've never starved and I've always lost.