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tyla 05-31-2012 10:56 AM

Now that the Memorial Day weekend is over, I'm ready to get back on track. Going for more protein, vegetables and fruit today. I also walked and worked out with my weights this morning. It all comes down to feeling better physically and mentally. :)

Good luck, everyone! :goodluck:

tyla 06-01-2012 04:20 PM

Did well with food and exercise yesterday and today. :)

ihsabhg 06-01-2012 05:29 PM

Thanks for the encouragement Toni48 !! made it thru the first three days of giving up the whites.. .got the sugarbusters book back out and rereading and reviewing... but feeling better all ready... lost a couple pounds of water .. helps not to feel like a macy's day parade balloon anymore... do you follow the sugarbuster plan or something else ??

Ellen 06-02-2012 09:37 AM

Hello friends! As usual, I am way too busy. Long time member of our church died Wednesday and I am helping with the family reception after the service this afternoon. Then my daughter and son in law are bringing my granddaughter to stay with me until Monday. She is a handful, so it will be a rather intense two days!

I got a new book on blood sugar management and it has scared the crap out of me. I am revisiting my view on insulin injections for management and will continue to research until my doctor appointment end of this month. It sure would be nice if I could get the levels down without going hardcore, but diet just does not seem to be working which may indicate my beta cells are dead.
Reading about all the side effects of the meds I take really messed with my well being. Ug. Its such an ugly disease.

My breakfast this morning, after a 30 min walk is 2 carbs worth of Canadian Bacon sauteed in coconut oil. Mmmm!

IHSABHG: Tips....hmm, one of the best I got was to do one thing at a time. So begin with getting all non-legal foods out of your diet, THEN work on portion control. The person who shared that told me if I needed to eat a half a box of triscuits to stay on plan, do it. I think it helps get over the first few days of cravings- just reach for legal stuff. So happy to have you here. Sorry its kind of slow, but we all come back regularly...just not as regular as we used to. For me, the more folks here, the more I get here too. I hate talking to myself! :) I gather from your tag line you are a believer...??

TYLA: Glad you are doing well. I am beginning to hate holidays for how they derail me and my sane eating plans... went to my daughters for Memorial day, and I just HAD to try the potato salad- which is a particular weakness for me. If I had stuck to the bbq ribs and chicken....I might have been fine! I DID avoid the sweets....for some reason I can pass on sugar, but potatoes are a whole other thing! :)

TONI: Are you still walking on your treadmill daily? You know that covers a multitude of dietary sins! ;) I have walked every day now except one, for two weeks. I have not seen great results yet, but I am going to persist. Just really worried now about the blood sugar issues...

Toni48 06-02-2012 03:30 PM

Oh my its a lazy day here. Hubby is asleep in the recliner and the dogs are laid out sleeping. I just got done paying bills. Ugh. Money just doesn't go far enough. LOL Can't wait to go grocery shopping and get some healthy stuff in this house. Need some yogurt and stuff I can eat. Just made a rub for the brisket DH is going to try out in the smoker tomorrow.

Ellen- Loved your newsy post. I haven't been back on the treadmill since I had that lung infection but going to try again Monday. Heres hopeing I can get back in the grove... Whats happening with your pool? And hows your garden this year?

ishabhg- Hows it going? I try and stay away from the white stuff but don't follow the book completely. I kind of have my own way. Hey thats not working LOL... Maybe I should get out my book and reread it. Congrats on losing 2 lbs. Sure hope my scale saids something good next week.

tyla- Are you doing good? How does the week end go for you? Think I'm going to have a meatless Monday and see how that goes over here. Just for a change.

Guess I'll get off here and make my rub for the brisket for tomorrow.
Happy week end.

tyla 06-03-2012 02:06 PM

Toni, I'm doing a lot better now than I did before the challenge. I'm working on staying away from sweets and junk food, and so far, so good. This is a big deal, because I started to redevelop old habits after 3 years of careful eating. I notice when I eat healthier stuff, I feel so much better. How did your smoked meat turn out? Best of luck to you this week!

Ellen, sorry to hear about your loss at church. I do a lot of reading on health, too. Sugar and white flour really seem to be the culprit for a lot of diseases. Eating less of those and adding exercise seem to reverse some of those diseases. I'm trying my best to develop a whole new outlook regarding food and exercise. When I eat protein, vegetables, fruit, take my vitamins and exercise, I feel so much better. Best of luck to you this week!

Ihsabhg, congrats on your weight loss! Keep up the great work!

Here's to a great week! :) Let's keep going. > > >

ihsabhg 06-03-2012 04:27 PM

thanks for the encouragement tyla.. as well as the rest of you.. :D i'm sure the few pounds shed was just excess water but i'm actually starting to feel better.. almost CLEARer since getting off the whites.. as i mentioned, i had stuck to the lifesytle for a long time, years ago when i was diagnosed with a thyroid condition. lost weight, felt great, and then slowly let the sugars slip back in ...until i wasn't even considering them at all ...so i can relate Toni...hope your scale is kind to you as well. .do you only weight once a week ? it's been awhile since i have been 'on track' so the suggestions help... like Ellen's .. get allll the illegal stuff out and THEN worry about portion control.. i thought to myself... "ok.. i can DO that !" ... kinda changed the way i looked at it... so far .. so good... and yes, ellen ..you are correct.. i'm a born again christian... :cool: do you gals stick to the 3 grams or less rule ? eat whole grains ? i have an obsession with pressurized dairy topping...usually on SF jell-o pudding... although it says it's only 1 g of sugar... is it still on the safe list ? and when you're trying to lose weight .. do you guys count carbs or sugar grams ? fats ? or do you simply stay to the legal list and watch the portion sizes.. ?

Solly 06-04-2012 09:19 PM

Hi ladies, sorry I have been MIA. I have been having a time with my health. Neurologist diagnosed me with Fibromaygia & put me on Lyrica. Well apparently I overdid cleaning & then moving summer & winter clothes around. Last Thursday I could not move. My back hurt where I really thought it was my kidneys. On Friday I was worse. I went to my family dr not knowing where to go, & my kidneys were fine but she said the Lyrica was too low a dose. She sAid is was all muscular. So I called my neurologist & he said double the dose. Well I did & now I am so sleepy all the time (not like me at all), dizzy, high, & my words are all messed up. Going to backndr tomorrow. Maybe he will straighten me out,if not I go to the RA dr next Monday.

Ellen, sorry about your church member. We just had a old friend who isnournage die today. That is 2 young friends in a year. Have fun with your granddaughter. We were walking envy night to help DH's blood pressure but haven't since all this started with me.

Toni, did you get back on the treadmill today? Your ribs sound good. I know what you mean about the weight.i am right there with you. Did you see Dr Oz today? He had a diet on there & I missed part of it. May look it up on line.

Tyla, sounds like you have a good start. Keep up the good work.

Isabhg, I think it was you that asked for suggestions, mine is don't cheat that first time. Makes it too easy to keep dong it. Good luck to you.

Getting so sleepy so going to run. Hope to get back sooner.

tyla 06-05-2012 12:39 PM

Solly, sorry to hear about the fibromyalgia and the different meds you've been given. I know what you mean about meds, being tired and not being yourself and gaining weight. I'm going thru a medical problem, too. I hate meds and going to the doctor! Best of luck to you! Let's keep trying. Wishing you the best!

Ihsabhg, you're a good role model. I love it that you are following this plan so closely. Makes me want to try harder.

Going to my rec center to sign up for pilates today. Exercise seems to be the best thing for me, even though I'm not too excited about going to the classes. Gotta do what you gotta do. :)

Let's keep going >>>

Toni48 06-05-2012 08:03 PM

Well hope I remember to weigh in tomorrow. Still haven't gotten back on my treadmill dang it. Made a left over beef brisket soup for dinner. It turned out real good but I only had one small bowl....

tyla- Its so good you have a rec center near by. Have a good time.

Solly- So sorry about your health problems. Hope you find relief soon. Dr. Oz had a good show today. Hope you caught it.

isabhg- Glad you're doing good. Keep up the good work....

Ellen- Are you busy with the Granddaughter?

Off I go. Have a good evening.

Ellen 06-05-2012 10:11 PM

Granddaughter went home Monday afternoon...and the grandson came this afternoon! I had a FULL packed day. Went to water aerobics this morning, then to deliver some pottery to a friend and visit a bit. She has just gone gluten free so we talked about that. Then I ran to the bank, then home to eat lunch and meet a young friend to help her with a craft project involving her 3 month old for Father's Day. We had a good time..then my daughter showed up with my grandson. Had to pick Tom up at the car repair shop, then we all ran over to Costco and goofed off for a bit before coming home and eating rotisserie chicken for dinner. I am beat!

Still no definite word on the pool. The manufacturer tried to convince our installer to just patch the one with the hole, but they stuck to their insistence that we get a new one made. They are supposed to be doing a rush job on it, but we have no idea when they will be done. If they agreed to replacing it yesterday, they might have it tomorrow. Might... Its getting kind of anticlimactic.....

Off to make Tom's breakfast smoothie, then head to bed! Feeling VERY tired tonight!

Solly 06-06-2012 08:46 PM

Tyla, thanks for the words of encouragement.

Toni, no I did not see Dr Oz today. I was out. I tried to take a shorn walk last night but it was all I could do.

Ellen, I was at Costco today too. That is such a shame about the pool liner. Very frustrating.

Had a killer of a headache for 2 days. Think it may finally be gone bit still dizzy & sick at my stomach. My back dr took me off the lyrica. Said I was not tolerating it. Guess I will wait & see what my RA dr says on Monday.

Off to watch the CMA awards.

Toni48 06-07-2012 04:29 PM

Back from getting my mammogram today. Glad thats over but will feel better when I get the results back. I waited way to long in between times. I stopped at Subway and got us sandwiches for tonight so I don't have to cook. I weighed today and was disappointed I gained a lb. But think I'm retaining water.

Solly- I hope your doctors can get you fixed up so you're not hurting all the time. Its so good you're not trying to work anymore.

Ellen- Woo Hoo you've been so busy. Good deal you made it to water aerobics. I still haven't gotten back on the treadmill. I'm going to get back into my routine and quit messing around.

tyla-Your words are wise when you say you got to do what you got to do. Exerciseing is such a bad word... LOL

Isabhg- Hows it going? Did you weigh in this week?

Well off to wait for DH to get home from work and do some stuff....

Ellen 06-09-2012 07:20 AM

Good morning! Still no pool liner. Its getting beyond ridiculous.

I have nothing planned for the weekend, so I hope I can accomplish some stuff around the house. I have not really cleaned in too long... the vacuum cleaner is getting dusty!!

Still struggling with the blood sugar, its a little better, but not good. Yesterday I walked on the trails at a conference center near here. Its lovely...out in the woods, and over 2 miles of rough terrain so a very good workout.

Off to get some coffee and get the day started! :wave:

Solly 06-12-2012 09:00 AM

Hi ladies. Sitting here trying to decide on breakfast. Thinking of oatmeal. Been doing a lt of research on fibromyalgia. One lady told me to avoid all white stuff. Imagine that. She said mayo too, anything white. I find that hard to believe. That would include yogurt. But along with my weight being off the charts, I need to get back to what works. My RA doc put me on another med to try for the fibro. We will see how that goes. Thinking of taking the dog for a walk after breakfast. Wanted to go last night but was worn out. I am so irritibal, & I am not like that.

Ellen can't believe you still don't have a pool liner. I would be so angry. Got a good laugh about your vacuum. The doc wants me to do water therapy. I would, just don't want to go but myself.

Toni, praying your mammogram comes back fine. I know it will. I agree with you on not working. So gad I am not too. I was by their yesterday & boy I can say I was so glad I was not doing that anymore.

Tyla, how are the Pilates going?

Off to eat breakfast. Talk to you later. I was down 2 lbs today. Sure it is water but at least the number on the scale is going down. Have a great day.

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