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tyla 05-23-2012 11:21 AM

Where is everyone? I need you guys. :)

Happy Wednesday!

Toni48 05-23-2012 11:30 AM

We are here Tyla..... How are you doing? Can you do this week end with no white stuff?

I'm going to try and splurge this week end with a lite potato salad. I know its not the best but I'm hungry for it. And I haven't been eating much lately. Don't think I'm ever going to get better.....

tyla 05-23-2012 11:31 PM

Doing pretty good so far, Toni. I haven't been completely white flour and sugar free, but doing so much better than before. It's minimal. So over the weekend, I'll do my best in those categories, but will be spot on with my calorie intake.

How are you feeling?

Let's do this thing>>>>>>

Toni48 05-24-2012 08:45 PM

Tyla- Thats great you're doing better. Thanks for asking I'm feeling a little bit better.

Went to Homedepot with DH today. It was quite a drive and allot of shopping. Boy am I pooped. Think I'll skip dinner and maybe later get a soft boiled egg or something. Hope you're all planning a nice week end...

Ellen 05-24-2012 11:43 PM

Hello! Today I drove up to visit my older daughter and my granddaughter. We went out to lunch...at a Mexican place. I ate chips. Shame on me! I got a Chili Relleno, taco and guacamole salad with beans. I skipped dinner as I was still full! Feeling ok, and not bloated now just before bedtime.

Walked this morning...four mornings this week so far! Tried to get my prescriptions refilled but the doctor won't renew them unless I come in. Bummer. I am planning on going to a new doctor the end of June, and I don't have enough meds to last! I was hoping they would give me one month...but they won't do any unless I make an appointment. I may just skip it. Maybe I will do another ten day fast....that ought to save the meds! haha!

Still no word from the pool man about the new liner. I am getting annoyed. I am SO ready to swim. Tom has called twice and he has not returned the call.

Off to bed! Good night! :wave:

Toni48 05-25-2012 08:08 PM

Got some cooking done today so I won't have to do alot this week end. Wish I would have gotten the laundry done. Might have to do it in the morning. Its in the 90's here and the air is pumping away. We're in a tourist town so they'll be lots of visitors on the river and in the campgrounds. They were sure coming in and at our little market earlier today. We'll hear the floaters on the river starting in the morning.

Ellen- We had mexican food yesterday. I also had a chili relleno and a taco too. I ate lots of chips and hot sauce. But I figured we shopped enough I must have walked it off. LOL Sorry you don't have your pool for the three day week end.

Hey tyla and Solly.......

Ellen 05-25-2012 09:36 PM

I went shopping for new bras today. I find it very annoying that the major companies make a bra for a year, then discontinue. I have one I really like, and now they are not making it anymore. The lady at the Bali outlet told me she thought I could wear a smaller size, so I tried it on, and it fit! So after thirty years of wearing a DD, I am now wearing a D! They had two of the bra I was looking for in the smaller size and I bought them. Yay!

I am feeling rather sleepy. After cooking Dover sole for dinner with fresh yellow squash and zucchini, I tried to review a chapter in the book Tom is teaching from for Sunday School and I fell asleep! :o I am still feeling kind of out of it, but I think I slept in the recliner for at least a half an hour!

I walked this morning, so that was five out of five for the week! Now I hope it translates into better blood sugar number....

No big plans for the three day weekend. Do wish the pool was fixed, but nothing I can do about it now. :(

tyla 05-27-2012 08:49 AM

I wish everyone a HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!

Ellen 05-27-2012 09:07 AM

Thank you, Tyla! Same to you! Do you have any great plans?? We may go up to our daughters, and hang out. Wish I could swim. :( Still no word from the pool guy. We often would have a Memorial Day pool party....so sad we can't.

Ok, weight has popped up six or seven pounds...grrr. NO idea why except one of the meds I take causes weight gain. Diabetes is a really crappy disease. And the cure is worse than the disease itself! I really HATE it.

Off to get ready for church! I get to be in the infant nursery and play with the babies this morning. :)

Sum38 05-27-2012 09:23 AM

So happy that I found you!
I have been avoiding all added sugar. I try keeping my natural sugar around 20-30g per day.

Toni48 05-27-2012 11:26 AM

Good morning everyone. Boy is it going to be a hottie here today. We've got the air going and getting prepared for it. Went for a ride yesterday through the campgrounds and to see how many campers are in. Man is it ever tent city. Lots of people in the river and enjoying them selves. Guess we'll stay in and stay cool till time to grill this evening. Going to have a steak and baked sweet potato tonight. Wish I had the stuff for a salad but I'm not going to the store for the stuff.

Sum38- Welcome aboard.... Hope you do good getting rid of the white stuff.

tyla- Good morning. How's your week end going?

Ellen- Hate that weight has popped up but maybe in a day or two it will come back down. Could it be water weight? Dang that pool guy is taking his time. Enjoy playing with those babies....

Happy Memorial Day to all. Time to remember my Dad who was at Pearl Harbor and in the navy. Along with being glad my Army son is out of Iraq and finally home.

Ellen 05-29-2012 11:06 PM

Hey, everyone! I went to water aerobics this morning, then walked with the hubby tonight. They came and put a pump in the pool today and will return in the morning to replace the liner!! I am beyond excited! By tomorrow evening, the hoses will be in filling it. By Friday, or maybe Thursday evening, it will be full enough to get in! YES! I am SO missed it. But I am sorry for the frogs. After six weeks of a frog symphony in the backyard, its eerie quiet out there tonight. The water was FULL of tadpoles. I hope they made it through the transition from the pool to the storm sewer/stream.

So I am off to bed, as they are coming rather early! :)

Oh, and eating has been good, along with exercise. Will hop on the metal monster tomorrow and see if I have gotten that phantom weight off.


Toni48 05-30-2012 11:49 AM

Oh my gosh got on the scale today. First time in months and I've gained so much. I'm so mad at myself. Have to start all over again. Why oh why do I put myself through this. Well this is a new week.

Ellen- You're such an inspiration. Keep up the good work. And happy swimming.

ihsabhg 05-30-2012 04:02 PM

BACK to my beginning day on SB for the first time in a few years... i know the basics and have been relatively successful on it in the past.. but it's been awhile... i'll take any tips or reminders you gals can offer !! what's worked for you .. ?? thanks =]

Toni48 05-31-2012 10:51 AM

Well I did pretty good yesterday but had to much wine last night. But did manage to stay away from the sweets.

Ihsabhg- Good luck on starting your journey.

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