Intuitive Eating #14

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  • Things seem pretty slow around 3FC right now. Maybe it's a good time for a break from weight loss. ha
  • Quote: Things seem pretty slow around 3FC right now. Maybe it's a good time for a break from weight loss. ha
    LOL Maybe so. Promised to bake with youngest GD when school is out. I'm sure everybody has a lot of things going on. I'm just trying to not gain right now. Back to losing after.
  • How' the baking going Patty?
  • I've been reading Eat This Not That. They have a new version at Walmart for only $6. They call it the no diet diet and it is interesting. Lots of stuff about restaurant food that I never knew. Also grocery items examined.
  • Quote: How' the baking going Patty?
    I actually haven't started. I've bought a few things and have to get recipes out tomorrow to see if I have everything. Promised youngest DGD that we will start baking when she is out for Christmas break. Plan to make 3 different kinds of cookies, a pineapple upside down cake, a cherry pie and a pecan pie. I just haven't gotten into the Christmas spirit yet. Got to since we have little ones here.
  • Hi, I am definitely interested in intuitive eating as well as eating more healthy. I've already started the "healthy" part...I've found out I need to avoid gluten, so I'm very aware of my food choices now. But I still overeat and need to learn certain tools to help.

    I've bought two books on the subject, but I've yet to read them! Do you have any good book recommendations? I do know there is a book out there titled Intuitive Eating, but I don't own it yet. Is that the one you are following? Thanks.
  • The Overfed Head is my favorite but the IE book you spoke of is good, too.
  • Thanks.

  • I just went into amazon. I couldn't search inside The Overfed Head, but I could search inside Intuitive Eating. I really liked the Table of Contents. I like that they are not afraid to talk about good nutrition (I think that was the last chapter). Although I am really against "dieting" as it is used in our culture, I'm very much for eating healthy without dieting, something a lot of these books ignore.

    Well I guess I should read the books I have before I order another one: I have I Can Make You Thin by Paul McKenna, and also The Eden Diet by a Christian doctor. Both of these books totally ignore the subject of nutrition, but they seem to have great advice otherwise. Now I have to read them!
  • The book I have been reading, Eat this, Not that, claims to be a no diet book and there is a lot of info on food and exercise in it.
  • It seems as though the Eat This, Not That books have a lot of recommendations for a lot of processed food. I suppose people who are fans of them DO eat a lot of processed food, and just want to know which items are less unhealthy than the rest?
  • We have a garden so we do eat a lot of unprocessed food. It is nice to know about the foods you buy, however. The book says, "The No-Diet Diet is designed to be self-controlling. By eating nutritious foods, your body will tell you when it's time to eat and when it's time to stop."
  • I was being pulled into dieting again. It lasted a whole week. Par for the course. Rereading The Overfed Head.
  • Hi, everyone. I was wondering if this is "the" place on 3FC for intuitive eating fellowship. I know all of the main diets have their own boards here, but this is the only place I see intuitive eating. I just don't want to miss what y'all have to say by not checking in at the right place each day.

    I'm a recovering dieter, I guess. My friend is a nutrition coach, and she saw that I was making myself crazy with one diet after another and still not really losing weight (or rather I was yo-yoing up and down with the same 10 pounds). So she convinced me that I needed to try to trust myself more.

    My goals now are to NOT count calories, NOT count points, NOT count carbs or fat grams or whatevers. But rather to listen to my body, eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm satisfied, and focus on whole, healthy foods the majority of the time. I'm trying to cut down/out processed foods and white sugar and flour. Just general guidelines, not oppressive rules.

    I started on Friday and have not weighed in since my that first day. Next weigh in will be tomorrow morning. It's a victory in and of itself that I haven't been on the scale every day! I had two day where I did eat pretty badly, but at least I didn't eat a lot of the bad stuff -- and by bad I mean bad for me .. as in sugars and overly processed carbs because they just make me feel yucky, yanno?

    I can say this: I have never felt calmer. And I'm definitely not obsessing over food. And I also have not been binge eating at night as has, unfortunately, been the norm for me for too long. It seems promising.

    Anyway, pleased to meet you all. I hope to get and share plenty of helpful support.

    Bright Solstice Blessings to one and all! Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays!

  • Quote:
    But rather to listen to my body, eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm satisfied, and focus on whole, healthy foods the majority of the time.
    You got it. I still get sidetracked with dieting now and then. Last night I told myself I was going to read The Overfed Head, my favorite IE book, again and again until it sticks. That's how I lost 40lb. I still have 30 to go.