Iron Chef White House

  • Hey everyone,
    Did anyone else watch the Iron Chef America White House episode tonight? Did you get inspired to grow a garden or eat more organic vegetables? I kinda did!
    Also, were there any vegetables you want to try? I think I might go for fennel the next grocery trip!
  • Yes!

    I don't have room to grow vegetables, so it made me very jealous. And it made the 5 months until the Farmer's Market returns seem unbearably long, lol.

    I think I'm finally motivated enough to grow some of my own herbs, though... I might actually grow them at work (where I have a desk right next to a huge east-facing window) and bring home as needed.

    I was wishing I could find either of those cool radishes they used - the white icicle radishes, or the watermelon radishes. I'm not even usually a big radish fan but they were both so pretty!
  • Didn't watch it (would have loved to but didn't know about it) but I urge you to try a raw fennel salad or a tomato fennel soup!
  • I did watch it, and I loved it.

    But I want to know how they managed to get cherry tomatoes out of a fall/winter garden in DC! Do they have a greenhouse?
  • My DH said that the white house staff takes care of the garden. I'm assuming they have a green house somewhere on the grounds because some of those veggies were definitely summer growing plants and it was filmed in November. Anyone else have an idea?
  • I didn't watch was it? was it awesome? I might have to youtube it