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carinna 09-01-2008 08:05 PM

Do you like your name?
Mine is sort of unique, so I do like it, but I hate having to spell it all the time.

makelovenotwarcraft 09-01-2008 08:10 PM

Eh i have never met one person with the same name as me, Cerridwen or when prononced properly its Kerridwen ...it is welsh and very few people can say it properly first go, which leads to embaressmet for me and such ...so basically i just tell everyone to call me sarah. I find it unlucky really, as my sisters got called normal names such as claire and angela but oh well ...so in answear to your question , no i do not not like my name ^_^

WebRover 09-01-2008 08:21 PM

Yes, I like my name. It's one that everyone recognizes and can spell, but not everyone has. :)
On the other hand, both my maiden and married name are ones that people can neither spell nor pronounce. :(

I love my online name. I should, I made it up myself. :D

mollymom 09-01-2008 08:28 PM

Well pat me on the back, I would have said both correctly .

I like my name....Margot.

It started out as a French name but became English in the 1400's when Queen Margot of France married into the English royal family. Being of french origin, the T is silent. But I constantly get MarGOT Margaret, Margit etc. My last name is worse..GULLIFORD..perfectly phonetic..GULL-short I- FORD like the car. So I get Margit Guildford MarGOT Gillfoyle etc. I even said that "ford like the car" to someone on the phone one day and got a letter addressed to Margaret FORDLIKAR! My favourite was an electricity bill addressed to M. GULLIFROG

THE WORST was first day of Grade Nine..you know when you just want to get through the first day of high school and hope no one really realizes you are even there? So I am sitting in the cafeteria during the first lunch period and a SCHOOL=WIDE PA announcement comes on. "Would MAGGOT GILLDFORD please contact the office"! MAGGOT...now honestly ...would someone name their kid MAGGOT? Would one not think that a high school secretary would be able to draw upon basic phonics skills?

My friends call me Magoo or Mugsy. But I love Margot..it is elegant. My mother named me after Margot Fonteyn, a famous British ballerina...a ballerina I ain't ( a a disappointment until the day she died I am sure )but I love the name:D

ladybugnessa 09-01-2008 08:30 PM

i do now. i started using my hebrew name in 1989 when I left my first husband partially because I hated being Nancy.... it was a common name when I was born... and my family is from New York and my father WHINES Nancy... ugh.

mist72 09-01-2008 08:41 PM

I do now. When I was first in grade school, I hated it. My full, given name is Misty Dawn Jungels. Kids made fun of the last name and it is ALWAYS misspelled. Adults (particularly old ladies! lol) called me Mitzi. People would say, "Oh, my dog's (or horse or cat or whatever) name is Misty.
When I was in 5th grade, I made a sentence out of my name: It's Misty at Dawn in the Jungels. In junior high, a friend started calling me Foggie (foggy) and I became Foggie Morning Forest.
As an adult, people think my name is pretty cool, and hey! I can make a sentence out of my name:)

milleradah 09-01-2008 08:50 PM

i do like mine it is adah and yep i got called adah potato all the time and later it was tater then it was tate. but growing up i new it was my moms best friends name who died soon after i was born. then i lost my mom at 13 and i new it meant alot too her that she named me adah.

HisBeloved 09-01-2008 08:55 PM

I dont care for my name, its pretty boring 'Amy' for a while I changed the spelling to Aimee', but that didnt last long because people then started spelling it Amiee..
what about middle names? Does anyone exist that actually likes their middle name? I dont care for mine 'Joyce" named after my grandfather Joseph. The reason I dont like it is because there was an unpleasant woman I knew growing up with the name Joyce.

luvja 09-01-2008 09:07 PM

My name is Sherri. It's not bad, Not very popular for people my age. Only thing is, no one spells it correctly, everyone spells it SHERRY. Ughh. Also my entire life people have sang "Sherrrrrrrri bay-ay-bee" Haha.. It's kind of getting old now.

Circebee 09-01-2008 09:20 PM

I love my first name- Emilia- even though people often spell it beginning with an "A" no matter how often I tell them that it is just the Spanish version of Emily. I missed out on having a middle name, though. My Dad hated his, so he refused to allow his children to be "cursed" with middle names! Growing up, my last name seemed cumbersome, but I came to love it's uniqueness and to appreciate my family history, so I kept it the same after marriage. My DH kept his, too, as his is really easy to spell! LOL!

everanderson 09-01-2008 09:40 PM

I really like both my first and middle names. First name is April - I think it's pretty and I've long ago moved beyond other people's questions as to if I have a sister named May, is my middle name May, was I born in April, and their insistence of giving me three first names - "April May June."

My middle name is Derice, pronounced "Denise" with an "r." I've never met anyone with this name and I think it's just interesting enough and not too kooky.

My last name, however, SUCKS! I can't even begin to write what kids used to call me in middle school - fairly sure I'd get a not-nice PM banishing me from 3FC...lol. Needless to say, I will be taking my boyfriend's last name if/when we get married...lol.

shelby897 09-01-2008 10:08 PM

Not too fond of mine -- mostly because my mother took a cousins first and middle name and just switched them around for me (absolutely no effort) -- my sister got a much better name -- Angela Jayne -- I really like it for some reason.

KLK 09-01-2008 10:20 PM

I like my last name, which is Italian and very pretty, but I don't care for my first name -- Karen. What IS that? It's not very feminine, or pretty. It doesn't roll off the tongue or sound great with my last name, so I don't know why I was given it.

Karen. it just lies there on the table. What IS "Karen"? I feel people unfamiliar with the name would be confused ab its gender assignment. They'd be confused that it were a name at all... it reminds me of a common noun you'd learn to spell in kindergarten -- box, wagon, sand, hat, boy, hand, Karen, king, play, etc.

And I don't like the hard "K" (or C) sound either... it jostles you. KKKKKKKaren. KKKKKK from the back of the throat. It's not really a pleasant sound -- it sounds like you're hacking up something. KKKKKKKHHHKKKKKK-aren. You just spit it out. I'm changing my lastname once I'm married (or rather, tacking it onto my current name, so my maiden name will be the middle name and the fiance's last name will be the last name) and that also starts with a K (hence "KLK") so I'm just KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! all over the place.

So, no, I don't like it.

Irishcoda 09-01-2008 10:55 PM

I like both my names, unusual for the time I was born and no one else had the name Cassandra when I went to school. I didn't like it when people tried to call me "Sandy" or "Casey". My nickname is Cassie. My middle name is May, the same as my grandmother's middle name. :)

CaffeineIV 09-01-2008 11:52 PM

Hate my name...Sara. There were 3 of us in my 3rd grade (out of about 25 kids!) and we all had the same last initial...and two of us had the same last name just spelled slightly different (Wild, Wilde, and Woods were our last names). You can't really make a nickname out of Sara, you can't do much of anything with it really...and it is so stinkin' common! That is one of the reasons I named my kids names that could be shortened and they each have an unusual name (my oldest's middle name and my youngest's first name) as well as a "normal" name. I was a tomboy and SOOOO wanted to be something like Josephine (though I'm glad now I didn't have that name) and be "Jo" or Catherine so I could be "Cat". I really wanted to be anything BUT Sara. I still don't really like it, don't think it fits me, and don't like my middle name either so I can't go by that. Aah well...what can you do.

Glory87 09-02-2008 12:18 AM

I'm a Jennifer - like the millions of other Jennifers born at the same time. My mom SWEARS she only knew 2 other Jennifers when she named me and she thought it was the most beautiful, unusual name. My middle name is Louise, I'm not wild about it but it's my dad's mom's name (she died when he was a little boy), so I totally get honoring her. Plus, Jennifer Louise does flow together nicely.

I still wish my name was a little more unusual - it's a very fine line though, I wouldn't want anything too out there or made up sounding.

lizziep 09-02-2008 12:24 AM

Liz is fine- I never went by Elizabeth. I don't mind it. My maiden name - well... it is uncommon and Swedish and kids thought it was fun to change it slightly and call me "Bird****" oh so clever.
Now I have a simple last name but people still can't pronounce it.

to the earlier poster- I think the name Cerridwen is beautiful!

i know this is kind of mean- but sometimes i'll go to our hospitals website and check out the newborns and play the "guess the teenaged parents" based on the crazy names they give their babies. It's kind of hard to play this game now that I live in hippieville though. lol.

RoyalAthena 09-02-2008 01:17 AM

My first name is very unique. In fact no one in the world has it. Unless they have been named after me. I always got compliments on my name. "It is so pretty" . My name is a family name. My mom orginally wanted to included my dad's middle name in my name. After some time, she included more. I am actually named after my great grandad also. When I have a daughter or granddaughter, I will pass this name on. Growing up, it would have been nice to have a middle name to fall back on. My middle name is Love. Thanks mom! Its cool now but growing up, I stood out. Unique first name and middle name Love. :) I do have a nickname though...

Horo 09-02-2008 01:43 AM

I loathe my birth name to the point that I don't even consider it my "real" name. My "real" name is one that I chose for myself, and though that's not legally my name yet, I use it for most situations and some day hope to get it legalized.
I adore my last name, though, and if I ever get married I'll probably keep it.

jimaterry 09-02-2008 02:48 AM

i hated my first name Jima, when i was a kid.. no one pronounced it right.. they pronounced it like IWO Jima... but its just jim with an a at the end.. kinda like gemma.. but i love it now, as i have only met one other person with the same spelling..it's unique...it's actually a nick name that stuck.. i was born JIMI... but mom started calling me jima when i was 18 months old.. registered me in school as jima... had my DL, marriage, all sorts with jima... you should have seen the trouble i had getting a passport with a diff first name on my birth cert than on my ID lol... but it all came out in the end:)

Lovely 09-02-2008 07:31 AM

I love my name.

It's common, to be sure, a lot more common nowadays than when I was younger, and even more common outside of the US.

But, I'm not of the descent that most people with this name have so that makes it unique for me.

My last name... I like my last name even more than my first. In fact, I like my name so much that I won't be changing it when I get married. (Much to my future husband's chagrin. I think he's just jealous of my awesome last name ;)) I almost always get comments or joshed about my last name, and I love it. It's a good conversation starter.

Jadeybaby 09-02-2008 07:42 AM

Lots of great names here!

My first name, Jade used to be quite unusal when I was born (20 years ago...) but now it's pretty common and I'm not keen on it. It could be worse though and I'd hate an old-fashioned name or a really common one.

My middle name is Boyd...named after my mum's grandfather's surname. What was she thinking?!! Boyd is a boy's name! People always laugh.

I was Christened Jade Marie because at the time kids needed a "Christian" name to be Christened but Jade Boyd is on my birth certificate.

Loriann7 09-02-2008 08:11 AM

I love my name. But when I was a girl I tried spelling it Laurie, I thought it looked prettier on paper, then I was told my daddy named me Lori... UM, my daddy died when I was five, and he's still my favorite person of all time... NNNOOOO changing it now! :) (I LOVE AND MISS YOU DADDY!) *SO YOU KNOw, i'm now 39!

tamaralynn 09-02-2008 08:12 AM

I used to hate my name "Tammara". When I was younger I used to be called "Tammie" by my parents, friends, school etc.

I ended up having to switch to "Tammara" (but I used only one "M") when I started college as there were 3 other "Tammies" in my class (differen't spelling, Tami, Tammy, Tamee). But it was still confusing.

My friend "Tammy" introduced me to my current husband and at that time he would call me "Tamara" to tell the difference between us.

When he noticed that my birth certificate said "Tammara" (with two m's) he asked me to use that as it was such a pretty and unique spelling.

So now I use Tammara - and I love it. It's sophisticated and kind of exotic :)

Apple Cheeks 09-02-2008 08:27 AM

I HATE my name. Both first and last.

My last name is one of those long, twisty names that when people look at it they always do that double take and insist on asking me how to pronounce it. I can't stand it when I go to the grocery store (or anywhere else), and the clerk looks at my receipt and I see "the look." It's the look of someone who is stumped on how to pronounce my name, but is going to insist on trying anyway. And, 99.9% of the time they are wrong. (I've met maybe 10 people in my whole life who were able to ponounce it correctly without me having to tell them how first.) I've had clerks stubbornly hold back giving me my receipt and pester me to pronounce my name for them to satisfy their own curiosity. Honestly: just give me my frickin receipt so I can go! :mad:

I guess some people don't see what the big deal is about having to pronounce your last name for people a few times a week, but after 30-some-odd years it's a rather old game for me and one I find annoying most of the time.

My first name is not as bad, but I still hate it. Always have, even as a child. My name is Ginny. People mispronounce that a lot, too. It's pronounced like "Jinny" but most people never get it right. They say "Jenny" or "Jeanie" or most often say it like "guinea," which drives me up the effing wall.

I've thought often and hard about changing my name, first and last, legally. But for various reasons, I probably won't ever do that. It doesn't stop me from wishing I could marry some guy with a simple last name, like Jones or Smith, though!

And because I feel like my whole name is so effed up, I've begged my brother and SIL not to name their first kid anything weird or unusual. Just give the kid a normal first name!! It's bad enough that (s)he will get stuck with our twisty last name, but don't burden him/her with some crazy first name too.

Chemgirl22 09-02-2008 08:29 AM

I LOVE my name. Its very unique. Normally folks do it get wrong, but I will correct them until they get it right.

FrouFrou 09-02-2008 09:32 AM

I hated my name growing up! Tina and with the surname, ugh...so bland and plain sounding...sounded so dumb. I have since had my name changed legally to Cristina and I also changed my middle name...love them both. I don't even want to say what my middle name was, yuck! Another one syllable name like the surname. I went with Cristina because I figured there would be people who would refuse to call me anything but Tina, and some who would just forget. Not easy going from one name to another and expect family to remember or accept. My parents were probably not pleased at the time but have since accepted the change so...seemed like all my siblings got the decent names and I was stuck with the icky one.

Someone mentioned something about always spelling their name for others...I always have to but I wouldn't change it. I am always asked is it with a C or a K and I say "C without the h" and you would not believe the confused looks I get. And then they spell it with the h anyway, lol. But now days with so many trying to be unique with the spellings of names, it seems you have to spell the most common names.

shantroy 09-02-2008 11:21 AM

I don't dislike my first name, but I don't love it either. It's Shannon. which I find common and kind of bland. However, much to my parents' dismay everyone calls me Shan, which I prefer anyways. I do love my middle name though, which is Troy. I love the fact that I've never met another woman with the name Troy. I get some weird looks when I have to present my drivers licence but I've grown to love it. Plus I have to admit that I like the way Shannon Troy sounds.

Now my last name is another story. It is a verry comon last name. I've met several Shannon Samel ast name as myself. when I went to set up my cable service last year there were over 250 people with the first intial S and my last name. I guess I'm not as unique as I'd like to think ;)

Altari 09-02-2008 11:34 AM

I have two terrible options : Rebecca or Becky. Both common...and I hate both. My middle name is "Jeanne" which just...well...I also dislike.

Although, it's better than the alternative. My mom was GOING to name me "O'Malley". ><

We made sure that all three of our girls could use their middle names if they hated their first names.
Shannon Elizabeth - Shannon, Shan, Liz, Beth, Lizzie, Lizbeth, Elizabeth
Lain Victoria - Lain, Vicky, Victoria
Sarah Katherine - Sarah, Kat, Kate, Kathy, Katerine

We wanted to give them some variety, since we're one of dozens of "Becky and Joe"s out there. ><

Jgo 09-02-2008 11:42 AM

I like my name. It is Jacy. A lot of people think it is J.C. and short for something. I tell people that it is just like Tracy except with a J instead of a Tr but they still don't get it. When I was born it was spelled Jaci but my parents changed it because everyone pronounced it Jackie. I believe my parents got it from the early 70s movie The Last Picture Show.

Shopaholic1204 09-02-2008 12:43 PM

I dont really like my name. It's boring..and people misspell it all the time. Its FrancEs..not FrancIs. And then growing up, I went to Catholic school..and this one boy always called me St. Frances or San FRANcisco. Ugh..I hated it so much. I usually just have people call me Francie.

I LOVE my last name. Its so pretty. Most people say it wrong, but whatever. Its still pretty and better than my maiden name, lol.

Pixiesue 09-02-2008 03:33 PM

My name is Paulette, a very nice name and not terribly comman but the name everyone calls me is Polly which can at times lead to annoying quotes but also something that is odd everyone i work with tends to call me Miss Polly which I never expected but they just started it which is kinda nice but do I like my name? Lets just say I'm reconciled to it.

Operator265 09-02-2008 09:21 PM

My first name when mispronounced(often) denotes a sexual act. My last name when pronounced correctly(rarely) is slang for a woman's body part. I decided my life wasn't a big enough pain in the butt, so I went into construction and mining. You would not believe how often some jacka** takes it upon himself to point out the meaning of my last name. "No joke, I never realized that's what it meant. Gee I've only had the name for the last 17 years and I had to wait to have some inbred idiot explain to me the meaning of my name."

Oh well, could be worse. BioDad actually wanted to name me Bee Jay(his initials). That Ahole did know what it meant too. Mom didn't(even when she was relating the story to me 15 years later), but she just plain thought it was ugly and her first son was already named for him. When I very gingerly explained to Mom what it meant she darned near hired a hit man to go after her X.

Rosario 09-03-2008 01:23 PM

I used to hate my first name. It sounds so not girly. And with the common misconception that feminine names end in 'a' and masculine in 'o', I used to get "isn't that a boy's name??" a lot. And it sounds manly when its said in english.

But I've grown to love it, especially when you say it in spanish. It sounds feminine and soft. And I love my last name. So much that I want it tattooed on me. My dad gave it to me and since he's gone now, I'll treasure it forever. :)

penmage 09-03-2008 01:44 PM

I love my name, but no one can ever spell it right! It's spelled Caitlin, and I get:

and...most amusingly, Kaetlynne

Sometimes I wish my parents had just named me Melissa like they originally talked about!

luvja 09-03-2008 01:52 PM

Ugh I know what that feels like... I'm Sherri. Apparently no one in the world knew it could be spelt SHERRI.
I get...
I'm sure theres more, but thats all I can think of right now.
It sucked when I was a kid, I always wanted pens/toothbrushes/pencils with my name on it and the stores never had it spelt right! :(

Originally Posted by penmage (Post 2345570)

I love my name, but no one can ever spell it right! It's spelled Caitlin, and I get:

and...most amusingly, Kaetlynne

Sometimes I wish my parents had just named me Melissa like they originally talked about!

BldBlue1966 09-03-2008 02:04 PM

Ok...I will chime in.. my name is Elliott... I was the only one in school with that name and it was uncommon most of my life.. I hear it a bit more now but still not too common. I didn't like it when I was little but I like it a lot now that I am the only Elliott most everywhere I go :)

Grin :)

Jadeybaby 09-03-2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by penmage (Post 2345570)
I love my name, but no one can ever spell it right! It's spelled Caitlin, and I get:

and...most amusingly, Kaetlynne

Sometimes I wish my parents had just named me Melissa like they originally talked about!

I absolutely love the name Caitlin (and the way you spell it) and I remember saying when I was like 10 to my mum when I have kids if I have a daughter I'd like to call her Caitlin. It's so cute.

zenor77 09-03-2008 02:51 PM

My father was taking biblical Greek when I was born, so my name is an Anglicized version of the Greek works for Grace and Peace. So they named me Charise Irene. Charise I love (now) although I never liked Irene and dropped it when I got married and moved my maiden name to be my middle name.

I've had my name pronounced wrong (it's Shaw reese, not CHA RICE or Therese) and spelled wrong, but it suits me. In high school they actually thought my name was a typo and that I was really a Charles. We always joked about my "brother" Charlie.

The main thing I disliked as a kid is that all three names (including maiden name) have a long "e" sound. So it always sounded kind of shrill at times.

My married name is a different story, I do like it, but it causes difficulties. My MIL hyphenated, so DH came with a hyphen as well. So people get really confused when they ask me which name is mine and which is DH's. Neither. Lol. It's funny too because both of his names are commonly recognizable Portuguese/Welsh names and I don't look like either ethnicity. It's so different that DH claims it's the name that always gets us stopped in airports.

Cerridwen~ Your name is beautiful! I believe there is another poster on here whose name is Cerridwen, but she might spell it differently. I believe she goes by Keri. It's a lovely name with much meaning.

Altari 09-03-2008 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Operator265 (Post 2344646)
My first name when mispronounced(often) denotes a sexual act. My last name when pronounced correctly(rarely) is slang for a woman's body part.

I understand! With my shortname and middle name, my initials are BJ. With my maiden name, BS. With my married name, BM. I can't cut a break!

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