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Slashnl 10-28-2009 09:56 AM

Well, we had snow on the grass this morning. I guess it is here.....

Trans Siberian Orchestra has a song that has my favorite line ever about snow. "SNOW! I don't even like the sound of it!" I use that all the time.

dutchgirl 10-28-2009 12:18 PM

We actually had a couple of lovely calm sunny autumn days. Very pleasant.
Ofcourse I was stuck in the office the whole time.
Considerably less pleasant.

bargoo 10-28-2009 02:44 PM

Cold and windy in Northern California 55 degrees right now., oh, I know to some of you that seems like a heat wave .

Ruthxxx 10-28-2009 03:08 PM

Just back from town - class this morning followed by lunch with a friend. I really wish I could just cozy in with tea and a book but I need to take wee Jazz for a booster shot. Maybe later? Oh boy! Another 40 minutes of driving there and back! :rolleyes:

EZMONEY 10-28-2009 05:58 PM

40 minutes in our rush...hahahahahhahhahahahhhaaahh...rush.....hahah ahahahahaha

traffic gets you about 100 yards....on a good day

Ruthxxx 10-29-2009 07:11 AM

I really shouldn't complain as the drive is through beautiful Ontario farmland. It's just that it takes a big hunk out of my day for a ten minute appointment. Today I get to do it again with a trip for a flu shot and then a vacuum cleaner hunting quest. Today's odyssey will be past several lovely lakes. I do live in a gorgeous part of the world so I'll stop crabbing and enjoy.

EZMONEY 10-29-2009 08:36 AM

but crabbing can be so much fun....as long as we get over it quickly...nothing like a good venting to cleanse the mind....

EZMONEY 10-30-2009 09:00 AM

What's going on here?

You all hiding from the Halloween demons?

Ruthxxx 10-30-2009 02:14 PM

Thanks for the reminder, Gary. I need to remember to lock the Church tomorrow night. We leave it open all the time except Halloween and during the Fair! Gotta put out my pumpkin lights too or the kidlets won't venture down the dark road and I'll be stuck with chocolate and other disgusting treats. I bought Cheezy bags and a selection of bars that won't tempt me.

Slashnl 10-30-2009 03:17 PM

I painted up my daughter's face so she looked vampire-ish. I remember when we used to get cute costumes for them. Now, she wants blood draining from the side of her mouth... PRETTY! Love my 15 yo

Ruthxxx 10-30-2009 03:55 PM

I hate the vampire, zombie, gory costumes. What ever happened to pirates, clowns, gypsies, princesses and fairies? Well, never mind about the fairies.

Best costume I ever saw was my neighbour who wore a black turtle neck, a wee mustache and a beret and carried a feather. He was a "French tickler".

Operator265 10-30-2009 05:04 PM

Well, I could become a real blood sucker here in about 3 months. Signing up for a Lab Tech/Medical Asst. course. I just went and got my immunizations and TB test. I feel like a freaking pin cushion. And, I got those stupid little cutsie band aids. To top it off, I was a big girl about the whole thing, didn't pout or whine at all, but, did I get a sucker? **** NO!!! Now I'm ticked!!!

bargoo 10-30-2009 06:07 PM

401 posts ! 99 to go......99 bottles of beer on the wall , 99 bottles of beer................

EZMONEY 10-30-2009 06:13 PM

stop this beer talk...I am drinking Budweiser 55 calorie now...not much going on with it

Operator265 10-30-2009 06:14 PM

Good job, Bargoo. Get Gary started on the beer now and we won't have to worry about him being around for the Killing.

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