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cdayley 08-09-2011 11:15 PM

Hi, Gettinfit! I walked 4 miles w/ the dog on Sunday, yesterday I did Cardio Dance Express and one FE workout along with walking 2 miles, and today I did TLT Strength in Movement along with walking 2 miles.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 08-10-2011 08:33 PM

Did a 2 mile walk today. I am building my endurance back up to do a 5K heart walk on Oct 29.

cdayley 08-10-2011 10:59 PM

Hi, today I walked 2 miles with the dog and did Speed slimming sculpt on the Wave. I have the stomach flu, so that's all I could do.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 08-17-2011 08:27 PM

Chrys I hope you're over your flu :)

I'm checking in with:

Mon - Hip Hop Abs
Tues - House cleaning & 15 min walk
Wed - Firm Cardio Party & 15 min walk

cdayley 08-19-2011 12:01 AM

Hi, Gettinfit! Let's see I've done:
Thurs 8/18: Tough Tape 2 and 2 mile walk
Wed 8/17: Dangerous Curves ahead and 2 mile walk
Tues 8/16: WW Punch! and 2 mile walk
Mon 8/15: Bust & Butt (modified for no knee bends) and 2 mile walk
Sun 8/14: 2 mile walk
Sat 8/13: 6 mile hike in the Sawtooth mountains. Fell and split my knee open where my stitches were still healing
Fri 8/12: 7 mile hard hike in the Sawtooth mountains

Now I have an infection in the new stitches. It's always something, it seems.
I hope you are doing well!
Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 08-22-2011 07:59 PM

Hi Chrys,

I hope your knee is doing better.

Today I did Firm Cardio Dance Express.

amber779 08-23-2011 12:15 AM

the Wave by the Firm
Anyone out here tried the Wave by the firm??? I just completed day 1 of their 4 week beginner workouts and I a struggling to find the motivation to get up tomorrow (sore & lazy) and to complete day 2. I used to be an athlete but now.... ugh dont know if I have it in me to reach my goals?? Help!!

cdayley 08-23-2011 08:56 PM

Hi, Amber. I love the Wave workouts. I did Rock it Off last night, along with Power Sculpting workout (the sculpting stick one). I have lost lots of inches and 10 lbs by using Firm workouts, both old and new, along with their spinoffs. I have been very consistent with my workouts since last summer, and I have also walked 2 miles most days as well. The combination has really worked for me.

Gettinfit, my knee seems to be doing better. I am really ready to have the stitches taken out! I just did Cardio Dance Express for the first time not too long ago, and loved it!

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 08-24-2011 09:33 AM

Hello Firmies,

Amber - That's the one system that I don't have. Yes you do have it in you to do the workouts. It gets easier as you continue to do them and it is true that you will see visable results. They say after 10 workouts but I usually see visable results after about 5 or 6. Hang in there!!!

Chrys - I love that one. I like the fact that you can choose from club, latin or jive style dance.

Yesterday I did a 3 mile walk and it felt so good. It is finally starting to cool off a tiny bit here so I feel like getting out to walk. I have been doing extremely well with my eating this past week too. I'm hoping to make it onederland in the next few months.

Have a great day everyone.

GettinFit 08-24-2011 09:22 PM

Checking in tonight with Cardio Overdrive.

GettinFit 08-25-2011 10:18 PM

Did Hi Def Sculpt today.

cdayley 08-25-2011 11:48 PM

Gettinfit, way to go with your workouts and eating! I've worked 12 hours each of the past 2 days, so I haven't worked out. I will do one in the morning, then we have to go out of town to see my grandpa. He fell and is severely injured.
Chrys Dayley

cdayley 08-26-2011 11:27 AM

Today I did Cardio Sculpt Blaster and Tight Buns/Killer Legs. I also walked the dog 2 miles.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 08-29-2011 07:49 PM


Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. I hope he's okay. I walked Friday, Sat & Sun. Today I did Turbo Fire Fire 30.

cdayley 08-29-2011 11:03 PM

I did Ultimate Fat Burning workout on Saturday, and walked the granddog for 25 mins. Yesterday, I walked the dog 4 miles. Today, I did the first workout from Bootcamp 3 in 1, and a 10 MS yoga segment. Then I walked the dog 2 miles.

My grandpa had a rod placed in his leg where he broke his femur, and has to have another surgery this week to fix his broken shoulder.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 08-30-2011 08:14 PM

Checking in today with a 3 mile walk.

cdayley 08-31-2011 04:20 PM

Hi, Gettinfit. I didn't work out yesterday because I have the stomach flu. I'm not sure whether I will be able to today or not. My grandpa is having his other surgery today.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-02-2011 10:16 AM

Chrys - I hope you're feeling better today and I hope your Grandpa is doing good.

I missed checking in on 8/31 but I did Turbo Jam, Yesterday I walked and did stairs at work.

This morning I did Turbo Jam.

cdayley 09-02-2011 11:01 PM

Hi, Gettinfit. Today I did Hi Def Sculpt and a 2 mile dog walk. Yesterday I did Longevity Step Forward and a 2 mile dog walk. My knee is back to normal! Hooray!

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-05-2011 01:07 PM

Chrys glad your knee is back to normal.

Yesterday I danced and today I've done Turbo Jam Cardio Party in the morning and Hip Hop Abs this evening.

cdayley 09-06-2011 11:10 PM

Hi Gettinfit. Today I did the 2nd workout on Bootcamp 3 in 1 and Firm express c.4 sculpt. Then I walked the dog 2 miles. Yesterday, I did Fitprime Lean and a 2 mile dog walk. Sunday I did a 2 mile dog walk.

Chrys Dayley

cdayley 09-07-2011 09:51 PM

Today I did Firm Bootcamp Max Calorie Burn and I'm heading out to walk the dog 2 miles.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-08-2011 12:04 PM

Hi Chrys,

Sorry I missed checking in but I did:

Tuesday: Walked/jogged 3 miles
Wed: Turbo Jam & Walked/jogged 3 miles
Thur: Turbo Jam

cdayley 09-10-2011 10:25 AM

Hi, Gettinfit, I've missed some days too.

Thursday, I walked the dog 2 miles.
Friday, I did Total Sculpt plus abs and walked the dog 2 miles.
This morning, I did Fat Blasting Cardio, Firm Pilates, and a 2 mile dog walk.

I'm off to see my grandpa again today.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-11-2011 07:39 AM

Hi Chrys - I see that you did Firm Pilates and that reminds me that I have that DVD but I've never done it. I may give it a try this week.

Friday was a 3 mile walk
Yesterday I walked 2 miles & did Turbo Jam

cdayley 09-11-2011 10:39 PM

Hi, Gettinfit! Today I did two 2 mile walks - one with my granddog while I was out of town, and one with my dog after I got back home.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-12-2011 08:10 PM

I'm checking in today with Turbo Jam Punch Kick & Jam.

cdayley 09-13-2011 11:52 PM

Hi! Yesterday I did a 2 mile dog walk and Super Sculpting. Today, I did a 2 mile dog walk and the old Firm Express Cardio w/Steph Huckabee, along with a new Firm Express workout (c.4 c/s).

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-14-2011 09:21 AM

Did a 2.5 mile walk yesterday. Today will probably be a TurboJam or Firm workout.

cdayley 09-15-2011 11:07 PM

Hi, Gettinfit. Today I did Cardio Sculpt and a 2 mile dog walk.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-19-2011 09:14 PM

Sat. Walked
Sun Walked
Mon Turbo Ja

GettinFit 09-20-2011 09:58 PM

Did a walk today.

cdayley 09-20-2011 11:12 PM

Hi, Gettinfit. Today I did Hard Core Fusion (love Allie!) and a 2 mile dog walk
Yesterday I only did a 2 mile dog walk. Sunday, I was out of town, so I did a 2 mile granddog walk, then a 2 mile dog walk when I got back home. Saturday I did WW Belly Butt & Thighs with Steph Huckabee and a 2 mile dog walk.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-21-2011 08:42 PM

Hi Chrys,

Today I did Cardio Sculpt Blaster.

cdayley 09-22-2011 11:50 PM

Hi, Gettinfit. Yesterday I did a 2 mile dog walk and Tracie Long Focus Power Up. Today I did a 2 mile dog walk and Fitprime From the Ground Up.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-24-2011 08:42 PM

Did Firm Cardio Overdrive & a 3 mile walk/jog today.

Yesterday I went dancing.

GettinFit 09-25-2011 08:06 PM

Did Hi Def Sculpt today.

cdayley 09-25-2011 11:37 PM

Hi, Gettinfit. I'm fighting strep throat, so yesterday I did nothing. Zippo. Today, I did 2 two mile dog walks. On Friday, I did a 2 mile dog walk, Firm Express c.1 cardio and super cardio sculpt. I'm hoping I feel better to do a walk and a workout tomorrow.

Chrys Dayley

GettinFit 09-26-2011 08:41 PM

Chrys I hope you get well soon! Take care of yourself.

Today I did Cardio Party. I absolutely love the TransFIRMation System. This is my all time fav. I'm tempting to do a TransFIRMation rotation from the Firm Beliver's site and today was my 3rd workout.

cdayley 09-27-2011 11:53 PM

Gettinfit, I like the transfirmation workouts too. I haven't ever done the Cardio Party one, though.
Yesterday I did Slim Sculpt Yoga with Allie and a 2 mile dog walk. Today I did Vol. 3 and NO dog walk because I still feel crappy.

Chrys Dayley

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