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shae8230 10-23-2006 09:03 AM

Fat Smashers Weekly Weigh-in 10/23-10/29
Hey Smashers! Post your weekly weigh ins here....


GoldenLover 10-23-2006 10:15 AM

I just started, so I have not lost anything yet, but I'm starting at 172.

timmyshawn 10-23-2006 11:07 AM

Well TOM is here so I don't know how accurate the weigh in this morning was but the scale said -0.5 lb.

GoldenLover 10-23-2006 11:10 AM

TOM here too. In fact, I called in to work today and took off since I'm really hurting. I'm glad that this is day 1 so I know I'll lose something by day 9. After such a tough summer trying to lose weight, I'll take any loss that I can get. Good luck to you!!!

Fashion Nelle 10-23-2006 11:22 AM

Goal: 2-4 lbs by 11/01/06

jenne1017 10-23-2006 12:00 PM

grats all! seems to be a TOM week -- mine gets here Thursday and I weigh in tomorrow!

I guess what they say about women hanging around together is true :lol3:

GoldenLover 10-23-2006 12:07 PM

Yeah that's the way it is.

shae8230 10-23-2006 12:26 PM

oh you gals and your TOM! lol. Actually, I wish I had one. I have PCOS and I don't have a TOM. I have some herbs ordered that is supposed to help me in that area. I really hope so. I want another baby. But, weight loss will help, too. That is how I was able to get PG with Joshua. :)

GoldenLover 10-23-2006 12:28 PM

Mine is really bad. I need a hyterectomy. But I would like to wait until next summer for that. In the meantime, I guess I'll suffer.

DT Toy Lady 10-23-2006 01:57 PM

I lost 4 pounds 2nd week on Phase II!! YEA!!!! Only 2 more to go to reach my monthly goal!!!


GoldenLover 10-23-2006 02:22 PM

Weigh to Go!! I can't wait to be a loser too!

julier70 10-23-2006 02:47 PM

That is hilarious! I told my DH that God has a sick sense of humor having me in be Phase 1 and dealing with the TOM also! I usually will eat anything that doesn't eat me first during that special time, but I have really done well!

Although, I did cheat and eat a pork chop the other night! The funny thing is, is that in other diets I would cheat and eat a donut or something sweet. Here it was a pork chop! I started just eating one bite, but it tasted so good, I felt like a ravenous dog!! LOL It was gone before my willpower could even kick in! It wasn't breaded so I could have done worse!!

I'll weigh in officially Wednesday am and let everyone know! I'm excited.


WhitWhit 10-23-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by shae8230 (Post 1446337)
Hey Smashers! Post your weekly weigh ins here....


Totally off topic...I'm not even "smashing." But I just wanted to say that the baby in your avatar is so cute and made me smile.

jenne1017 10-23-2006 03:33 PM

Great Loss DT TOY LADY!!!


GoldenLover 10-23-2006 03:37 PM

I was making tuna salad sandwiches for my sister's baby shower tonight, and I accidentally tasted it. I guess it was ok to make sure that it was good. But that shouldn't deter me any. This is only day 1.

shae8230 10-23-2006 04:46 PM

Whit~ Thanks! That's my little man Joshua. He is 16 months old. An angel from heaven. (Most days. lol.)

Dorrene~ WOW! 4 lbs. Way to go!

tattoocherries 10-24-2006 01:48 AM

I'm at 194 this morning on the home scale, which translates to 199 on a doctor's scale. I started here at home at 207. No idea what it was at the Dr.'s So I'm loosing and feeling great. Everyone notices my loss as well. 13 down... hopefully 2 or 3 more by Halloween :)

julier70 10-24-2006 08:07 AM

Weighed myself this am...a day early! I am down (drum roll please!!)... 12 pounds! My first mini goal is 13 pounds away! It almost makes me want to stay on Phase 1 longer...but, I think I will just do mostly phase 1 with a little of the food from phase 2 back in. I am almost afraid with the opportunity to eat more, that I will eat too much! I know not to expect 12 pounds every nine days, but I hope I don't get discouraged when the numbers slow down! Things are fitting bigger and people are noticing! YEAH!

krystlewv 10-24-2006 08:12 AM

Weigh In day is today and TOM showed its ugly head last night. Why? Why does that happen?:mad: I am extending phase 1 until Aunt Flo goes away. I lost 7 lbs on phase 1.:woohoo:

jenne1017 10-24-2006 10:17 AM

TOM comes in 2 days and I weighed in after breakfast but I am back up to 202. Will change my ticker.

Hopefully I will see a LOSS next week.

brandilynn24 10-24-2006 12:04 PM

Congrats to all of you...Your all doing SO GOOD!!! I feel bad for all of you With Your TOM'S, I have PCOS and had to have a Hysterectomy, best thing I ever did. So you gals doing this on your Tom's and Exercising through it all have given me NO excuses not to get my butt moving more!!

GoldenLover 10-24-2006 05:22 PM

I'm glad that my tom started yesterday, which was day 1. So hopefully I'll see a loss on Day 10. You guys are all doing so great. I'm still motivated to do this. Most diets, by the next day, I'm grouchy and frustrated. But I feel good in my body, sort of lighter, if that makes sense.

Wide in Winnipeg 10-24-2006 05:49 PM

weigh in was yesterday for me and I'm still down the 2lbs I lost early on in the week,no other loss to report, but thats ok with me!
Good job everyone!

Mommyof3Spuds 10-24-2006 07:40 PM

Down 3 more!!
I am down 3 more pounds for a total of 13!!! :carrot:

shae8230 10-24-2006 09:55 PM

:congrat: to all of the losers!!!!


julier70 10-25-2006 06:36 AM

Good job everyone! Everyone is really doing great! My goal is to surprise my husband with a picture of myself and our three kids for Christmas! I usually avoid the camera at all costs!

We can all make our goals, big and small! I can't tell you how much this board helps! I have to check the posts out at least 2x a day!

Keep up the great work!

cbruce40 10-25-2006 07:12 AM

Hi Everyone! Down another 1.2lbs for a total of 5.1lbs in two weeks. I am happy with that since the scale has not moved down in a long time. I am hoping for another 3lbs before I go on my first cruise on Nov.9th. Then the plan is to detox the week I get back. Have a good day Cindy.

brandilynn24 10-25-2006 09:16 AM

Well my first time on detox i lost 14 lbs...and 2nd time around I lost 8..but I have to be honest..I didnt exercise hardly at all. I didnt exercise the first 5 days on the first time doing detox..so all in all I feel pretty good, have to get back on the exercise plan though!

shae8230 10-25-2006 09:26 AM

I lost 2 more lbs!!! Only 5 more to go and I will be in onederland!!

Cindy~ Congrats on the loss!

Brandilynn~ Way to go! Great losses!


GoldenLover 10-25-2006 05:13 PM

sherry, wtg! i can't wait to weigh, it's killing me! LOL!!

my mother-in-law called last night, and she wants to do a Christmas picture. I need to lose, or my face will look so fat.

Selkie 10-26-2006 01:15 PM

Ok, y'all...my first weigh in...I tiptoed towards the scale this morning, took a deep breath (then let it out quick lest it affect my numbers) and saw...183! 7 pounds gone! Whoopee! :cb:

Whew! So today's my first day of phase 2, and I did really enjoy my grape nuts and raspberries for breakfast. Still, I've felt so good on phase 1 that I don't think I'm going to add too much back in yet. Now I need to really commit to the exercise. I'm walking and doing crunches, but I see what some of y'all are doing and I'm just in awe...

Yay to smashing!

GoldenLover 10-26-2006 10:13 PM

Rachel, WTG! Now I'm so anxious for my weighin on Nov. 1st.

shae8230 10-26-2006 11:55 PM

GoldenLover~ Nov 1 isn't that far off. Hang in there! I actually didn't wait the 10 days. I cheated and weighed on day 5 and everyday after that! Kudos to you for waiting!

Rachel~ CONGRATS!!! Great loss! I haven't added much back into my diet either. I have been smashing since 9/5 and I still pretty much eat phase one foods.

happilyeverafter~:welcome3: Good to have you with us!

Have a great night!


ChipMonster 10-27-2006 10:28 AM

This week I lost 3 more pounds on Phase II !

I am so happy, I was nervous because I am eating my meat, cereal and cheese but am so happy about 3 pounds! I broke my plateu (from other diets I cant break 155)


Congrats to everyone!

Selkie 10-27-2006 02:41 PM

Thanks so much, GoldenLover and Sherry! I did a dance of joy in the bathroom after I got off the scale! :cb:

I have to say, this forum has been so helpful - not only the encouragement from everyone, but also the positive, upbeat posts - and the ones where people talk about going off plan! They all really help keep me on track. So that when DH tells me that he's going to have a scoop of ice cream, I can just smile at him serenely and go grab my juicy farmer's market peach off the counter - and not feel deprived in the least, because y'all are doing the same thing.

Ok, I'm done being mushy, but heartfelt thanks to everyone. :hug:

GoldenLover 10-27-2006 05:38 PM

Today is day 5, and I'm still at it. Boy, I'm so anxious to weigh in. I have to hold out to the end though. I need a good surprise for once. I'm wishing us all a great weekend.

judyo 10-28-2006 10:03 AM

Congratulations to all who have lost. Today was my official weigh in as I have finished detox and on day 1 of Phase II. I lost 4 lbs. and didn't imagine I'd be able to lose that much since I'm not just starting the battle (already had lost 13 lbs. on different plans).

happyface 10-28-2006 02:29 PM

weigh in
Hi smashers! :) I lost 0.8 this week. (Not quite a pound) It was my smallest so far but I'm ok with that. For me the exercise has been less... scheduling and weather have messed with it. I have done 4 days but only 30 minutes.. but I have started adding in a little running/jogging!!! Anyway, I'm at a solid 26 pound loss so far.

congrats everyone!!!!! :) :) :)

BOUNCY 10-28-2006 02:39 PM

Good afternoon Happy face, Girfriend 26lbs is nothign to sneeze at!! you rock girl!! 0.8 hey is better than sts or gaining!! At least you are smashing it!! lol
have a great day.

happyface 10-28-2006 02:40 PM

Thanks Bouncy! :) LOL I guess it was more of a "tap" than a "smash" this week. :) maybe a nudge... :) :) :)

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